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Harlequin Romantic Suspense January 2021

Page 65

by Marie Ferrarella, Regan Black, Karen Whiddon

  He took a deep breath, glancing around the room as if he wanted to make certain he wasn’t overheard. “They just notified me a big exchange is going down. I told them to cancel it but they refused. It’s out of my hands now. I’m not going to go to prison for something I had absolutely no part in.”

  “Oh, Dad,” Eva cried. “If you take off, then Liam will grow up without ever knowing his grandfather.”

  “Not if you go with me,” Raul replied. “Think sun and sand and turquoise water. I’ve got plenty of money stashed away—earned honestly, I assure you. Neither of you will ever want for anything.”

  Eva glanced from her father to Jesse, seriously considering the prospect and wondering what he thought. Being Jesse, of course, he knew better than to open his mouth, so he pretended a sudden interest in rereading the newspaper article. This made her want to shake him.

  “Jesse?” she finally asked. “What do you think?”

  Talk about laying her heart bare. This was as close as she’d ever get to asking him one more time to give it all up and go with her. Choose her. Choose love.

  The moment he raised his head, her heart sank. Expression carefully blank, he shrugged. “That’s up to you,” he said. “I can’t make that choice for you.”

  Though she nodded, she had to turn away. She needed a moment to gather herself, regain her composure. Her father’s watchful gaze missed little, so she had no doubt he saw full well the extent of her heartache. As for Jesse, she had no idea what he knew or whether he cared. In his nonanswer, he’d given one. Unfortunately, he was right. She had to decide what was best for her and Liam alone. And in her heart, she already knew the answer. With or without Jesse, she and her son belonged in Texas.

  “I can’t,” she finally said. “I want Liam to be raised here, in Texas. I don’t want to spend my life on the run and in hiding. I’ve done nothing to warrant living like that. Neither has Liam.”

  Raul nodded, though his crestfallen expression revealed he’d hoped for a different answer. “I understand.”

  “Isn’t there any alternative?” Eva asked. “Surely there’s something else you can do?”

  “Not really.” Raul’s attempt at appearing unconcerned fell flat. “But don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. And I can always reach out to you periodically, in case you change your mind.”

  “Thanks.” Looking at the two men she loved the most, Eva turned abruptly and left the room.

  * * *

  It took every ounce of self-control Jesse possessed not to go after her. He actually pushed to his feet before realizing she wouldn’t welcome his presence. Not right now. Maybe not ever. Damn, he hoped he was wrong.

  He swore he could feel her pain. A moment later, they heard the sound of her climbing the stairs.

  “You know, all she ever wanted was a normal life,” Jesse said. “Instead, she’s been through hell and back. Eva deserves better than that.”

  “Damn right she does.” Raul grimaced and shook his head. “That’s why I hoped she’d go with me. She’d want for nothing. And sun, sand and ocean would go a long way toward healing her.”

  “I don’t disagree,” Jesse replied.

  Raising his eyebrows in surprise, Raul studied him. “Would you have gone if she’d decided to go with me?”

  Though the answer to that question should have taken a lot of contemplation, Jesse answered immediately. “Yes, I would.”

  “You’d leave everything behind, just like that?”

  Slightly shocked at his own response, this time Jesse made himself consider the question. Once, his career with the ATF had been his entire life. It simply was never enough. Now, he realized his existence could be so much more than just a job. He wanted his family—Eva and Liam, even if the DNA test revealed the boy wasn’t his by blood. “I would,” he replied, his voice certain.

  Expression pleased, Raul nodded. “That makes me feel like I’ll be leaving her in good hands. Promise me you’ll look after her.”

  “Of course.” More than anything, Jesse wanted to offer the other man some sort of plea deal, let him know he didn’t have to disappear. But he didn’t have the authority and it would take a little time for him to run the idea through the proper channels. Of course, he had no idea whether Raul would even consider such a thing, but maybe it wouldn’t hurt to put it out there once he had it approved. The tricky part would be to make sure no one knew about Raul’s plan to disappear. It might be wrong, and even go against everything he’d ever stood for, but Jesse had no intention of giving up Eva’s father. Not even if his failure to do so cost him his job.

  * * *

  The next morning, Eva rose early, full of a curious combination of anticipation and dread. Today she would finally meet Drew’s Chris, the person her husband had apparently loved. Also, possibly the person who’d invested a great deal of effort in threatening and trying to kill her, all in a quest for three million missing dollars.

  After breakfast, Jesse drove her downtown to the Anniversary sheriff’s department. Eva hadn’t been sure how to dress—after all, what did one wear to meet one’s husband’s lover? In the end, she settled for a pair of fashionably torn jeans tucked into boots, a cute tunic top and chunky gold jewelry. Torn between wearing her hair up or not, she’d settled on down, wanting a more casual look.

  “You look beautiful,” Jesse told her, almost as if he somehow knew she needed reassurance.

  “Thanks,” she replied, fidgeting with her bracelets. “I’m not sure how this is going to go.”

  “It’ll be fine. They’ll have him in restraints. There’s no way he’s going to be able to hurt you.”

  “Except with words,” she reminded him with a wry smile. “That’s always a distinct possibility.”

  When they arrived at the police department and parked, she found herself sitting frozen in her seat, wondering if she could make herself get out of the car.

  Instead of rushing her, Jesse simply sat with her, waiting until she felt ready.

  Finally, she felt foolish doing nothing. “Let’s go,” she said. “I might as well get this over with.”

  Inside, the receptionist greeted her by name, clearly recognizing her. “Let me tell the sheriff you’re here,” she said, picking up the phone.

  A moment later, a uniformed officer appeared. “The suspect is being held in a cell in our holding area in the back,” he announced. “The sheriff has asked me to bring you to the interrogation room. He’ll meet us there with the suspect.”

  Eva nodded. Her heart had begun pounding and her mouth went dry. Briefly, she felt dizzy and wondered if she might faint. But then, as she caught Jesse’s worried gaze, she remembered her resolve to reclaim her innate strength. Straightening her shoulders, she lifted her chin and marched after the police officer with purpose in her step.

  They were shown to a nondescript room—gray walls and floor, black plastic chairs and a long metallic table that looked as if it might have been intended originally for the autopsy department.

  Jesse pulled out a chair for her and Eva sat. For a moment, she thought Jesse intended to stand right behind her, but he took the chair next to her instead.

  The door opened and Sheriff Brown entered, his large stomach preceding him. Two armed officers brought in a tall, slender man with his wrists and ankles shackled. When his bright blue gaze met hers, Eva almost gasped out loud.

  Because Chris Jay, with his patrician, chiseled features and thick blond hair, was as breathtakingly, stunningly beautiful as any man could be.

  While they studied each other, the sheriff ruffled paperwork. Finally, he cleared his throat and motioned to the two guards that Chris should be seated. He chose a chair directly across from Eva.

  “Hello.” The flash of his warm smile was another surprise. “It’s about time we finally met.”

  Beside her, she felt Jesse tense up.

“I guess so,” she responded. “Since clearly you didn’t succeed in killing me.”

  “I told you that wasn’t me. You clearly have another enemy.”

  She snorted, unable to help herself. “I know you claimed that early on, but later you forgot you’d said that. I don’t think that’s going to help you now.”

  Chris’s amazing eyes narrowed, but he didn’t dispute her statement. “Are you planning to press charges?” he asked, his tone as banal as if they were merely discussing the weather.

  “Of course. I’ll have nightmares for years about that drone.”

  He nodded. “I loved him, you know. Drew and I had something special. Did you ever care for him?”

  “That’s none of your business,” she replied, keeping her tone as even as his. “Why did you think he stole your money?”

  “It wasn’t mine,” he replied. “It was ours. We were planning to use it to start a new life together.”

  “Only it didn’t belong to you,” Sheriff Brown interjected, checking his notes. “According to this, that money belonged to a drug cartel out of Mexico. Drew was laundering it for them and stole it.”

  “So say you.” Chris gave an elegant shrug. “Drew felt that he had earned it for going over and beyond his duties.”

  Looking from one man to the other, Eva wasn’t sure what to say. She believed laundering money might be a federal crime though, so she figured the FBI would be arriving soon.

  The sheriff confirmed her thoughts a second later. “We’re only holding him for the Feds,” he said, his expression pained. “He’s facing a multitude of charges, from racketeering and money laundering to attempted murder.”

  Jesse spoke up for the first time. “If that’s the case, then why is Eva here?”

  “Good question.” The sheriff nodded his approval. “I asked Mrs. Rowson here for two reasons. One, because Mr. Jay here assured me that he wanted to apologize.” He shot Chris a hard look of reproach. “And second, I’m guessing the FBI will need to ask you a few questions.”

  “Not without her attorney present,” Jesse quickly responded.

  “And you are?” Brown pinned Jesse with his gaze.

  “He’s my bodyguard,” Eva said. “And it’s possible he’s right. While Drew never involved me in his business dealings, now that I’ve been made aware he committed several crimes, it’s probably best that I obtain legal counsel.”

  Chris burst into laughter, surprising them. He began an insulting slow clap, eyeing her with what appeared to be begrudging approval. “Look at you,” he chortled. “Pretending to be all innocent. Everyone knows about your connection with the Brothers of Sin. Hell, I’d venture a guess that’s why Drew even married you in the first place. Your father pulled a lot of strings to help Drew get the high-paying jobs.”

  She stared at him as if he’d spoken another language. “My involvement with the Brothers of Sin is minimal at best.”

  “Right. I’m sure you funneled that stolen three mil right into their hands, didn’t you?”

  Jesse pushed to his feet so quickly, he knocked his chair to the floor with a clatter. “You’re a fool. You haven’t got the faintest idea what you’re talking about. When was the last time you saw Drew?”

  “You’re not FBI, are you?” Chris sneered. “I think I’ll wait for their questions, thank you very much.”

  Shaking his head, Jesse turned to the sheriff. “In addition to all the other charges, he needs to be investigated in Drew’s murder.”

  Chris gasped out loud. “I would never!” he exclaimed, his tone indignant. “I adored Drew. I would never harm a hair on that man’s head. Why would you even think I would kill him?”

  “I can think of three million reasons,” Jesse drawled.

  “It wasn’t me, I can assure you.” Drew cocked his head and thought for a moment, his expression darkening. “I’ll bet it was that bitch. Drew was going to cut her out and she didn’t like it.”

  Eva glanced at Jesse, who shrugged.

  “I’m talking about Lori Pearson, you fools.” Chris pointed at the sheriff. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s halfway to Mexico right now. When was the last time anyone checked on her?”

  “Why should we believe anything you have to say?” the sheriff drawled.

  But as a chill raced up Eva’s spine, she knew. What Chris said made sense. Another look at Jesse and she realized he’d reached a similar conclusion.

  “Sheriff, would you mind sending a couple of guys to round up Lori Pearson? There’s definitely merit to what Chris here has to say.”

  Arms folded, Sheriff Brown stared. “On what merit? I haven’t seen a single reason why we would suspect Ms. Pearson of anything.”

  “Can’t you just bring her in for questioning?” Eva asked. “I definitely think it’s worth checking out.”

  “We’ve already talked to her once.” Clearly hesitant, Sheriff Brown frowned. “But I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try again.”

  “If you can find her,” Chris interjected. “I’m pretty sure she’s in the wind by now.”

  Stomach churning, Eva wondered if he was right. She remembered Lori’s weirdly fluctuating attitude, her reluctance to let Eva in Drew’s office and her strange comments regarding Drew’s will. Add to that the salacious details that had been anonymously leaked to the press…

  * * *

  As soon as they got back to the house, Jesse excused himself and started making phone calls. He left a voice mail for E.J., seriously annoyed that his handler wasn’t immediately reachable. Next, he called the Dallas FBI office, asking for the special agent in charge. When the receptionist tried to put him off and take a message, he dug up a name from memory, which got him put through to Mary Pena. Luckily, she remembered him. Once they got the obligatory chitchat out of the way, he got down to business with his questions. While she wasn’t actively involved in this particular operation, she was able to point him in the right direction.

  However, since he couldn’t come out and identify himself as an undercover ATF agent, he ended up getting the runaround.

  Frustrated, he called E.J. once more. Again, his call went to voice mail. He left yet another message and debated making the trip to Dallas himself. Since it was still early afternoon, if he was lucky, he might make it to the FBI offices shortly before closing time.

  In the end, he decided to exercise some patience. Sure enough, the sheriff called Eva a couple of hours later with bad news.

  Lori had disappeared. When the sheriff’s deputies had gone by to round her up, they’d found an empty apartment and no trace she’d ever worked in Drew’s downtown office.

  After relaying the news to Jesse, Eva withdrew, saying she needed time to think. He nodded, keeping his distance, but staying close just in case. She seemed beside herself. Pacing the hallway from the front door to the kitchen, she kept shaking her head and muttering that she should have seen this coming.

  Finally, Jesse stopped her. “Even if you’d known, what could you have done?”

  “I don’t know.” But she finally stopped moving. “It’s just that she was in my house and I shared meals with her. To think she might have done something like this…”

  He risked touching her shoulder, a quick, gentle squeeze. “They’ll find her. My understanding is that there are multiple agencies involved now. Not only the Anniversary PD, but the FBI too.”

  “I sure hope so.”

  “Come on.” Taking her arm, he steered her toward the kitchen. “Let me get you something to drink and we can sit down and brainstorm.”

  She slowly nodded. “I’d like that.”

  Once she’d taken a seat at the table, he poured them both a cup of coffee and fixed hers the way she liked it—one cream and two sugars. “I just can’t believe Drew trusted her. I did too. Heck, even his parents did. If what Chris said is true and she actually did this, it will
be a betrayal of the worst kind.”

  “Agreed.” Pulling out the chair across from her, he took a sip of his coffee. He allowed himself to feel a moment of contentment before focusing back on the reality of his situation. “However, we don’t have any proof. Only his word. To be honest, I don’t really trust him.”

  “True.” She made a face. “After his numerous attempts to kill me, he’s now trying the equivalent of saying just kidding.”

  “Maybe we need to take another look in Drew’s office. Though she’s probably scrubbed it clean of anything that would even remotely implicate her, there’s always the possibility that she might have missed something.”

  Eva brightened. “Good idea. Though I’m thinking Sheriff Brown or the FBI would have gotten a search warrant by now.”

  “I’ll double-check.” Privately, he thought if they hadn’t, then no one was doing their job.

  “I’m glad I caught you both together,” Raul announced, strolling into the kitchen. “I’m going to give you one last chance.”

  Both Jesse and Eva looked up.

  “Last chance for what?” Eva asked.

  Jesse thought he already knew. The huge drug deal. Jesse’s only orders were to watch Eva in case their intel turned out to be wrong and she ended up being involved. Though Jesse could have told E.J. that he knew with 100 percent certainty that she wasn’t, he kept his mouth shut. After all, he still hadn’t decided how he planned to handle all that would certainly occur after the bust went down.

  “Last chance to join me in paradise.” Though Raul smiled, the tension in his gaze told of his inner turmoil. “I’m leaving tomorrow morning. I think it’s best to get the hell out of the country before this crazy drug exchange goes down.”

  Though Eva nodded, her crestfallen expression revealed her shock and dismay. “So soon?”

  Raul went to her and squeezed her shoulder. “Please come. We can go collect Liam and be on our way. I’ve got a private jet fueled and waiting.”


  Clenching his jaw, Jesse watched as myriad conflicting emotions chased across Eva’s beautiful face. “I can’t, Dad. I wish you would consider some other alternative.”


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