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A Demon's Debt (The Desdemona Chronicles Book 2)

Page 13

by Cece Rose

  “I’m not getting it back, am I?” he questions, grinning widely at me.

  “Never, it's literally going to be nothing but ash,” I reply, trying not to laugh. He just whips the shirt off and throws it to me. I attempt not to gawk, for all of two seconds, before I give in and allow the gawking to commence. Kaden really is 6'5 of pure muscle, not one inch of flab on him. He stretches, and I attempt not to drool at the sight. Damn. The dark skin of his torso is just as flawless as his face, minus one thin scar, running down one side of his abs. The scar doesn’t in any way distract from his overall attractiveness, if anything, it only adds to his appeal. It makes him look more real, even in all his otherworldly perfection. Kaden coughs, and I look up.

  “Are you going to set anything on fire or is checking me out already doing the job?” he teases.

  “Checking you out?” I ask innocently, and he smirks in response. “I just zoned out again, you know me, always off with the faeries,” I lie.

  “Tell yourself whatever helps you sleep at night, angel, but I know exactly what you’re doing,” he replies smoothly. I roll my eyes, and hold the grey t-shirt out in my hands, concentrating on it intently.

  “Scintilla ambustio,” I whisper, focusing my energy on the t-shirt in my hands. The shirt instantly catches on fire, the flames quickly spreading across it. Shit. I drop the shirt on the floor. I forgot a very crucial piece of information, the fact I don’t know how to put the flames out. Fuck.

  “Shit, M, the mat!” Kaden says, pulling me away from the flames. The blue mat has caught the flames from the shirt and the fire is spreading. I can already feel the warmth radiating off it. “Mona, you don’t know the spell to put them out, do you?” he asks, and I shake my head, stepping back further from the flames. “Okay, time to learn,” he says.

  “Wait, shouldn’t you just put this out, before the house freaking burns down?” I question.

  “No time to argue, M. Okay, the words to use are ignes extinguere. I know you can do this,” he says quickly.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” I say, and he just shrugs his perfect shoulders. Shit, he really expects me to do this. “What were the words again?”

  “Ignes extinguere,” he repeats, saying the words more slowly this time.

  Holding out my hands in the direction of the flames, I try and concentrate, knowing there’s no time for me to screw this up. “Ignes extinguere,” I whisper, feeling the magic flow from me towards the flames. They just cease to exist, going out the second my magic hits. I turn to face Kaden.

  “Now can we get pizza?” I ask, willing to beg. It’s not like he can throw me on the floor anymore, I destroyed the damn mat.

  “One last thing, it’s still fire related. Is that the only kind of fire you can make?” he asks.

  “It’s the only way I’ve tried to make fire, why?” I question, and he lifts up a hand out in front of him.

  “Flammis concreuerit orbis,” he whispers, and a ball of green flames flickers into existence in his hand. It just hovers slightly above his palm, not causing any trouble, or burning anything.

  “That seems a lot less chaotic than my attempt,” I admit.

  “The spell you used, sets things already in existence aflame, but this spell conjures a flame that is a flame just by itself, just a ball of burning fire,” he explains.

  “A ball of green flames,” I reply, noting the fact the flames are a glowing, light green. I realise I’ve seen flames like it before, the demoness threw them at Darius.

  “Yup, no idea why they’re green though,” he admits.

  “So, you can just hold that for however long, and it won’t hurt you?” I ask, curious as to how it works.

  “Yup, the flames won’t hurt their own creator. But if I were to release the flames, they would cause damage, and could be used to hurt others,” he answers.

  “Good to know. How do you put them out?”

  “These flames only exist with your magic, if they haven’t yet spread to anything else, just stop the flow of magic into them, and they’ll die,” he explains, as the ball of glowing green flames vanishes from his hand.

  “Huh, that’s actually pretty cool. Now can we get pizza?” I ask, my mind already drifting to pepperoni heaven.

  “You have such a one-track mind,” he says, crossing his arms. My attention is suddenly drawn back to the fact he’s shirtless. Again, I’m lost in a battle with my gawking, reminding myself not to drool. He taps a hand under my chin, lifting my head to look up at him. “Two-track mind?” he teases.

  “Nope, one-track…time for pizza, let’s go, muscle man, move it,” I snap lightly, pushing him towards the stairs. He just chuckles and lets me direct him along, as I lead him upstairs, and hopefully in the direction of pizza.

  Chapter 18

  Freshly showered, and completely ravenous for pizza, I step out of the house. Freezing in place as I spot something stepping out from the treeline, my eyes widen. A huge tiger is walking slowly in my direction. I begin to panic, and then I spot its beautiful amber eyes as it gets closer. I know those eyes.

  “Mason?” I whisper, and then I feel stupid. Of course, it's fucking Mason. It's hardly like a wild tiger would be roaming around frickin Scotland. I finally understand why being all way out in the middle of nowhere could be handy for them, Mason has lots of room to roam without being spotted by concerned humans. I glance away to the left and spot Kaden already sitting in the black jeep waiting for me. I'm sure he won't mind if I quickly say bye to Mason first.

  I stride in the direction of Mason and pause a few steps away unsure of how you're meant to interact with a shifter in animal form. Can I pet him? Would that be weird? I mean, it's not like I haven't run my hands through his actual hair—SHIT. My internal musings are cut off as I jump back, feeling a furry head bump into my hand.

  “Damn it, Mase, you made me jump out my freaking skin!” I shout, breathing deeply. He looks at me, tilting his head slightly. “I feel like this is going to be a very one-sided conversation,” I mutter. He flashes his teeth, his sharp, pointy, huge as hell teeth. “I really hope that is meant to be a smile,” I say, and he looks at me blankly. “Can you just nod or shake your frickin' head to stop this being so confusing?” I ask, watching him carefully. He nods. Hallelujah.

  “Mona, stop playing with the kitty,” Kaden's voice yells from the open window of the jeep.

  “I'll just be a minute,” I reply, not bothering to shout as I know he can hear me no matter how quiet I am. I focus back on Mason, who is looking in Kaden's direction. “Is that the tiger version of glaring?” I ask him.

  He turns his head back to me and nods.

  “Can I pet you, or is that weird?” I ask quietly. I mean, how many people got to pet a damn tiger. Shifter or not, right now he looks like a freaking huge tiger. An orange and black striped predator. He seems to consider my request for a moment, but finally nods. I step closer and pet the top of his head, thinking it would be the least weird place to stroke him. The fur is soft, and I find myself petting it absently while letting my mind wander. It’s nice just to zone out for five seconds. Pretend I’m just petting a friendly giant tiger, and that my life is completely normal. I snort. Normal, as if.

  “Mona!” Kaden yells impatiently.

  “Looks like I’ve got to go, Mase,” I say softly, scratching behind his ear, and he growls quietly, again looking in Kaden’s direction. “I know, Kadie is a total slave driver, he made me workout all morning. But I won the bet, so it’s pizza for lunch, do you want some?” I ask, and he shakes his furry head. “I’ll see you later then,” I add, and then stand up straighter, as I head over to Kaden’s jeep. I can’t help but be a little disappointed by the fact he’s managed to locate another shirt.

  “You know, it’s really weird to watch you pet Mason like an actual animal,” Kaden says, chuckling at me as I slide into the jeep.

  “Shit, is that like, super weird to do?” I question, not knowing what is or isn’t acceptable among shifters, con
sidering Mason is the only one I know. I slam the door shut and Kaden cringes.

  “Go easy on my car doors, M. It is a little weird, normally shifters only let other shifters in their family or like, maybe their girlfriends or whatever touch them in animal form. I guess Mason is just super comfortable around you,” he answers with a shrug, starting up the car. He pulls away from the house, and drives down the tree-lined private stretch of road.

  “I hope I didn’t make him feel awkward,” I mumble, feeling my cheeks flush. I can’t get anything right.

  “Nah, don’t worry about it, M. He wouldn’t have let you do it if he wasn’t okay with it. I doubt you could pet a tiger if it didn’t want you to,” he replies.

  “As long as you’re sure,” I mutter, leaning forward and turning up the music. It’s his mother’s singing again. I look at him curiously. I wonder how much he listens to her songs?

  “I can change it,” he offers, the same as he did before, and I shake my head. I slide my hand over and link it in his on top of the gear stick.

  “If you’re driving me to pizza, you can always pick the music,” I say lightly, giving him a smile. He leans over and leaves a soft kiss on my forehead.

  “Deal,” he whispers against my head.

  Chapter 19

  “Your plan is a freaking church?” I ask Nick incredulously, as we approach the large, grey, modern building. He's carrying a bright torch in one hand, shining it at a blue door right ahead of us.

  “My plan is this church, not just any church would work. Do you know how hard it is to find a church that hasn't had something messy happen on the grounds?” he mutters, and I hear the lock click as he presses his hand against it. He pushes open the side door to the church with ease.

  “Something messy?” I question.

  “For example, if someone's been murdered in a church, poof, doesn't keep demons out anymore,” he explains, as he steps in ahead of me, holding the door open for me to follow.

  “People get murdered in churches?” I ask, hovering where I'm standing. What if it repels me like a demon?

  “Not as common a problem these days, hence the modern church. But not just murder, someone embezzles some church funds, demons can get in. Someone screws someone else's wife on the altar, demons can get in. Someone steals from the get the idea, right?” he questions me, giving me a pointed look and gesturing for me to step forward.

  “I get it,” I reply, eyeing the doorway. Hands shove me forward from behind and I stumble, crashing right into Nick. I brace myself against him, waiting for the church to shove me out, but there's nothing. I sag against him in relief, resting my forehead on his chest. That's definitely a point for team Mona's-not-a-demon.

  “Are you planning to just lean there all night?” Nick asks me sarcastically. I push back from him automatically at the comment, and glare at him.

  “Obviously not, Nicky. I was just getting a quick feel for the size of your coffin,” I retort, rolling my eyes as I turn around to face Kaden. It's just the two of them with me tonight, Callan had to stay with his sister, just in case a demon decided to use her as leverage, and Mason went with him. Apparently, shifters aren't the biggest fans of churches. If it wasn't for the fact I knew how much he cared for his younger sister, I would be would be worried he was avoiding me. He'd been weird with me since I've got back from the demon realm, maybe even before then.

  “Says the one who is most likely to die tonight,” Nick snaps harshly from behind me.

  “Nick,” Kaden grumbles in a warning tone.

  “Stay out of it, Kadie, it's fine,” I mutter, heading further into the church. There's got to be somewhere comfy to sit in this place. “So the plan is I hide in a church every night until the demons either give up, or we figure out a better plan?” I ask.

  “That's the best plan we have,” Kaden says gently, sliding a large arm around my shoulders. I shrug him off, not wanting the contact right now. I'm causing way too many problems.

  “And Callan's sister, she'll have to hide every night, too, right?” I ask, feeling the reality of the situation set in. Not only do I need to hide, everyone the guys or I care about has to hide, too. “Shit, what about Luna?” I ask, whirling around to face Kaden.

  “She has an agent watching her at all times still. I know the guys that are on rotation watching her, she's as safe as she can be, they're top class. I'm honestly a little confused as to why she's still being kept an eye on, but who knows what the council are thinking,” Kaden answers, giving me a reassuring smile. “Honestly, M, Luna will be fine. We wouldn't have left her unprotected,” he adds, pushing open the door to the main worship room of the church. He sits down on the first pew, stretching his long body out across it. He places his torch down on the seat next to him, facing it up, so it still provides a light.

  “Thanks, I'm glad they're watching her if it means she will be safe,” I reply, but I can't keep the sorrow off my face though as I think of her.

  “She still isn't replying, is she?” Kaden asks gently. I look around to see where Nick is, as it's not like him to be this quiet, but he's vanished out of sight. Stupid thief, too light on his feet for me to hear him slip away.

  “She hasn't,” I admit. Kaden pats a spot on the pew next to him. I consider it for a moment, before taking the seat, although a little further away from him than where he indicated. He frowns, but seems to shake it off quickly, leaning back and putting his feet up on the pew in front of us. I look up at the ceiling, the boring blank ceiling seems so wrong for a church. The only church I'd gone to as a kid was an older building, it must have been a couple hundred years old. I would play in the graveyard after the service with some of the other kids. That church had beautiful arches at the top, the whole building was a work of art. Even someone as not bothered by architecture as I am found it a sight to see. I would just zone out staring at the arches, or the stained-glass windows.

  “Look at me,” Kaden says, drawing my attention back to him, and I look at him questioningly. “She'll come around, angel. It's not your fault what happened, and she knows it. She's just grieving, and people grieve in different ways. Right now, it's just easier for her to put this on you, and then push you away. It's easier than accepting the fact that bad things can just happen indiscriminately, at any time. It's less scary to think that you've removed the danger,” he explains.

  “Doesn't she realise I'm scared, too?” I ask, feeling frustrated. If only she would answer my calls, I’m hurting just as much as she is, if not more. Christian was her friend, a best friend, even, but he was my family, and a part of me died with him. I push off the thoughts of Chris; feeling the lump in my throat forming, and the heavy feeling in my chest is warning enough that I need to distract my mind. I can't cry right now, I refuse. “If she'd just listen,” I say softly.

  “I know, M, it's hard. It's so fucking painful to lose someone you love, and you're hurting not just for your loss of him, but also for your loss of Luna, too,” Kaden says sympathetically, but I don't want his sympathy.

  “I can't do this right now,” I mumble, standing back up.

  “Where are you going?” he questions, looking alarmed.

  “Nowhere, just need to stretch my legs. I'm safe as long as I stay in the building, right?” I question, just needing to double check.

  “Yes, but I should really—”

  “Please, Kaden. I just need to be alone. I'm safe in here, anyway, so there's nothing to worry about,” I say, cutting him off.

  “Fine, just yell if you need me. So long as you aren't whispering, I'll hear you easily anywhere in this church,” he concedes.

  “Thank you,” I whisper. I lean down and kiss his cheek quickly. “I mean it, thanks for understanding. Sometimes I've just got to walk it off,” I mumble. He smiles at me, but it's a sad smile that doesn't reach his sea-green eyes.

  “Just be safe, okay, angel?” he says quietly, and I nod, heading straight for the door to the foyer.

  I head towards the
stairs leading up, figuring there must be some prayer rooms upstairs or something, maybe they even have a Sunday school somewhere around here, too. I walk up the stairs in the dark, not needing a light. My eyesight is improving in the dark, I chose not to dwell on why that may be. As I reach the top of the stairs, I stare down the long corridor, a few doors leading off it. I might as well explore.

  I push open the first door, finding it unlocked. I step inside to an unexpected room. Inside it looks like some kind of relaxation room, with purple beanbag chairs scattered across the room. The walls are all painted black, making it extra dark in here. There aren't any windows to be seen, either. I reach for the light switch, finding a few switches lined up next to each other. I flick the first one, and scattered blue lights come on, after a moment, they turn red, and after another, they go green. I flick the next switch and the pattern of the colours and speed changes. I flick around with the switches, seeing all the different lighting options. Once I decide on a slow lighting change setting, I turn around and spot an old-looking CD player in the corner, on a low table. I cross the room and turn it on, and soft sounding music plays out. It's pretty damn relaxing. What the heck kind of church has a room like this? I slump down onto a beanbag, and stare up, watching the lights change.

  My mind drifts, and I feel myself getting slowly more worked up over the situation. This isn’t a solution, and if there is a better plan, the guys would have thought of it already. They can't just put their lives on hold forever, their families’ lives, too. Luna isn't always going to have someone watching over her either. I’m being selfish expecting them to do this. I need to face my issues head-on, not hide from them.

  Contemplating what that means for me, I make a decision. I'll do whatever this frickin' test is, and I'll pass it. I'll let them class me as a demon, and then I will come back here and ignore them. So long as I don't break any demon rules, like slaying any more higher demons, maybe they will just leave me alone. At least I'll have a chance. Right now, a good portion of them want me dead. If I am a demon, they can't kill me either. I'll be protected just as much as they are. That final thought seals the deal for me. I need to find a way out of this church without Kaden hearing me leave.


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