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Testimony of the Blessed (Emissary of the Devil Book 2)

Page 26

by K. G. Reuss

  “Yes.” I nodded.

  “Then open your mouth for me, Maggie,” he instructed again. I did as he told me, not quite feeling like myself. He dropped something in my mouth and lifted my head to press a glass of water to my lips. I drank it down thirstily and stared up at him, my insides suddenly feeling very strange.

  “What did you do to me?” I choked out, reaching out for him. There were three of him now. The room was spinning. I was spinning!

  “I’m sorry, you wouldn’t have done it on your own, and I had to know,” he answered sorrowfully.

  “You’re like him,” I whimpered, gazing blearily up at him.

  “I’m worse than him,” he whispered back, his voice shaking. “I’m sorry, Maggie.” His eyes darkened as he looked down at me.

  “Please. Please, don’t hurt me, Corbin,” I pleaded, not even sure if the words were coming out at all or if I was thinking them. I felt like he was inside my head, digging around.

  “I can’t do this without you, Maggie,” he said in a husky tone. “I only need a small taste. I promise you won’t remember it tomorrow.”

  “Don’t,” I whispered, tears leaking from my eyes. I sat up and tried to push him away from me, but he grabbed my hands and pushed me back on the bed, his legs straddling me.

  “Corbin, I know there’s good in you. I know there is!” I begged, openly sobbing. “Don’t do this to me. Please! Please, don’t hurt me.”

  His dark eyes swept over me, a war happening behind the storm clouds. A muscle in his jaw twitched.

  “I want you so bad,” he hissed through clenched teeth. “He always got everything. And now he has you.”

  The only thing I could manage to say was, “Please, Corbin,” over and over again in a tiny, sobbing voice.

  “Tell me he doesn’t have you, Maggie. Tell me you don’t love him.” His hands tightened on my wrists as he held them above my head. I struggled beneath him, a sobbing mess. “Tell! Me!”

  “He has me! He has all of me!” I wept. “I-I love him!” Corbin let out a furious growl and moved his legs, so they were between mine. He spread them painfully, glaring down at me.

  “Don’t hurt me. Please, Corbin. Please,” I begged repeatedly in a soft voice. “Don’t do this. You’re not this person. You’re not. Don’t hurt me. Don’t hurt me. Don’t hurt me.”

  “What if I loved you?” he asked as I let out a quiet whimper. “What then?”

  “You could never love me like he loves me,” I whispered, knowing the truth in my heart. No one could ever love me like Brax loved me. He may not have said the words, but I knew they were true. And there had to be an explanation for him and Claire.

  “I could’ve loved you like that. In another life,” he choked out, his eyes watering. “I could love you in my own way now. Bad things are coming for you, Maggie. And you won’t be able to run from them.”

  “I know,” I answered back in a subdued, shaking voice.

  “If you choose me, you could have it all,” he breathed out, composing himself. “I’m giving you the choice. I can save you. It might not be the life you envisioned, but you want to live, right?”


  “Then choose me. I don’t want to take the choice from you. I swear I don’t. But do not force my hand, Maggie, because I’m the sort of monster that will act on your worst nightmares. I know what I want. And I want you, willing or not. I’ll take you any way I can get you.”

  “I’ll never choose you, Corbin,” I answered, my head feeling muddled. I was going to lose consciousness.

  “Yes, you will,” he whispered with a dark, sad chuckle. He got off the bed and paced to the window. With his back to me, he said, “Willing or not, you’re mine, Maggie Westbrook. I’ve already won.”

  As I watched his shoulders slump in defeat, my head spun, and my stomach lurched. And then, blackness.

  Chapter 69

  The next morning, I awoke with a terrible headache. I sat up wincing and looked around my bedroom. I stretched, examining my muscles for any clues as to what happened last night. But only my head throbbed.

  “Why does my head hurt so bad?” I groaned faintly as I moved to get out of bed. I was in my pajamas, but I didn’t even remember putting them on. I shuffled to my bathroom and ran a warm shower and got in, letting the water pelt my skin.

  Vague images of drinking and dancing flashed through my mind. I’d gone out with Corbin. We’d had fun. And I’d blacked out. I struggled to remember something. Anything. But drew a complete blank.

  I toweled off and pulled on my robe. When I went back to my room, I grabbed my phone.

  There were messages from Brax. My heart flopped uselessly in my chest as I recalled him kissing Claire. I deleted them without bothering to read them. I needed time to think. Something felt off. Maybe it was my nerves.

  I dialed Corbin’s number quickly.

  “Maggie,” his deep voice greeted me. “Sleep well?”

  “I-I don’t remember,” I murmured, my brows crinkled as I tried to pull a memory forth.

  “Well, let me help you out. You drank the bar dry, we danced, you passed out in my car. I took you home, and you insisted on putting on your pajamas. It was a struggle, but we got it sorted. I tucked you in and left you to sleep. And now, here we are.”

  “You helped me change?” I paled at the news.

  “Yes. And you’re absolutely breathtaking all drunk and in your underwear.” He chuckled.

  “Oh my God.” My face reddened as I sank down onto my bed.

  “No worries, princess. Nothing happened. I promise,” his voice dropped, like something else was hidden in his words.

  “Corbin… are you sure nothing happened?” I ventured hesitantly. “I-I didn’t kiss you or anything, right? Because I can’t remember anything after dancing—”

  “Nothing happened. You tried to get me to have sex with you, but I cut you off,” he joked, obviously not into it.

  “I feel like you’re not telling me everything.” I frowned, playing with a piece of lint on my robe.

  “I promise you, nothing happened between us, Maggie. If it had, do you think you’d be waking up in your bedroom? Pretty sure if something had happened, I’d never let you go. Just saying,” his voice was thick and sounded faraway, making me scowl deeper.

  “Are you OK?”

  “No.” He laughed softly. “Guess I realized a few hard truths last night.”


  “If you must know, Maggie, I said some things I shouldn’t have, and you set me straight. And now I know. Anyway, you going to talk to Shepherd?”

  “No,” I sighed, not wanting to push whatever Corbin was talking about. I feared whatever had happened between us. It was probably best if I didn’t know. “I just need some time to think. And I think he does too.”



  “I know last night I didn’t showcase a good side of me…” He cleared his throat. “And it wasn’t exactly a lie. I am that person. And I know you don’t remember…” He was rushing his words, sounding uncertain. “But you’re going to need me soon. And when you do, I’ll be there to help. I just wanted you to know that.”

  “We must have drunk an awful lot.” I chuckled. “You must still be drunk if you’re talking like this.”

  “Maybe.” He laughed. It sounded fake and forced, worrying me. “But my offer stands, Maggie. I can give you a way out of the mess you’re in.”

  “You mean with Brax?”

  “I mean with your life, Brax included. You know as well as I do that something is off… And that I’m like Brax.”

  I didn’t say anything at his admittance. I knew he was different. I knew he was like Brax, but not.

  “And I can help if you don’t mind a little pain,” he continued in a barely audible voice. “Just keep me in mind when the time comes, OK?”

  “OK,” I whispered hoarsely, suddenly wanting to end the conversation. He must have sensed it because when he spoke aga
in, it was to tell me goodbye.

  “I’ll talk to you later. I have to eat something since I didn’t get to last night.” He didn’t wait for my reply. He simply hung up, leaving me with knots in my stomach. Confused, I frowned. He’d eaten all of his ice cream last night. And I remembered having something to eat while we watched TV, and maybe something while we were at the club… Oh well.

  I placed my phone on my nightstand and curled up in bed, a whole new set of worries setting in.

  Chapter 70

  “Maggie, please. Talk to me,” Brax whispered in a rush as we sat in our lab. I stared straight ahead, not saying anything. I couldn’t. It hurt too much. I couldn’t get the images of him and Claire out of my head. I wanted to forgive him. I really did. I just needed time. Plus, I had so much on my mind that I was having a hard time thinking straight. A strange man in my dreams, Brax, Corbin, Alan… It was getting to be too much for me.

  “If you’re upset about me showing you what I am, I’m sorry. I wanted you to know. I don’t want to lie to you…” his voice trailed off. I shifted in my seat, wordlessly.

  “Baby, please. Tell me what I did wrong. Talk to me! I can’t handle this—”

  “Please stop,” I said softly. “I just need some time. Give me that, OK?”

  “I’ll give you anything you want, Mags. You know I will,” he whispered, his hand coming out and giving mine a tender squeeze. “Anything. I swear it.”

  I swallowed hard, my throat tight. I couldn’t stand to sit there next to him. I got to my feet and grabbed my stuff.

  “Don’t go.” He captured my hand and stopped me. “Stay. We don’t have to talk. I just don’t want you to go.” His blue eyes looked so sad. I bit my bottom lip before sinking down beside him.

  And that was how the rest of the week went. We didn’t talk. He still sent me messages, telling me he missed me. He called me, but I let it go to voicemail, each time dying a little more.

  Was I just letting go? The thought frightened me. I didn’t want to let go. I felt like I was suffocating without him. It was like I needed him just, so I could exist, because what I was doing without him wasn’t living. At night, I wept and barely slept. The man from my dreams kept calling out to me. It was frightening. I blamed it on stress, but deep down I knew it was more than that.

  “Still whoring around?” Alan asked dryly as I set the table the night before my birthday party at Andrew’s.

  I didn’t reply. I simply placed the fork beside his plate, wishing my mom was home.

  “Answer me, you little slut!” Alan reached forward and grabbed my arm tightly, giving me a good shake.

  “Leave me alone,” I whispered, trying to tug my arm away. He reached out and slapped me across my face, making my eyes water with tears. Pushing me down over the table, he twisted my arm painfully behind me.

  “Say that again,” he hissed, his other hand fisting my hair tightly.

  “Leave me alone,” I managed to say through the pain. He pushed my face hard onto the table as he twisted my arm with more force. I squealed in pain, wondering when my bones would give way and break. My muscles were pushed to their limits, the ache leaving me breathless. The sound of the front door jingling caused him to move away from me quickly.

  “Go to your room. Now,” he hissed at me. I rushed from the room before he could change his mind.

  I closed my door firmly behind me and went to my bathroom where I took a hot shower, hoping to calm my nerves and ease the pain in my arm. I’d been lucky, if one could call it that. At least he hadn’t broken it. I feared that after another few seconds I’d be on my way to the hospital. I said a silent prayer, asking God to keep him away from me. To let me have peace for one night.

  I didn’t go down for dinner. I heard Alan and my mom talking and then saw them leave together, which was odd since the only time they ever really did anything together was on Sunday for church.

  Feeling relieved, I worked on my homework. But I had a hard time concentrating as I thought about Brax and how much I missed him. And maybe Corbin had been right. I should give him a chance to explain. I knew one thing was for sure, this feeling wasn’t ever going to go away. I loved him. Plain and simple. And I needed him. I wanted him. And I was going to tell him.

  Chapter 71

  Chelsea picked me up the next day for my party with Jess in tow. I met them outside after putting on a new blue sundress I’d gotten.

  “Girl, you look gorgeous!” Chelsea squealed as I climbed into the car.

  “Thanks,” I answered, settling into the backseat, hoping beyond anything that Brax was going to show up so we could talk face-to-face.

  “What’s the deal with you and Brax?” Jess asked, not skipping a beat as she turned and looked at me. “Are you two broken up? Because if you are, you need to make it official so those of us without a stick up our asses can have a chance.”

  “Jess,” Chelsea hissed, glancing apologetically at me through the rearview mirror.

  “It’s fine,” I replied, taking a deep breath so I wouldn’t lash out at her. “I’m going to talk to him tonight and tell him how I feel.”

  “And how is that? The same shit you did with Lance?” Jess asked dryly.

  “No.” I plastered a fake smile onto my face. “I’m going to tell him I love him tonight.”

  “Happy birthday to you!” Chelsea laughed. “Have you two, you know, slept together?”

  “Maggie doesn’t sleep with the guys she dates. She just likes screwing with their heads. Right, Maggie?” Jess asked.

  “What’s your problem?” I snapped, finally losing my cool. “I can’t help it if Lance wanted me. I can’t help it that Brax wanted me. I cared about Lance, and then the Heidi thing happened. I love Brax, and I’m sorry if that pisses you off. You’re just going to have to learn to get over it. Now shut your damn mouth and stop ruining my birthday!” I breathed out hard, my heart thrumming wildly.

  “Whatever,” Jess snorted irritably.

  “You guys want to stop for some ice cream first?” Chelsea asked weakly.

  “No,” me and Jess said at the same time.

  The rest of the ride was a silent one. When we got to Andrew’s, Jess hopped out of the car and rushed inside without a backward glance.

  “Sorry about her. You know how she is,” Chelsea apologized.

  “I know.” I sighed, following her inside. “It’s fine. She’ll get over it.”

  “Hey, it’s the birthday girl!” Andrew proclaimed as I stepped into the house. He scooped me up and gave me a quick twirl and a kiss on the cheek. “Damn, you look fine.”

  “Thanks,” I laughed, my eyes skirting the party-goers for signs of Brax. There were none. Corbin was in the corner, eyeing me though.

  “Hey, Maggie!” Zach greeted me with a grin and a hug. “Eighteen! How does it feel to be an adult?”

  “It feels good,” I admitted. I was an adult. The thought hadn’t even really occurred to me until just then. Now that Zach said it out loud, it felt surreal. I was free!

  “Good. Let’s get you drunk.” He grinned, pulling me to the keg and getting me a glass. I kept looking for Brax, but nothing.

  “Happy birthday,” Corbin said, coming up behind me.

  “Hey, thanks.” I smiled at him as Zach turned to talk to Andrew and Chelsea.

  “I got you something,” he continued.

  “You didn’t have to—”

  “Come with me?” he asked, holding his hand out to me. I took it, spotting Lance entering the house. He looked at me then Corbin, his eyes dark. Whether I wanted to or not, I needed to talk to Lance. I wanted to fix things between us. Truth be told, I missed him. We’d been best friends. Without him in my life, it felt like I was hollow. Like I was a puzzle with missing pieces.

  I followed Corbin outside away from the party.

  “What did you get me?” I asked as we stopped beneath an old willow tree.

  “A promise,” he answered.


are going to get rough, princess. I wanted to offer you a promise. When you feel like you have nowhere to go, come to me. I can offer you what you’ll need.”

  “That’s a weird gift.” I crinkled my nose at him, causing him to chuckle.

  “You know things aren’t normal, Maggie. We both know it. I’m offering you my help when you run out of options.”

  “Thanks, I guess,” I replied, a sense of dread washing over me. But I knew he was right. Brax was far from normal. And I knew he was there for a reason, one I really didn’t want to explore.

  “Don’t thank me yet.” He leaned down and planted a kiss on my cheek. “Now go talk to Brax. I’m sure he’s been going nuts. And remember, it probably wasn’t what it seemed. Give him a chance to explain.”

  “I will,” I murmured, reaching out and giving Corbin a hug. “Thank you for being a friend, Corbin.”

  He let out a quiet laugh before pulling away and leading me back to the party. The moment I walked into the house, Lance was there, waiting for me.

  “Hey, mind if I borrow Maggie?” he asked, clearing his throat and glancing at Corbin.

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Corbin smirked, winking at me. I rolled my eyes at him and watched as he sauntered off.

  “Can we talk?” Lance asked, glaring at Corbin’s retreating back.

  “Seems everyone wants to get me alone and talk tonight,” I mused, giving him a small smile.

  He returned it with his own.

  “I promise it won’t take long.”

  Agreeing, I followed him upstairs to an empty bedroom and waited for him to speak.

  “I’m sorry about everything, Maggie. I wish I could go back and fix it. I do.”

  “I’m OK, Lance. Really. I should probably be thanking you. If you hadn’t broken up with me and kissed Heidi, I’d never have gotten with Brax. So I guess it all worked out.”

  “But I lost you,” he sighed, looking at me sadly.

  “I’m not really gone,” I replied. “We’re still friends. Lately, I haven’t been a very good one. Nor have I been a good girlfriend to Brax. And I want to make it up to you guys. I do.”


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