Dylan Thomas: A New Life
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444 with a week’s abstince: Miller, Timebends.
446 ‘the best part of a quarter of a million pounds’: Wynford Vaughan Thomas to CT, draft, n.d., NLW.
18 Poems, Sunday Referee and Parton Bookshop, 1934
Twenty-five Poems, Dent, 1936
The Map of Love, Dent, 1939
The World I Breathe, New Directions, Norfolk, Ct, 1939
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog, Dent, 1940
New Poems, New Directions, Norfolk, Ct, 1943
Deaths and Entrances, Dent, 1946
Selected Writings, New Directions, New York, 1946
Collected Poems 1934–1952, Dent, 1952
In Country Sleep and Other Poems, New Directions, New York, 1952
The Doctor and the Devils, Dent, 1953
The Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas, New Directions, New York, 1953
Quite Early One Morning, Dent, 1954
Under Milk Wood, Dent, 1954
A Prospect of the Sea, ed. Daniel Jones, Dent, 1955
Adventures in the Skin Trade and Other Stories, Putnam, 1955
Letters to Vernon Watkins, Vernon Watkins (ed.), Dent and Faber & Faber, 1957
The Beach of Falesa, Cape, 1964
Twenty Years A-Growing, Dent, 1964
Rebecca’s Daughters, Triton, 1965
Me and My Bike, Triton, 1965
Selected Letters, Constantine FitzGibbon (ed.), Dent, 1966
The Doctor and the Devils, and Other Scripts, New Directions, New York, 1966
Poet in the Making: The Notebooks of Dylan Thomas, Ralph Maud (ed.), Dent, 1968
Early Prose Writings, Walford Davies (ed.), Dent, 1971
The Poems, Daniel Jones (ed.), Dent, 1971
Selected Poems, Walford Davies (ed.), Dent, 1974
The Death of the King’s Canary (with John Davenport), Penguin, 1978
Collected Stories, Dent, 1983
The Collected Letters, Paul Ferris (ed.), Dent, 1985: new edition 2000
Collected Poems 1934–1953, Walford Davies and Ralph Maud (eds), Dent, 1988
The Notebook Poems 1930–1934, Ralph Maud (ed.), Dent, 1989
The Broadcasts, Ralph Maud (ed.), Dent, 1991
Letter to Loren Jeff Towns (ed.), Salubrious Press, Swansea, 1993
The Filmscripts, John Ackerman (ed.), Dent, 1995
Under Milk Wood, Walford Davies and Ralph Maud (eds), ‘The Definitive Edition’, Dent, 1995
John Ackerman, Welsh Dylan, Granada, 1980: A Dylan Thomas Companion, Macmillan, 1991
Peter Ackroyd, T.S. Eliot, Hamish Hamilton, 1984
Conrad Aiken, Selected Letters, Joseph Killorin (ed.), Yale University Press, 1978
Kingsley Amis, Letters, Zachary Leader (ed.), HarperCollins, 2000; Memoirs Hutchinson 1991
Noel Anna, Our Age, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1990
John Arlott, Basingstoke Boy, Collins Willow, 1990
Tim Arlott, John Arlott, Andre Deutsch, 1994
Michael Bakewell, Fitzrovia: London’s Bohemia, National Portrait Gallery, 1999
John Bayley, The Romantic Survival, Constable, 1957
John Betjeman, Letters, Volume 1, Candida Lycett Green (ed.), Methuen, 1994
Elizabeth Bishop, One Art Letters, Robert Giroux (ed.), Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1994
Phyllis Bowen, The Baker’s Daughter, Merton Priory Press, 1992
Gordon Bowker, Pursued by Furies: A Life of Malcolm Lowry, HarperCollins, 1993
Harvey Breit, The Writer Observed, Alvin Redman, 1957
John Malcolm Brinnin, Dylan Thomas in America, Dent, 1956
Anatole Broyard, Kafka was the Rage, Vintage, 1997
Gail Lumet Buckley, The Hornes: An American Family, Alfred Knopf, 1986
Norman Cameron, Collected Poems and Selected Translations, Warren Hope and Jonathan Barker (eds), Anvil Press, 1990
Humphrey Carpenter, The Envy of the World, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1996
Douglas Cleverdon, The Growth of Milk Wood, Dent, 1969
Emily Holmes Coleman, The Shutter of Snow, Virago, 1981
Cyril Connolly, Journal and Notebook, David Pryce-Jones (ed.), Collins, 1983
Tony Conran, Frontiers in Anglo-Welsh Poetry, UWP, 1997
Andy Croft, Letter to Randolph Swingler, Shoestring Press, 1999
Allen Curnow, Look Back Harder, Auckland University Press, 1998
James A. Davies, A Reference Companion to Dylan Thomas, Greenwood Press, 1998; Dylan Thomas’s Places, Christopher Davies, 1987; Dylan Thomas’s Swansea, Gower and Laugharne, UWP, 2000
Rhys Davies, Print of a Hare’s Foot, Heinemann, 1969
Walford Davies, Dylan Thomas: New Critical Essays, Dent, 1972; Dylan Thomas, Open University Press, Milton Keynes, 1986
Dan Davin, Closing Times, OUP, 1975
Sean Day-Lewis, C. Day-Lewis: An English Literary Life, Weidenfeld, 1980
Nicolette Devas, Two Flamboyant Fathers, Hamish Hamilton, 1985
Jane Dunn, Antonia White, Cape, 1998
Aeronwy Thomas Ellis, Later than Laugharne, Celtion Publications, 1976
William Empson, Argufying, Chatto & Windus, 1987
Paul Ferris, Caitlin, Hutchinson, 1993; Dylan Thomas, The Biography, Hodder & Stoughton, 1977; new edition, Dent, 1999
Constantine FitzGibbon, The Life of Dylan Thomas, Dent, 1965
Theodora FitzGibbon, With Love, Century Hutchinson, 1982
Stephen Fothergill, The Last Lamplighter, London Magazine Editions, 2000
Lloyd Frankenberg, The Pleasure Dome, Houghton Mifflin, 1949
G.S. Fraser, A Stranger and Afraid, Carcanet Press, 1983
Robert Fraser, The Chameleon Poet: A Life of George Barker, Jonathan Cape, 2001
Jonathan Fryer Dylan, The Nine Lives of Dylan Thomas, Kyle Cathie, 1993
Jean Overton Fuller, The Magical World of Victor Neuburg, W.H. Allen, 1965
David Gascoyne, Journal 1936–1937, Enitharmon, 1998; Selected Prose 1934–1996, Enitharmon, 1998
Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy, The Interior Castle: A Life of Gerald Brenan, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1992
Anthony Gibbs, In My Time, Peter Davies, 1969
Anton Gill, Peggy Guggenheim, HarperCollins, 2001
Allen Ginsberg, Journals: Early Fifties, Early Sixties, Grove Press, 1977
Rob Gittins, The Last Days of Dylan Thomas, Macdonald, 1986
John Goodby and Chris Wigginton, Dylan Thomas, New Casebooks, Palgrave, 2001
Mark Goulden, Mark my Words, W.H. Allen, 1978
W.S. Graham, The Night Fisherman: Selected Letters of W.S. Graham, Michael and Margaret Snow (eds), Carcanet, 1999
Richard Perceval Graves, Richard Hughes, Andre Deutsch, 1994
Robert Graves, The Crowning Privilege, Cassell, 1955
Geoffrey Grigson, Recollections, Chatto & Windus, The Hogarth Press, 1984; The Private Art: A Poetry Notebook, Allison & Busby, 1982
Miron Grindea (ed.), Dylan Thomas Memorial Number, Adam International Review, 1953
John Gruen, The Party’s Over Now: Reminiscences of the Fifties, Viking, 1972
John Haffenden, The Life of John Berryman, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982
Michael Hamburger, A Mug’s Game
Pamela Hansford Johnson, Important to Me, Macmillan, 1974
Merion and Susie Harries, A Pilgrim Soul, Faber, 1989
Selina Hastings, Evelyn Waugh, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1995
Desmond Hawkins, When I Was, Macmillan, 1989
Seamus Heaney, The Redress of Poetry, Faber, 1995
John Heath-Stubbs, Hindsights, Hodder & Stoughton, 1993
Rayner Heppenstall, Four Absentees, Barrie & Rockcliff, 1960
Robert Hewison, Under Siege: Literary Life in London 1939–1945, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1977
David Higham, Literary Gent, Jonathan Cape, 1978
Paul Hogarth, Drawing from Life, David & Charles, 1997
David Holbrook, Llareggub Revisited, Bowes & Bowes, 1962
Michael Holroyd, Augustus John: The New Biography, Chatto & Windus, 1996
Warren Hope, Norman Cameron, Greenwich Exchange, 2001
Justine Hopkins, Michael Ayrton, Andre Deutsch, 1994
Roger Horrocks, Len Lye, Auckland University Press, 2001
Margherita Howard de Walden, Pages from My Life, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1965
Christopher Isherwood, Diaries Vol 1 1939–1960, Katherine Bucknell (ed.), Methuen 1996
Daniel Jones, My Friend Dylan Thomas, Dent, 1977
Evan John Jones and Robert Cochrane, The Roebuck in the Thicket Capall, Bann, 2001
Glyn Jones, The Dragon Has Two Tongues, Dent, 1968; revised edition, University of Wales Press, 2001
P.J. Kavanagh, People and Places: A Selection 1975–1987, Carcanet, 1988
Mary Keene, Mrs Donald, Chatto & Windus, The Hogarth Press, 1983
Francis King, Yesterday Came Suddenly, Constable, 1993
Philip Larkin, Selected Letters, Anthony Thwaite (ed.), Faber and Faber, 1992
Hilary Laurie, Dylan Thomas’s Wales, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1999
Doris Lessing, Walking in the Shade, HarperCollins, 1997
Mervyn Levy, Reflections in a Broken Mirror, Patten, 1982
Jeremy Lewis, Cyril Connolly, Jonathan Cape, 1997
Jack Lindsay, Meetings with Poets, Muller, 1968
Michael Luke, David Tennant and the Gargoyle Years, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1991
Elisabeth Lutyens, A Goldfish Bowl, Cassell, 1972
Hugh MacDiarmid, New Selected Letters, Duncan Grieve, Owen Dudley Evans and Alan Riach (eds), Carcanet, 2001
Rollie McKenna, Portrait of Dylan, Dent, 1982
Cecily Macworth, The Ends of the World, Carcanet, 1987
Julian Maclaren-Ross, Memories of the Forties, Alan Ross, 1965
Louis MacNiece, Selected Literary Criticism, Alan Heuser (ed.), Clarendon Press, 1987
Ian MacNiven and Harry Moore (eds), Literary Lifelines, Faber, 1981
Judith Malina, The Diaries of Judith Malina, Grove Press, 1984
Paul Marini, Dream Song: The Life of John Berryman, William Morrow, 1990
Arthur Calder Marshall, The Magic of My Youth, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1951
Roland Mathias, A Ride Through the Wood, Poetry Wales, 1985
Ralph Maud, Dylan Thomas in Print, Dent, 1970; Where Have All the Old Words Got Me?, University of Wales Press, 2003
Arthur Miller, Timebends, Methuen, 1987
Kenneth O. Morgan, Rebirth of a Nation, Clarendon Press, 1981
Desmond Morris, Animal Days, Cape, 1979
John Mortimer, Clinging to the Wreckage, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1992
Charlotte Mosley (ed.), The Letters of Nancy Mitford and Evelyn Waugh, Hodder & Stoughton, 1996
James Nashold and George Tremlett, The Death of Dylan Thomas, Mainstream, Edinburgh, 1997
Victor F. Neuburg Jr, Vickybird: A Memoir, The Polytechnic of North London, 1983
Keith Ovenden, A Fighting Withdrawal, OUP, 1996
Peter Parker (ed.), The Reader’s Companion to Twentieth-Century Writers, Fourth Estate, 1995
Frances Partridge, Diaries 1939–1972, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2000
Sebastian Peake, A Child of Bliss, Lennard Publishing, 1989
Joseph Pearce, Bloomsbury and Beyond, HarperCollins, 2001
Hesketh Pearson and Hugh Kingsmill, The Blessed Plot, Methuen, 1942
John Pearson, Facades, Macmillan, 1978
Roland Penrose, Scrap Book, Thames and Hudson, 1986
George Plimpton, Truman Capote, Doubleday, 1998
Anthony Powell, Faces in My Times, Heinemann, 1980
Dawn Powell, The Diaries, Tim Page (ed.) Steerforth Press, 1995; Selected Letters, Tim Page (ed.), Henry Holt, 2000
Michael Powell, Million-Dollar Movie, Heinemann, 1992
Bill Read, The Days of Dylan Thomas, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1965
Eiluned Rees, Carmarthenshire Memories of the Twentieth Century, Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society, 2002
Kenneth Rexroth, The New British Poets, New Directions, 1949
Kenneth Rexroth and James Laughlin, Selected Letters (ed. Lee Bartlett), W.W. Norton, 1991
John Alexander Rolph, Dylan Thomas: A Bibliography, Dent, 1956
Allan Seager, The Glass House: The Life of Theodore Roethke, McGraw-Hill, 1968
Andrew Sinclair, Dylan Thomas: Poet of his People, Michael Joseph, 1975 War Like a Wasp, Hamish Hamilton, 1989
Adam Sisman, A.J.P. Taylor, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1994
Edith Sitwell, Selected Letters, John Lehmann and Derek Parker (eds), Macmillan, 1970; Selected Letters, Richard Greene (ed.), Virago, 1998
Joanna Skipwith (ed.), The Sitwells and the Arts of the 1920s and 1930s, National Portrait Gallery, 1994
Larry Smith, Kenneth Patchen: Rebel Poet in America, Bottom Dog Press, 2000
Timothy d’Arch Smith, R.A. Caton and the Fortune Press, Bertram Rota, 1983
Frances Spalding, Dance Till the Stars Come Down: A Biography of John Minton, Hodder & Stoughton, 1991
Jon Stallworthy, Louis MacNeice, OUP, 1995
Derek Stanford, Inside the Forties: Literary Memoir 1937–1957, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1977
Igor Stravinsky and Robert Craft, Conversations with Igor Stravinsky, Faber 1959
Alvin Sullivan (ed.), British Literary Magazines: The Modern Age 1914–84, Greenwood Press, 1986
Randolph Swingler, Selected Poems, Andy Croft (ed.), Trent Editions, 2000
Dorothea Tanning, Between Lives, W.W. Norton, 2001
A.J.P. Taylor, A Personal History, Hamish Hamilton, 1983
E.W. Tedlock, (ed.), Dylan Thomas: The Legend and the Poet, Heinemann, 1960
David N. Thomas, A Farm Two Mansions and a Bungalow, Seren, 2000; The Dylan Thomas Trail, Y Lolfa, 2002
Caitlin Thomas, Leftover Life to Kill: Double Drink Story, Virago, 1998; (with George Tremlett) Caitlin: Life with Dylan Thomas, Secker and Warburg, 1986
William York Tindall, A Reader’s Guide to Dylan Thomas, The Noonday Press, 1967
Ruthven Todd, Fitzrovia and The Road to the York Minster, Michael Parkin, Fine Art, 1973; Dylan Thomas: A Personal Account, unpublished memoir, National Library of Scotland
Jeff Towns, Dylan Thomas: Word and Image, Swansea, 1995
Henry Treece, Dylan Thomas: Dog Among the Fairies, Ernest Benn, 1956
Jeremy Treglown, Romancing The Life and Work of Henry Green, Faber, 2000
George Tremlett, Dylan Thomas In the Mercy of his Means, Constable, 1991
Julian Trevelyan, Indigo Days, MacGibbon & Kee, 1957
Kathleen Tynan, The Life of Kenneth Tynan, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1987
Kenneth Tynan, Letters, Kathleen Tynan (ed.), Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1994
Wynford Vaughan-Thomas, Madly in All Directions, Longmans Green, 1967
Bernard Wall, Headlong into Change, Harvill, 1969
Gwen Watkins, Portrait of a Friend, Gomer, 1983
Evelyn Waugh, The Letters of Evelyn Waugh, ed. Mark Amory, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1980
Anna Wickham, The Writings of Anna Wickham, ed. R.D. Smith, Virago, 1984
Paul Willetts, Fear and Loathing in Fitzrovia, Dewi Lewis, 2003
Jane Williams (ed.), Tambimutti Bridge: Between Two Worlds, Peter Owen, 1989
Glamor Williams (ed.), Swansea: an Illustrated History, Christopher Davies 1990
Shelley Winters, Best of Times, Worst of Times, Century Hutchinson, 1990
Justin Wintle, Furious Interiors, HarperCollins, 1996
George Woodcock, Letter to the Past, Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1982
Joan Wyndham, Love is Blue, William Heinemann, 1986
Philip Ziegler, London at War, Sinclair-Stevenson 1995; Osbert Sitwell, Chatto & Windus, 1998
Abels, Cyrilly Ref 1
Aberconway, Christabel, Lady Ref 1
Abercrombie, David Ref 1
Lascelles Ref 1, Ref 2
Abercrombie, Ralph Ref 1–Ref 2
Aberystwyth Ref 1
Ackerman, John Ref 1
Action Française Ref 1
Adam Smith, Janet Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3
Adelphi Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4
Adler, Jankel Ref 1–Ref 3, Ref 4, Ref 5, Ref 6
Advocate Ref 1
Agate, James Ref 1
Aiken, Conrad Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3
Aldington, Richard Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4
Algren, Nelson Ref 1
Allen Wingate, publishers Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4
Amherst College Ref 1
Amis, Kingsley Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3–Ref 4
Anand, Mulk Raj Ref 1
Anger, Kenneth Ref 1
Ann Watkins agency Ref 1, Ref 2–Ref 3, Ref 4, Ref 5, Ref 6, Ref 7, Ref 8
Anstey, Edgar Ref 1
Apocalypse movement Ref 1, Ref 2
Arbeid, Ben Ref 1
Archer, David Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4, Ref 5
Arena Ref 1, Ref 2
Arlen, Michael Ref 1–Ref 2
Arlott, John Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4, Ref 5
Armstrong, John Ref 1
Arp, Jean Ref 1
Arthur, Gavin Ref 1
Atkin, Rev. Leon Ref 1
Atlantic Ref 1–Ref 2
Auchinloss, Louis Ref 1
Auden, W.H. Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4, Ref 5, Ref 6, Ref 7, Ref 8, Ref 9, Ref 10, Ref 11, Ref 12, Ref 13–Ref 14, Ref 15, Ref 16, Ref 17, Ref 18, Ref 19, Ref 20, Ref 21, Ref 22, Ref 23, Ref 24, Ref 25, Ref 26, Ref 27, Ref 28, Ref 29
Ayrton, Michael Ref 1–Ref 2
Bacon, Francis Ref 1
Balcon, Michael Ref 1
Banting, John Ref 1, Ref 2–Ref 3, Ref 4
Barker, George Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4, Ref 5, Ref 6
Barnes, Djuna Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3
Barnes, G.R. Ref 1–Ref 2, Ref 3
Barrés, Maurice Ref 1
Barrett, Mary Ellin Ref 1
Bartók, Béla Ref 1
Bartók, Peter Ref 1
Bassett, Herbert Ref 1
Bassett, Jackie Ref 1, Ref 2
Baumann, Dr Anne Ref 1–Ref 2
DT’s first poem read on Ref 1; DT almost forgets to appear to read on ‘Life and the Modern Poet’ Ref 1; freelance BBC work Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4, Ref 5–Ref 6, Ref 7–Ref 8, Ref 9, Ref 10, Ref 11–Ref 12, Ref 13, Ref 14, Ref 15–Ref 16; Third Programme Ref 1, Ref 2; DT as performer Ref 1, Ref 2–Ref 3, Ref 4; BBC nervousness of DT Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3; see also Thomas, Dylan: STORIES AND PROSE BROADCASTS and Thomas, Dylan: UNDER MILK WOOD