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Naughty Spanking Two

Page 7

by Miranda Forbes

  As we reached the top of the stairs I was already close to orgasm. Stumbling into the bedroom in a flurry of lust and clothes I fell back on the bed, my dress up round my waist and my pussy offered up to Dan, whose jeans were bulging nicely. He watched me as I toyed with my clit and lips, rubbing himself through his jeans.

  My mobile was in its usual place beside the bed and I saw my chance as Dan was fumbling around looking for a new box of condoms. New message. ‘Want 2 watch?’ Send. Nathan Mobile. Message sent.

  I heard footsteps on the wooden floor almost instantly. Any panic I felt was quickly superseded by excitement. I love being watched, being admired, and, if I’m honest, being wanked over.

  Dan stretched out on his back, his feet, thankfully, towards the door. The landing was pitch black but the dim light in the bedroom just reflected Nathan’s eyes as they appeared in the small gap. I had to be careful, if this went wrong it could be disastrous.

  Enjoying the feeling of wearing a dress with no knickers I kept it on, and started to unzip Dan, his cock bursting to get out of his jeans. I bent over and took him in my mouth, letting him slide my dress up over my arse to get a better view. He loves eating pussy more than any man I’ve ever met and gently pulled me round till I sat over his face while I was sucking him off. He pressed his lips to me so gently that I cried out, and sat up off his cock arching my back and pulling down the front of my dress to show Nathan my tits. I ground myself against Dan’s gorgeous lips, rubbing my nipples and pushing my breasts up. I came in a flash, overwhelmed by the combination of perfect oral and filthy showing off.

  Dan’s cock was glistening rock hard and I licked his pre-come gently as he unwrapped the condom. I glanced towards Nathan, and saw in the darkness the unmistakable glint of his cock as he rubbed it, and could just make out his quickening breathing. I turned towards him as I pulled off my dress, knowing how slutty I looked wearing nothing but a quarter cup blue and black bra which my tits were spilling out of, my heavy party make up smudged, and my thighs slick with wetness. I climbed onto Dan, facing his feet (and the door), and edged down onto his cock, his hands grasping my waist, hips bucking as he ached to get inside me. I blushed at how much I was showing, with my legs open wide and Dan’s cock pushing into me.

  As we got into rhythm I got bolder, varying my position to show Nathan what he was missing and change the pressure on Dan’s cock, sitting up and coquettishly crossing my legs, laying back on Dan’s chest and rubbing my clit, fondling his balls, pulling my hair up, arching and rubbing my breasts. As Dan got closer to his climax he became more dominant, pushing me forward so I was splayed towards his legs, and with licked fingers started to tease my arse. I screamed out in pleasure, and in shame, not only was he doing that to me, but someone was watching! Dan groaned, unable to hold back any more and easily got off his back pushing me forward onto my front then up onto my knees, my head low on the bed. In this position he had a clear view of the door, it could all go wrong, but I was past caring. He started fucking me hard, a finger inside my ass as he pushed me lower on the bed with the other hand. I orgasmed in a fountain of sweat, juices and tears, screaming out and thrashing under Dan’s strong hand as he came with a last hard thrust.

  I sheepishly looked towards the door. The two greenish glints in the darkness briefly became one, Nathan’s trademark wink, then were gone. Dan snapped the condom off and gathered me up in his arms, tenderly wiping a streak of mascara from my cheek and stroking my hair. I felt so satisfied, my legs shaking and my skin flushed, safe in Dan’s embrace. Guilt started to creep in as I looked at his beautiful face settling down to sleep. It was one of the horniest moments of my life, I thought, being fucked so perfectly, and showing off to another man, but it wasn’t really fair to Dan. I was starting to feel terrible, and worry about the morning and what Nathan might say or do. He could make my life very difficult if he wanted to. My relationship could be in jeopardy.

  I felt Dan’s gaze on me, he was still awake and looking at me. Then he grinned. “Did you really think I wouldn’t notice?”

  I froze, and managed to stammer, “What do you mean?”

  “You drunk tart,’ he said, ‘I saw you send the message! Seriously, you’re about as subtle …” I started to apologise and mumble all kinds of nonsense, but thankfully he was laughing.

  “Honey, really, do you think I didn’t enjoy being the one actually fucking you with him standing there tossing off wishing it was him?”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing; I had a surge of love for Dan for how cool he was being, as well as how amazing in bed, and tried to snuggle into him.

  “I don’t think so,” he said, just failing to keep the playful smile out of his eyes. “I liked it as much as you did, but you’re still a dirty little tart, I don’t think you deserve a cuddle. Get up on your knees.”

  I tried to laugh and he just looked at me sternly, only half playing. I gingerly got up onto my knees, kneeling up, facing him, chancing a little half smile.

  “Other way around,” he said, patronisingly twirling his finger in front of my face. I shuffled around and he pushed me forwards so I was on all fours, smoothing his hand over my arse. I knew what was coming, he’d spanked me once before in a hotel room for not wearing any knickers under my dress. I winced at the anticipation of pain, but he just kept stroking me gently. I was still wet from before and I felt my pussy starting to respond again, if he did much more of that I was going to start to drip.

  I couldn’t see what he was doing but I heard him scuffling around in the drawers again. I reached between my legs and stroked my clit, which was engorged and delicious, the slightest touch making me catch me breath. He was behind me again and roughly slapped my hand away.

  I felt a cold, wet slick land on my lower back, and drizzle all over my bum and down my legs. He had managed to find a bottle of lube in the bedside drawer and had covered me in about half a bottle! I turned around to laugh and ask him what he was playing at but he pushed my head back away from him and my face into the bed, roughly enough for me to know that he meant it, but gently enough not to hurt, and started to rub the slippery gel all over me.

  His hands massaged my cheeks, grabbing handfuls of flesh and letting it slip wetly out of his grip again, and running his hands down onto my thighs, grazing my pussy and arsehole every few strokes but not as much as I wanted.

  The first slap stunned me. My skin was alive and tingling and his hand landed with a big wet smack across my buttocks, the sudden force and the streak of pain a climax in itself. After that the lightest touch would send me over the edge and I physically begged him to touch me, pushing backwards so he could see how ready I was.

  He hit me again, one side, then the other, and again, and again, and I heard him groan and knew how much my shiny wet flesh quivering and reddening would be getting to him. It stung, and a million feelings coursed through my body and mind. I wanted another spank, but I was equally afraid of the next blow landing. I wanted him to lick me, to fuck me right now, but I never wanted this to end.

  Dan’s fingers were on me gently again, tracing up my thighs towards my soaking pussy, but his touch skimmed past and he instead pushed the tip of his finger into my bum. I melted, and tried to rock backwards to have him penetrate me more but he pulled his hand away and spanked me again.

  As if I wasn’t soaking enough, the bottle came back out and he squeezed yet more lube over me. I felt his cock slide up between my legs, deliciously over my clit, and just inside my pussy for a second before he pulled out and pushed into my arse. I screamed out as the feelings overwhelmed me. He thrusted perfectly, just a couple of inches inside me, his body rubbing and exacerbating my reddened bum and legs with every thrust. Dan reached around my waist and found my clit, dripping with lube and juices, and rubbed it with his palm, slowing his thrusts but going deeper and I came hard, jerking violently. My orgasm tipped him over the edge and he came inside me, pulling me close to him and kissing my back.

  We collapsed in a stick
y tangle and fell asleep almost straight away. The next morning I was sore. I looked myself over in the mirror, and smiled at the sight of Dan still sleeping soundly in the background. My makeup was a mess, my hair a disaster, and my bum and legs were bright red, with bruises just starting to form. I wrapped myself in my big, fluffy dressing gown and kissed Dan on the forehead, steeling myself to survey the state of the house after the party and wondered what Nathan might have to say. I didn’t really have to worry though – if he got cheeky, I would just tell him he missed the best bit of the party anyway.

  Merrilee Gets Into Trouble In The Park

  by Eleanor Powell

  Merrilee felt a trickle of perspiration between her pert breasts – there was no shelter from the relentless sun.

  As she walked through Heaton Park her thoughts were six thousand miles away in South Africa. Oh Pete, I'm missing you so, she thought.

  She reached the clearing – it held so many happy memories for her and Pete, it was their secret, no one else had discovered this private bit of heaven. And there was the tree stump that served as a table when they brought a picnic basket.

  The branches of the trees meeting overhead blotted out the July sun, making it a few degrees cooler in the clearing.

  Lying down on the soft leafy ground, she closed her eyes, thinking of Pete. She could see him; he was lying next to her – smiling down at her as he propped himself up on one elbow. Now he was kissing her – her eyes, nose, lips and neck while his fingers wandered over her body making her tingle wherever they touched.

  His fingers were moving down from her neck, into her bra, seeking her stiffened nipples, rubbing them gently between his thumb and forefinger. Her nipples hardened even more, while between her legs she could feel her pussy throbbing with desire, her juices soaking her black lacy briefs.

  And her body was crying out for relief.

  As she lay there on her back, knees up, legs parted, her own middle finger was rubbing her clit through her very short dress. Pulling the hem of her dress up to her waist and slipping her hand down the front of her knickers – oh that was better. Her pussy was hot and squelchy

  She was so far gone, her knickers were in the way – so she lifted her hips and pulled them down, until the black scrap of nylon was dangling from one ankle – then with a quick kick they were off but she didn’t even notice where they went.

  Her finger was moving ever faster now, rubbing on her engorged clit.

  ‘I’m coming, oh God, I’m coming!’ When she did come her whole body was shuddering as the waves of the climax swept over her.

  When her body had stopped convulsing, she was relaxed but oh so tired. She drifted off into a sexually induced sleep.

  She awoke suddenly, unsure of how long she had been sleeping. Glancing at her wrist – drat! She kept forgetting she’d taken her watch in for repair. Here in the clearing, because it was shaded from the sun, it was always darker, so she could only guess at the time; maybe about five in the afternoon, she thought.

  But what was it that had woken her? She listened, but there was nothing. I must have imagined it, she thought to herself.

  She started to feel randy again and her right hand moved down towards her already throbbing pussy. Vaguely she noticed that her knickers were not where they should have been, but in her excited state she didn’t follow the thought. Another magnificent orgasm left her feeling so exhausted that she fell asleep once more.

  Merrilee was awakened again, but this time she realised she was definitely not alone, somebody was turning her over onto her tummy.

  ‘What are you doing?’ she shouted. ‘How dare you?’ she started struggling, but he held her down easily. He didn’t answer her, just grunted.

  She felt him lift her dress up her back revealing her bare bottom. He gave a low whistle.

  ‘You have one lovely bottom,’ he told her, running his right hand over it.

  Then putting his left hand in the small of her back, he stopped stroking her bottom, and started spanking her instead, gently at first – first one cheek then the other, his spanks were gradually getting harder, until her bottom felt hot and tingly.

  She struggled to get up from the somewhat undignified position she found herself in. ‘Let me go, you pervert,’ she screamed.

  ‘You’re not so squeaky clean yourself,’ he answered. ‘Lying here, not caring who saw you playing with yourself.’

  He carried on spanking her, igniting a fire in her by now obscenely wriggling bottom. Much to her own surprise she was disappointed when he eventually stopped spanking her.

  Yet when he stood up she still grabbed the opportunity to try and get to her feet but he was too quick for her. Kneeling next to her again he pushed her back down – giving her already glowing bottom another half-dozen hard spanks.

  ‘You stay right there, young lady, I’ve not finished with you yet.’

  He stood up again. Merrilee twisted her neck around trying to see what he was doing.

  She saw him slowly removing his belt from its loops. Something in her tummy did a somersault. She watched in fascination.

  He wrapped the belt around his right hand – leaving about twelve inches of trailing leather.

  Again kneeling down next to her, he traced the free end of the belt gently across her quivering bottom cheeks.

  Oh dear, Merrilee, she chided herself. You’re letting this brute turn you on. Then he started swinging his right arm. Each time the belt made contact with her writhing bottom it became hotter and her clit began to throb.

  It was only when he had made every square inch of her bottom hot and stinging that he stopped spanking her and started caressing it instead. This caused havoc with her dignity as her legs parted of their own accord – oh how she wanted him to slip his finger into her steaming slit.

  But instead he stopped fondling her bottom and said, ‘Right, come on, kneel up.’

  She found herself obeying him. She was kneeling so that her arms were supporting her upper body – her hot bottom stuck up in the air.

  He carried on stroking her bottom – interspersing the stroking with the occasional spank.

  His stroking hands were teasing her – gently stroking the inside of her thighs, almost letting his finger stray into her pussy, but pulling away at the last moment.

  She hated him for that.

  After teasing her some more he did let his finger make contact with her swollen clit. She could feel herself on the verge of coming to a climax but he stopped and withdrew his sopping wet finger.

  She gasped in disappointment.

  ‘OK, now I’m going to take you from behind. Any objections?’

  ‘No, oh no,’ she heard herself say. ‘Please fuck me.’

  Putting his hands on her hips, he pushed his throbbing cock into her hot wet pussy; Merrilee found herself pushing back at his thrust, His already stiffened cock was swelling even more inside her. She gripped onto it, using her muscles – just like she did with Pete, knowing that it drove him wild.

  By now her assailant was groaning, digging his fingers into her hips.

  They were both panting and gasping. As she felt the waves of a climax causing her whole body to go into spasms of delight, she heard his grunts as he too climaxed.

  When she had squeezed every last drop of cum from him, they lay down on the soft ground side by side.

  Their reverie was broken by a man’s deep voice.

  ‘Wow! Greg, that was fantastic.’

  A man came out from behind a bush carrying a Camcorder. ‘I got it all on video. So what’s your name, sweetheart?’

  ‘I’m Merrilee.’ She struggled to her feet. ‘Who are you?’

  ‘Pleased to meet you, Merrilee, he said. ‘Oh! My name is Jed and this here gentleman is Greg.

  ‘Huh! He’s no gentleman,’ Merrilee said.

  ‘And you’re no lady,’ Greg retorted.

  Jed laughed ‘Greg and I own Sexy Spanking Videos. I’ve just videoed everything and we will be selling the video on our
website. But if you have any objections to that, I’ll destroy it right here and now, Merrilee.’

  ‘Errr, no’, she assured him. ‘I really enjoyed it.’

  ‘That’s great,’ Jed said. ‘Would you do it again?’

  ‘Oh yes I would,’ she answered without hesitation.

  ‘Who is this Pete you were calling out to?’

  ‘My boyfriend.’

  ‘Has he ever spanked you?’

  ‘No! never. But he’d better from now on.’ She laughed.

  ‘Was that the first time you’ve ever been spanked, Merrilee?’ asked Jed.


  ‘And it turned you on, did it?’

  ‘God, yes,’

  ‘That’s great,’ said Jed. ‘I told you she was a Goer, didn’t I Greg?’

  ‘You sure did, mate.’

  Jed rummaged in his camera bag, bringing out a rather crumpled piece of paper. ‘But,’ he said, ‘just to make it really legit would you mind signing this consent form, Merrilee?’

  ‘What’s that for?’

  ‘It’s just to prove that you’re over 18,’ said Jed, ‘and you have given your consent. You are over 18, aren’t you?

  She nodded, ‘I’m 19, have you got a pen?’

  He handed her a pen. ‘Here sign it where I’ve put the cross.’

  Merrilee signed the piece of paper and handed it back to him.

  ‘Oh yes,’ said Jed, ‘come to think of it, we also need your postal address.’

  ‘Why do you want that?’ she asked.

  Well, we’ll need somewhere to send the cheques. You’re going to be a video star Merrilee. And we’ll have to send you a contract for signing.’

  She gasped in amazement. ‘Is this a joke?’

  ‘No, Merrilee, this is for real,’ he promised her. ‘Would you be willing to be in other movies?’

  She laughed. ‘You mean I’ll get paid for enjoying myself?’

  ‘That’s right,’ Greg butted in. ‘It may well be me again, but there are also other men who will be doing the spanking.’

  ‘Sounds like fun,’ she agreed.


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