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Under Pressure

Page 5

by Lori Foster

  “You won’t.” He didn’t mean to, but he kissed the top of her head. “Now sleep. We both need it.”

  She said nothing else, and within five minutes her breaths had turned slow, deep and even. Apparently her mind had finally quieted.

  Unfortunately, his did just the opposite and he ended up spending most of the night thinking very inappropriate, erotic, explicit things that had no place between a bodyguard and the woman he was assigned to protect.


  JUSTICE’S LIGHT TAP on the door stirred Catalina awake by slow degrees. She nestled closer and went still again. A second later she yawned and turned away from Leese. Her eyes opened, blinked heavily up at the ceiling, then closed again.

  As she stretched, Leese dodged an elbow. “Easy now.”

  Jerking her head around, she stared at him.

  He watched the awareness creep into her slumberous eyes and suddenly she bolted upright. The blankets fell away and he saw her body in the dim room. Nice.

  “It’s Justice,” he said. “Time for us to rise and shine.”

  After turning to stare blankly toward the door, she gave her attention back to him and her eyes further widened at his naked chest.

  Heat crept up her cheeks.

  Smiling, Leese reached past her to the end table for his phone. He sent Justice a text: Five minutes—with coffee?

  He got back an affirmative. Sure thing.

  “Coffee in five,” he told Cat.

  She swallowed loudly, and blurted, “I don’t remember anything!”

  A grin fought to take over. She looked a little wild at the moment, and sweeter because of it. Catalina Nicholson, he surmised, was used to being in charge. Instead, with him, she’d let down her guard.

  At least a little.

  “Nothing to remember.” Did she think he’d taken advantage of her through the night—and that she’d slept through it? “We both got the rest we needed, that’s all.”

  “But usually I’m a light sleeper. I’ve had to be.”

  That bothered him.

  “I remember you telling me to sleep, and then...nothing.”

  He pushed halfway up to his elbows. “You were exhausted.”

  “And you’re a stranger.” Using both hands she pushed back her hair and continued looking at his body. “I’m losing it.”

  Though he hadn’t realized it last night, she’d come to bed in cotton sleep shorts and a T-shirt. The important parts were covered, but a lot of skin showed: her arms, her thighs... Seeing her now, Leese was grateful he hadn’t had that image to add to his torment through the night.

  The cool morning air had stiffened her nipples, now pressing against the stretchy material of the shirt. Small breasts, but that only added to the delicate look of her.

  A deception, because he had a feeling that once you got beyond the physical, Catalina Nicholson was made of pure steel.

  Catching the direction of his gaze, she folded her arms around herself. “These are the only pajamas I have.”


  With irony, she said, “I had to pack light when I left.”

  Mostly, he assumed, because she’d left under troubled circumstances.

  The reality of that niggled at his brain, but with her currently in such a pretty pose—her wild hair, her eyes puffy and expression slumberous, the flush on her skin—he had a hard time concentrating on reality. When she’d come to him in the hush of quiet and the dark of the night, he’d focused mostly on her uncertainty.

  Now, not so much, and morning wood became a very real possibility.

  Testing his resolve, Leese tucked one side of her silky hair behind her ear. “Justice won’t be long. Did you want to freshen up before he gets here?”

  She turned her cheek into his palm. “Yes.”

  That single word, breathed so softly, sounded like agreement—or permission.

  His jaw tightened and his body heated. “I’m not a saint, Cat.”

  She opened her eyes wide. “What does that mean?”

  Stern, he held her gaze. “It means you’re unwisely tempting me. We haven’t even gotten to a measure of honesty yet, but you’re giving off a pretty strong vibe.”

  Her eyes flared more. “A ‘let’s have sex’ vibe?” Her mouth twitched. “Is that what you mean?”

  Teasing? The woman had no idea of how she affected him. Deciding to clue her in, Leese caught her upper arms and swiftly turned her to her back. Looming over her, he gazed at her mouth. “Yeah.” He badly wanted to taste her. “That’s exactly what I mean.”

  “You do tempt me,” she whispered, her smile in place. “I didn’t realize it was mutual though.”

  “Now you do.” And maybe she’d be more circumspect.

  “Because I’m convenient?” she asked. “Or somewhat—” her expression pinched “—desperate?”

  The uncertainty twisted his guts. He glanced at her mouth. “Because you’re hot.”

  Her teeth bit into her bottom lip. “You really think so?”

  Intuitively knowing she needed to hear it, he shared his thoughts. It wasn’t in the best interest of his sanity, but he liked seeing her blush.

  He especially liked the way she looked at him.

  “You, lady, are sexiness in a very small, sweet package.”

  “Usually I’m told I’m too thin.”

  Leese slowly shook his head. “You have the right look and the right attitude to push all my buttons.”

  Gifting him with that cocky smile he admired, she opened her hands on his chest. “Mmm. I think I like that.”


  “Pushing your buttons.” Her fingers trailed up to his shoulders, then around his neck.

  Leese started to lean down when Justice knocked again.

  Cat froze, then panicked. “Oh my God. That’s Justice, right? I forgot all about him!” She pushed against Leese, trying to slide free.

  He wanted to groan.

  In truth, he should thank Justice for keeping him from doing anything insane. “Shh. Take it easy.” He rolled to the side of her and watched her shoot off the bed, then make a mad dash around to the bedroom.

  Her ass looked really nice as she did so.

  After scrubbing both hands over his face, Leese forced himself from the bed and went to the door. He peeked out first.

  Justice stood there holding a tray with coffee and a basket of Danish pastries. Time to get the day started.

  Past time to work through the puzzle of the current case: Catalina Nicholson.

  * * *

  CAT COULDN’T LOOK at him. She felt ridiculous.

  And pretty wonderful.

  She wanted him. And that worried her.

  Moving on would be for the best. But where? And how?

  And damn it, she didn’t want to go. She wanted to snuggle up with him again. She wanted the unaccountable peace of mind he afforded her. Why he afforded it, she had no idea.

  This morning, crowds filled the lobby and she realized what she hadn’t last night: she looked terrible. In the nice hotel, most were dressed in expensive coats and leather boots, their hair salon-styled, their manners impeccable.

  Standing to her right, Justice again hauled her big, broken suitcase and that made them stand out like a sore thumb. Not because of the guys, but because of her.

  At her other side, Leese took her arm, drawing more than a few probing stares. “Ready?”

  Did he touch her so she wouldn’t feel so out of place? Probably. She wouldn’t put much past him.

  Or maybe the crowds made him as nervous as they made her. She could practically feel people watching, but with menace, disdain for her downtrodden appearance or curiosity given her man-candy bookends?

he thought she’d run if he didn’t hold on to her.

  Or maybe he felt the same remainder of simmering intimacy that kept her too warm. She’d slept with him—and loved it.


  She realized both Leese and Justice watched her. With a subdued nod, she allowed them to lead her outside.

  Crisp, cold air filled the parking garage, undisturbed by the morning sunshine. She’d left her hair down to help keep her ears warm, and dressed in a bulky sweater over a long-sleeved T-shirt, jeans, thick socks and the trusted boots.

  Still she shivered.

  Of course Leese noticed. “Start the car,” he told Justice. “I’ll put the luggage away.”

  “You riding in back again?”

  Leese gave her a long, level look. “Yeah.”

  Shoving her hands in the pockets of her coat and ducking her face, Cat said, “You don’t have to babysit me. I’m not going anywhere.” Probably.

  “We have to talk, remember?” He brought up her chin. “That’ll be easier to do if I’m sitting with you.”

  Insane that his fingers were warm despite the cold. “Suit yourself.”

  “I think I will.”

  The nice Lexus SUV hummed to life and a second later the rear door opened, apparently from a button Justice had pushed. Leese opened a back door for her, waited until she’d gotten in, then went back to lift in the luggage.

  Stewing, Cat wondered what to tell him, how much she should trust him, until she heard approaching footsteps. Even before she looked, she knew. Her heart went into her throat. “Oh no,” she whispered.

  “Hello, Cat.”

  Smothered in the grip of dread, she looked up and into the face of Tesh Coleman. Of course he had two muscle men in tow.

  The urge to run spiked her pulse just as Leese closed the back hatch and then her door. He stood there, blocking her view, his body between her and the three men.

  She looked at the opposite door, gauging her chances of getting out as the automatic locks on the door clicked into place. Justice, one brawny arm along the back of the seat, stared out the side window at the men. “Don’t be hasty,” he told her.

  Oh God, was he in on it? Was Leese?

  Before that fear could fully take hold, Leese said, “That’s close enough.”

  Given the quiet in the garage, Cat could hear every word. Hastily, she moved left and right, trying to find an angle so she could also see what was happening.

  “Friends of yours?” Justice asked.

  She punched him in the arm and snapped, “No.”

  “Then don’t distract Leese.”

  Her heart maintained a wild drumbeat. “I have to see.”

  He hesitated, then moved his arm, making it easier for her to lean forward and look out the passenger window.

  Tesh’s black eyes immediately locked on to her and he slowly smiled. The fact that he looked so pleased to see her only amplified her terror, making it impossible to swallow, almost impossible to breathe.

  He was as big as Justice, dark, menacing.


  “I have to go,” she whispered.

  As if her life didn’t hang in the balance, Justice said, “Nope.”

  She had to try. “Leese said I didn’t have to stay—”

  “Yeah, well, for the moment, staying put is the way to go.”

  The awful silence outside the car left her shaking. The men stared at each other, Leese relaxed, waiting, Tesh and his two cronies quietly appraising.

  Finally Tesh pulled off a stocking cap and ran a hand over his clean-shaven head. Almost with apology, he said, “I need the girl.”


  “I work for her father.” Slowly, making sure Leese knew he didn’t go for a gun, Tesh opened his coat and withdrew credentials.

  Leese didn’t bother looking. “Doesn’t matter who you work for. You’re not touching her.”

  Cat’s spine turned into a noodle. Doesn’t matter. Leese wouldn’t hand her over?

  Tesh scrutinized him, then gave it another shot. “Look, I understand your position. I really do. The thing is, her father hired me and I need to—”

  “You’re wasting my time.”

  Scowling now, an ugly, fearsome sight, Tesh took a step closer. He spoke low in an obnoxious man-to-man way. “There’s no need for violence. I’m only going to take her back to her father, where she belongs.”

  “Actually,” Leese said, his arms loose, his posture absurdly relaxed, “you’re not taking her anywhere.”

  Nostrils flaring, Tesh jerked out a cell phone. “You can call Mr. Nicholson.”

  “Why would I bother? I don’t work for him.”

  “The hell you don’t! Who do you think hired your agency?”

  Leese shrugged. “I wasn’t told. My job is to keep her safe and that’s what I’ll do.”

  “From her father? Get real, man.” And then, more gently, Tesh promised, “You don’t want to do this.”

  Cat covered her mouth. She couldn’t let Leese get hurt. She had to—

  Justice nudged her. “You’re being a silly girl. Stop it.”

  She was about to blast him when Tesh threw a sucker punch, making her jump with a startled screech.

  Leese ducked, Tesh’s fist hit the car and then somehow—it was all a fast blur—Tesh was on the ground with Leese standing over him.

  There wasn’t enough oxygen in the car to feed her starved lungs. Hands and nose pressed to the glass, Cat watched as Leese decided Tesh was done, then put his full focus on the other two men, beckoning them forward.

  They didn’t take the bait, choosing to wait for instructions from Tesh.

  Leese showed his annoyance. “You walk away or not. Doesn’t much matter to me. Either way, you’re not touching her.”

  Appearing surprised, still flat on his back, Tesh touched his nose and stared at the blood on his fingers. Smirking, he sat up and dug a handkerchief from his pocket.

  Who carried a hankie anymore? Tesh wasn’t that old, maybe early fifties. And the man was definitely in his prime. If he wasn’t so corrupt, she might have even called him handsome.

  But her perception of his looks had been skewed for a very long time, starting with the first time he’d looked her over in such an inappropriate way, and reinforced when he began referring to her as Kitten instead of Cat. She saw him only as an imposing terror—a very real her and to others.

  With his gaze cutting her way, Tesh told Leese, “This isn’t your fight.”

  “I have a job to do.”

  That regained his attention. “That’s all she is to you? A job?”

  Leese chose not to answer, which even Cat thought was sort of an indictment of his determination. He offered silent confirmation that her relationship with him, or lack thereof, didn’t factor in. Either way, he’d protect her.

  He’d said so, and for the first time in so very, very long, she felt a hint of promise, as if she could finally believe in someone. Tears stung her eyes and burned her throat, making Justice grouse.

  “Don’t get all mushy.”

  “No.” She shook her head as the tears leaked out. “I won’t.”

  He sighed. “When Leese is ready to get in, be sure you scooch over real quick and make room for him, okay? I don’t want to waste any time peeling out of here.”

  Nodding, she wiped a wrist across each cheek and kept watch. “Should you help him?”

  “Do what? He has it in hand.” Justice patted her shoulder, and with the size of his hands it felt more like an assault. “Besides, if I so much as stick my big toe outta this car, he’d annihilate me.” Bragging, Justice added, “I’m supposed to be your protection in case anything happens to him.”

  Dear God. Her heart crawled right
back into her throat with choking uneasiness. “If you think that’s possible—”

  “I don’t.”

  Finally Tesh came to his feet. He meticulously folded the hankie and tucked it away, and with every heartbeat Cat expected him or one of his bullies to pull a deadly weapon. She knew Tesh carried not only a gun but various devices all meant to bring about compliance.

  In some ways, she feared him the most.

  In other ways, she knew he was a mere tool, bought and paid for.

  “You’re fast,” Tesh said, his tone amused. “Trained?”

  With no inflection at all, Leese said, “Yes.”

  Tesh smoothed the hat back over his head. “And you’re good?”

  “I get by.”

  Eyes narrowing, Tesh said, “Now I know, and you can believe I won’t forget.” A chilling smile slid across his face. “Next time I’ll be better prepared.”

  A promise, a threat.

  Cat pressed a fist to her chest to contain her aching heart. Tesh would come after her again, but he would no longer physically engage. Instead he’d trap them, plan a sneak attack, maybe even shoot Leese from a distance. He wanted to take her back to her father, but to do that, he’d have to eliminate Leese first.

  How could she be responsible for that?

  The gravity of the danger didn’t seem to bother Leese. He stood there, so casual he might have been bored, until Tesh and the others retreated around the corner of the parking lot.

  The second Leese opened the door, Cat made room for him. On her knees, she scampered over, then faced him and reached for his arm. She had to explain, had to make him understand. “Leese...”

  “Buckle up.” To Justice, he said, “Drive.”

  “My thought exactly.” Already backing out of the parking space, Justice left the lot with enough speed to make her grab the seat for balance.

  Cold from the inside out, she stared at Leese.

  For the most part, he ignored her as he surveyed the area, his gaze sharp, his jaw locked.

  As soon as he pulled onto the road, Justice asked, “Where to?”

  “Right there.” Leese pointed at the shopping center entrance almost directly across from the hotel. “Pull in to the side lot, but circle around to face the road. If I can see which car is theirs, that’d be helpful.”


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