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Naughty Spanking Two

Page 15

by Miranda Forbes

  That was the problem. Nick reduced her to jelly every time she saw him. He had such power over her. It wasn’t right.

  “Will you come, then?”

  “I’ll meet you for coffee.”

  “I can make you coffee in my flat.”

  “No, Nick, let’s talk first …”

  She didn’t really want to talk. Nick getting straight down to sex was another thing which excited her about him. Forget talking, he’d say. I want to fuck you and you want to fuck me. Let’s do it! Then he’d unbutton her shirt and unzip her trousers. He’d run his hands down the length of her body, making her tremble. His fingers expertly unhooked her bra and cupped her breasts. She was small, but under his deft persuasion, her breasts enlarged, her nipples thickened and hardened into points which his tongue coiled round and licked, while he murmured his appreciation in between breaths.

  Then he’d pull off her panties, she’d raise one leg and he began to finger fuck her. Round and round, in and out, till she moaned, her cunt tingling, her juices running down the inside of her legs. He picked her up and lowered her onto the bed, her body still quivering. His dark head between her thighs. Oh, how she wanted to come! She urged him on and he sucked and sucked until her back arched, her muscles contracted and her orgasm overwhelmed her. Nick had raised his head. “Just for starters,” he’d said.

  Lindsey brought her thoughts back to the present.

  “Which day can you make?” Nick said.

  She hesitated. It seemed she had a date whether she wanted it or not.

  “I’m interviewing Tuesday morning. I could make the afternoon.”

  “How’s the agency going? Plenty of work?

  “Certainly is – lots of companies prefer to employ agency staff.”

  “Glad to hear it.” Nick rang off. It was a bit like a business transaction, she decided. Yet she liked his matter of fact tones. Sickly hearts and flowers had never attracted her. She found romance novels boring – with the exception of Pride and Prejudice, but that was really about money, wasn’t it?

  Lindsey went into her bedroom and searched in her wardrobe. She brought out her vibrator, the cock cream tasting of raspberries and her spanking bat.

  The bat had been her idea. It was made of wood and covered with black velvet.

  “I feel so guilty,” she’d told Nick when they’d begun their relationship.

  “You told me you and Michael had separated?”

  “We have – but he’s been such a major part of my life, I can’t get him out of my mind.”

  “I can help you with that,” Nick had said. He turned her over and pulled her onto his knees so that her hands touched the carpet. With one hand he held her legs in the air and with the other hand began spanking her. First his palm against her bottom cheeks, his touch more than a caress than a punishment. Then he hit her harder with the bat.

  “More, more …” she demanded, feeling the sting against her buttocks, followed by a hot flush of desire. His penis thickened underneath her and balancing with her hands, she began rubbing against him as best she could. Nick pushed her round, her legs fell open. “Come inside, Nick, please!” He stared down at her juicy hole, then seized her curly pubic hair. “Not yet,” he said.

  “Yes, you will,” she grabbed his long stiff and ran her tongue underneath to his heavy balls. She kissed and sucked each ball, and delighted in hearing his grunts of pleasure. She lifted her head. “You want to come inside me, don’t you?”

  In answer, he flung himself down on the bed and pulled her on top of him. Lindsey straddled him and started to ride him. Her breath came in short bursts as she pumped up and down on his hard member until he caught her in his arms and pressed her down. “Ah,” he cried as he came. Lindsey echoed his cry as she convulsed in the bright light of orgasm, her limbs quivering, her blood racing, a deep flush spreading over her limbs. “Oh, Nick,” she relaxed into his embrace as a deep contentment spread over her.

  He kissed her hot cheek. “Happy?”

  “Need you ask?”

  All this before the bombshell of Milan.

  “Come with me,” Nick had said.

  “I can’t leave my agency.”

  “Open one in Italy.”

  “I don’t speak the language like you – it would be too difficult.”

  “I want you to come with me.”

  She’d pushed him away. “I can’t, Nick. I really can’t”

  “Lindsey, this job is an opportunity I can’t turn down.”

  She’d stared at him, a cold fear creeping into her heart.

  “Then go, Nick. Good luck. Email me.”

  Should she have gone with him? Why had she hesitated? It was her upbringing. She had been schooled by her mother to resist men like Nick. “Too handsome, too charming. You can’t live with men like that.” Her mother had spoken from experience, but that didn’t mean she was right about Nick.

  Lindsey opened her jar of cock cream and spread it over her vibrator. She took off her trousers and panties and felt her anxious pussy. She pulled at her pubic hair, like Nick had done, parted her labia and rubbed around her creamy hole. Starting her dildo, she inserted it into her vagina, in and out, raising her legs and giving herself up to its regular hum, all the time thinking of Nick. Her stomach churned, she imagined Nick leaning over her, thrusting his penis inside her, so what did she fear? That he had such power over her – that he would love her and leave her like her mother had warned – hadn’t he done that already? She closed her eyes, throbbing from the waist down as the vibrator reached its highest speed. Lindsey sank into the duvet while the wave of pleasure grew and convulsed the whole of her body in a gigantic tide of ecstasy. Breathing heavily, she opened her eyes. There, she didn’t need Nick after all.

  Tuesday afternoon and Nick’s Mercedes purred up her road and stopped outside her house. Lindsey held her breath as she watched him climb out. So good-looking, although wasn’t that a touch of grey in his dark hair? In one hand, he held a bottle of Chianti and a small parcel in the other.

  “Hullo, darling,” he said, as if the intervening two years had meant nothing.

  She took the bottle and put it on the kitchen table, where she’d placed the bat and the cock cream. Despite herself, her hands trembled as she opened the parcel to reveal a beautifully styled pair of tan leather gloves. Smiling, she held up her face towards him and he kissed her lips.

  “You haven’t changed,” he said, “pretty woman.”

  Lindsey fetched the glasses and her bottle opener. She watched while he opened the wine and poured it out.

  “I hope it’s still your favourite,” he said.

  Lindsey nodded. “It is.”

  Nick took a sip and put down his glass on the table.

  “What are you wearing, darling?”

  Too eagerly, she pulled up her black skirt to show him her lacy thong which barely covered her mound. Nick pressed her to him, his fingers unzipping her skirt. She wriggled out of it as it cascaded to the floor.

  “No bra,” he said, pushing his hands up her T shirt.

  “I don’t need one,” she replied, lifting her arms to showing him her firm breasts with their erect nipples. It was so good to have him here again! But she mustn’t get to rely on him as she had done previously.

  “I missed you,” he said, his fingers squeezing her nipples. She undid the buttons on his blue shirt and pressed her breasts against his chest. Nick held her tightly against him. She moved her leg so her cunt rubbed against his bulge. He tugged at her thong. Now she was completely naked. She rubbed up and down, her clit throbbing against the firm cloth of his black jeans. With one hand he grasped her pussy, his fingers feeling round her clit, pushing into her liquid opening, so she spread her legs, her muscles contracting, her breathing quickening under his expert touch.

  “Oh,” she gasped as she came. Nick laughed and kissed her mouth. His tongue running round the soft inside of her lips and pressing in further. He withdrew for breath and Lindsey started unfasteni
ng his trousers, her hands gripping his hard member. She pushed him onto a kitchen chair and lowered her head to suck his erect penis.

  “Darling,” Nick exclaimed, as she felt his cock lengthen. He drew her onto his lap, turned her over and began to spank her.

  “You used to like this,” he said.

  Lindsey balanced her palms on the kitchen floor as his hand came down on her bottom. Oh, it was such a turn on!

  “More,” she said, and heard him laughing.

  “Beautiful butt,” he said, “would you like my cock in your tight arse?”

  Lindsay panted. She’d never trust anyone else but Nick to fuck her arse. He knew instinctively what she wanted. He let her go and stood behind her, one hand under her cunt, feeling her cream, smoothing it round to lubricate her arsehole.

  He reached for the cock cream and spread it on his member. Then he plunged into her arse.

  “Ah!” Lindsey exclaimed. He was so long and smooth it didn’t hurt at all.

  “I’m coming!”

  She held on, loving the feel of his penis so tight inside her hole, until she heard him cry out.

  He withdrew gently.

  “Lovely girl. You’re the best.” He picked up the velvet covered bat. “It’s me who ought to be punished for leaving you for so long.”

  Lindsey took the bat. “Turn over then.”

  Willingly, he laid himself over the kitchen table, his pert buttocks uppermost. If only his employees could see him now! She felt such authority as she wielded the bat, but it wasn’t hard enough. She reached over to the cooker grabbed Michael’s last present to her, a new frying pan. How she hated a man who gave his girl domestic presents! Said it all, didn’t it?

  Wham! She brought down the pan on Nick’s bare behind. He yelped. He ought to be punished for leaving her and she was going to do it. She brought down the pan harder onto his bare behind. Wham! Elation ran through her body. This was a real turn-on. Her clit swelled and throbbed.

  “Wicked girl!” Nick turned round and grabbed the pan. She was no match for his physical strength, unless – next time, she tied him up and spanked him as hard as she could. She grinned, thinking about the control she would have over him. She could wear her new leather gloves to give her more grip. He would be totally subject to her new found preference.

  Nick put his arms round her. “I never want to be separated from you.”

  “You were the one who left me.”

  “Never again,” he said firmly.

  She drew back. “You don’t mean that. When the next business opportunity arises, you’ll be away, won’t you?”

  He grabbed her waist and held close her against his naked body.

  “I’m asking you to marry me, darling Lindsey.”

  She hesitated.

  “Of course, I know you’ll want to carry on working,” he added.

  “Too right, I will.” She bent her knee and stroked her leg against his thigh.

  “We’ve so much in common, haven’t we?” Nick continued, his fingers feeling all round her bare ass. “Your agency means as much to you as my business does to me. You’re an alpha female. Although I can support you in the manner to which you have been accustomed.”

  “It’s not necessary.”

  Nick smiled. “I’d like to take you for a drive in my new Mercedes.”

  “Is it the latest model? Better than mine?”

  “It’s waiting for your inspection.”

  Alpha female. She liked the sound of that. She would check out his car. And his Barbican flat. Wasn’t it the sight of Mr Darcy’s splendid stately home in Derbyshire which swayed Elizabeth to marry him? Or was it the scene when he emerged from the lake in a wet T shirt? Both, naturally.

  She glanced at the hardly touched bottle of Chianti still on the table. “We’ll finish this later.”

  His fingers rubbed her cunt.

  “Something to celebrate?”

  She narrowed her eyes and pressed her body against him. There’d be some string in the garage – maybe that would be strong enough to bind his hands and feet.

  “Umm …wait and see,” she said, as his fingers squeezed her eager clit.

  Domestic Discipline

  by Stephen Albrow

  Peter had always been the jealous type, but Amy had never dared play on the fact before. She already knew he felt uncomfortable with her being the only female at her workplace, so the outfit she’d chosen to wear that first day was like a red rag to a bull. He’d left for work before her that morning, so he hadn’t seen how short her skirt was, nor the plunging neckline of her tight white blouse. The surprise came when he picked her up, and it didn’t appear to go down well.

  When she heard the familiar beep of his car horn, Amy made a point of exiting the building with an incredibly hunky builder by her side. There were twenty builders on the construction firm’s books in total, and it was her job to provide all the secretarial support. She had to ensure there were sufficient numbers of men at each site, organise all the transportation and keep all the paperwork up-to-date. Then there were the phones to answer, the teas and coffees to make and the constant liaison with the boss. It was a tough, demanding role, but she’d enjoyed the first day, what with all those muscled builders drifting in and out of the building. She was certainly never short of eye-candy, but should she really have been staring quite so closely? As a married lady, she knew it was wrong, but that only increased her desire to be spanked.

  “See you later,” she said, waving at the hunky builder, as she opened the door and climbed in the car. Her miniskirt was flapping around in the breeze, but it didn’t climb high enough to reveal her stocking tops. Not that Peter needed to see her stocking tops to be angered by the way she had dressed that day. She saw his eyes flicker up and down her body, noticing every element that spoke of sex – the glossy redness of her lipstick, the eye-catching crevice between her breasts, the long, slim legs in the tiny skirt and the seductive five-inch stiletto heels.

  “Who was that?” asked Peter, already stepping on the accelerator, like he wanted to whisk her away from there as fast as he could.

  “Oh, just one of the guys,” said Amy.

  “Just one of the guys? How the hell many of them are there, then?”

  “Oh, about forty. No, probably fifty.” It was a little white lie. Amy knew there were only twenty, but exaggerating the number was sure to add to Peter’s already mounting jealousy. Much as he tried to keep his eyes on the road ahead, she could see him continually gazing down at her legs, then shaking his head in horror at how short her skirt was. Adding fuel to the fire, Amy crossed one leg on top of the other, which made her skirt ride a little higher up her thighs. It was enough to expose just a hint of stocking top, and she knew what picture that would put in his mind – a picture of fifty horny builders standing in front of her desk all day, watching the new sexy secretary repeatedly crossing and uncrossing her legs, and flashing them her stocking tops and maybe even more in the process!

  It was a scenario she found quite horny herself; hence the sensual tingle between her thighs. Her knickers stuck to her cunt lips, as the first drips of juice seeped out of her gash, but it was the look on Peter’s face that thrilled her most. She could see the jealous fury in his eyes, in his down-turned lips and in the furrowed lines above his brows. His silence was almost deafening, too. He hadn’t even asked her if she’d enjoyed her first day in her brand new job, such was his disgust with the way she looked.

  Amy let him stew in his own juices for the rest of the journey, excited by what the slow build of anger might lead to. She knew he thought she had been a bad girl, so he was certain to want to punish her. As he parked the car in front of the house, she made a point of jumping out of the car before him, wanting him to follow her into the house. It was important that he saw her marching ahead, her stiletto heels making her bottom wiggle. Her skirt was tight as well as short, the satin fabric clinging tight to her cheeks, as they swung suggestively from side-to-side.

p; Even without turning back to look, she could tell he was staring at her curvaceous arse. She accentuated the swing of her hips, as she opened the front door and hurried through the hallway. At work, through the paper-thin walls in the ladies, she’d heard several of the builders having a laddish debate about whether the new girl’s sexiest features were her voluptuous breasts or shapely rear. They’d voted two-to-one in favour of her bum cheeks, so how could Peter fail to look? Her arse was like a magnet to him, tempting him and teasing him, almost forcing him to deliver the spanking Amy craved.

  She led him through to the kitchen, where she grabbed the kettle and took it to the sink. She filled it with water, then took it back to the stand, knowing he was watching her every move. The coffee cups were stashed in the cupboard beneath the work surface, so she’d have to bend right over to pick them up. As she reached down for them, with her bum in the air, her skirt climbed high above her stocking tops – high enough to flash him her tight black knickers.

  “You slut,” yelled Peter, unable to contain his fury any longer. “Were you bending down like that at work all day? No wonder those builders seem to like you so much.”

  “What do you mean?” said Amy, suddenly the innocent. She stood upright again and turned to Peter, a butter-wouldn’t-melt look on her face. But her innocent face was only half the story, the other half being her provocative attire.

  “Look, don’t play the innocent with me,” said Peter. “You’ve been flashing your tits and arse all day.”

  “Oh, you’re just being silly,” insisted Amy, but her attempt to calm him was only an act. The truth was she wanted to rouse him further, so she turned and reached for the coffee cups again.

  Amy held her pose, bending down towards the cupboard, with her skirt around her middle and her arse in the air. She picked up two cups, then leaned across the work surface, still with her bum at a spankable height. She was hoping Peter would be seeing her through the builders’ eyes, for whenever he became jealous, he no longer looked at Amy with his own eyes. Instead, he saw her through the lens of whoever was the cause of his jealousy. Suddenly, he was no longer himself, but one of the builders admiring the brand new secretary’s arse.


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