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Let's Get It On (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 8

by Doris O'Connor

  “I should put you over my knee for teasing me like that, minx,” he finally said, and a shudder went through her at his growled words.

  “I wish you would, Sir.” The whispered reply made all of his remaining blood shoot south, and he groaned out loud. His reaction seemed to restore some of her cheekiness, because she took several steps toward him and then sank to her knees in front of him and nuzzled his aching cock through the confines of his jeans.

  He had to clear his throat several times before he could project it with any authority.

  “Does that mean you’ve made your decision, pet?” he asked, and she nodded against his groin. His cock jerked and he clenched his jaw and speared his hands into her hair to stop her from moving. Not that it worked because she proceeded to run her hands up his thighs until she reached the button of his jeans, and managed to tug it through the loop, before he could utter as much as a grunt in response.

  “Yes, Sir, I have, so please let me take care of you. This looks most uncomfortable.”

  Lily pulled his zip down with agonizing slowness and he almost lost it there and then when she looked up at him and licked her lips. “Please?”

  Sloan could only manage a nod and her face lit up in a beautiful smile, as she freed his cock and blew across his already-weeping slit.

  “Fuck, I won’t last long, pet.” Sloan’s warning just seemed to spur her on and he tightened his hold on her hair when she took a firm hold of the root of his dick and licked up and down his shaft, before she swallowed him whole. His sensitive head hit the back of her throat, and when she swallowed around it and groaned, the vibrations shot up his shaft, and he swore and took over.

  Fists buried in her hair, he fucked her mouth, as his orgasm build in record time. The sight of her lips stretched around his saliva-slickened dick, her wide eyes staring up at him, nostrils flaring as she fought for breath, was so fucking erotic that he lost the last of his restraints and let pleasure consume him. Lily let her teeth graze his shaft every time he pulled out, and then sucked him hard when he thrust in, and Sloan came with a roar, as jets of his cum spurted through his dick, and Lily swallowed around his cock buried deep in her throat.

  By the time he could see straight again, Lily had licked him clean and had tucked him back in his briefs and jeans. Still sat by his feet, she rested her head on his thigh, and his chest felt tight with the rush of emotion that took his breath away. God, he loved her. This wasn’t just a passing fling, and the depth of his emotion shocked him. He’d thought himself in love before, but what he felt for Annabel paled into comparison to what he felt for the woman who looked up at him now with a small smile. The need to protect her, to keep her with him, and to truly make her his, consumed him, and pulling her up by her shoulders, he put all of his emotion into the kiss he gave her.

  Lily clung to him and he tasted the salt of her tears. Pulling away from her, he studied her, and Lily’s shy smile brought him further to his emotional knees. He swiped the drops off her face with a frown.

  “Why the tears, pet?” he asked, all too aware of the hoarse quality of his voice, and Lily snuggled closer into his chest.

  “I’m just happy, Sir. And I want to go home, please.”

  Sloan pulled back and put distance between them as his gut tightened.

  “Home?” he asked.

  Lily worried her bottom lip with her teeth and when she looked back up at him, the raw emotion he saw reflected in her gaze made him want to grab her and never let her go again.

  “Well, to get some things, and then to stay at yours, if you still want me to, that is. I don’t want to be on my own tonight, Sir.”

  Relief flooded through his system and he knew his grin must be splitting his face in half, when he took her hand and tugged her along.

  “Well, in that case, let’s get a move on before you change your mind.”

  Lily resisted the pull on her, and he turned round to study her.

  “I won’t change my mind, Sir. I want this. I want both of you.”

  Sloan’s grin deepened and he kissed her nose and tugged again. This time she followed him without a moment’s hesitation, and she giggled when they reached his car and he slapped her ass twice before settling her in the passenger seat.

  “I can’t wait to see Cy’s face when we tell him. He did want a Skype session, I seem to recall.”

  Lily’s breath hitched and Sloan had to adjust himself again before he could slide behind the steering wheel of his car.

  “Are we really going to do that?” Her breathy question didn’t help one bit with the state of his groin, and Sloan thudded his head back against the head rest, and groaned.

  “You fucking bet we are, pet. Just as soon as we can.”

  * * * *

  “I told you, there’s none by that name living here. I ought to know.” Tyson’s voice carried down the staircase and Lily’s smile slipped when another male voice joined him.

  “I did not ask for your opinion, young man. I know the slut lives here. I merely want to know when she is expected back.”

  The polished, Oxford-educated voice carried with a quiet air of authority and Lily pressed herself against the wall. Gone was the giggling woman who challenged Sloan to a race up the stairs to her flat, and in her stead stood a pale, trembling version, who stuffed her fist in her mouth to stop herself from making any sound.

  “No bother throwing your weight around them parts, dude. I told ya, she ain’t here, and if she was, I’m pretty sure she’d want nothing t’do with the likes of you, so fuck on off and outta here.”

  There was a collective murmur as though several of Tyson’s gang were also in the corridor, and Sloan had a sudden vision of the dickwad who had to be Lily’s old Master, surrounded by a gang of youths. Adrenaline flooded his system and he curled his hands into fists, ready to punch the asshole who’d fucked his girl up royally. What’s more, he still seemed to have some sort of hold over her, if Lily’s reaction was anything to go by, and Sloan was ready to do some serious damage. If only Cy was here, so he could leave Lily and sort this out once and for all, but he couldn’t leave her side. If she could have blended into the wall, she would have, he was sure. Eyes wild, her gaze darted across the stairs. Goose bumps covered her exposed skin, and her breathing was far too shallow and fast. She was in danger of hyperventilating, and she jumped out of her skin when he drew her into his arms, and used his big body to shield her from view as the voices came closer.

  The door to the stairwell opened, and Tyson swore, and slammed it shut again.

  “Use the lift. Someone took a crap all down them stairs. Wouldn’t want you to get your fancy-ass shoes all dirty, now would we, boys.”

  Collective laughter rang through, and that voice again.

  “Very funny. Clearly you gentlemen think you’re some sort of comedian. I shall go, but only, because I fear I might catch something from the likes of you. Tell the slut there is no point in hiding. I have come for what’s mine, and she’ll better be ready.”

  A whimper escaped Lily, and Sloan swallowed his curse and wrapping his hands in her hair tugged her head up.

  “Eyes on me, pet. You’re fine. Everything will be okay. He has no hold over you anymore. You’re mine. Mine and Cy’s and we won’t let anything happen to you. Do you hear me?”

  Lily swallowed hard and he tugged harder on her hair, until tears sprang into her eyes and she finally focused on him.

  “Promise, Sir?” she asked, and her voice sounded so small and lost, it tore a hole in his gut.

  “Lily, you’re mine. I won’t let anyone hurt you. I promise, and I’m sure once Cy hears of this, he will tell you that, too. Relax baby. He’s gone.”

  “Don’t say that unless you mean that.”

  Sloan swore again and he slammed his lips down on hers with much more force than he would normally use, but he had to get through to her somehow.

  Lily whimpered but opened to the insistent demand of his tongue and after a moment’s hesitation, she k
issed him back with all the passion she was capable of. By the time Tyson’s amused voice broke them apart, they were both breathing heavily, and not relinquishing his hold on Lily, Sloan turned his head to address the youth.

  “Is the fucker gone?” he asked.

  Tyson rolled his shoulders and flexed his knuckles.

  “Yep, for now, but you might wanna get Lily baby outta here. Don’t like the looks of ‘im. That’s the asswipe that put her in them flats here in t’first place, right, dude?”

  Lily shrunk back again and Sloan let her go and punched the wall. Pain shot up his knuckles and Tyson whistled through his teeth.

  Pinching the bridge of his nose, Sloan inhaled roughly and focused his attention back on trembling woman in front of him.

  “I meant every word I said to you, baby. Now, let’s get you in your flat, grab some things, and then you’re coming home with me.” He was dimly aware of Tyson flashing a grin of approval, and he breathed a sigh of relief when Lily simply nodded and let him lead her up to her flat. He shut the door on her, and turned to face Tyson.

  “Thanks for keeping him away from her.”

  Tyson rocked on the heels of his feet and nodded.

  “No problem, dude. We is all quite fond of Lily baby. She one of us. Ain’t no fancy-ass dude gonna get her, not unless she wants ‘em to, and that there was the fucker who left ‘er ‘ere in bits when she first came, so no chance ‘e ain’t gonna get his paws on ‘er.”

  “Well, I appreciate it, Tyson. What did he look like?”

  Tyson snorted and indicated a man a good foot shorter than Sloan.

  “Skinny dude, expensive suit and watch, grey hair. In his fifties, I reckon, with a stick up his ass. Grey eyes, glasses, and damn evil smile. Jenver got his reg plate if ya want it.” He indicated another spotty-nosed youth who was part of his gang. “Drives a freaking Jag, an old one, but still. Fucking show-off. Used ta be a regular cruising around the estates a few years back, until the coppers scare him off. Was looking for young’uns, see.”

  Bile rose in Sloan’s gut, and he shook his head in disgust.

  “I recognize his voice, I think. I’m sure I’ve met the ass someplace else.” Sloan didn’t think Tyson needed to know where, but he was sure as he could be that he’d heard that voice at Cyrus’s club. It had been a few years ago, and his stomach twisted at the thought that it would have been when Lily had been at that man’s mercy. For all he knew, he might have brought Lily along back then. Sloan wouldn’t have necessarily seen her. If his hunch was correct that voice belonged to someone who used to book the private rooms a lot for his parties.

  A red mist descended upon Sloan at the thought. Cy would know, and a look through the members’ registers would further clarify things.

  The door opened to reveal a far too pale Lily, and Sloan shoved the thoughts to the back of his mind for now. What he needed to do right now was concentrate on his girl and make sure she was okay. He took the two holdalls off of her, and she gave him a tight smile.

  “You okay there, Lily baby?” Tyson asked, and she shook her head.

  “No, but I will be.” The wobble in her voice strengthened Sloan’s resolve to make sure she would be.

  Chapter Nine

  Lily slid into the passenger seat of Sloan’s truck with a sigh of relief, and shut her eyes. Had it really been less than half an hour since she left this very spot? Bubbles of happiness had exploded in her belly then. Now dread made her insides churn, and she swallowed frantically to stop herself being sick.

  What did he want with her after all this time, and why did she still react like this to the mere sound of his voice? She wasn’t that girl anymore, and she would never, ever enter another arrangement like that, yet hearing Master had taken her right back to the place where she lived for his approval alone. Where just looking at another person without his say-so would have resulted in a severe punishment.

  Sloan’s door opened and his scent filled the interior of the truck. The engine rumbled into life and Sloan’s large hand settled on her thigh.

  “Breathe, pet. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Slowly… do it with me.” Sloan reached across to fasten her seat belt and grasping her chin made her look at him.

  “In and out, with me, that’s my girl. Calm down, baby, you’re safe. You’re with me. Just blow those memories away. That’s it.”

  Over the rushing in her ears, and the frantic beating of her heart, Sloan’s calm voice registered, and she slowed her rapid gulps of air, until her breaths matched his and the world stopped spinning. She didn’t realize she was crying until Sloan kissed the tears off her face, and she sniffed and focused on him.

  “That’s my girl. Let’s get you back to mine. Soak in the bath for you, followed by takeout and we can rent a chick flick or two. What’cha reckon? It’s been one hell of a day, baby.”

  Lily couldn’t help it. Despite the churning in her gut, she had to grin at the thought of Sloan sitting through a chick flick. He so didn’t seem the type, but then what did she really know about him outside of work? They hadn’t exactly followed the usual path of getting to know each other, had they?

  Sloan smiled and tapped her nose.

  “That’s better. Of course if you’d rather watch the motor racing that would be cool with me, too.” He winked at her, put the truck into gear, and drove off. The further away they drove from the estate, the more her anxiety fled, and eventually her hands stopped shaking.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, and Sloan shook his head and glanced at her.

  “You have nothing to apologize for, baby. It must have come as a shock to be suddenly confronted with your past like that.” He reached across to touch her shoulder briefly and then went back to concentrate on negotiating the busy London traffic. Fleeting as that touch had been, it nonetheless helped to reassure her, and she took a deep breath, and then another to force the words past her lips.

  “Yes, I do. I didn’t even see him, just heard his fucking voice. What the hell was that about? What if I had seen him? Would I have just sunk to the floor and done his fucking bidding like some trained lap dog?”

  The truck crawled to halt in a line of traffic, and Sloan focused fully on her. Her heart beat faster and she lost herself in the intensity of his gaze, like she always did when Sloan chose to exert his dominance.

  He looked irritated and misery swamped her at the thought that he might be annoyed with her. He held one finger up, and when he spoke his voice held that edge of steel that meant her hormones went crazy.

  “One, if I ever hear you talking about yourself in such a demeaning manner, I’ll paddle that ass of yours until you can’t sit down for a week.”

  A grim smile kicked up the corner of his full mouth when she inhaled sharply and pressed her thighs together to relieve the instant throb in her clit. Master had handed out what he called a maintenance spanking every morning, and Lily realized with a start that she wouldn’t mind having Sloan do that for her. They hadn’t discussed their dynamics or protocol yet, but she knew she would put that on the table when they did.

  “Two.” Sloan held up a second finger as he continued talking. “You’re submissive, and from what I’ve observed so far, that need runs deep with you. How much of that is due to his having forced you into a twenty-four-seven total power exchange at such a young age, I wouldn’t like to hazard a guess at. I’m no psychologist, and you said before that you don’t want that arrangement again, and thank fuck for that. It’s exhausting, quite frankly, and I enjoy your sass far too much, but it explains why you react to him like that.”

  A loud toot behind them made Sloan swear and he put the truck back into gear and started driving again.

  “Three, you may well have had the urge to sink to your knees in front of him, because that’s what you feel is expected of you, but there is no doubt in my mind that you’d have snapped out of it just as quickly. And even if you couldn’t bring yourself to not obey him, there is no chance in fucking hell that I would le
t you do that for him or anyone else. And that’s not because I’m a fucking control freak, but that’s because I care for you, and I know that’s not what you’d want. Submission is always your choice, and as a Dominant, I’m humbled by you giving me that gift. I would never take it for granted and I’ll fucking deck anyone who would. As would Cy, and he spotted that need in you first. I don’t know how I missed it before and for the love of god say something, woman. That’s the second time I’ve told you that you mean something to me, and while I don’t necessarily expect you to say it back, please, just say something. Even if it’s to tell me to take a fucking hike, and that I’ve got this all wrong.”

  He glanced her way again and his jaw clenched, and he ran a hand through his hair. Lily winced when he crunched the gears and took the corner into a side road a bit too fast. She put one hand out to brace herself against the dashboard and Sloan murmured an apology when he had to slam the breaks on to avoid a little white and black cat darting across the street.

  “Fuck, Joanne would have my hide if I ran over one of her cats.”

  “Joanne?” Lily asked, not liking the unreasonable stab of jealousy poking at her gut. “Who the hell is Joanne?”

  “My neighbor and the resident cat rescue expert. She nursed that little one back to health after another wanker ran her over and left her to die. Clearly the damn cat is determined to use up every one of its nine lives. You’d think it would be more careful after the last run-in with a car.”

  Sloan swung the truck curbside into an available parking space, and turned off the engine.

  “Anyway, we’re here. That’s my house.” Sloan gestured to a two up, two down, terraced property identical to all the others in this London side street. Shaded by big oak trees along the road, it looked completely ordinary, and reminded her of the house she’d grown up in, before her mother had passed away.


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