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Accidental Baby for the Billionaire (A Billionaire's Baby Romance)

Page 44

by Lia Lee

  She was both relieved and disappointed when he led her past the bedroom back to the living room. Marco sprawled on the incredibly expensive couch as if it was nothing to him, and he gestured her to sit next to him. Once she was there, it was the most natural thing in the world to lean against him.

  Their quiet together was perfect and gentle, soft with just an undercurrent of heat underneath it. His arm over her shoulder was a perfect weight that made her feel alert and sleepy by turns, and there was something about the smell of him that simply made her sigh.

  "We're doing everything backwards," she after several long minutes. She wondered if he would be irritated by her breaking the silence, but he only raised an eyebrow at her.


  "First we met, we slept together, and then we had a baby. Now we're...sharing custody, I guess? All without ever having had an affair or a relationship or being married..."

  She sounded a little bitter, but she realized she wasn't angry. Marco looked at her with a surprisingly speculative glint in his eye. She started to ask what he was thinking when he spoke.

  "Well, if you want to catch up on what we missed..."

  She started to ask him what he meant by that, but then she gasped as he pulled her loosely into his arms. He didn't grab on to her, he didn't make her feel trapped. Instead, he simply brought her close enough to dip his head down and kiss her.

  There was nothing hurried about the kiss at all. There was only a deep and endless heat spreading between their bodies and enveloping them as his mouth explored hers. Instinctively, she suckled on his tongue, her hands coming up to curl around his shoulders. It felt like more than passion, however. It felt as if she was welcoming home a missing part of her, and she held on to him tighter.

  "I have thought of this so often since we parted," Marco murmured, smoothing his kiss to her throat. "I have longed to feel you again, to bathe in the sweetness of your body..."

  From anyone else, it would have sounded like a line. From Florence's playboy prince himself, it was perfect.

  She threw her head back as he kissed her throat, lighting a line of fire as he went. She had misremembered how good he was at kissing her, or she had grown more sensitive in the year they had been apart. It felt like the more he kissed her, the more she needed to be kissed. Her hands roved over his back, and soon enough, she found the hem of his sweatshirt. She tugged it up to feel the smooth, muscled skin underneath, and when she raked her nails lightly up his back, she relished his shiver.

  "Perfect, perfect girl," he crooned. "My little Velvet..."

  It was that name that woke her up as nothing else ever could have. She went hot, and then she went cold, and suddenly she was just Briony again.

  She tugged away from Marco so violently that she nearly landed on the floor. She might have if he hadn't steadied her.

  "Briony, what's the matter?"

  "I...I need to go," she murmured. "I need to go back to my own quarters."

  She started to move, but he wrapped his hand around hers, holding her still. "Please. I can't let you go when you're like this..."

  "This isn't me," she said helplessly. "I can't be.... I'm not Velvet, and that's who I act like when I'm with you like this. I'm just Briony. I need to be Briony."

  She thought she saw understanding in his eyes, but then she tugged her arm away from him. Her steps quickened as she made it to the door, and then she was nearly running as she made her way back to her rooms.

  She checked the crib before she remembered Eva was with Marco, and for some reason, that made the tears run hot down her cheeks.

  "Oh god, I'm a mess," she whimpered.

  She showered and changed into her oldest, most comfortable pajamas. She curled up in bed, and though she drifted off quickly, she dreamed all night of hearing Marco's step in the hallway, coming to find her, coming to touch her again and to bring that heat back to her spirit...

  Chapter Twelve

  The next morning, Briony woke up to soft voices in her apartment. She would have thought that hearing unexpected voices would have startled her, but instead she nearly rolled over and went back to sleep until she realized she wasn't alone.

  It took her another few moments to realize that it was Paz and Marco, speaking softly together in Italian. She blinked, and she would have stumbled out to see what was up if the idea of appearing in ragged pajamas and with morning breath wasn't too much to be borne.

  Briony showered as quickly as she could and tugged on a blue dress that hung down to her ankles while leaving her shoulders mostly bare. When she ventured out to the living room, however, Marco was alone.

  "Where's Eva?" She could have been more welcoming, but last night was still echoing in her mind.

  "I asked Paz to take her," he said. "Right now, they're going for a walk in the southern garden."

  "Oh." She almost asked what he was still doing here, but he saved her from that rudeness by speaking again.

  "You were right last night, you know. We are doing everything backwards. Sex, then birth and now learning to care for a baby... We missed out on getting to know each other, dating, getting used to one another.

  "Well, let's fix that."

  She scowled at him, regarding him with suspicion. "What do you mean?"

  "I know very well that you are not Velvet," he said patiently. "Velvet wore ridiculous ball gowns. You're much more sensible."

  "There were more differences than that," she protested, but Marco shook his head.

  "No, I'm not sure there were," he said with a grin. "That was your passion, Briony. Maybe you don't like to let it out much, or maybe you are embarrassed by it, but there is no reason to be. It is all you, and I want to know every part of it."


  He held out his hand.

  "Come with me today," he said, his dark eyes dancing. "We have a lot of time to make up."

  She took his hand. There was never any idea that she wasn't going to. The moment she did, she felt a sense of great wellness and peace come over her. It was as if she was where she was supposed to be, and all was well in her world. She ignored it, because today, she decided, she was just going to relax.

  Marco squeezed her hand in his, gently drawing it to his lips for a soft kiss.

  "What are we going to do?" Briony asked as they walked through the palace.

  "Oh, what any couple getting to know each other does," he said easily. "Have some food, see the sights, enjoy ourselves..."


  "Okay, this is not a criticism in any way, shape or form, but have you ever been on a normal date? Ever?"

  Marco looked at her with a perfectly straight face. Behind him, the ruins of a once glorious castle reached up to a perfect blue sky. The road leading up to it had been deserted for miles, and now all Briony could hear was the chirping of birds and the drone of lazy summer insects.

  "What, this isn't normal?" he asked, and she punched him lightly on the arm.

  "You keep that up, and I'll believe you," she said, shaking her head.

  He pulled a large picnic basket out of the back of the car and, giving her the blanket to carry, he walked them up the hill towards the castle.

  "I don't know what you're talking about," he said. "We're going out, we're having some food, we're seeing the sights."

  "I genuinely did not expect the sights to be a castle that has been in your family for some four hundred years."

  Instead of leading her under a tree or close to the nearby stream, Marco walked them right into the castle. They passed the toothy opening where the gates had once been, and through the courtyard as well.

  "Once upon a time, there would have been dozens of people crossing this yard at any time, each doing their work, whether blacksmith, baker, guard or chatelaine, to keep the castle running..."

  As Marco talked, Briony could almost feel the weight of the centuries drift away. If she just knew how to look, she could see the life that had once animated the courtyard, giving it a vibrancy that would never fade.
She could see Marco there as well, dressed as one of the lords to whom all the rest paid honor, and she could see the line of his people stretching in front of him and before him. Was there ever a time when she would have found herself there as well?

  Marco led her into the grand hall of the castle. She worried for a moment about unstable walls, but once they were inside, she could see that there was no reason to worry. Grass had grown where once there had been flagstones, and above them, the roof was entirely gone. They were surrounded by beautiful stone hewn centuries ago, and above and below them was nature.

  They spread out the blanket, and Briony watched as Marco pulled out all sorts of delicate treats from the basket. All of the food was small, almost bite-sized, but there was so much that they could both have a full meal.

  She was shocked at how much there was to talk about. Despite the wide gaps between their worlds, they were fascinated with each other, and more than once, the empty keep rang with their laughter.

  After the food was cleared away, however, Briony fell quiet. Her mind buzzed, and to her irritation, it was with the same old question.

  "What is it?" Marco asked, sensing her mood.

  "I keep wondering if I'm...faking something when I'm with you," she confessed. "When I'm with you, I feel so vibrant and exciting. I feel as if everything in me is bubbling out, like I'm someone who doesn't have to hold back..."

  Marco was still long enough that she wondered if she had offended him.

  "I would never tell you who you are," he said. "You are the only one who can do that. But I can tell you who you are to me. More than just being the mother of my child, you are someone who came into my life like a comet, lighting up the night. I treasured how you were when we first met..."

  "And now?" she asked, unable to keep the anxiety out of her voice.

  "Now I treasure you all the more. It is all you, cara mia. It's all you."

  Briony could feel the truth of his words sink into her. Passion and practicality, it was all one, and finally, for once, they were united. They both urged her forward until she was in Marco's arms, leaning up so she could kiss him hard.

  "Marco," she murmured, her voice a soft moan, and she heard a breathlessness in his voice that only aroused her more.

  "I know, I know," he said softly. "You can be whoever you want with me..."

  "Take off my clothes," she murmured, her voice heated, and she felt his body tense with desire.

  It was almost impossible to keep herself still as his deft hands pulled her dress over her head, turning her to undo her bra and pull down her panties.

  The moment she was bare, however, doubt moved in like a battalion. God, she had given birth just a few months ago. Her breasts ached even after pumping, her belly was soft and slack. It had only been a year, but it felt as if her body had undergone continental shifts since she had last made love with Marco.

  "This is a bad idea," she whispered, reaching for her clothes again, but he stopped her, holding her against him and planting kisses across her shoulders, collarbones and throat.

  "No, no, never be shy with me, beautiful girl," he whispered. "Never, ever be shy with me. Your body delivered a beautiful little girl to me. Why would I ever look on it with anything less than care and need?"

  When Briony still shifted uneasily, Marco snorted and took her hand in his. He pressed it between his legs, and under the layers of fabric, she could feel how taut and needy his flesh was. The undeniable proof of his desire sent heat flowing over her body, and he purred as she eased against him.

  "Never doubt what you do to me," he murmured, and he laid her back on the blanket.

  She wanted him enough that she could weep, but there was so much pleasure in his hands and mouth that all she could do was cry out softly at his touch. For what felt like hours, he was content to kiss her, one hand sliding up and down her body before gliding between her legs. He parted her thighs with just a little pressure, and she sighed as he cupped her mons with his hand. When Marco started to slip his fingertips along her slit, she moistened at his gentleness. He never budged from his pace until she started to buck against his palm.

  "God, but you're beautiful when you want me," he said, lifting his head from a deep kiss. She could see that his lips were reddened with their passion, and knew that hers were just the same.

  "I do want you," she murmured. "So very much..."


  She shifted on her side with Marco spooned against her back. He smiled when she pressed back against him demandingly, but he didn't stop touching her with the same languid grace. His hand came up to cup her breast, massaging just a little so that she sighed with pleasure, and then she was carried away by his mouth at the back of her neck.

  The haze of sensuality was enough to transport her, but she couldn't stop herself from being aware of Marco's erection against her rear.

  "Please, I want you so much." She knew there was a pleading tone in her voice, but she could also feel his fingers sliding along her body more freely. She could smell her own arousal, and that had the effect of arousing her even more. She needed this man in ways she could barely voice, and to her relief, he seemed to understand that.

  "Good, because I'm not sure I can hold out much longer," Marco said with a laugh.

  He rose up from her body, tearing off his own clothes as if he could not stand to be covered a moment longer. While her body had gone through so many changes, his was just as she remembered, thick with muscle, strong but so graceful. She started to shift from her side, but a hand on her shoulder kept her where she was.

  "Shh, let me," he murmured.

  He came down to straddle her lower thigh, lifting the upper one to rest on his shoulder. After a moment of surprise, Briony realized what he meant to do. She blushed from her hairline down to her breasts, and Marco laughed.

  "Trust me, this will feel so very good."

  She held her breath as he pressed himself between her legs, up against the very core of her. She was grateful for the stretches she did every day, because they allowed her to open her legs for him fully. She could feel the hard ridge of his knuckles against her inner thigh for a moment as he guided his cock into her, and then they both cried out as he sheathed himself inside her.

  There was no discomfort, no pain at all. Instead, there was only a deep and full pressure as he filled her, pressing in so deep that they were joined. She glanced up to see that his eyes were wide and focused on her, completely enraptured by her and what they were doing together.

  Marco said a few words in Italian, but then shook his head slightly.

  "Beautiful," he said. "So very perfect..."

  He steadied himself for a moment, and then he started to move. Briony could feel her body wanting to move with him, but she realized in this position that she was pinioned. She only had a small range of motion, and she was nearly helpless as he thrust in and out of her body, each stroke raising her higher.

  "Oh, Marco, Marco," she groaned, her eyes falling shut. All she was aware of was the powerful rhythm of the two of them together, the gorgeous way they were matched with one another. She might have lost herself just like that, but then Marco reached down with one hand to caress her clit with the pad of his thumb. It was as if he had shot electricity clear through her, and she cried out so loudly that it echoed through the castle.

  He pushed into her, timing his thrusts with the strokes of his thumb, and before Briony thought possible, her body was shuddering, every muscle tensed as she sought the climax she knew waited just beyond.

  "Reach for it, baby," Marco murmured. "Let me give it to you..."

  He leaned down to nip her earlobe with his sharp white teeth, and for some reason, that was all it took. Her body felt as if it had been lit on fire, and now she was burning in the flames. One hand reached up to claw at Marco's shoulder, and the other clenched on thin air. Her orgasm had absolutely no mercy, tearing at her with a vicious power that seemed to want to savage her.

  Even before her body was do
ne trembling with the force of her climax, Marco pushed into her one last time, spilling into her with a deep growl. It felt primal and perfect, his essence mingling with her, and she knew deep in her heart that some part of her would always belong to this man. Perhaps she would be afraid of this later, but right now, a deep sense of wellness poured through her.

  Marco was still for a long moment after he had taken his pleasure, and then he pulled away slightly, falling down to lie on the blanket next to her. Their legs were still tangled, and a light breeze came up to cool their warm bodies.

  There were no words that needed to be said in this ancient and beautiful place. All that mattered was that they were here with each other.


  "Two weeks? That's how long they're going to take to rebuild the set?" Seanan asked. When the producer nodded, she sighed. "Do we have to stay here?"

  "Nah, that's a solid two weeks, and it might stretch into three if the local builders aren't available. Get out of town, just for the love of God, don't break a leg or anything, all right?"

  Seanan considered her options, but in the end, there was really only one choice. She had of course been keeping up with her sister and her darling niece, but Skype and texts were never enough.

  Plus, I need to go to Italy to check out the prince himself, she thought.

  Briony had been restrained about what she was even willing to say to her sister, but reading between the lines, Seanan could see that there were some deeper emotions at play. That meant she wanted to really assess this guy, find out if he was as wonderful as Briony said.

  Her motives weren't entirely pure, however, and Seanan grinned with mischief. There was, after all, a certain very good-looking Italian movie star currently staying in Florence for a period movie he was shooting. They had connected at an industry event, quite memorably, and he had told her to contact him the next time they were in the same time zone, so...

  Nope, long past time I get to check in on my baby sister, Seanan decided, booking her tickets.


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