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Accidental Baby for the Billionaire (A Billionaire's Baby Romance)

Page 39

by Lia Lee

  I can't be a baby about this, he's done more than enough, she scolded herself.

  When she started down the passageway towards her room, however, Marco touched her elbow with a gentle hand.

  "Are you sure you are ready to be alone?" he murmured. "If I were in your position, I think I would still be quite shaken."

  "I want to be brave about it," she admitted. "But I don't think I'm quite there. Maybe I should go back and join the party..."

  It wasn't even midnight yet, and the party was still in full swing. As much as she might want to go find Seanan, she knew her sister was making those contacts and networking like mad. Though Seanan would drop it all for Briony, she didn't want to do that to her sister when her star had finally started to shine.

  The idea of going back to a loud party made her flinch, however, and Marco nodded.

  "I will certainly not stop you from going back to the crowd if you like, little Velvet, but perhaps I can offer you another solution. Come with me."

  Marco's solution ended up being Baldassare's library. He marched through the producer's house with ease, casually unhooking the velvet rope that closed the private part off from party guests.

  "Should we really be doing this?" Briony asked. "Wouldn't Signore Baldassare mind?"

  "He would mind very much if it weren't me," Marco said, tipping her a wink. "Since it's me, he'll mind and pretend not to."

  "You must be very important," Briony said, and then she shook her head. "No, don't tell me. I...I want this magic to last a little longer."

  The moment the words were out of her mouth, she could have slapped herself. She must be incredibly stressed out if she was saying such daft things.

  However, Marco only laughed kindly. "After the night that you've had, I think you should be given all the magic you like. In here."

  The library was an elegant room of dark wood and high ceilings, the books tall leather sentinels that lined their shelves like the best soldiers. There were a desk and a few chairs, of course, but Marco led her to a small alcove that was slightly hidden from view. There was a large, antique couch nestled in the alcove, nearly as large as a double bed, and Briony noticed that all of the books in this section were far humbler. She could see adventures and romances, paperbacks jumbled in with best-selling hardbacks.

  "Ah, what people actually read," she said with a giggle, and Marco grinned at her.

  "Very much so. I think it's my favorite part of Baldassare's collection."

  As she reclined on the couch, her mask somehow still on, Briony watched through lowered lashes as Marco lit two of the dim-burning lamps and dropped a gauzy curtain over the mouth of the alcove. It turned the cozy space into something perfectly intimate and safe, a small bubble in time and space where nothing could interrupt them.

  "Oh, it's so beautiful here," she said, and Marco came to rest next to her.

  It seemed like the simplest thing in the world to lay her head on his shoulder, their legs stretched out to the other end of the couch. She kicked off her light slippers, and giggling, she tapped at his shoes until he removed them as well.

  "Tell me how you feel, Velvet. You are so very lovely, but you have had a rough night, to say the least."

  Briony thought about the question because it deserved an honest answer.

  "I feel free," she said finally. "Is that strange? I feel pulled away from who I really am and as if I'm floating above it all. I can see how scared I usually am, how nervous and anxious, and I don't even know why I felt like that when I could just feel like this."

  "It sounds as if you have found out who you really are," Marco suggested. "You are brave and fast and compassionate. It is only your nervousness and your anxiety, as you say, that stops you from seeing it."

  "That would be very wonderful if it were true," she said softly, turning over on her side towards him.

  "I want to keep my mask on," she said huskily. "But...can I remove yours?"

  He hesitated for long enough that she wondered if she had made some sort of error, but then he nodded once.

  "You would see sooner or later anyway," he said tersely, and she wondered if he was scarred somehow, or if there was some kind of blemish that made him so reluctant.

  Her hands shaking a little, she tugged the mask from his face, and she blinked at what she saw underneath.

  Instead of being disfigured, he was as handsome as a Greek statue. She had known that he had dark, slightly curly hair, but now she could see that it crowned a nearly beautiful face. Marco had large, dark eyes and features that were sensual enough to make a saint blush. His mouth had a slightly mocking smile to it, but for some reason, it made her smile instead of frown.

  "Whatever in the world were you worried about?" Briony exclaimed. "You're simply beautiful."

  He stared at her for a moment, quirking an eyebrow at her.

  "Is...that all?" he asked, and she touched his cheek with a slight smile.

  "Are you so very vain that you want to hear more? I could tell you about how beautiful your eyes are, and how you have the profile of a Roman emperor, if you like..."

  "I might want to hear that at some point, I suppose, but not now. You are truly an extraordinary woman, you know that, Velvet?"

  She laughed because it was so untrue, and then his hand came up to cup her cheek, turning her towards him. There was something solemn about the gesture, and her laughter drained out of her as she gazed into his eyes.

  "I want to kiss you, Velvet," he said solemnly. "I want to do so much more with you. Tell me if you do not want this, because if you don't say it, nothing in the world will stop me from claiming your lips."

  She could see he was ready to hear her say no, to have her leap and run, but right now, that was the furthest thing from her mind.

  "I want you," she whispered, and then in case it was unclear, "I want you to kiss me. I want more than that."

  Before the breath from her words was quite off of her lips, she found herself wrapped in his arms, his lips coming down to claim hers more thoroughly than she had ever been claimed. His tongue danced along the seam of her lips until they parted helplessly, and then his tongue was in her mouth, claiming her without reservation.

  The heat from that kiss alone could have immolated her, burned her alive, but she refused to be a passive spectator for something like this. She threw one leg over Marco's hip, dragging him closer. God, but why was there so much fabric between them? Why on earth would people voluntarily wear so much damned clothing?

  She wanted to get as close to Marco as she could, and as he kissed her, she clung to him. When he finally lifted his head from her lips, her mouth felt swollen with passion, but he was far from done. His hand came up to grasp a fistful of her chestnut hair, holding her still as he kissed his way down her pale throat. She swallowed hard, making him laugh, and then she groaned as she felt the sharp scrape of his teeth at the base of her neck.

  "You are so delicious, Velvet," he groaned. "Do you have any idea how much I want you?"

  His hand came up to the round swell of her white breasts, touching skin that was so seldom bared let alone fondled. She was showing a shocking expanse of flesh above her gown's neckline, but then he lifted each one from the dress entirely, freeing them from the velvet.

  "Oh God," Briony murmured, and then Marco's dark head dropped to her chest, mouthing first at one nipple, then the other. She groaned at how hard they became under his fingers and the heat of his mouth rousing her in a way she barely understood. She could lose herself in the haze of pleasure he gave her, but then he drew back.

  "This isn't enough for me," he said, his voice nearly a growl. "This could never be enough for me..."

  She started to ask him what he meant, but then he pulled away, rolling her onto her back. God, he was strong. She could suddenly see how very easily he had taught her pursuers a lesson, and the thought brought a guilty rise of heat between her legs.

  For a moment, she could feel him tugging at the laces at the back of her dres
s, and then she heard him fumbling for something in his pockets. She started to ask him what he intended to do, and then he split the laces with a single, sliding cut of a small knife. Briony gasped, struggling to roll over, but Marco was there, helping her.

  "Don't worry, I only cut the laces, the dress is intact," he told her, but she shook her head.

  "How can you think I'm worried about that right now?" she demanded, and she threw her arms around him, dragging him back down with her. It was delicious having his weight on her, and that was even before his hands started tugging her dress off of her shoulders, pulling it all the way down to leave her lying bare in front of him.

  Briony was so enraptured by everything he was doing that she didn't notice when he paused, looking down at her. The dress had removed the need for a bra, but of course she had still put on panties. Other women would have opted for something silk and sleek, or at least something in black or beige, but Seanan had come in and there just wasn't time to change out of...

  "Oh no, don't look at me!" Briony exclaimed, trying to cover up her ancient, pink leopard print panties with her hand.

  "Why not?" Marco asked with a laugh. "You're precious."

  "I didn't think anyone would be seeing them," she retorted, and his eyes took on a territorial, pleasurable glint.

  "Good. Because at least for tonight, I want this to be all mine."

  He hooked his fingers into the waistband of her ridiculous panties, and with a single tug, he tore them from her body. Briony gasped, and for a moment, she wanted nothing more than to hide herself from his piercing gaze. Then he leaned down to lick a long trail from the center of her sternum to the curve of her belly, and all thoughts like that flew right out of her mind.

  "God, do you have any idea how beautiful you are, Velvet? I'd let you wear that damn mask every day of our life if you'd stay with me."

  She knew it was just romance and moonlight and lust that made him speak like that, but a part of her fluttered. Would he stay with her as she was now, unaware of the dull girl she was normally, someone who packed her own bag lunches and worried about bills?

  There was no time to think of that, because suddenly he pressed her thighs apart, taking in the humid flesh in between. She was already so warm for him, but she hadn't thought what it would be like to have Marco's skilled fingers parting the curly hair between her legs, investigating the soft sweetness there.

  "Just perfect, so perfect," he murmured, and it struck her that he was going to touch her more intimately.

  "Please," she murmured. "Will you take off your clothes as well? Please?"

  "I might have wanted to stretch that out, to really tease you, but my god, you have no idea how you look when you say please, do you?"

  Before she could ask him what he meant by that, he was up and shucking off his tuxedo with an economy of motion that left her breathless. He was as unashamed as a beast or a god, and when he turned back to her, she could see why. Clothed Marco was a handsome man. Undressed, his form lithe with muscle, his shoulders broad and his hips narrow, he was perfection. There was something beautifully classic about his form, something that drew her hands, her lips, the very core of her.

  Her eyes dropped to his cock pressing forward and making no secret of his desire. Her hand trembled, but he stayed still while she reached for him. Touching his cock was like touching silk over steel, and she circled the crown of his cock before lightly dabbing her fingers through the glistening pearl of liquid that appeared. Without thinking, she brought that liquid to her lips, finding it salty and pure and perfect.

  Marco groaned, and she looked up in surprise to find that he was biting his lip with restrained need for her.

  "You have no idea what you do to me," he muttered, and then he was back on the couch with her, stretching out so his body was level with hers, one arm slid under her head, and the other sliding down her curves. When Briony started to tuck her head against his chest, Marco pushed her to lie flat instead.

  "I need to see you," he said simply. "I need to see you, and to touch you and more..."

  She might have protested, but then his hand slipped down her body, lightly fingering her navel before drifting even farther down. He found the fluffy hair between her legs, petting it so softly that she purred, and then when her legs spread of their own accord, he delved down.

  "Oh, so perfectly hot for me..." he murmured, slipping his fingers down her slit. She could feel herself becoming aroused, but that obviously wasn't enough for him.

  He raised his fingers to his mouth, wetting them before returning them between her legs. For some reason, the idea of his saliva on his fingers wetting her, opening her, made Briony's breath catch.

  When he entered her with just a fingertip, she whimpered, turning her head to look at him.

  "You want me?" she managed to get out, and his smile softened.

  "Could you doubt it, Velvet?" His fingers stroked inside her with deliberate care. She felt him stretching her subtly, first with one finger and then another. He would tempt her for a few moments, and then he would draw back to rub sweet circles around her clit. He found the perfect balance between the sweetness of the gesture and the pressure she needed, and soon every time he drew back to touch her clit, she was groaning with pleasure, her hips thrusting forward to meet him.

  "So good, you feel so good," she whimpered, barely aware of what she was saying.

  "I'll show you how to feel better."

  When he drew his hand away, Briony whimpered in protest. She opened her eyes to look at him, but he was taking her hips in his hands, pulling her upright. God, but he was strong, and now he showed it, pushing her up to straddle his body as if she were no heavier than a doll.

  She was seated so that his cock was erect between them. He took her hand and wrapped it lightly around his erection, urging her to arouse him with silent motions.

  With other lovers, Briony had been terrified that she was inadequate, that he would think how chubby or plain she was. Now, straddling Marco's thighs, evidence of his excitement and need proud between them, all she cared about was their pleasure.

  As she slid her hand along his cock, she couldn't stop herself from scooting forward a little, just enough so that the hard flesh of his erection touched the warm flesh between her legs. The shock of sensation was like lightning through her, and she shivered. She could feel an answering lightning bolt through Marco's body as well, and he looked up at her, demanding and wild.

  "I need you now," he growled, and she knew what he meant.

  Moving slowly, she carefully positioned herself over his cock, his hand grasping its base to help her. There was something almost painfully savage about how his hard knuckles pressed against her soft inner thigh, and when she felt the head of his cock at her very entrance, she knew this was inevitable.

  "Go slow," he told her, his tone full of command. "I will not be pleased if I have found that you made yourself ache."

  She blushed a little to hear him speaking so very bluntly, but she did as he told her. There was a slight sting when she pressed down on his erection, but then it was nothing but sweetness and pleasure as she took the rest of his length. He was far larger than what she was used to. It took her a few moments of slow breathing to acclimatize herself to his girth inside her, and when she did, the feeling of fullness and completion swept over her. She leaned down to press both palms over his shoulders, bracing herself so she could rock on his body, and the pleasure was enough that they both groaned with need.

  "Yes, yes," Marco hissed. "Give me what I need. Take what you need."

  There was nothing but primal pleasure between them right now. Nothing at all. All of her nervousness and anxiety flew out of her head as she arched over him, her powerful thighs working her up and down on his body, his cock filling her with every thrust. Those sensations alone rushing through her were extraordinary enough, but then he slid his hand between their straining bodies even as he dug his heels into the couch, arching up to meet her.

Somehow, in the middle of their passion and their bodies striving against each other, he found her clit, the very seat of her desire, and his hard strokes against it made her groan with need.

  "Oh, don't stop, don't stop..." Briony gasped.

  Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew how uncomfortable the position must have been for his wrist, how much she was asking for, but she had been replaced by some kind of wild woman, one who understood that pleasure for pleasure was the only fair way to do things, who was taking her pleasure and giving it back with a kind of magnificent, primal awareness.

  She was lost between the feeling of pure fullness below and the shocks of pleasure from her clit. She had forgotten her name, her fears and her own spirit; all that mattered was the pleasure she was giving and getting. She had almost forgotten about orgasms, but then the tension in her body surprised her. It was as if some great hand was squeezing around her, making her tighten every muscle wildly against the feeling of pleasure that was flooding her very soul.

  I don't want this to end yet, I don't...!

  In the end, though, she might as well have tried to hold off the sea. She dug her nails deep into Marco's shoulders, but even that couldn't stave off the pleasure that was demanding its due. Briony's entire body tightened like a knot, and then quick like the flash of a sword, she was lost in her climax. It was primal and perfect and like nothing else she had ever experienced before, taking her apart before she could grudgingly begin to put herself together.

  Briony went limp with exhausted pleasure, but it was obvious that Marco wasn't done. He rolled his hips up close to her, rocking against her with the power of the sea itself.

  Then with a deep grunt, he simply rolled her over onto her back. She stifled a cry, but then he was looming over her, a dark shape against the dim light of the lamps. His thrusts were less rhythmic now as he focused on his own pleasure, driving into her over and over again until at last he stiffened and found his own pleasure. She felt the heat and wetness of his release like some sort of blessing of pleasure, a warmth she had never encountered before.


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