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Kinky Submissive Box Set: An Erotica Box Set

Page 13

by Natalie Sharp

  “I'm serious, I need your help. You get this stuff. You help me, I'll help you…” Dr. Allen seemed to think about this deal for a second and then nodded.

  “Done.” He pulled out a form from a drawer of his desk and wrote something down. “What else?” Lea thought for a moment.

  “I don't really know. That's sort of where I need you to help me. I'm flunking everything but your class and I don't know why.” Dr. Allen pushed the form he had been writing on across his desk towards her.

  “Give this to your current advisor and they will fill it in and give you a file to bring to me, then you’re mine…so to speak. As for the other stuff…I don't really know where to start, but I can recommend that we meet up daily and go over things together…” Lea squinted her eyes at him suspiciously.

  “Is this just a plan to get me to suck your cock? Because you know I would…” She smiled naughtily and Dr. Allen laughed.

  “Of course, but we do need to get you on a good standing with the school because I can't sleep with a college dropout, that will never do.” Lea’s mouth dropped open in mock disgust. Dr. Allen laughed loudly. “I'm kidding, Lea. With a mouth like yours I'm pretty sure that you could do absolutely nothing for the rest of your life and I would keep you like a queen just to get you to suck me off once a week.” Lea smirked and took the form off his desk.

  “Okay…well, we will start with this then I guess and I’ll see you tomorrow for my first...Umm…checkup…doctor.” Lea snickered as she stood up and headed for the door, leaving Dr. Allen sitting at his desk half naked and playfully touching his cock as he watched her pert ass saunter out of the room.

  He had never made a better deal in his life.

  Hotel S & M

  By Megan West

  "Wanna go to Amsterdam?" Liv looked at Daniel in surprise.

  "What the hell?" He turned around and looked at her with a cheeky grin.

  "What?" Liv still looked at him confused.

  "You! Just out of nowhere saying do I want to go to Amsterdam!" Daniel flopped down on the couch next to Liv and leaned up against her.

  "Well, you said last night we needed a vacation and last week Mack said he and Rosa went there in November and it was the best vacation he'd been on in a long time so I figured why the hell not." Liv looked at him suspiciously.

  "Dan, we haven't actually ever left the country together...ever." She emphasized the word 'ever' to make sure to drive her point home.

  "So?" Liv bit the side of her cheek as she contemplated the idea of leaving the country with Daniel as a travel companion.

  "It's just that...I don't know lately we've done nothing but fight and now out of the blue you want to go to Amsterdam. I guess I'm just worried about what will happen if we fight while we're out there. I mean, I don't know anyone out there?" Daniel sighed somewhat sadly.

  "Liv, it’s not like I know anyone out there either. Besides, I don't really intend on going on vacation with the intent of getting in to a fight with my girlfriend. Fuck her, smoke up with her, eat plenty of food with her, see lots of awesome stuff with her, sure...but I'm not going out there looking to fight. Hell, we can do that just fine in our own living room and it wouldn't cost anything."

  Liv smirked.

  "I guess you're right. Why Amsterdam though? Just because Mack and Rosa went?" Daniel shrugged again.

  "Sure! They both said it was really chilled, but also really cool with plenty of stuff to do if you wanted to get out of the hotel. Mack said there were a lot of good bars to check out and Rosa said there was a lot of good shopping and plenty of little restaurants. If you want to do it I can find out where they stayed and we can get the names of some of the places that they went to." Liv chewed her bottom lip this time as she thought about the idea of going away on the spur of the moment.

  "Can you get time off work?"

  Daniel nodded. "Oh yeah, I haven't taken any vacation time in the last nine months so I'm good. Do you have any built up yet?" Liv nodded, she had enough for two weeks, but she wasn't sure about telling Daniel that, she wasn't sure that she wanted to spend all two weeks in Amsterdam so she told him she had only one.

  "So yes? Should I call Mack?" Liv sighed.

  "Okay, sure!" She laughed and Daniel couldn't help but join in the laughter as well.

  The plane ride had been longer than they expected, although Daniel explained to the strangers in front of them on the hotel shuttle, this was more than likely due to the crying twins seated in the row behind them for the whole trip.

  The hotel looked like something out of a movie prop holiday brochure. Everything was perfectly placed and brightly colored. Potted plants sat on the steps outside the front door and each of the windows had its own window box filled with bright red flowers.

  The shutters that framed each window were painted a beautiful powder blue and the red brick of the building looked as though it had been freshly painted. The front door of the hotel was also painted red and featured a gold knocker with the numbers 325 above it. The shuttle pulled up outside and the driver read off Liv and Daniel's names.

  "Oh, are we the only two staying here?" Liv asked loudly, hoping that someone else who spoke English would be able to provide her with an answer. No one did and the driver of the shuttle seemed to be getting a little antsy as he shouted out their names again.

  Liv looked up and caught his eye in the rearview mirror. "YES! Coming! Just one moment, please!" She was yelled out. Liv had never done well with travel and when you added the confusion of a driver who didn't seem to speak or understand English, things got more than a little confusing.

  "Come on hon, let's get off this bus and go get showered and washed up. I don't know about you but I could use a nap like nothing else right now!" Liv did need a nap but she wasn't about to admit that she needed a nap, at least not in front of the driver, even if he didn't speak English.

  The two of them stepped down off the bus and the driver popped open the side door so they could grab their suitcases. The driver appeared to have no intention of actually helping them pull the bags out. He just stood watching while Daniel hauled out other suitcases in the search for their own.

  When he finally found them - of course they had slid to the back of the cargo area - Daniel was covered in dirt and grease and there was a pile of other people's luggage on the ground. Liv looked at Daniel. Reaching for her suitcase, she smirked.

  "Come on honey, I'm sure the driver will put those back since he didn't have to lift a finger to get our bags out." Daniel seemed to think about this for a second before taking hold of his suitcase in one hand and taking Liv's hand in the other and walking toward the hotel.

  The driver began to shout after them, neither could be too sure what he was saying, but both of them were fairly certain it wasn't anything pleasant. "I thought you said Mack said this was a really great place!" Liv was already pissed off and the vacation had barely begun.

  "Hon calm down, I'm willing to guess he didn't get the same bus driver. Now let's just get our stuff inside and get checked in so we can unwind." Liv couldn't argue his point so she followed his lead as they walked in to the small hotel that looked more like a quaint bed and breakfast than anything else.

  The main lobby was decorated in red and black, something quite out of tune with the exterior of the place and, Liv thought, quite dark. The carpets were black and plush as they sprung up around her sandals. The red stenciled walls showed off a variety of older art pieces. Liv didn't get close enough to examine any of them. Mostly because she was just too tired, but from the view from the check in desk she was sure she could see naked figures in a few of them.

  "Daniel..." He was looking over the front desk in search of someone to help them check in.


  "I'm pretty sure there's naked people in that picture." Daniel turned his head in the direction of the pictures.

  "There probably is, it's a pretty popular artsy thing...naked people..." Liv smirked as an older lady appeared over Daniel's should
er and stood at the check in desk.

  "Hallo," Daniel turned around, shocked that the woman had managed to sneak up on him and Liv hadn't warned him of her presence.

  "Oh, hello! I'm Daniel Long and this is my girlfriend Liv, we are here to check in to our room." The lady looked over her steel rimmed glasses at them both for a moment and then pulled a large leather bound book from under the counter and opened it. Liv was bursting to make a comment about the fact that she didn't see a computer, but after the look the lady had just given them she didn't dare say anything.

  "Ah, ya, I see, Daniel Long. A reservation for two for a week, ya?" Daniel smiled.

  "Yes." The woman nodded and leaned down again, this time pulling out a stack of paperwork and setting it on the countertop.

  "I just need you to be signing here...and here...she does not have to sign, just you because it is under your name." Daniel signed the forms and handed the pen back to her and in turn she handed him the key.

  "You are straight up the stairs two flights, then third room on the right. Are you needing help with your things?" Daniel turned to Liv who shook her head and then turned back to the older lady.

  "No, no thank you, we've got it from here."

  The hallways of the hotel were unusually small, Liv was the first to notice it. It was as if someone had cut off part of the hotel. From the outside it had seemed much bigger.

  When she explained this to Daniel he laughed and told her that she likely just needed to wash up and lie down a while. Liv knew it wasn't her mind playing tricks on her though, she wasn't "just tired."

  When they got to their room, the room itself was everything they had hoped it would be with a twist. The view was amazing and the suite bathroom was divine, the bed was huge and the reception had even left a tray of strawberries and champagne for them.

  But there was something different waiting for them in a box sitting on the bed. A large tag tied to it read "Welcome to the Hotel BDSM". As soon as Liv saw the tag she knew, her eyes widened and she turned to Daniel.

  "Holy shit, Daniel! Did you have any idea that this was a BDSM place? Like a sex hotel?" Daniel looked just as bewildered as she did so she brought her voice down a few octaves as they both stood staring at the box.

  "I didn't know, I just booked the same place that Mack and...oh God, that was more than I ever wanted to know about those two!"

  "Well didn't the name give it away?" Daniel shook his head.

  "It doesn't say that out there, it didn't say that when I called...I mean she called it something, but she said something Dutch that I didn't understand. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't anything to do with S&M?"

  Daniel continued to stare at the box and Liv finally tugged on the ribbon letting it fall gracefully on to the bed. The two of them stared again for a moment as if something were going to jump out of it. After a few seconds, Liv cautiously lifted the lid.

  Inside the box were handcuffs - not the most daunting thing in the world - she breathed a sigh of relief. Reaching inside she pulled them out and then a satin blindfold followed by a couple of satin tie downs and a rather large purple vibrator. The next thing she pulled out was a tub of body paint and a book about Loving BDSM Relationships. There was nothing else.

  "Well that was a little bit of a letdown," Liv frowned.

  "What did you want? Nipple clamps and whips?" Daniel laughed.

  "I'm not sure really, but all this seems a little...tame? Anyway, I'm going to go and get a shower, is that ok if I go first?" Daniel nodded.

  "Sure, I'll start unpacking."

  The water was warm and it felt good against Liv's naked skin, but as she stared at the long black windows that surrounded her she couldn't quite figure out what was going on with the bathroom decor. As she ran the soap over every curve of her body she contemplated why anyone would put black decorative windows in a bathroom.

  "Umm hon?" Daniels voice came from the door of the bathroom.

  "Yeah? Come in, I can't hear you!"

  "Well, I'd rather not..." Live washed the soap off her breasts and wrung out her wet hair, she hadn't even shampooed yet. Grabbing a towel, she wrapped it around herself and stepped out on to the bathmat.

  "Fine, I'm coming but this better be good."

  "Ohhhhh I'd say this is definitely something you need to know..." Daniel's voice sounded strange and Liv stepped out in to the bedroom to see exactly what the problem was.

  "Well? What's going on?"

  "Umm, you know those black windows in there?" Liv nodded and Daniel took her hand and pulled her towards what they both had assumed was a closet door. "Well those are windows so that you can be seen from here..." He opened the door. Inside Liv saw a handful of people, both men and woman in various states of dress, looking through the windows waiting in hopes that she would return to the shower.

  Part of her was angry that she had been spied on but part of her, a part that she wasn't entirely sure about—that part of her was a little turned on.

  "Right..." Turning around, Liv dragged Daniel behind her toward the bed where she reached in and grabbed the handcuffs that he had thrown back in to the gift box from the hotel.

  "What are you doing?" Daniel sounded a little nervous.

  "They want to see a show don't they? Well, we're going to give them a show, come on." With the cuffs in one hand and dragging Daniel behind her with the other, Liv entered the bathroom again and turned around handing the handcuffs to him.

  He took them as any obedient man anticipating sex would do. Liv let her towel slide to the floor and stepped back in to the bathtub. She turned on the warm water and let it roll over her naked body, warming her perky nipples.

  "Do it." Liv ordered, interrupting Daniel from reading a small hotel card next to the sink.

  “Hold on a second.” He said, continuing to read the card.

  “What is it?” Liv asked. He didn’t say anything, only looked up at her with a smile.

  “Watch this,” Daniel said, reaching up for the light fixture next to the bathroom mirror. He grabbed a hold of it and gave it a little tug until it clicked down and back into place. Instantly the smoky black windows started to clear, allowing them to see inside the other room with all their admirers.

  Liv looked on with a devilish smile as she watched a man from the other side of the wall jerking his thick cock in his hand.

  “Perfect,” she said with a brief giggle. “Hurry up,” She ordered as she motioned towards the handcuffs. Daniel didn't hesitate. Liv lifted her hands up above her head and placed one on either side of the shower curtain rod. Daniel stepped up and clicked one of the cuffs around her wrist and then did the same with the other, knowing that he was being watched, his technique being critiqued.

  Liv hung by her wrists, her feet only just touching the bottom of the bathtub as she parted her legs. Daniel admired her sweet ass as he watched her for a second, knowing that he wasn't the only one admiring her. He knew that he could do anything to her, he could claim her pussy at any time he wanted, but they could only watch and that thought made his cock ache.

  To know that she was his, that he was the only one who could feel her tight slit around his cock while they were all condemned to stroking off their dicks and fingering themselves in a dark room while they watched the action, it made him hotter than he had ever been in his life.

  Daniel peered through the window at a woman propped up in a seat with her legs spread eagle and a man’s face buried in her pussy. Her tits were heaving and pushed up out of her blouse. Daniel’s cock nearly bulged out of his pants as he watched the man reach up and pinch the woman’s erect nipples, rolling his thumb over them and making her moan. His heart raced as she made eye contact with him through the window, rocking her hips against the man’s exploring mouth.

  "Spank my ass, Daniel!" Liv's voice was demanding and shocked him out of his trance. Stepping forward he pulled back his hand and in one smooth movement he spanked her ass so hard that she squealed. The wet smack echoed off the bathroom walls. A br
ight red handprint raised on Liv’s creamy white skin. Watching her struggle against the handcuffs made his cock throb even more.

  "Mmmm, you like that don't you? You like knowing that someone is watching you getting your ass spanked? You like knowing that in there are all those people jerking off and wishing they were the ones playing with you instead of me." He pulled back and spanked her again. This time she squealed louder.

  He looked back through the window and saw a middle aged man leaning against the wall and thrusting his cock in and out of his clenched fist with horny vigor.

  "Ahh! Yes! I love it Daniel." Daniel stepped from behind Liv, coming to the side of her he reached up and grabbed one of her tits.

  "And what about these tits, Liv? Don't you think they'd want to play with these tits too? These perky nipples? Don't you think they'd want to bite on these while they slid their dicks inside your pussy?" Liv let out a moan as he pinched one of her nipples. It peaked erect under his pinching thumb. She glanced over Daniel’s shoulder and saw the horny man jerking his cock furiously. He stared right at her, the tip of his cock bulging red in his tight grip.

  "Yes! Yes, I'd let them. I'd let them do whatever they wanted to me. I'd let them use me as a cum rag!" She whined as she imagined her pussy sealing around the man’s thick bulging cock head. The sound of his girlfriend being such a dirty slut made his cock throb and Daniel was sure if things carried on the way they were going that he was going to cum in his pants.

  "Hmm, I'd better see just how wet the thought of being with all these other guys makes you..." Flattening his hand, Daniel slid it between her legs, sliding his fingers over her opening and wiping them forward to feel just how wet her pussy had gotten.

  He could feel her wetness dripping all over his fingers and when he reached her clit he brought his hand up to his mouth and licked it clean. "Mmmmmm delicious. That is one sweet wet pussy. I'd bet all of those men out there would love to get a taste of that perfect snatch." He said with a smile as he glanced back at the woman in the other room.


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