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Page 4

by Unknown

  The door behind him opened and he turned as a large bear of a man stepped into the room. His blue eyes twinkled and his moustache moved as he grinned. “Hey, Allie.”

  “Hi, Parker. This is Rhodes.”

  The men shook hands and Parker made his way back around the desk with surprising grace for a man of his size. “What do we have?” he asked, leaning over Allie.

  “This bracelet belongs to his friend. I deciphered the hieroglyphs but I don’t know anything about Renpet.”

  “That’s what it reads?” Parker reached for it only to stop and look at Rhodes. “May I?”

  Rhodes didn’t know what else to say, except ‘yes’. Parker and Allie traded places so that he could have the better light.

  “Renpet,” Parker said. “Renpet was an Egyptian goddess. One linked with time, immortality, and the cycle of life and death. She is also connected to the spring tide and youth. Often called the Mistress of Eternity. Not one of the more common deities, that’s for sure. An interesting choice for your friend to wear. Is she a woman who worships the Egyptian pantheon, who still believes the gods and goddesses exist?”

  Rhodes shook his head. “Not that I’m aware of. She was born in Egypt, so maybe that’s why she chooses to wear it.”

  Parker gave a noncommittal grunt. “Perhaps. My guess is that this piece of jewellery would have to have been specially requested. Cartouches were created to hold the names of the kings and queens. So to have one with the name of a goddess inside, especially a goddess who could be considered minor…there must be some meaning behind it.”

  “Look at it, though, Parker,” Allie chimed in. “I can’t find a single tool mark on it. This is absolutely flawless. And notice how it doesn’t get any warmer no matter how long you hold it?”

  They both looked at Rhodes intently. “May we keep this?” The question was simultaneous.

  “No,” he said immediately. “I’m sorry. She wears it all the time. I had to beg her just to get it for the day.”

  Rhodes held out his hand and Parker returned the bracelet, but he could see his reluctance. He got to his feet and put it in his pocket.

  “Thank you both for your time. I appreciate your knowledge on these subjects. Have a great day.”

  He left as quickly as he could. Hurrying down the hall, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of foreboding. Had he somehow got her into trouble by taking the bracelet in to be looked at by others?

  Shit. I hope not.

  In his vehicle, he slid his hand back into his pocket and felt the warm metal against his palm.

  How could it have been so cold for them when it heats my skin?

  He couldn’t even have begun to explain how he’d ended up where he had. When he shut off the engine and looked up, he saw he had driven to the hospital where Devi worked. Rhodes got out and headed for the visitor’s entrance. Hell, she might not even be here right now.

  Inside, he followed the signs for paediatrics and ended up on the fourth floor. He stepped from the elevator, glancing both ways before going to the nurse’s station.

  “Can I help you?” asked a small-statured black woman.

  “I hope so. I’m looking for Dr Petner. Is she in?”

  “She’s on rounds right now. I can page her for you. It’ll be just a moment.”

  “Thank you.” He stepped back and sat in the small waiting room, watching a young boy play with some blocks at his mother’s feet.

  He saw her before she spotted him. She was walking with another man, and they were talking and laughing. He bit back his jealousy and watched her walk. She glided with such grace.

  Her white lab coat stood out against her dark purple scrubs and she had a stethoscope around her neck. She stopped at the desk and the other man continued on his way. When the nurse pointed in his direction and she turned her head, he saw the surprise on her face.

  She came towards him, then stopped. “Rhodes.” Her voice was warm and sultry—just as he remembered. “What are you doing here? Is everything okay with your sister’s kids?”

  It took him a moment to recall that he had told her about them. He was having trouble focusing on anything but how she’d felt against him. How amazing the feeling of her wet sheath around his cock had been.

  “They’re fine. Everything is fine.” God, he wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her until she moaned her surrender into his mouth. He withdrew the bracelet. “I came to return this to you.” He lowered his voice so they wouldn’t be overheard. “It was in my room this morning.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  He fastened it onto her left wrist for her.

  “And for…well, you know. Last night.”

  Beyond her he spotted her friend January watching them, a knowing smirk on her face.

  Taking a chance, he reached out and trailed his knuckles down the side of her face. “I was worried when I woke and you were gone. How’d you get home?”

  She didn’t answer for a moment. “Taxi. I didn’t want to wake you—you were sleeping so peacefully.”

  “I was worn out,” he said with a wink.

  Her beeper went off and she glanced at the number. “I have to go, but thanks for bringing this back to me.” She turned and began to walk off.

  “One more thing, Devi.”

  She whirled back around. “Yes?”

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I took it to the university to see what the hieroglyphics said. Allie—Dr Ziambe—said it reads ‘Renpet’, but she also asked me where you got it.”

  Devi’s eyes glinted again for a second before she smiled. “No problem. It does say ‘Renpet’. I would have told you that. I really have to go. We’ll pick this up later?”

  She hurried back to his side, kissed his cheek, and walked away without looking back.

  He nodded at January and headed back to the elevator. Something had been off about how she had taken that news. There’d been that weird glow to her eyes again.

  He shook his head at his irrational thought. Her eyes couldn’t glow. Punching the button for the ground floor, he smiled as he thought of what ‘later’ with Devi would entail.

  Chapter Four

  Before Devi turned the corner, she glanced back and noticed Rhodes waiting by the elevator. She shook her head—she needed to answer her page. She thought about Rhodes’ confession that he’d taken her cartouche to the professor at the university, and wondered what—if anything—would happen. With a quick probe of his memories she had seen everything that had happened when Rhodes had taken it to the university. This Dr Allie Ziambe had called a man named Parker—a mythologist. Both of them had seemed interested in her cartouche and why she would be wearing an item bearing the name ‘Renpet’—a very little-known goddess.

  If they find out who I am, especially Parker, I wonder what they would do with the information?

  Devi dismissed the thought. They wouldn’t find out. If anything came of Rhodes taking it to them, she would deal with it.

  She glanced at the bracelet on her left wrist. A warm feeling made a small smile curl her lips. She hadn’t even realised she had left it behind. When Rhodes had put it on her wrist it had been warm, unlike the coolness it usually radiated when touched by anyone but herself.

  Devi pushed thoughts of Rhodes out of her mind as she entered the emergency room. It was organised chaos. She skirted around a couple of nurses and went to the desk to ask about the page.

  Much later, Devi walked to her car. A sensation of being watched skirted across her consciousness. Without breaking stride, she searched the area with her power. It flashed in her mind. Devi stifled a chuckle as she spotted the huge bear of a man and the thin, blonde woman sitting in the silver Prius. The man was squeezed into the passenger seat. She recognised them as Allie and Parker from Rhodes’ memories. Although they were some distance away, she could clearly hear their conversation.

  “This damn car is too tiny, Allie. Next time we’re taking my truck,” Parker griped.

  “Next time. I don
’t know why you don’t just ask her about the cartouche instead of skulking around,” Allie said.

  “I don’t do well with people. Maybe you can ask her,” Parker said.

  “Oh, no. I’m not the one who wants to examine the bracelet more closely. I’m just here helping you out,” Allie replied.

  “You can help me out by asking,” Parker mumbled.

  “Come on, Parker. You can ask her—I know you can,” Allie said gently.

  Devi raised an eyebrow at her tone. Her smile widened. As they continued to talk, neither seemed to be a threat. Even if they were, she’d deal with them.

  Devi opened the door of her blue Toyota Land Cruiser and got in. Within moments she had pulled out of the hospital parking lot. The Prius followed her as she drove to her apartment.

  Once inside, Devi changed her clothes, then went back out of the door. She bit her lip as Parker, who was standing on the sidewalk, turned, almost knocking Allie over. He caught her, then practically lifted her and hurried away down the sidewalk.

  “What the hell? Put me down, Parker,” Allie said.

  “Hush. We almost got caught. Shh… We don’t want her to see us. Act natural,” Parker said.

  He stood holding Allie in his arms, smiling widely. Devi acted like she hadn’t seen them. Turning her head, she fought laughter.

  Back in her SUV, she got on her way, then started to laugh. They were cute. She could have erased their memories of Rhodes and their meeting with him, but they had her curious. Wiping tears of laughter from her eyes, Devi decided to let them be. At least watching them would be entertaining. Whistling softly, she drove to her destination, then pulled into a space. Getting out of the vehicle, she noted where the Prius was. Strolling towards the building, she went around the side. In seconds she pressed the bell for the ground floor apartment. The door swung open.

  “I’m here to take you to dinner.” Devi smiled, leaning against the doorframe.

  Rhodes’ brown gaze took her in hungrily. She knew she looked good in her peach, sweetheart-neckline halter shirt with a matching carwash hem skirt. The skirt was floor-length, with slits that ran up to mid-thigh.

  In turn, she took in his open-necked, button-down shirt, which displayed the column of his throat. She wanted to nibble on it. His black jeans hugged his thighs. His bare feet looked so masculine and perfect. She raised her head, licking her lips.

  “The outfit from the window,” Rhodes breathed.

  “You remembered.” Devi smiled.

  “It looks better on you than on the mannequin.”

  “I would hope it would.” Devi laughed.

  “What do you have on underneath?” Rhodes smiled, showcasing a dimple in his left cheek.

  Devi moaned softly. She closed the distance between them and pressed against his tall, muscular frame. She slid her hand behind his head and pulled him down to her. She licked his dimple. Rhodes shuddered, groaning softly. He banded his arms around her. She leaned her head back, gazing at his face.

  “If you’re lucky, you’ll find out later.” Devi glanced at him from beneath partially lowered lids.

  Devi stepped out of his arms, touching his hands as she did so. She turned and sashayed away.

  The sound of the door closing reached her. His hand slid along her back against her naked flesh. Devi shivered, pressing against his side. Rhodes guided her around the corner of the building to the street.

  “Uh-uh. My date, so my ride.” Devi gestured to her Land Cruiser.

  Rhodes’ lips quirked and he led her silently to her vehicle. She pressed the button, unlocking it. Once he had seated her in the car, he went around to the passenger side. Devi viewed the Prius and its occupants in the rear-view mirror. Once Rhodes was buckled in she got them on their way. At their destination, she waited for him to open the door. They walked towards the entrance. The Prius passed them, looking for parking.

  “My friend invited me here earlier for a beer.” Rhodes’ words caught her attention.

  “If you like, you can invite him to join us for dinner,” Devi offered, grimacing.

  She wanted time alone with him. And most humans were tedious at best.

  “Nah. That’s okay. I want you alone.” Rhodes stroked his finger along her back, where his hand rested.

  Devi hummed, pleased by his response. Inside the busy restaurant, they were led to their table at once. Devi sat and put her hands in her lap. Rhodes slid into the chair next to hers.

  Devi observed as Parker and Allie were led to their table. Parker put his menu in front of his face, glancing at her from the sides and the top. He looked away when he saw that she was looking at him.

  “Do you know what you want?” Rhodes asked.

  She shifted her attention to him. Rhodes was studying the menu. Devi put her hand under her chin, watching him. As if feeling her study, he looked up.

  “I want you,” Devi purred.

  Rhodes’ eyes heated. He put down the menu and went to stand.

  “But first dinner—then dessert later.” Devi picked up the menu.

  “You’re a tease,” Rhodes grumped.

  “Teasing can be so much fun,” Devi said.

  The waiter came and they placed their orders. Once alone again, they talked easily. Their conversation continued throughout the meal and the dessert that followed.

  Later, passing Parker and Allie’s table, Devi said loudly enough for them to hear, “I’m ready to sleep in your arms.”

  She didn’t want the foolish humans to spend the night in the car waiting for her to leave Rhodes.

  Rhodes sped up, leading her out of the restaurant. She chuckled and let him lead.

  Not too long afterwards, they were in front of his house. The Prius drove past them as they hurried up the drive and around the corner of the house. She crowded against Rhodes’ back as he fumbled to open the door.

  Sliding her hand along the plane of his stomach, she headed for what she wanted. She cupped his heavy erection through his pants; she rubbed it firmly. His hiss filled the air. Finally, he opened the door and yanked her inside.

  Rhodes lifted her. Devi wrapped her arms around his head, kissing him hungrily. The taste of the coffee he’d had and the flavour that was all Rhodes burst across her tongue.

  His rapid steps took them to his room. He lowered her.

  Pulling away, Devi said, “Uh-uh. My turn. Put me down.”

  Rhodes complied with her demand and, once on her feet, she reached for his shirt, unbuttoning it. She ran her hand over his chest, and his slight shudder made her smile. Taking the garment off, she kissed along his collarbone and licked it. Rhodes cupped her head. Devi slid down his sculptured muscles, nuzzling and licking. At his nipples, she bit the buds and he groaned, his hands on the back of her head. Going on, she played with his belly button. Rhodes huffed, then his stomach moved as he chuckled. She went to her knees, licking downwards. Unbuckling his belt, she divested him of his jeans and underwear. Rhodes kicked off his loafers.

  She ran her fingers through the hair around his erection, revelling in his shudder and harsh groan. Lowering her head, she licked the topside of his straining cock to the tip. Swirling the soft mushroom head with her tongue, she closed her eyes at the first taste of his pre-cum. She opened her mouth wide and took him in. Rhodes’ fingers tightened in her hair.


  She sucked him, hard and firm. Cupping the underside of his sac, she gently squeezed the full flesh. Rhodes shuddered.


  She gave him what he was begging for, sucking him urgently. His rumbling babbling above her egged her on. His cock was rigid and hot. Devi went up and down on his cock, raking her teeth along his shaft, and it quivered. Within moments, he roared and liquid filled her mouth. His cum was sweet and salty and she took it all in. Releasing him, she stood and pushed, and Rhodes dropped back, his eyes closed and his breathing laboured.

  With a thought, she removed her clothing. Devi sheathed his shaft with a condo
m, then rubbed her pussy against his cock.

  His revived erection abraded her slit. She gripped his shaft, positioning it against her, and, removing her hand, she sank down onto his shaft. She moaned as he filled her. Rhodes gripped her ass with his hands, moving her against him. Devi rode his cock.

  “Right there,” she murmured.

  Arching her back, she stroked up and down on him. Rhodes’ warm hands squeezed her ass in time with her movements. She plucked her nipples, scraping the turgid tips with her nails. The bite of pain on her nipples reverberated straight to her clit.

  “Harder. Squeeze them harder,” Rhodes ordered.

  Devi did as he said. She closed her fingers over her nipples, squeezing then tugging on them.

  “Come down here. Let me taste,” Rhodes growled.

  She gushed at the harshness of his command. She whimpered as he closed his lips over her aching buds. He suckled her nipples hard and bit down on her flesh. With a shudder, Devi continued to move on his shaft. Rhodes cupped her butt cheek with his hand, then raised it. The sound of the slap registered, then the sting on her ass. Devi moaned as he spanked her ass in time with her undulations. His cock slid along her pussy walls. Clenching, she moaned while he groaned. His taps did not slow as she rode him. Her skin was sensitised and her body felt unlike her own.

  Rhodes murmured against her nipple, then licked his way to the other to give it the same treatment as the first. He went back and forth, playing with her nipples, tapping her ass with his hand as she moved. He bit down on her nipple. Devi went over, coming in a gush of wetness. Rhodes moaned, then joined her. He gripped her cheeks painfully as she shuddered uncontrollably.

  Collapsing against his chest, Devi whimpered. Rhodes kissed the top of her forehead and held her tightly. She sighed, nuzzling him. His racing heart echoed in her ear.

  Within moments, he’d fallen asleep. Devi glanced at his slumbering face. She had only known him for a few days but already she was getting attached to this man. Closing her eyes, she listened to him breathe.

  It is foolish to want more.


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