Under Pressure
Page 28
His mouth flattened. “No.” After a glance in the rearview mirror, he said, “They’re not coming in.”
“So just making sure we got here safely, huh? That’s so sweet.”
“Downright sugary,” he growled, then he turned down the long driveway. Behind them, the SUV with his friends drove past without acknowledgment. He paused at a keyless entry gate and entered the passcode. Wide, arching gates parted to let him in, then closed again once he’d driven through.
The lighted private lane wound around trees and finally opened to a sweeping circular drive in front of Sahara’s home.
Another high iron fence secured the main entrance, blending into the landscaping. Sahara and Justice stood just inside the opened gateway.
When Leese parked and got out, Justice said, “Told you so.”
“Yeah.” Leese looked around, gauging the security and showing a little bit of awe.
Seeming pleased with her visitors, Sahara said, “Everything is wired, so if anyone intrudes, alarms are sent directly to a security company.” As she led them up the front steps and to another locked door, she said, “I want you to make yourself at home. Help yourself to the kitchen or anything else you might need.”
Instead of a keyed entry, she pressed more buttons and the front door unlocked. They stepped into a grand foyer with a double staircase. It was truly beautiful and, despite its grandeur, felt somehow homier than her stepfather’s estate.
Sahara turned to Cat. “I’ll loan you some pajamas and tomorrow the officers said we should be able to get into the penthouse long enough for you to grab some belongings. We just can’t disturb anything yet.”
They’d been about to leave the hospital earlier when the officers had shown up with more questions, especially since the two men Leese had fought off were both in critical condition.
On the one hand, Cat would be relieved if the two cretins were no longer around to hurt or threaten innocent people. On the other hand, they could possibly provide a clue that would help to nail Tesh, and then the senator.
But she doubted it. Anyone working for Tesh would have been thoroughly vetted.
Such an eventful day, and more than ever before, viable solutions remained hazy.
Cat’s eyes burned, her stomach churned and she wanted both food and sleep. But more than that, she wished Leese would hold her.
Forcing a smile, she thanked Sahara and went with her while Justice showed Leese around. The house was magnificent, and nearly as secure as the Body Armor agency.
Cat did her best to remain pleasant, but by the minute she wanted to collapse somewhere. She felt both physically and emotionally spent.
After yet another hour of polite chitchat, orientation and quickly consumed cheese sandwiches, she finally found herself alone with Leese in the lower level of the immense house. Justice had a room on the main floor, and Sahara’s suite of rooms was on the upper level.
Everyone had privacy, not that Cat expected it to do her a lot of good.
While she showered and changed into the borrowed pajamas, Leese prowled around, getting familiar with the windows, the double doors that opened into a vast yard, and each closet and room.
At the bottom of the stairs to the right, part of the basement was used for storage; to the far left, a pool table and other games took up a big section.
But the middle had been designed for guests, providing a three-piece bathroom, a modest bedroom with a full-size bed, a sitting room with a television and computer, and a bar with a sink and microwave.
While showing them the area, Sahara had said with a completely straight face that the couch would fold out to a bed if they needed it.
For certain, Sahara was aware of their intimacy, Cat had no doubts about that. Did she think Leese was too furious with Cat to sleep with her?
Maybe she only wanted deniability in case it all fell apart. Regardless of Sahara’s reasoning, Cat had no intention of sleeping alone. She needed Leese tonight, and by God, he’d hold her and make her feel safe, even if it was only a temporary ruse.
She found fluffy towels, a variety of toiletries—including new toothbrushes—and basic OTC medicines in the bathroom. Rather than shampoo it, she pinned up her hair, then lingered under the hot water longer than necessary.
Once she’d dressed in the borrowed flannel pajamas, which were so long she’d had to roll up the legs to keep from tripping on them, Cat went looking for Leese.
She found him standing at the back doors, arms at his sides, staring out at the yard. He’d removed his shirt and shoes and wore only his slacks.
Beard shadow darkened his face and his mussed hair looked shaggier than usual.
He was so gorgeous, it made her ache.
He turned, his gaze cutting over her, leaving her feeling small and, damn it, alone.
The stark white bandage on his side drew her attention, reminding her once again of the near-death experience.
Leese said nothing.
In an agony of suspense, Cat asked, “Are you ready for bed?”
After far too long, he nodded, but said, “I need to brush my teeth. You’re shivering. Go ahead and get under the covers.”
So he could sidle off to the couch? She wouldn’t let him. Lifting her chin, she asked, “Which side do you want?”
As he passed her, he said, “Long as I’m close to you, it doesn’t matter.”
Relief almost took out Cat’s knees. He still sounded angry, true, but at least he wasn’t completely rejecting her.
Heart thumping, she stood there until she heard the water come on.
With renewed energy, she stalked after him. Damn it, he wasn’t the only one who’d been through an ordeal. She was pretty damned upset too. If she’d been given a choice, she’d have gladly taken the bullet for him. But no, he had to play macho protector. He was the one who’d made her hide behind the bed.
And hadn’t she offered to go to Tesh to keep him safe? What did he think, that the idea of being at Tesh’s mercy didn’t scare her near to death? Did he think that once Tesh turned her over to the senator, she didn’t know exactly what would happen to her?
She’d been running for nearly two months because she didn’t have any illusions at all.
She’d be dead. Period.
He refused to let her end this, so he could damn well start being nice again.
When she pushed open the bathroom door, Leese glanced at her. He had a toothbrush in his mouth, and he’d stripped down to his boxers. The fluorescent light gleamed over his shoulders and those boxers...well, they fit him well, hugging his tight butt, snug over his strong thighs and cradling his heavy sex.
She opened her mouth, but wow. How could she be coherent when he looked like that?
He rinsed his mouth and, drying his face with a hand towel, straightened before her. “Something wrong?”
She almost laughed. What wasn’t wrong?
He lifted a brow, waiting. The man had the patience of a big cat stalking prey.
“You,” she huffed, once she remembered why she’d stormed after him. “I’m sorry you got shot, I really am. But I told you it was dangerous and—”
“It’s a far sight from just dangerous, now isn’t it?” He stepped around her and headed to the bed.
“Yes,” she snapped behind him. “I’d say it’s downright lethal, because the senator wants me dead.”
His back to her, Leese halted, stiffened. His hands flexed into fists.
Cat tried to catch her breath, but it all came boiling up, all the worry and fear and anxiety.
The awful, miserable guilt.
“I wanted to spare you, Leese. From that very first day, I offered to walk away.”
He spun around, temper spiked, expression livid. “You aren’t going an
His tone sort of stole her breath away. “That’s not what I’m saying.” Taking a second to collect herself, she inched closer to him. “I’m trying to be reasonable.”
Leese laughed, then ran a hand over his face.
“Stop that!” Cat tripped over the long pants when she rushed up to him. “I hate that you got hurt. I never, ever meant for that to happen. It’s just...” Her composure fractured. “Being with you has been so wonderful. I wanted to just pretend the rest of the world didn’t exist. Maybe Webb’s right about that much. I do avoid the real world whenever I can.”
Slowly Leese raised a hand to cradle the side of her face. “He’s not right about anything. You’re as down-to-earth and real as a person gets. But this mess...”
“I know,” she whispered, leaning into him now that he’d softened. “There isn’t a solution.”
“Sahara has a plan.”
“We both know it won’t solve anything. Men like Platt are untouchable and monsters like Tesh get immunity through association.” She hated to say it because she didn’t want him angry again. “The only thing I can think to do is go.”
Leese lifted her, laid her on the bed, then settled over her. “You promised to trust me.”
“No. I promised not to lie to you.”
Exasperated, he put his forehead to hers. “All right. Then promise me right now that you’ll trust me too.”
“I do.” With Leese covering her, sheltering her, she could almost push away the demons of reality. “I think I always have.”
“Good. We’re making progress.” He gently kissed her lower lip, then the upper, before settling his mouth over hers, tasting her deeply, teasing with his tongue and filling her with need.
When he ended the kiss, he smiled at her. “Now swear to me you won’t go anywhere without me.”
Carefully, Cat slipped her hand down his side to the padded bandage. “You were hurt because of me.”
“I’d die for you.”
Her breath caught, her heart racing. She didn’t want that, not ever. “Leese...”
“I’m your bodyguard. No one is getting past me.”
So...that hadn’t been a declaration of his feelings. On a roller-coaster ride of emotions, she closed her eyes and sighed.
Leese cupped her breasts, regaining her attention real fast. “Flannel,” he murmured, moving his thumbs over her. “I like it.”
“They’re Sahara’s.”
“I know.”
“I’m going commando.”
He laughed. “That’ll make things easier.”
How could he laugh after everything that had happened? “I mean, I don’t mind borrowing pajamas—”
“I understand.” He unbuttoned the top two buttons on the pajama top and nuzzled her cleavage. “Cat?”
Through the material, he closed his teeth around her left nipple and gave a gentle tug. When she clenched around him and groaned, he said, “Promise me.”
He took her mouth again, the kiss rough and hot and demanding. “Tomorrow I need to head over to the agency.”
“Shh.” He held her still beneath him. “We both need a change of clothes, I want to grab my laptop and there are a few other things to take care of.”
“What other things?”
“Well, for one, I want to see if anyone is scoping out the place, maybe watching the investigation with a little too much interest.” Without giving her a chance to react to that, he said, “And I want to make sure your buddy is still locked up.”
Cat felt a moment of embarrassed panic before she remembered that the lockbox, with her “buddy” locked inside, was in the guest bedroom and well hidden. She scowled at Leese. “That’s not funny.”
For an answer, he sat up and opened a few more buttons. “I’m sure Sahara’s lawyers will have the cops wrapping it up sooner rather than later, but I want to see everything for myself. Maybe there’s a clue they’ll miss.”
Trying not to be distracted by what he did, she said, “I guess that makes sense, as long as you’re sure it’s safe.”
“With an active investigation? Yeah, it’ll be safe, and I’ll be careful.” He cuddled her naked breasts. “I plan to make it back to you. Now, no more talking.”
“So you don’t have to make any promises?”
“How about I promise to kiss you all over.”
He curled his fingers in the waistband of the bottoms and peeled them down her legs. To help him along, she lifted her hips and quickly kicked them off.
“And, Cat?” Expression intent, he looked her over. “I promise you’re going to moan.”
Cool air washed over her body, but she wasn’t chilled. Not anymore. Not with Leese looking at her like that. “Okay.” She shifted her legs, curled her toes and anticipated what would happen.
He parted her legs and knelt between her thighs, his gaze on her breasts, her belly and down. While stroking her inner thighs, he said, “You are so fucking sexy.”
She didn’t feel sexy. She just felt lost. Lost to the fear of the future. Lost to the lust of the moment.
Lost in the love she felt for him.
With her legs draped over his thighs, he leaned forward, closed his mouth around one nipple, and drew her in. He sucked gently, his hot, rough tongue rasping.
Sensation coursed through her and she closed her eyes.
He moved to the other nipple, licking, then sucking, leaving it equally wet and ripe. He caught her in his teeth and tugged, and she felt it like a direct pull to her core. Her belly tightened and tingled, and he’d just gotten started.
“I promise,” he rasped, his hands now low on her hips, “to make you come.”
“And you?” she managed to ask breathlessly. “You’ll come too.”
“No, not this time.” He parted her sex with his thumbs, making her squirm as he took his time looking at her, his eyelids heavy, his cheekbones flushed. “I don’t have any condoms.”
“No. I’m fine, I promise.” His gaze briefly locked with hers. “I’ll just enjoy watching you.”
But that sounded so...uninhibited. “I don’t know about this.” He wore his boxers, but she was naked, and he left her completely exposed.
“I do.” His thumbs moved over her, petting, teasing. “Just relax.”
If that’s what he wanted, then she’d try. Breathing deeper, she nodded.
He turned one hand and briefly cupped her sex, then used three fingers to stroke her, getting her wetter. “So hot.” As he said it, he began working his fingers into her, twisting, pressing.
Cat dug her heels into the bed and tightened all over.
She gave him the moan he wanted, especially when she felt him filling her.
He looked at her breasts, licked his thumb and reached for her nipples. With the first damp glide of his thumb, she caught her breath. He wet them both, leaving her aching, then lightly pinched until each nipple was stiff, before tugging, rolling, going from one breast to the other, all while keeping three fingers pressed firmly into her.
Leese seemed tireless, determined to make her scream. She needed more.
So much more.
Like everything he had to give.
Just as she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, as the rough whimper rose from her throat, he repositioned himself flat on the bed, nuzzled against her, then softly sucked on her clitoris while rasping with his tongue.
Cat held him close, her fingers in his hair, her thighs clasped around his ears as the climax exploded. Leese kept her there, on that sharp edge of pleasure, until she whimpered again.
; He kissed his way up her limp body, then settled them both beneath the covers.
Cat could barely breathe, much less think. Lassitude stole her worries, and when Leese whispered, “Much better,” she figured that might have been his purpose.
He drew her into his arms and held her close. Just before sleep claimed her, he vowed, “You’re mine, Cat.”
She smiled...and faded away.
* * *
TESH IGNORED THE code beeping on his phone. It had been going off for hours now. Over and over and fucking over until he wanted to crush it in his fist. Instead, utilizing tight control, he turned off the phone, dismantled it, then dumped the pieces, one by one, on his drive to a secure location.
It was past midnight, the sky black, the air so cold it hurt his lungs to breathe. Exhaustion tried to drag him down, but he ignored it. In his assignments for Platt, he’d spent many sleepless nights doing what needed to be done.
What he’d enjoyed doing.
From here on out, he’d be on his own—and hell, that suited him just fine.
Not that Platt realized it yet. Once he’d been picked up near the Body Armor agency, the senator had expected him to show. He wanted an accounting, maybe retribution.
Tesh snorted. Not bloody likely.
Platt could rot for all he cared. Did the delusional prick really think he still called the shots? Was he arrogant enough, stupid enough, to think Tesh would answer a summons at this point? Hell no.
Things had gone wrong. Horribly wrong.
The bodyguard was still alive, but Johnson and Miller were both in the hospital. By now the cops would be all over them, and no doubt Catalina had been moved.
If they recovered, Tesh wasn’t worried about either of his men talking, not when they understood the consequences. But if anyone started backtracking, they could find a vague trail that led to him.
Or Platt.
Better Platt, Tesh decided. Let him take the heat.
All Tesh wanted was his kitten.
Once he got her, he’d seed the trail with information that would lead authorities straight to Platt’s door. As Platt’s most trusted cleanup man, Tesh had it all, every detail, dates and times and names, reservations and itineraries, everything needed to show the world what a sick, cruel, perverted bastard their favorite senator really was. He’d bury Platt so deep, there wouldn’t be money enough or influence enough for him to dig himself out.