Witching Bones
Page 21
“Yeah.” I paused, a flicker of uncertainty washing over me. Kipa was gorgeous. I knew he had been a player, and so… “Is Meadow pretty? I assume Meadow’s the sister?”
He laughed then, shaking his head. “Yeah, she’s pretty enough. But Meadow’s gay, and so is her brother. I’m not her type, and Trefoil isn’t my type, so you have nothing to worry about, Raven. Besides, even if she was my type, you’re the one I want. And your mother would kill me if I hurt you. In fact, it’s time for serious talk.” He sat up, the smile sliding off his face. “Raven, I give you my word of honor. If for some reason I feel like I can’t commit to this relationship, I’ll be honest. I’ll tell you upfront before anything happens. I don’t want to fuck this up.”
My heart swelled, and I leaned over to kiss him.
The next moment, Raj was sprawling across our laps, staring intently at Kipa.
“Kipa be good to Raven. Raj likes that.”
I blinked. “Raj! You spoke to Kipa!” I turned to Kipa. “He’s never spoken to anyone else!”
Raj gave an imitation of a shrug. “Raj thinks Kipa is okay. Kipa like Raj?” He looked plaintively at Kipa, who let out a belly laugh.
“Oh Raj, yes, I like you. Kipa likes Raj. Kipa thinks Raj is just dandy.” He squeezed me with one arm, while he stroked Raj’s back with the other. “We make a funny little team, don’t we?”
I snorted. “I’m not sure funny’s the word for it, but we do all right.”
Then, leaning my head on Kipa’s shoulder, I snuggled further under the covers. Raj promptly fell asleep, stretched across our laps, setting up a loud snorefest. Kipa and I talked in low tones as, outside, the long winter’s night continued.
Phasmoria and I were standing atop a turnout that looked over TirNaNog. The great Dark Fae city spread out below us, twinkling lights shimmering against the snowy night. The storm had ended, but the snow remained. We were supposed to have rain in a week or so, and the winter would begin to melt away, but for now, everything glimmered as though bathed with a blanket of diamonds.
“There’s something I must tell you,” Phasmoria said. “I didn’t come here just for a visit.”
I glanced over at my mother. We were sitting atop the roof of my car, swinging our legs in the chill night. “What’s going on?”
“You need to be prepared for a battle that’s coming. Something is stirring in the depths of the Aether. An ancient evil we thought long put to rest. Typhon is rising.”
I caught my breath. “Typhon?”
Typhon, the son of Gaia and Tartarus, was the primordial dragon, a hydra with a hundred heads, who had long been wed to Echidna. She had vanished, and Typhon had fallen into a death-like slumber after a battle with Zeus. Typhon was considered the father of modern occidental dragons, though thankfully, not all of them bore his poisonous nature.
“Yes, the Father of Dragons. And he brings the darkness with him. We will all be put to the test.”
I blinked. “We who?”
“The Bean Sidhe. The Morrígan. All of those who work on the Aether. When Typhon fully wakes, he will carry the powers of Tartarus on his shoulders. The dead will walk, breaking out of their graves. The spirit world will reel, and all connected to Arawn will be called to battle the primordial evil as it plays out through the pawns of this world.” She sounded so grave that any semblance of a smile died from my face.
I stared at the lights of TirNaNog. “How do you know?”
“The Morrígan returned from a council with the Triamvinate. Arawn was there as well. You know that Corra woke?” Corra was an ancient goddess, the Scottish serpent oracle for the gods. She only woke when major world-shifts were coming to play with the world.
I nodded. “Ember told me. I heard that Cernunnos and Morgana were headed to a meeting with her.”
“She’s held many audiences over the past few weeks. Soon, the gods will form a conclave to meet with her. And in other realms, the Fates, the Norns, they’ve all called in their gods. Change is coming to the world, and it comes in on the shadowed wings of Typhon, my dear. Because you are a priestess of Arawn, and Cerridwen, you will be called in to play your part in the approaching war. For there will be war, make no mistake about it. It may not play out openly, but in the shadows and dark alleys of the world, there will be blood.”
I stared over the night, my heart sinking. “I don’t want to be part of a war.”
My mother laughed, but there was little mirth behind her voice. “Oh, Raven, my daughter. How can I put this without being too blunt?”
“Just be direct. I am.” I met her gaze, straightening my shoulders. My mother expected me to be strong, and so I would be.
“Very well. Direct it is, then. War is coming, on the Aetheric realm. The Lord of Chaos is expected to join forces with Typhon. This could destroy everything the mortals of this world—human, Fae and shifters alike—have built. The humans have managed to accept the existence of those of us from their nightmares, but they will not be able to stand against Typhon’s deadly forces. He won’t come in guns blazing, so to speak, but he’ll work through every channel he can find. You must be ready.”
I stared into the night, feeling very small and very alone. After a few moments, my mother reached out and took my hand. “There will be many fighting with you. The gods, their servants, and all of those who seek to prevent the world from falling into darkness. The Wild Hunt and its sister organizations will join this fight as well. You won’t be alone, but this will divide the Ante-Fae community as alliances are made and broken.”
I nodded, swallowing hard. I wasn’t ready for a battle. I loved my life the way it was. But as I gazed into the frozen night, I knew I didn’t have any choice. At least, though, I’d have my friends with me, and Kipa and Raj, and the ferrets. And I’d do whatever I had to in order to protect them, because that was what you did with beloved family. You protected them, no matter the cost to yourself.
“Come. The battle’s not on the doorstep yet,” Phasmoria said, pulling me to her side and hugging me. “Let’s go have burgers and fries. We’ll buy Raj one, too.”
Still too stunned to talk, I nodded and slipped off the top of the car, landing gently on my feet. As my mother fastened her seat belt, I put the car in gear. In the blink of an eye, my world had changed, and for one second, I wished I could turn back time, just long enough to breathe easy again. But knowledge was always bought with a price, and I would rather know what we were in for than walk in unprepared.
I pulled out of the turnoff and headed back to town, turning on the radio. Out of the speakers came the lyrics and plaintive notes of Pati Yang’s “All That Is Thirst.” All the way back to town, the mournful notes echoed in my heart.
If you enjoyed this book and haven’t read the others in The Wild Hunt Series, check out THE SILVER STAG, OAK & THORNS, IRON BONES, A SHADOW OF CROWS, THE HALLOWED HUNT, THE SILVER MIST, and WITCHING HOUR. Preorder Book 9 now—A SACRED MAGIC—where we return to Ember’s world. There will be more to come after that.
Meanwhile, I invite you to visit Fury’s world. Bound to Hecate, Fury is a minor goddess, taking care of the Abominations who come off the World Tree. Books 1-5 are available now in the Fury Unbound Series : FURY RISING, FURY’S MAGIC, FURY AWAKENED, FURY CALLING, and FURY’S MANTLE.
If you prefer a lighter-hearted but still steamy paranormal romance, meet the wild and magical residents of Bedlam in my Bewitching Bedlam Series. Fun-loving witch Maddy Gallowglass, her smoking-hot vampire lover Aegis, and their crazed cjinn Bubba (part djinn, all cat) rock it out in Bedlam, a magical town on a mystical island. BLOOD MUSIC, BEWITCHING BEDLAM, MAUDLIN’S MAYHEM, SIREN’S SONG, WITCHES WILD, CASTING CURSES, BLOOD VENGEANCE, TIGER TAILS, and Bubba’s origin story THE WISH FACTOR are all available.
For a dark, gritty, steamy series, try my world of The Indigo Court , where the long winter has come, and the Vampiric Fae are on the rise. The series is complete with NIGHT MYST, NIGHT VEIL, NIGHT SEEKER, NIGHT VISION, NIGHT’S END, and NIGHT SHIVE
If you like cozies with teeth, try my Chintz ‘n China paranormal mysteries. The series is complete with: GHOST OF A CHANCE, LEGEND OF THE JADE DRAGON, MURDER UNDER A MYSTIC MOON, A HARVEST OF BONES, ONE HEX OF A WEDDING, and a wrap-up novella: HOLIDAY SPIRITS.
The last Otherworld book—BLOOD BONDS—is available now.
For all of my work, both published and upcoming releases, see the Biography at the end of this book, or check out my website at Galenorn.com and be sure and sign up for my newsletter to receive news about all my new releases.
Cast of Characters
Raven & the Ante-Fae:
The Ante-Fae are creatures predating the Fae. They are the wellspring from which all Fae descended, unique beings who rule their own realms. All Ante-Fae are dangerous, but some are more deadly than others.
Apollo: The Golden Boy. Vixen’s boytoy. Weaver of Wings. Dancer.
Arachana: The Spider Queen. She has almost transformed into one of the Luo’henkah.
Blackthorn, the King of Thorns: Ruler of the blackthorn trees and all thorn-bearing plants. Cunning and wily, he feeds on pain and desire.
Curikan, the Black Dog of Hanging Hills: Raven’s father, one of the infamous black dogs. The first time someone meets him, they find good fortune. If they should ever see him again, they meet tragedy.
Phasmoria: Queen of the Bean Sidhe. Raven’s mother.
Raven, the Daughter of Bones: (also: Raven BoneTalker) A bone witch, Raven is young, as far as the Ante-Fae go, and she works with the dead. She’s also a fortune-teller, and a necromancer.
Straff: Blackthorn’s son, who suffers from a wasting disease requiring him to feed off others’ life energies and blood.
Vixen: The Mistress/Master of Mayhem. Gender-fluid Ante-Fae who owns the Burlesque A-Go-Go nightclub.
The Vulture Sisters: Triplet sisters, predatory.
Raven’s Friends:
Elise, Gordon, & Templeton: Raven’s ferret-bound spirit friends she rescued years ago and now protects until she can find the secret to breaking the curse on them.
Gunnar: One of Kipa’s SuVahta Elitvartijat—elite guards.
Jordan Roberts: Tiger-shifter. Llewellyn’s husband. Owns A Taste of Latte coffee shop.
Llewellyn Roberts: One of the magic-born. Owns the Sun & Moon Apothecary.
Moira Ness: Human. One of Raven’s regular clients for readings.
Neil Johansson: One of the magic-born. A priest of Thor.
Raj: Gargoyle companion of Raven. Wing-clipped, he’s been with Raven for a number of years.
Wager Chance: Half Dark-Fae, half-human PI. Owns a PI firm found in the Catacombs. Has connections with the vampires.
Wendy Fierce-Womyn: An Amazon who works at Ginty’s Waystation Bar & Grill.
The Wild Hunt & Family:
Angel Jackson: Ember’s best friend, a human empath, Angel is the newest member of the Wild Hunt. A whiz in both the office and the kitchen, and loyal to the core, Angel is an integral part of Ember’s life, and a vital member of the team.
Charlie Darren: A vampire who was turned at 19. Math major, baker, and all-around gofer.
Ember Kearney: Caught between the world of Light and Dark Fae, and pledged to Morgana, goddess of the Fae and the Sea, Ember Kearney was born with the mark of the Silver Stag. Rejected by both her bloodlines, she now works for the Wild Hunt as an investigator.
Herne the Hunter: Herne is the son of the Lord of the Hunt, Cernunnos, and Morgana, goddess of the Fae and the Sea. A demigod—given his mother’s mortal beginnings—he’s a lusty, protective god and one hell of a good boss. Owner of the Wild Hunt Agency, he helps keep the squabbles between the world of Light and Dark Fae from spilling over into the mortal realms.
Talia: A harpy who long ago lost her powers, Talia is a top-notch researcher for the agency, and a longtime friend of Herne’s.
Viktor: Viktor is half-ogre, half-human. Rejected by his father’s people (the ogres), he came to work for Herne some decades back.
Yutani: A coyote shifter who is dogged by the Great Coyote, Yutani was driven out of his village over two hundred years before. He walks in the shadow of the trickster, and is the IT specialist for the Wild Hunt.
Ember’s Friends, Family, & Enemies:
Aoife: A priestess of Morgana who guards the Seattle portal to the goddess’s realm.
Celia: Yutani’s aunt.
Danielle: Herne’s daughter, born to an Amazon named Myrna.
DJ Jackson: Angel’s little stepbrother, DJ is half Wulfine—wolf shifter. He now lives with a foster family for his own protection.
Erica: A Dark Fae police officer, friend of Viktor’s.
Elatha: Fomorian King; enemy of the Fae race.
Ginty McClintlock: A dwarf. Owner of Ginty’s Waystation Bar & Grill
Marilee: A priestess of Morgana, Ember’s mentor. Possibly human—unknown.
Myrna: An Amazon who had a fling with Herne many years back, resulting in their daughter Danielle.
Rafé Forrester: Brother to Ulstair, Raven’s late fiancé; Angel’s boyfriend. Actor/Fast-food worker. Dark Fae.
Sheila: Viktor’s girlfriend. A kitchen witch; one of the magic-born. Geology teacher who volunteers at the Chapel Hill Homeless Shelter.
The Gods, the Luo’henkah, the Elemental Spirits, & Their Courts:
Arawn: Lord of the Dead. Lord of the Underworld.
Brighid: Goddess of Healing, Inspiration, and Smithery. The Lady of the Fiery Arrows, “Exalted One.”
The Cailleach: One of the Luo’henkah, the heart and spirit of winter.
Cerridwen: Goddess of the Cauldron of Rebirth. Dark harvest mother goddess.
Cernunnos: Lord of the Hunt, god of the Forest and King Stag of the Woods. Together with Morgana, Cernunnos originated the Wild Hunt and negotiated the covenant treaty with both the Light and the Dark Fae. Herne’s father.
Corra: Ancient Scottish serpent goddess. Oracle to the gods.
Coyote (also: Great Coyote): Native American trickster spirit/god.
Danu: Mother of the Pantheon. Leader of the Tuatha de Dannan.
Ferosyn: Chief healer in Cernunnos’s Court.
Herne: (see The Wild Hunt)
Isella: One of the Luo’henkah. The Daughter of Ice (daughter of the Cailleach).
Kuippana (also: Kipa): Lord of the Wolves. Elemental forest spirit; Herne’s distant cousin. Trickster. Leader of the SuVahta, a group of divine elemental wolf shifters.
Morgana: Goddess of the Fae and the Sea, she was originally human but Cernunnos lifted her to deityhood. She agreed to watch over the Fae who did not return across the Great Sea. Torn by her loyalty to her people, and her loyalty to Cernunnos, she at times finds herself conflicted about the Wild Hunt. Herne’s mother.
The Morrígan: Goddess of Death and Phantoms. Goddess of the battlefield.
The Fae Courts:
Navane: The court of the Light Fae, both across the Great Sea and on the east side of Seattle, the latter ruled by Névé.
TirNaNog: The court of the Dark Fae, both across the Great Sea and on the east side of Seattle, the latter ruled by Saílle.
The Force Majeure:
A group of legendary magicians, sorcerers, and witches. They are not human, but magic-born. There are twenty-one at any given time and the only way into the group is to be hand chosen, and the only exit from the group is death.
Merlin: Morgana’s father. Magician of ancient Celtic fame.
Taliesin: The first Celtic bard. Son of Cerridwen, originally a servant who underwent magical transformation and finally was reborn through Cerridwen as the first bard.
Ranna: Powerful sorceress. Elatha’s mistress.
Rasputin: The Russian sorcerer and mystic.
Väinämöinen: The most famous Finnish bard.
Timeline of Series
Year 1:
May/Beltane: The Silver Stag (Ember)
June/Litha: Oak & Thorns (Ember)
August/Lughnasadh: Iron Bones (Ember)
bsp; September/Mabon: A Shadow of Crows (Ember)
Mid October: Witching Hour (Raven)
Late October/Samhain: The Hallowed Hunt (Ember)
Dec/Yule: The Silver Mist (Ember)
Year 2:
January: Witching Bones (Raven)
Late January/Imbolc: A Sacred Magic (Ember)
I often write to music, and WITCHING BONES was no exception. Here’s the playlist I used for this book.
Android Lust: Here and Now; Saint Over
Beck: Farewell Ride; Emergency Exit
The Black Angels: Currency; Don’t Play With Guns; Love Me Forever; Always Maybe; Young Men Dead
Black Mountain: Queens Will Play
Boney M: Rasputin
Broken Bells: The Ghost Inside
Cher: The Beat Goes On
Colin Foulke: Emergence
Crazy Town: Butterfly
Cream: Strange Brew; Sunshine of Your Love
Damh the Bard: Land, Sky and Sea; Green and Grey; The Cauldron Born; Tomb of the King; Obsession; Cloak of Feathers; Gently Johnny; The Hills They Are Hollow; Lady of the Silver Wheel; The Wicker Man; Scarborough Faire; Lady in Black
Dizzi: Dizzi Jig; Dance of the Unicorns
Donovan: Sunshine Superman; Season of the Witch
Dragon Ritual Drummers: Black Queen; The Fall; Dance of the Roma
Eastern Sun: Beautiful Being (Original Edit)
Eivør: Trøllbundin
Everlast: Black Jesus; I Can’t Move; Ends; We’re All Gonna Die; One, Two
Faun: Hymn to Pan; Iduna; Oyneng Yar
FC Kahuna: Hayling
The Feeling: Sewn
Fleetwood Mac: The Chain; Gold Dust Woman
Flight of the Hawk: Bones
Gary Numan: Cars (Remix); Ghost Nation; My Name Is Ruin; Hybrid; Petals; I Am Dust; Here in the Black
Godsmack: Voodoo
Gorillaz: Last Living Souls; Kids with Guns; Dare; Hongkongaton; Rockit; Clint Eastwood; Stylo