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Reflecting On Wishes (The Wishes Series)

Page 10

by Felthauser, DeAnna

  The coffee was done perking so he filled his thermos and shut the coffee pot off before grabbing his tool belt and heading out the door. While he walked the short distance to his parents’ house he decided to coerce his mom into letting him pick some of her flowers to take to Angel. Sappy, but most women liked flowers as far as he could tell. The front door was open when he jogged up the porch steps and went in the screen door.

  “Mom, do you mind if I pick some of your flowers to take to Angel?” He said as he walked inside.

  “What, no good morning, Mom…or even a hug? Come here, you.” Mikayla gave her son a big hug, smiling up at him.

  “Good morning, Momma,” he grinned at her and squeezed her tight.

  “That’s better. Of course you can pick her some flowers. I even have a vase you can put them in. Let me grab my pruning shears and we’ll go out back and snip the ones you want. Your dad has the truck pulled around back loading up some tools.”

  The flower beds were in full bloom with bright pink and red azaleas, stark white lily-of-the-valley, peach and yellow tulips and soft lavender spanish bluebells. His mom was laughing at him as he inspected each flower before deciding which to snip and hand to her to arrange in the vase. It didn’t help matters when Tank came around the side of the house and proceeded to make fun of him for picking flowers while wearing a tool belt.

  “You are such a wuss, bruh. She got you all messed up,” he laughed, patting him on the back.

  “Screw you, Tank. I remember how you were when you were trying to convince Gina you were the man for her. Don’t even give me crap for getting flowers for Angel.” Dakota elbowed his friend good-naturedly.

  “Hey if you two are done tip-toeing through the tulips we should probably head on over there and get to work.” Noah gave them a smirking grin as he got into the truck and started it up.

  “I’ll be by in a bit to bring some sandwiches for lunch. You boys behave yourselves now, you hear me?” Mikayla shielded her eyes from the sun when she walked up to the window and gave her husband a kiss goodbye.

  “Thanks, Mom, see you soon.” Dakota replied.

  The drive over to the Vegas’ house was relatively quiet. Dakota sipped his coffee from his thermos and looked out the window as they passed acre after acre of orchards and produce farms. His stomach was nervous, doing summersaults as he thought about seeing Angel.

  It must have showed because Tank clapped him on his shoulder and squeezed. “Keep it cool, bruh. Give her some space and let’s get the work done. Let her come to you. Don’t force it.”

  Dakota nodded his head, anxiously picking at his fingernail. Vito was walking out the door when they pulled into the driveway.

  “Hey guys, Rage is inside. He’s staying around to help today but I have to go in to work. I sure do appreciate you volunteering to help. Things have been so busy.” Vito shook their hands and nodded at the flowers Dakota was awkwardly clutching. “Those for me, son?” He teased him.

  “Naw, you’re a handsome guy, Vito, but these are a peace offering for Angel. Maybe get me some brownie points or something.”

  Vito patted his shoulder and nodded, “Maybe so. She’s in pretty good spirits after Ms. Lola came by and made breakfast.”

  “That’s good to hear. Anything you need help with around here, just let us know. We’re happy to help.” Noah shook Vito’s hand and went around the truck, opening the tailgate to get the saw out.

  “Will do. Thanks, guys. I gotta head into work now. It looks like Nahni is ready to go,” he said as she walked out the front door waving at them.

  “Oh, well what do we have here?” She walked up to Dakota and smelled the bouquet of flowers, giving him a bright smile. “Well played, dear man well played.”

  Dakota grinned at her, feeling more confident of his gesture after having another female’s approval besides just his mom.

  “Go on inside and surprise her with that. She’s at the table going through mail. Rage is already tearing off the trim on the bathroom doorway. We put plastic over her bed and dresser so y’all don’t have to worry about dust and all that.” Nahni rested her hand on her bulging belly and waddled over to Vito’s truck, climbing inside and waving as they pulled away.

  “Guess I’m gonna go on inside and give her these and hope for the best.”

  “Good luck, bruh,” Tank clapped him on the back, giving him a slight shove towards the door.

  Taking a deep breath, Dakota walked up the ramp and opened the screen door.

  “Did you forget something, Nahni?” Angel called out.

  “No, her and your dad just left. I brought you flowers.” He stammered out. Walking up to her and thrusting the vase of softly scented flowers towards her.

  “I see that,” she said, taking them from him and sniffing the sweet offering. Her cheeks flushed and the bright smile she gave him was worth all the teasing from his buddy. He took that as a good sign and pulled out a chair next to her and sat down.

  “Thank you, Dakota. You didn’t have to do this.” Her eyes had a soft glow about them that made the edges of her brown iris’s look like they were tipped in gold.

  “You’re welcome, Angel. I wanted to bring you something to make you smile.” He reached over and brushed her hair off her forehead and tucked it behind her ear so he could see her face. She immediately tipped her head forward again so her hair cascaded around her again. She fidgeted, setting the flowers on the table and tugging her skirt over her knees.

  “You look beautiful. I like that color on you.” Reaching out, he took her hand in his and gave it a soft squeeze.

  “I don’t look beautiful. I look like a freak.” She pulled her hand from his and slid her hands down to cover her knees where her scars started. He remembered seeing her wounds after her surgery. The scarring wasn’t nearly as bad as he thought it would be. But he could understand why she would worry what he thought of her scars. She was a female and females seemed to always worry about what other people thought of their appearance. Wasn’t it obvious he was crazy for her?

  “You don’t look like a freak. You’re still just as beautiful as the first time I saw you. Hold your head up, Angel. You are a survivor. You’re getting better every day and you will continue getting better. Physical therapy has come a long way. Give it time. Wounds heal,” he replied, tucking her hair behind her ear again. When she lowered her head again, he brushed his fingers down her jaw and tapped under her chin. “Keep your head up. You’re a fighter.”

  Tears welled up in her eyes but she didn’t pull away until Rage walked in the room carrying a crowbar, bearing a huge grin on his face.

  “I absolutely love tearing shit up. It’s exhilarating!” He grabbed a cup and filled it with tap water, draining it in one gulp.

  Noah and Tank walked inside, greeting everyone. Tank handed Dakota his tool belt saying, “Move over, bruh, I need me some Angel lovin’ this mornin’!”

  It was worth moving out of the way for a minute just to hear her giggle at his friend. “Hi, Tank. How are you doing darlin’? Noah, it’s good to see you again.”

  “You’re looking bright as a summer’s day this morning, Angel. It’s good to see you, sweetheart. Miki told me to tell you she’ll be over to visit in a little while. She’s making sandwiches and sweet tea for lunch and if my nose is correct, she was making a blackberry cobbler this morning too.”

  “It will be great to see her, Noah. It’s very sweet of you guys to come help Rage and Papá fix things for me. It means a lot to me.” She gave Noah a hug and offered them something to drink.

  “Thank you, but I think we all brought coffee for now.” Dakota said.

  “Ugh, that’s why your breath was so bad,” Angel grimaced and shook her head.

  Tank busted up laughing, following the chuckling Rage down the hallway. “Way to close the deal, bruh. Bowl her over with bad breath!”

  “Screw you, Tank.” Dakota shook his head and took Angel by the chin, brushing a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth. “I’ll
remember that, wicked tease.”

  Angel couldn’t help herself, she grinned and pulled back up to the table to finish going through the pile of mail while the guys went to work.


  Within the next four hours they had the door to her bathroom and bedroom widened and re-framed to allow her chair room to move freely. The door to her closet had been reversed so it opened in the opposite direction just as Rage had told her he would. When they stopped to eat the lunch that Miki had brought over, they allowed her to go take a peek at their progress. What she wasn’t expecting, was the bathroom lift that would make it so she would be able to get herself in and out of the bathtub without any assistance. Dakota explained to her how it worked, encouraging her to try it out. By the time she maneuvered from her chair to the tub and lowered herself into it and back out again, she had silent tears streaming down her cheeks. It was humbling to have someone do something so thoughtful. Now, not only would she be able to go to the bathroom by herself, but she would be able to take care of her personal hygiene as well without assistance. When she eased back into her wheelchair she held her arms out to him and cried on his shoulder while he hugged her against his chest. All the things they had done gave her some of her mobility back and in a sense, helped her keep her dignity. It was something she would forever be grateful for. It surprised her when she noticed the unshed tears in Noah’s eyes. But after thinking about it, she realized that out of everyone, he probably understood better than anyone what it means to have at least some of your freedom back. She knew he had gone through an adjustment period after losing his leg in war. But now you couldn’t even tell unless you saw his prosthetic. It was inspiring, and even though their circumstances were different, it gave her hope for her own future.

  By afternoon, Angel and Mikayla were sunning out by the pool, sipping sweet tea while they chatted. The guys informed them that the first coat of paint was on the newly remodeled room and that they would finish it off tomorrow. Angel was only paying partial attention to her brother because she couldn’t stop staring at Dakota. In the process of working he had taken his shirt off and now stood before her with his muscled chest glistening with sweat, looking as if each bead was sliding down a river of chocolate, making her mouth water for a taste. She imagined her tongue tracing each dip in the muscles of his abs until she reached the hard line of the ‘v’ that dipped into the waist of his pants. Her mouth was dry and her body felt hot, not from the heat outside, but from the rush of desire she felt every single time he was near. The nights they’d spent together before her accident were so vivid in her mind she was afraid the memories were all she would ever have again so she was holding on to them tight. But the want and the need that pooled low in her belly set her on edge.

  “Angel. Hey, Angel! Are you off in la-la-land or what sis?” Rage was waving his hand in front of her face and she blinked rapidly, bringing him into view.

  “Sorry, Rage. I guess…I was thinking. What did you say?” She sat up straight and did her best to avoid looking at Dakota again. But she could feel his eyes on her, making her hotter, more fidgety.

  “I said Miki is getting blackberry cobbler and ice cream for everyone. Do you want to eat inside or out at the picnic table?” When she hesitated, he felt of her forehead. “Are you feeling okay, sis? You look flushed, like you have a fever or something.” Rage had such a concerned look on his face she laughed nervously.

  “Inside is fine. It’s cooler inside. Hot out here.” Dakota was rubbing a towel over his chest and neck. Senselessly, she was jealous of the towel. He turned his gaze on her and caught her looking and smiled at her. Quickly she looked away and rolled her chair from them, heading for the sliding glass door that opened to the kitchen.

  “Can I do anything to help, Miki?” she called out as she eased into the cool room, thankful the ceiling fans were going full blast.

  “Sure thing, sugar. I have no idea where your napkins are and we need to refill everyone’s iced tea.” Miki smiled at her before scooping into the cobbler and dishing up heaping bowls of it topped with vanilla ice cream.

  Angel opened the lower cabinet door, retrieving the napkins and setting them on her lap. Once she had them on the table she maneuvered back into the kitchen and started taking the glasses one by one to the ice-maker and filling them up with ice before placing them back on the counter. It took her a bit to get her rhythm but she was thankful Miki didn’t rush her or try to do it for her. As soon as she had the glasses all full of ice, she began filling them with the sweet tea Miki brought with her. She was glad the huge jar had a spout, so all she had to do was hold the glass under it and hold down the button. By the time she had them all done, Miki was taking a bowl of dessert and a glass of tea to the men seated around the table. That’s when Angel noticed the spot that was cleared for her to pull her chair up to the table was next to Dakota. He was giving her that heart-melting grin again and her face flushed. The man wasn’t backing down even though Angel had tried to push him away. She wasn’t sure if she was ridiculously glad, or mad about it. When she settled next to him and breathed in his clean male scent, earthy and spicy, it reminded her of the night she fell asleep on his chest with him still inside of her after they had made love.

  With the wayward thoughts she was having, Angel was glad that everyone was talking and not expecting much response from her. Instead of participating, she dug into the sweet, cool dessert and did her best to avoid looking at the shirtless man next to her. She only spoke when someone directed a question or comment directly to her. What she really wanted to do was be alone for a while or go to the pool and swim until her body was tired and her muscles were stretched out. But she couldn’t do that alone. She was going to need help getting in and out of the pool. She knew that Rage would probably leave to go get Nahni as soon as everyone left since her dad would be closing up tonight. Now that it was close to her due date, Rage didn’t like being apart from her for very long and he really didn’t want her working at all. Angel realized that if it wasn’t for her accident, Nahni would be home, preparing the baby’s room and getting her house in order. Guilt smothered her. It was supposed to be the most important time in their life as a married couple and it was already being hindered by having to make up for Angel’s absence from work and from Rage being here more often to help take care of her.

  Angel dropped her spoon in her bowl and excused herself from the dining room table. She took her bowl into the kitchen and stretched to reach the faucet so she could rinse her bowl and put it in the dishwasher. Monday she would call the facility she applied for and see if they had an opening for her yet. It would be best when she was out of everyone’s hair and on her own again. Rage could hire someone to work the counter at the shop until Nahni could work again. At least they wouldn’t have to keep finding ways to accommodate her disability. It would be easier for everyone.

  Dakota walked into the room just as she was about to shut the dishwasher. He followed her lead, rinsing his bowl and glass before adding it with hers. “Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go for a swim after everyone goes home. It’s still so hot out and the cool water will feel good.”

  She felt the warm rush of tears burn her eyes and she lowered her head, trying to grasp for control. He knew. He was trying to help her and she was grateful yet ashamed at the same time that she had to depend on someone for help. She hated feeling like someone pitied her. She wanted so badly to work the soreness from her body. She needed to rebuild her strength if she was ever going to get more of her mobility to return. Sucking up her pride she nodded and lifted her eyes to his.

  “Yeah, I’ve wanted to take a dip all day but,” she sighed and rolled her shoulders back, looking away from him.

  Miki and Noah came in the room carrying the rest of the dishes which Miki quickly rinsed and added to the others. “Did you need anything before we head out, Angel?”

  Angel shook her head and smiled at Miki. “No, ma’am. Thank you for coming today. I really enjoyed the visit and the f
ood. Dakota is right, you’re a great cook. That blackberry cobbler is to die for.”

  Miki laughed and patted her son’s stomach. “He’s a good kid, and he eats like a horse.” She hugged Angel and kissed her cheek. “You call me if you need anything, or if you want to visit. I’m close by and home most of the time, okay?”

  “Okay. Thank you for working so hard, Noah. You too, Tank. I owe you guys.” She hugged them each in turn. “So tomorrow you’ll be back to finish painting?”

  Dakota interrupted, putting his hand on her shoulder. “Actually, it’s just going to be me, Angel. I can do it faster without bumping into these guys.”

  She blushed again and fidgeted. Rage would be with Nahni, and on Sundays her dad always went fishing. She and Dakota would be here alone. She nodded her head and tried to act like it didn’t affect her even though her hands were shaking.

  Chapter 11

  “So, how about that swim?” Dakota raised his eyebrow at her, waiting for a response. Ever since his parents, Tank and Rage had left, Angel had remained silent and still as if she were avoiding him altogether.

  “Um, yeah, we can do that. I’ll go grab us some towels from the linen closet and meet you outside.” She turned her chair and headed for the hallway, still not looking his way.

  Dakota shucked off his cargo shorts and folded them before he laid them on the lounge chair. He’d hoped the day would end up like this so he’d worn his swim trunks underneath, just in case. Maybe if he could get her comfortable around him again it would make it easier for her to allow him to help her. He’d graduated top of his class and he was good at what he did. There was no one better than him to take care of Angel, at least not in his eyes. Not to mention he had a great staff back at the rehab center and top of the line equipment and resources. When it came right down to it, he simply wanted to be the one to help her heal. Not just with physical therapy, but with love. He heard the sliding door open and close a moment later. He could have turned and done it for her but that only would have pissed her off. She was strong and independent. It was imperative for her to feel and know she could do a number of things on her own. He wouldn’t coddle her. For one thing it would be disrespectful, and for another, it could make a person feel demeaned.


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