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A Ring for the Greek's Baby

Page 14


  But it wasn’t just his housekeeper on his back. Draco and Allegra had been at him as well. He’d told them to back off. He was in London to see Emily at the twelve-week scan today, and that was all he was prepared to do in terms of contact before the scan. The press had noted he and Emily were currently living apart, but apparently they had other much more scandalous couples to follow now, and had left both of them alone.

  The only people who hadn’t said anything to him were his mother and sister. A month ago that wouldn’t have been all that unusual. Sometimes several months went by without any contact from them. But, since they knew of Emily’s pregnancy and his intention to marry her, why hadn’t they contacted him and offered commiserations at the very least? It said a lot about his relationship with them. They were as distant with him as he was with them.

  Or was it because Ariana was disappointed she wasn’t going to be a bridesmaid after all? His sister’s one chance of being part of a bridal party and he had ruined it. Or maybe they had sided with Emily since they had met her and seen her warm and generous personality for themselves.

  He could hardly blame them for shifting loyalties. How could they not prefer her to him? She was all he was not. She was love, laughter and hope while he was an emotionless wasteland. They would probably think she’d had a lucky escape from a loveless union with him.

  But would it have been loveless?

  The thought kept at him, catching him off-guard at odd moments. He already loved his child even though it was still only a tiny foetus. He’d been on that pregnancy website every day. It was almost like an obsession now. First thing in the morning—if he had even been to sleep, that was—he would check it out. He’d even been on a baby-name site, trawling through names, wondering whether his baby was a girl or boy. He had even been checking out baby wear and toy shops. He’d bought a hand-made teddy bear while he’d been in New York and, when the shop assistant had asked him if it was for his child, he’d been ridiculously proud to say yes.

  But along with that pride was a niggling sense of disappointment Emily hadn’t been with him to help him choose it. Weren’t they supposed to be doing this together? Wasn’t that part of the joy of welcoming a child into the world? Preparing the nursery, buying a pram and car seat, a high chair and a cot? How was he supposed to do it without her? What was the point of anything without her?

  Loukas didn’t like admitting it but he missed her. He missed her smile with its adorable dimples, her cute little rabbit-twitch, her soft hands and how it felt when they touched him. He couldn’t imagine making love with anyone else. The thought hadn’t even crossed his mind.

  He only wanted her.

  His gaze drifted to the tiny gold key on his hotel room’s desk. He had found it on the floor by the bed after Emily had left. She must have dropped it when she stuffed the jewellery box in her handbag. She’d thought he hadn’t noticed but he’d seen her in the reflection of the mirror. He couldn’t understand why she had bothered taking it. He picked up the key and turned it over a couple of times. It had cost more than the silly little box. Way more. Why had she left the most expensive gifts and taken that old box that wasn’t even worth the money he’d paid for it?

  He put the key back on his desk, but every few minutes his gaze would go back to it. She couldn’t open the box without the key and the key was useless to him without the box. He suddenly realised Emily was like that tiny, golden key. She had come into his life and picked the lock on his heart. He’d thought it was lust that had driven him to seek her out, but now he wondered if something else had been going on. Something he had never encountered before. Something that dismantled all the barriers he’d put up over the years.

  It was easy to lust after someone. It took no courage at all. But loving someone was different. It opened you up to hurt, to vulnerability.

  But it also opened you up to healing.

  Loukas had never considered himself a coward. He had prided himself he’d always faced up to responsibility and never shirked from a task because it was unpleasant or inconvenient. But hadn’t he been hiding away from love? Lacking the courage to explore the emotions he had locked down deep inside him?

  Emily had found the key to him. Her bright, cheery smile had shone on all the dark, shuttered and shadowed places in his soul, illuminating him with a beam of hope for the first time in years.

  His professional reputation was built on his ability to keep places, people and top level security systems secure, and yet a cute little clumsy Englishwoman had stumbled into his life and cracked his code.

  He loved her.

  Wasn’t that why he had sought her out in London a month after Draco and Allegra’s wedding? He hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind. But it wasn’t just his mind that was captivated by her.

  It was his heart.

  Loukas had a couple of hours until he met with her at the hospital for the scan. Should he wait till then or go and see her now? How could he wait two minutes, let alone two hours?

  He could and he would, because there were things he had to do before then so that she would be absolutely convinced he loved her.

  * * *

  Emily had a full bladder and an empty heart when she arrived at the hospital for the scan. Her mother had offered to come with her but Emily had decided against it. She didn’t trust her mother not to give Loukas an earful about his ‘love’ issues. Emily had texted him the time and place and he’d responded with a curt ‘Thanks’. It seemed so impersonal and clinical; nothing like she expected it would be when having a child with someone she loved. She placed a hand over her abdomen. She had ballooned over the last week. Not a party balloon, either. A hot-air balloon. Surely it wasn’t normal to show this much so soon? She could barely do up the top button on her cotton trousers. Or maybe it was nerves. Maybe it wasn’t butterflies in her stomach but bats—big spiky-winged ones, beating around in there in panic at the thought of seeing Loukas again.

  Oh, God, why had she said he could come to the scan? Maybe she should’ve just sent him the photo. No. That wouldn’t be fair. He was the baby’s father. He had a right to be here if he wanted to be.

  A nurse directed her to the cubicle to wait for the sonographer. ‘Is anyone going to be with you?’

  ‘My...erm...the baby’s father said he’d be here.’ Emily glanced out at the reception and waiting room area but there was no sign yet of Loukas. Surely he would turn up? Or had he changed his mind? He hated hospitals, but surely he wouldn’t let that get in the way of seeing his child for the first time?

  ‘No problem,’ the nurse said. ‘We’ll get you set up and then when he arrives I’ll send him in.’

  Emily lay on the table and waited with her hands over her rounded belly. She hoped Loukas wouldn’t be too long otherwise her bladder was going to have something to say about it. Where was he? She’d told him the right time. Surely he wouldn’t let her down on this day of all days?

  The plastic clock on the wall mechanically clicked its seconds. Tick. Tick. Tick.

  Laughter came from the reception area and the sound of someone squealing with delight. ‘Oh, how cute are you two little darlings?’

  Emily assumed a mother had come in with a toddler or two. She wondered if the mum had a partner, someone who loved her as much as she loved him. She tried not to cry, but her emotions were on shaky ground as it was. This wasn’t the way she’d thought it would be. She’d pictured this day when she was younger, imagining how exciting it would be to be holding hands with her partner as they met their tiny baby in utero. Now she was a frazzled mess of nerves because the only partner she wanted didn’t love her. He liked her. He desired her. But he didn’t love her. Why wasn’t he here? Had he got more important things to do than meet his baby for the first time?

  The curtain was suddenly swished back and Loukas came in. The cubicle had seemed spacious until he entered it.
Or maybe that was because, this close to him, she ached to reach out and touch him. She curled her fingers into her palms to stop herself. She could smell the fresh citrus scent of him and longed for him to lean down and press a kiss to her mouth. ‘Sorry I’m late,’ he said. ‘I got held up with...something.’

  ‘Work?’ She couldn’t quite remove the barb in her tone in time.

  His expression registered her comment with a tiny flinch near the edge of his mouth. She noted he had cut himself shaving for he had a little scratch on his cheek. But then she noticed he had two or three scratches on his hands as well.

  ‘How are you?’ He swallowed and glanced at her bulging tummy. ‘Growing by the minute, by the look of things.’

  ‘Yes, well, some of that may well be my bladder,’ Emily said. ‘If you make me laugh then things could get pretty awkward around here.’ Not that he was likely to make her laugh any time soon. All she wanted to do was cry.

  ‘How’s the nausea?’

  ‘A little better.’

  ‘That’s good.’

  God, how stiff and formal they sounded! Like two people who had only just met and were making idle chit-chat to fill in the time. ‘So, how are your mum and sister?’ Emily asked. ‘Have you seen them lately?’

  ‘I haven’t seen them but I spoke to them an hour ago. I thought you might like to visit them with me after this.’

  She frowned. ‘Why would I do that?’

  The sonographer came in just then and began setting up the ultrasound equipment. A generous layer of gel was smeared over Emily’s belly and the sonographer angled the screen so both Emily and Loukas could see. ‘So, here we have the placental sac... Hang on a minute.’ She fiddled with the dials on the machine for a few moments, a frown of concentration pulling at her forehead.

  Emily’s heart pounded as though she had just bolted up ten flights of stairs. What was wrong? Why was the sonographer peering at the screen so intently? She glanced at Loukas. He too was frowning and his hand suddenly reached for hers and squeezed it. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked.

  The sonographer turned on her stool and smiled at them both. ‘Have a look.’ She pointed to the screen with the cursor. ‘Here is your baby’s heartbeat. See that? And here is another one.’

  Another heartbeat?

  Emily met Loukas’s stunned gaze. ‘Twins?’ he asked.

  ‘We’re having twins?’ Emily echoed him.

  ‘You are indeed having twins,’ the sonographer said. ‘And they’re identical, from what I can see. Congratulations. I’ll print out the pictures for you while you sit here and get acquainted with your babies for a while. I won’t be long.’ The curtain swished closed.

  Emily couldn’t stop staring at the screen where their babies were curled up like two peanuts. ‘Oh. My. God.’

  Loukas brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it. His eyes were moist and he seemed to be having trouble speaking. He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times but didn’t get any words out.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Emily said, her bottom lip beginning to tremble. ‘Trust me to not do anything by halves. You didn’t even want one baby and now I’ve given you two.’

  ‘No, don’t say that,’ he said when he was finally able to speak. ‘I do want the baby—I mean, babies. I want you too. I love you, Emily. So, so much.’

  Emily wasn’t sure if she should believe him. He had just been informed they were having twins. He might be able to let her walk away from him with one baby, but two was something else again. If he was so sure he loved her, why wait until today? Why not some time over the last six weeks? She narrowed her gaze. ‘How do I know you’re not just saying that because we’re having twins?’

  He held her hand against his chest where she could feel the thud of his heart. She was no cardiac doctor but it seemed to be racing as hard and fast as hers. ‘I only realised it a couple of hours ago. I know how unlikely that sounds—I should have realised the moment I met you that you were the only woman for me. I’m sorry for putting you through hell these last weeks, but I’ve been a coward. I didn’t want to fall in love because everyone I’ve loved in the past I’ve hurt. I convinced myself I hadn’t fallen for you, but I think I did at Draco and Allegra’s wedding when you caught the bouquet and smiled at me with those gorgeous dimples of yours showing.’

  Emily wanted to believe him but she had been so hurt by his distance these last few weeks. ‘I don’t seems a little too convenient to me.’

  ‘I can prove it, agape mou,’ he said. ‘I have a surprise waiting for you in the waiting room. The reception staff are minding them for me. That’s what all that laughter you can hear is about. I bought you a present to convince you I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you.’

  ‘You buy presents for everyone,’ Emily said with a little scowl. ‘It doesn’t mean you love them.’

  ‘I know, and that’s been my mistake in the past,’ he said. ‘But when you took everything but the jewellery box key I realised how much I loved you. You’re my key. You’ve unlocked my heart and wriggled your way into my life to such a degree I can’t bear to be without you.’

  ‘I wondered where that key went,’ Emily said. ‘I haven’t been able to open the box. I locked it after I took the earrings out before I left your place. I tried picking the lock with a nail file but it didn’t work.’ But despite Loukas’s words she still wasn’t convinced he was truly in love with her and she kept frowning at him.

  ‘Will you at least come with me to visit Ariana and my mother once we’re done here?’ Loukas asked. ‘I have a present for Ariana as well as you. Please? Will you just come and see, and then you’ll know I’m not lying?’

  Emily climbed off the bed with his help. ‘Maybe I should go to the bathroom first.’

  ‘Good idea.’

  When she came out of the bathroom, Loukas took her by the hand and smiled down at her. ‘Ready?’

  Emily walked with him to the reception area to find two adorable Irish Retriever puppies being babysat by the reception staff. She promptly burst into tears and turned blindly into Loukas’s chest, hugging him tightly. ‘I can’t believe you bought me a dog. Two dogs! Are you even allowed to bring them in here?’

  He smiled down at her tear-stained face. ‘I told the staff they’re therapy dogs. One is for Ariana. It will give us a good excuse to visit for play dates. Will you help me build my relationship with my mother and sister? They already love you and can’t wait to see you.’

  Emily leaned back to gaze up at him. ‘You really do love me, don’t you?’

  His eyes were glistening with moisture. ‘I love you more than I can say. Will you marry me, my precious love? Will you be my wife and help me raise our family?’

  She touched his face as if to see if he was really standing there in front of her. Not just in front of her, but all the patients and staff as well, who were watching with avid interest, faces beaming. ‘I will marry you. I love you. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I’ve been so lonely and sad without you these past weeks.’

  He held her close. ‘Me too. What a fool I’ve been for waiting so long to tell you. And then, when I did tell you, you didn’t believe me. That was a bad moment.’

  ‘But saved by those adorable little puppies,’ she said, slipping out of his arms to go to cuddle them and having her face thoroughly licked in the process. ‘Do they have names?’

  ‘Not yet, we have to choose them. While we’re at it we’d better get working on our babies’ ones as well.’

  Emily handed him one puppy to hold while she cuddled the other. ‘You’ve made me so happy, darling. I feel like pinching myself to make sure I’m not dreaming this.’

  Loukas stretched his neck to avoid a wet puppy tongue aiming for his chin. ‘Forget about pinching yourself. These little guys have needle-sharp tee
th that will more than do the job for you.’

  Emily laughed. ‘And here I was, thinking you’d cut yourself shaving. Although, I did wonder how you scratched your hands.’

  Loukas grinned. ‘I’m dying to kiss you but I’m worried it might turn into a foursome if I bend down while we’re holding these little rascals.’

  ‘Kiss her. Kiss her!’ the reception staff and patients chanted.

  Loukas’s eyes twinkled. ‘Are you up for it?’

  Emily lifted her face to his. ‘You bet.’


  LOUKAS STOOD AT the end of the aisle at the St Sypridion Church on Corfu. He could barely see through the blur of moisture in his eyes when he saw Ariana coming down the aisle in her chair behind Allegra. It had only been a couple of weeks but already his relationship with his sister and mother was in a better place. A good place. A place where they could talk about the accident and how it had impacted on all of them. His mother had even confessed her own crushing guilt over not watching Ariana in that split moment when she’d gone off to ride her bike. Because he had been so focussed on his own guilt, he hadn’t realised his mother had been in her own private hell for all these years.

  But seeing Ariana now, filled with joy for him, he felt a sense of peace she too one day would find the love and happiness he had found with Emily.

  He looked at his mother, who was in the front row, mopping tears from her eyes, and another wave of emotion rolled through him. She smiled and gave him a little wave and he smiled back, full of love and admiration for her, for how she had supported his sister and now welcomed Emily to the family as if she were her own daughter.

  Emily’s mother was in the front row on the bride’s side and she winked cheekily at him. He genuinely liked Willow, especially since he’d passed the Body Language Intimacy test, whatever the hell that was. Not that he needed anyone’s approval, other than his beloved Emily’s, but it was nice to know her mother was part of his family now.


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