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Wild Knights

Page 15

by Blaise Kilgallen

  He reached for her, but she held him off. "No. Come inside where I can see you." She pulled him into the living room and snapped on another lamp. "What happened? Were you hurt at Showtime?" She reached up to gently graze her fingers over his bruised face.

  "A little disagreement with my cousin, that's all."

  "Rocco? But why--"

  "A family thing. That's all." He took hold of her shoulders and looked down at her. "Don't worry, I'll heal. It's only a broken nose and some bruises. I've had worse."

  "Did you see a doctor?"


  "I wish you had..."

  "Carla, I'm not your son, I'm your lover. It's up to me to take care of you, not the other way around."

  She blinked rapidly, not allowing the tears to fall.

  "Now let me kiss you, okay? It's what I came for." He swung her against him and kissed her, hard.

  "Don't say anything else," he said, between caressing attacks on her cheeks, her nose, and finally, her mouth again. "God, I want you Carla. I want to be inside you. Every night I dream of you ... when I wake up the next morning, I'm hard as a rock and aching with need." He shook his head. "Let's just go upstairs and make love, okay?"

  The sight of his injuries had shaken her to the very core. Sex was not all she wanted; she wanted more. She wanted to heal his hurts, take care of him, have him stay forever, but she knew that was all wrong. She felt the pulse in her throat fluttering and breathed in the tension roiling though her.

  It was time she allowed herself to say what was on her mind.

  "Being apart from you is just as difficult for me," she told him. "I close my eyes and imagine your hands and mouth on me, driving me wild. Even when I'm working. Did you know, Evan, that I peeked out at you those mornings when you worked in the rose garden? Just seeing you, I'd be tied in knots, hot and bothered, itching to get my hands on you. I wanted you then, the way I want you now--here." She touched her mound and shivered, although it was a warm night. She gazed into his face. "None of what I ever fantasized about you during those days came close to the real thing."

  "I'll give you the real thing, Carla. C'mon, right now. Let's go upstairs."

  When he kissed her that way, asked that way, she couldn't turn him down, didn't want to.

  He reached over, switched off the two lamps and followed her upstairs.

  There was no need to pull down the shades. One tiny nightlight in the second story hall was all they needed to find each other in the dark.

  He found her by following the essence of her hair's shampoo and her body's perfume. It guided him to her mouth for another searing kiss.

  She would never forget his touch, the way his skin felt against her fingertips, the way his mouth tasted, the way he smelled, the soap he used when he showered.

  A few minutes was all it took for them to strip bare and head for the bed.

  "Evan, your face..."

  "Shh, sugar. You're not going to hurt my face," he whispered, lying beside her, her head on his shoulder. One of his hands was teasing a nipple until it grew hard.

  She whimpered, unable to quell the needy sound escaping her lips.

  He ran the same hand over her ribs and down lower, smoothing her belly. He finally sought the damp curls between her thighs, stroking to start juices flowing for his penetration. No verbal communication was needed to please and pleasure.

  She pivoted and kissed his neck and under his chin. Her palm caressed his chest, circling one of his nipples. His heart thudded fast under her hand, matching the rapid beating of hers. She wanted him inside her, but first, she sat up.

  She moved atop him and slowly slid down his body until her face was opposite his groin. He grabbed the sides of her head, wanting her to go down on him again. "Lick me with your tongue, sugar, then stroke my shaft. I'll let you know when to stop. Make me hard as a rock so I can give you what you're waiting for."

  When she did what he asked, he murmured, "God, sweetheart, what you're doing feels so good." He held her still with both hands and groaned deep with pleasure. "But you'd better stop now," he cautioned and pulled her mouth and hands off of him, bringing her up to sit over his hips.

  She reached toward the bed table and opened the drawer. "I bought my own condoms," she said, smiling. He laughed back. "I hope you bought the biggest size," he said when she handed him a foil packet. Then added, "Why don't you put it on?"

  She rolled the latex onto his erect penis. When she finished sheathing his cock, he lifted her, setting her onto the steely stalk. He entered her like a ship gliding into homeport, plunging higher as he moved inside slow and deep.

  "Umm," she heard him sigh.

  Then he began to move her up and down him in a smooth rhythm. Their gazes meshed in the dim light from the hall. Both were smiling. The silence between them was companionable, and completely right.

  "I like this," she said.

  "And I love fucking you, Carla. I don't plan to stop. Ever."

  Her brows arched, but by then, it was all she could do to hang on to her sanity and take another powerful, breathless ride on Evan's body. When her contractions ceased, he gently flipped Carla over on her back, and worked his magic another time while plundering her body with tender determination, titillating her clit with a fingertip, bringing her to a second and third climax. When his own release was finally sated, he rolled off of her and sighed again, deeply, before falling asleep by her side.

  * * * *

  When the clock alarm went off, Carla groaned and started to sit up.

  "Call in sick," Evan said. "We need to talk."

  "It's Monday. Today will be busy..."

  "Let the girls take care of it. I need you here with me."

  Oh God, to hear those words from him was magical.

  She made the phone call, left the message on Mrs. Wright's extension. Intestinal flu was always a good excuse, one that wouldn't last long but sounded reasonably uncomfortable.

  Evan moved a warm palm down her back as she made the call.

  She turned and frowned at him, placing her hand over the mouthpiece. "Don't you dare tickle me, Evan Lupo."

  He laughed and ceased his constant stroking.

  "I seem to remember that you called me bossy. Look who's talking now," she said putting the phone back in the cradle.

  His laughter was wicked as he pulled her down to the mattress, wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing the back of her neck. "You were the boss last night when you were on top. It's nice to take turns, isn't it, sugar? Or do you want to be boss all the time?" He grinned and rolled on top of her. Then he was kissing her, broken nose and all, opening his warm, wet mouth and devouring her worries until they disappeared under his tongue's ministrations. His touch, his sexy comments, were enough to have her on fire for him again.

  She would never get enough of this man. Oh Lord, if only she were younger...

  Before Carla knew it, she had forgotten all about going to work, writing reports, visiting her tenants on the second floor of the Spa. Evan was all she wanted, all that encompassed her mind and body until they both fell back to sleep for another nap.

  When Carla woke up later in the morning, she found Evan staring at her.

  "What? I know I'm a mess. This is the way I am when I get up in the morning--"

  "You're cute. I love you."

  She stared at him. He sounded serious.


  "Marry me."

  "What?" Her eyes opened wider. Then she shook her head. "No, no, no. I'm too old for you."

  "Who should know better if you're right for me? You or me?" He nuzzled her neck and bit it until she pushed him away.

  "You're talking crazy, Evan. You take the cake..."

  "If I sound crazy, it's because I am crazy ... about you, Carla. When we first made love, I swear I figured it was going to be a one-night stand, or at least, a short-term relationship. Just get laid as often as I could, have a good time, and be on my way. When I said I'd be Stud for a Night, I was serious. I'd
be leaving in a few weeks, and I'd never see you again." He ran a rough-skinned fingertip down her jaw. "But I was damn wrong. I couldn't do it. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Carla. Making love to you, spending both nights and days with you."

  He sat up, jammed the pillows behind his back, and pulled her against him. "I got to thinking when I was in Chicago. It's like this. Missing you after I just left here, I realized how much more I wanted to see you, be with you while I was there. I needed to do a couple of things before I could tell you, but that's finished now. I know how bad it could be, missing you. And how bad I'll feel if I had to move on and leave you behind."

  "But, Evan, I have a job here ... and a house..."

  "So? If you want me to stay, I'll stay. Life is too short to mess it up. I was just reminded that bad things happen too easy and too fast."

  He ducked down and kissed her very sweetly on the nose.

  "We can do this relationship thing whatever way you want, Carla. We can take it one day at a time if that's what you want, live together, but I'd rather have a ring on your finger. I don't want to lose you."

  "But what about Medieval Showtime?"

  "That wasn't going to be my job forever. I just didn't know where I wanted to go after that. Now I know."

  "And that is?"

  "Landscape work. I love digging in the dirt." He laughed, sounding young and raring with ideas and energy. "I've got some money saved. I'll learn what I don't know. Maybe work for somebody until I'm ready to start my own business. I've got a strong back and a lot of energy, you know."

  She smiled. He had carried her up those stairs enough times, and she was no lightweight.

  "Evan, that isn't the problem."

  "What is, then?"

  "Our difference in ages."

  He leaned over and kissed her again. Oh God! When he kissed her that way she was ready to agree to anything. It sounded so plausible, but she knew it wasn't.

  "Please, Evan, don't hate me."

  "I won't. I can't. Didn't I just tell you that I love you?"

  "I just want you to think about this some more. It's a little mind-bending."

  He watched as her expression grew very serious.

  "Evan, I'm 37. In ten years I'll be close to 50."

  "You'll be 47 and I'll be 38. So what?"

  "You're making me crazy, don't you know that? If I'm not careful I might start thinking that we had a chance to make it work. But, those are awful numbers. It freaks me out. I know we had great sex right from the start. I never had it so good with Billy. You kiss like a sex maniac, Evan Lupo, and you know just where to touch me so I go over the deep end, and yes, I love you, too, but..."

  "If you're worried about what people think, Carla, screw them! This is our life you're talking about. Your age is no obstacle for me, not like it is to you. Don't do this, Carla. Don't give up on a good thing. Please, sweetheart, I won't let you go."

  Carla groaned and buried her face against his shoulder.

  "You know what? I think people should mind their own business," he said. "They'd be a hell of a lot smarter if they said, 'Hey, that guy really loves her, otherwise why would he marry her?'" Evan smiled down at Carla. "And they'd be damn right."

  "Oh, Evan, I don't know if I can adjust to this that easily. Marriage is a serious commitment. How can you be sure you're ready for it?"

  He placed a fingertip over her lips. "I thought about it a lot since Chicago. I want to marry you, Carla. Don't worry, sugar, I'll keep you young. Trust me." His smile was both sure and wicked at the same time. He pressed his forehead against hers and looked deep into her eyes, his breath warm against her cheek.

  Carla took a tentative breath of air. "I want those things, too, but if..." Her voice cracked.

  "No ifs and buts, love. I'll talk you through it if you have any more scary reasons this won't work. Okay?"

  She nodded. "Yes. Then I guess I'll marry you."

  He sealed her lips with a long, drugging kiss; his promises swept her insecurities away with the swift, bold lance he wielded so well every night.


  The wedding took place on a Saturday in early September, during Labor Day weekend. Melody was Carla's maid of honor; Raoul served as Evan's best man. Throughout the entire ceremony Carla noticed Melody didn't take her eyes off of the golden-skinned, dusky-eyed Medieval Showtime knight.

  The second floor Spa tenants were invited to the outdoor wedding, which took place near the rose garden, as were Carla's assistants, their boyfriends, the administrative staff and Mrs. Wright, and Mike, the daytime security guard. The Barry sisters clapped as Carla came down the grassy aisle in a short, pale-blue wedding gown, carrying a bouquet of mixed roses. Paula Pembrooke sang the Ave Maria before the short wedding ceremony. Evan's Uncle Tony was trundled up to the front in his wheelchair with Angelina standing beside him, her hand on his shoulder. He gave the newlyweds a small champagne reception following the ceremony. Someone tied empty aluminum cans to the bumper of Evan's convertible. The noise clanged out of the Spa's parking lot as the newlyweds started on their honeymoon.

  They spent the rest of the three-day weekend in Atlantic City, but didn't gamble, visit any of the shows or any other hotel. Evan paid a hefty bill from Caesar's for room service after they finally returned to Carla's house to live.


  About the Author:

  Blaise Kilgallen was born in New Jersey, and lives in a semi-rural county in the "Garden State" with three four-footed companions: a retired thoroughbred mare, a half-Siamese cat and "a rather large" Rottweiler.

  She earned her BS in Fine Art Education with the intention to teach but found she'd rather "do" than teach. Blaise was employed for a number of years by a series of New York advertising agencies. Later, she wrote catalog and PR copy for a private label, sales-marketing firm and drapery-bedspread manufacturer She additionally earned a NJ Real Estate Broker's license and sold real estate. She now writes romantic fiction, paints and markets her watercolors.

  Blaise is also published in Historical and Contemporary Romance under the name of Joan M. Fox.

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