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Evan's Addiction

Page 49

by Sara Hess

  “Do your parent’s realize that your using homemade swear words?”

  “Yes, but as long as its not the customary swear words its okay. It’s more about appearances than the use of the swear word.” She rolled her eyes.

  They sounded pretentious. “If you were to go home after this would they still be sticklers about it, do you think?” I asked.

  She stared off into space. “I would like to say no, but in all likelihood…yes.”

  That wasn’t right. If someone came home after going through something like this they should be allowed lots and lots of leeway.

  “You’re too nice to be here. Bad things shouldn’t happen to nice people.” Were the other girls he kidnapped and sold nice girls? Mean girls didn’t even deserve this. My tears spilled out. “Women should start kidnapping men and selling them on the black market. They don’t have half the worries we do. They create their own problems and then dump their shit on us. They just take, use, and throw away.”

  “Is this something you’ve always felt, or a result of what’s happening?” Elizabeth stroked my hair.

  I snorted. “I’ve had men issues for a long time, but don’t think I discriminate; women have been on my shit list too. Lately I started to mellow out, but this definitely has it raging again.” Evan had done a lot to soften me up.

  “What about your boyfriend?” She asked. “Was all that stuff you said about breaking up true or were you lying?”

  I stared dejectedly at the plastic walls caging us. “Evan is known for only having month long relationships and yesterday he said he was sick of dealing with me. I was expecting it. Neither of us was made for relationships. I have the worst luck with regards to the people in my life. In fact, I have the worst luck period. Just look where I am.”

  “Do you love him?”

  I went rigid at the idea of exposing myself, and then winced because that hurt my stomach. Why was I worried about admitting it now anyway? I’d been kidnapped with the purpose of being sold, but that wasn’t likely to happen because if I did have appendicitis then I was going to die. There was nothing to be afraid of anymore…nothing holding me back.

  “Yeah, I do…desperately…so much it hurts.” I sobbed softly. “I haven’t had a lot to be happy about in my life, and Evan was this shining light that made everything new and bright. When I’m with him it’s like living in a different world. It was just him and me.”

  Elizabeth’s hand had stopped stroking. “Is the saying true; is it better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all?”

  I didn’t want to lose Evan, and why was I throwing in the towel already, acting as if everything was a foregone conclusion? I’d only been in this cage for half a day; I shouldn’t be quitting yet. Elizabeth had a reason for her loss of hope; she’d been in here for weeks. I should be raising her hopes, not confirming there wasn’t any.

  Pushing my pain down as best I could I sat up. “You know what?”


  “I don’t think this guy is used to dealing with two captives. I bet he normally gets rid of one before he grabs another. When he comes down to take you to the shower does he use a gun?”

  She stared at me nervously. “Yes. What are you thinking about doing?”

  I gripped her hands in mine. “Elizabeth, do you want to be sold to some fat, disgusting pervert who will do who knows what to you for the rest of your life, if he keeps you alive for long, or sells you again to some brothel, or do you want to try and get the hell out of here?”

  Tears filled her eyes and she swallowed. “Call me Libby, and I want to get out of here.”

  I nodded. “Okay then, you need to tell me everything you can about him, right now.”



  I was back at Shaw’s apartment after having been assured by Officer’s DeLaney and Case that they were going to be treating Shaw’s disappearance as a possible abduction. But while they were doing everything they could all I could do was go out of my mind and feel useless.

  If she’d been kidnapped by this person who’s been taking other girls there was a strong possibility I would never see her again. They hadn’t been able to find any of the other girls. Fuck! I couldn’t imagine never seeing her again, it felt like a meat grinder to the chest thinking that, but I could handle that better than imagining something bad happening to her. Thinking someone was hurting her…ending her.

  I raked my fingers through my hair, pulling it. “I can’t just sit here. There has to be something I can do.” I jumped up and looked around with wild eyes at the cluster of people jammed into Shaw’s and Carrie’s small apartment.

  The room was almost eerily quiet even though it was filled with people; all the guys and their girlfriends, Blake, Samantha, and Greg who had come along with Maya and Landon. My mom was here, I don’t know who called her, and even Dan was here. Landon had called him and explained everything. He’d rushed right over. He and mom were now sitting on the couch together watching me in what looked to be extreme concern and sadness. It wasn’t helping my mood.

  The only person that wasn’t here was David, and I was going to kill that fucker when I saw him. Where the hell was he? Cole, Nadia’s half-brother, was here and I’d only met him a few times. He didn’t even know Shaw, but he was here. It was probably more for Nadia, and I guess Samantha too since he’d been mostly comforting her the entire time, but he was here when David wasn’t.

  “I’m going to canvas the complex, see if anyone saw anything?” I moved toward the door.

  “The cops are already doing that, Evan.” Noah informed me from the kitchen table. Amanda, Nadia , and Seth also sat there staring at me somberly.

  I could see that everyone was upset about Shaw’s disappearance…Carrie and Samantha had been crying since they heard…but it wasn’t close to the rage of emotions ravaging me.

  My mind raced, and lit on something. “Hey, there’s a Walgreen’s across the street. They have to have exterior cameras; maybe they picked up something. We could roll it back to when the cab dropped her off and then trace the owners of the cars that left around that time.”

  Dan jumped up. “That’s a hell of a good idea. Let me go talk to them about that while you continue thinking.” With a pat to my mom’s leg he strode out the door.

  I began to pace like a caged, feral tiger in a zoo, but the cage was too small, especially with all these other people in it. Sitting back down I squeezed my head, but nothing else was coming to mind. Where was she, where was she, where was she!? That’s all I could think about; that and praying she was safe and alive. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, because the realization of my true feelings for Shaw was hammering me square in the chest. There was no way in hell I was going to be able to live without her in my life. She was imprinted on my soul. I needed her to breathe. She was my fucking air now.

  My phone chimed and I grappled for it with all kinds of expectation. It was an unfamiliar number but I didn’t hesitate in answering it.


  “Mr. Michaels, it’s very important that you keep quiet and listen carefully to me. You might want to yell and scream at me but Shaw’s life depends on you staying calm. Just say ‘go ahead’ if you understand.”

  It was a good thing I was sitting down because I would have fallen otherwise. I swallowed the ball in my throat and croaked. “Go ahead.”

  “Very good.” The male voice said. “Have you by chance noticed that your girlfriend is missing?”

  I swallowed again. “Yes.”

  Mom was frowning at me in concern and scooted closer. Rising I stumbled down the hall away from everyone’s probing gaze and shut myself up in Shaw’s bedroom locking it.

  The guy on the line continued speaking. “Good. That you’ve noticed shows that you care. You’re going to have to care for her very much to get her back safe and sound.”

  This didn’t sound like the other cases. From what I heard the girls were taken and that was all. There had been no

  “What do you want from me?” I asked.

  “Money…money that was supposed to be mine a couple months ago, but you and your boss derailed my plan.” The guy said tersely.

  The fist around my heart squeezed tighter. “What are you talking about?”

  “Do you remember that little computer program you guys disabled a couple months back?” He didn’t wait for my answer. “That was mine, and I want what I was expecting before you guys messed everything up.”

  Oh god! No…no. She had been taken because of me. “You want five million dollars; and how do you want that, transferred into some kind of cliché Swiss account?” I bit out.

  “You and Shaw have similar biting personalities, but I like hers better. She’s a feisty piece of red velvet cake.” The guy chuckled darkly.

  Blackness darkened my vision and thoughts. “You better not have fucking touched her you sick mother fucker!” I shouted.

  “Calling me names probably isn’t the best way to ensure that.” I gritted my teeth in fury and fear. “I want that, plus an additional million for all the trouble you’ve caused me, and you are correct on the Swiss account. You might want to keep this conversation to yourself, especially your boss. He might have a problem coughing up six million for someone he doesn’t know. I’ll give you an hour to get to the office and then I’ll call you again.”

  “Wait you mother…” I bit my tongue because I didn’t want to piss him off and have him taking out his anger on Shaw, but it was damn difficult not to call him every fucking name in the book. “I want to hear from Shaw that she’s okay or I’m not doing anything for you.” God, let me hear that she was alright.

  My phone chimed with an incoming call but I ignored it, as well as the pounding and yelling at Shaw’s bedroom door, waiting in dread for his reply…dread that he wouldn’t…couldn’t…

  “Wait two seconds.” He said before the phone went silent like he’d put me on hold.

  Letting out an uncontainable roar I slammed my fist into Shaw’s wall, putting a hole in the drywall.

  “Evan, what’s going on?” Noah yelled through the door.

  “Give me a fucking minute.” I yelled back staring dispassionately at my bloody hand. The blood said it should hurt, but it didn’t. The pain in my chest overwhelmed it. It went quiet on the other side of the door telling me Noah and the others were giving me my minute.

  It was maybe thirty seconds later when Shaw’s kidnapper came back on the phone. “Here she is.” I held my breath waiting to hear her voice, but didn’t hear anything. “Shaw, say hello…now” The voice commanded menacingly.

  Please say something, Shaw.

  “Evan, he won’t…” Shaw’s voice was cut off.

  “Shaw!” I yelled in panic.

  “I’ll call you in one hour with the account number. Don’t bother trying to call this number back because I’m destroying this phone. And involving the police is not in Shaw’s best interest; they just fuck everything up. Plus, I just don’t like them.” He hung up before I could ask him anything else.

  I slammed the side of my bloody fist against the wall again. “Son of a Fucking Bitch!” Setting both hands on the wall my forehead fell forward. “Oh god, Shaw.” I moaned.

  Distantly I become aware of Shaw’s bedroom door opening and the room filling, and even took note of a hand settling between my shoulder blades, but I didn’t acknowledge them because most of my focus was centered inward.

  Shaw had been kidnapped because of me. The guy didn’t seem to know that Shaw was the one that destroyed his program, but he’d taken her because she was my girlfriend. What would he do to her if he found out she was the one who’d done it? When backed into a corner Shaw used her mouth to flay people and that could get her killed this time.

  I straightened. I needed to get her away from this guy at quickly as possible. When I turned there was a wall of people in my way.

  I tried pushing through them. “I need to get out of here.” I had to get to the office so when he called…

  Blake was in my face, his expression concerned. “What’s going on, Evan. You shouted Shaw’s name. Did she call you? Is she all right?”

  I shook my head. No, no she wasn’t. “I can’t talk right now.” I shoved him and he went stumbling back slightly, but then Seth was in my way.

  “Evan, tell us what the hells going on. Your eyes are wild and you look ready to fucking explode.”

  Fisting his shirt I pushed him backwards shouting in his face. The guy was a tank so either adrenaline was lending me super human strength, or he let me move him. “He’s got her and he wants six million dollars to give her back. I have to get to the office now. He’s going to call me in an hour.”

  Suddenly, Dan took Seth’s place, gripping my shoulders.

  “Evan, who was that on the phone?” He demanded, his expression weirdly calm.

  How could be calm? But his calmness broke through my panic. I couldn’t tell him what was happening. That I had to use his money to free Shaw. He might stop me.

  I pulled back from him, shaking my head. “I can’t….I have to go.” I turned to go around him and ran into my mom.

  Her hands trapped me this time. “Evan honey, please tell us what’s going on?” She pleaded tearfully.

  My mom! She’d gotten millions from her divorce. She could help me.

  I clutched at her arms. “Mom, I need to burrow six million dollars. We need to get to the bank right now.”

  Dan appeared next to her. “Evan, tell me who was on the phone?” I repeated.

  I shook my head frantically. “I don’t have time to talk right now. I have to get to the bank.”

  “Take one minute to explain to me what’s going on.” He stated firmly.

  I took a deep breath knowing no one was going to allow me to leave until I explained. “That guy who was trying to steal money from you through that program Shaw located and destroyed…he kidnapped Shaw and is ransoming her for three million dollars. He wanted me to steal it from the company but I can get it from mom.” My hands tightened on her arms, but even in my panic I was careful not to hurt her. “You’ll give me the money, won’t you, mom?” I pleaded.

  Her arms flew around me and she hugged me tightly. “Oh god, baby. Of course I will give you the money. The poor girl must be terrified.”

  I heard sounds of shocked and fearful exclamations from everyone in the room, and then Dan was in front of me again, still looking calm but at the same time concerned. “What did he tell you to do, Evan?”

  I let out a deep exhale. “He’s going to call me in an hour with a Swiss account number to transfer the three million into.”

  “Did he say anything else; like how he was going to return Shaw?” Dan asked.

  I shook my head. “No, he hung up before I could ask him.”

  Dismay flickered briefly over Dan’s face before returning to its previous composure. “Evan, how can you be certain he’ll give her back. Did he say anything about a trade? How are you supposed to do that from the bank or my office?”

  “No, he hung up on me.” I threw up my hands in frustration. “I know what you’re thinking. I know ransoms are iffy circumstances, but what the hell am I supposed to do?”

  “Did he let you talk to Shaw to confirm that he had her? Is she okay?” Carrie asked me tearfully, clutching at Nic who looked like he was holding her up from collapsing.

  I rubbed at my chest and my eyes stung. “Yeah…just three short words; ‘Evan, he won’t’, and then he cut her off.”

  Dan frowned and was silent for a moment. “It sounds like she was trying to tell you something. He won’t…what? Do you think she was trying to tell you he won’t give her back?”

  Tears hazed my eyes. I didn’t want to accept that…I couldn’t. Of course that had been in the back of my mind, and I hated Dan for saying it out loud.

  I pointed an angry finger at him. “So what, I shouldn’t do anything. When he calls I’ll tell him I’m not giving him any
money unless I see her. I’ll tell him I’m only doing a trade. No matter what I’m getting her back.”

  Nic’s hand landed on my shoulder and I stared at his determined face through cloudy eyes. “If he wants more money to get him to trade her I’ll give you some.”

  Nic had a trust fund worth millions and I could only grasp his shoulder in gratitude. I had no words. Crying, Carrie pressed into his side and hugged him with love and thankfulness. He returned her embrace kissing the top of her head.

  The sight of their love was a million pound weight on my chest.

  “Offering him more money is a good idea, but it has to be done right.” Dan’s expression was all business, but then his hand settled on my shoulder and gazed at me with resolve. “We’ll do everything to get her back, Evan. And we’ll start by giving him the money he wants from my company.” I knew he liked Shaw, but offering up his money when he only briefly knew her was huge. “Let’s get to the bank.” Grabbing my mom’s hand he strode from the room and I followed…everyone followed. “Evan, we should call the police, but I’ll leave that up to you. Do you want them involved?” He asked.

  “He said not to involve them. I don’t want to aggravate him. There’s no telling what he might do to Shaw.” I swallowed in terror at the thought.

  He sighed. “Okay, if that’s the way you want it.”

  Striding to the apartment door he opened it and halted because David stood there, wide-eyed. “What the hell is going on? Carrie just told me Shaw’s missing.”

  Red covered my vision at the sight of him and I rushed him. Wedging my forearm into his throat I propelled him back into the outside hallways wall. “You mother fucker! Where the hell have you been? Shaw was kidnapped yesterday and you just disappear and not answer your damn phone. You’re supposed to be her best friend and you’re the last person to show up here.” I knew in the back of my mind I wasn’t being fair because none of this was his fault, but I was out of my mind with grief and fear.

  He was struggling for breath when Blake and Nic pulled me off him, telling me to calm down. David sagged and coughed, rubbing at his throat.


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