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Reflecting On Wishes (The Wishes Series)

Page 12

by Felthauser, DeAnna


  Angel was looking at her lap where her phone sat. She had missed calls from Lilah and a couple of racing friends, but she also had one from the housing center in Savannah. She was torn. Should she go or should she stay? In her heart, she knew she really didn’t want to go, but she didn’t want to be a burden or accept help for free.

  “I’ve already checked out a place in Savannah. It looks like they called while my phone was off too.”

  “Angel, no one wants you to go to Savannah. Your family loves you and even if you don’t want to hear it, so do I. Please check out the rehab center. You’ll have your own suite and will be able to be independent. You won’t be a burden and there’s no fee for anyone that comes there. It’s funded through our foundation and private donors. If you want to give back, there are ways you can. Lilah is the one that can tell you more about that. That’s her department.”

  “How do you know no one wants me to go? I haven’t even told anyone but you about it. You don’t see the pity in their eyes when they look at me. You don’t see the frustration my dad has written all over his face because this house isn’t wheelchair friendly. It’s hard for him to not be able to fix things so I can take care of myself.”

  Dakota took her hand in his, “Rage knows and he told me about it yesterday. Someone at the hospital let him know your intentions to move. He told Nahni after he told me. As far as I know, he didn’t tell your dad yet. Trust me, Angel. They don’t want you to leave. And I know for a fact it would break your father’s heart if you left because you felt like a burden to him. He would do anything for you. We all would.”

  She wiped the dampness from the corners of her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “It wasn’t right for them to tell Rage.”

  “No, it wasn’t. You should have told him how you were feeling. We can’t help if you don’t let us in, Angel.”

  He was right. She knew it. It still wasn’t easy to admit. Maybe leaving was taking the chicken way out of things but it seemed like it would be easier for everyone if she weren’t around.

  “In case you haven’t figured me out yet, big guy…I don’t like asking for help.”

  “Really? I never noticed that about you.” Dakota was laughing when he stood up and kissed her cheek.

  “Smartass,” she snorted, rolling past him, heading down the hallway. “Let’s go see this suite you’re talking about. And I’m starving. Are you hungry?”

  “I’m always hungry. My mom says I have a bottomless pit for a stomach, remember? But, we have a problem, Houston.”

  She stopped and looked up at him with her eyebrow raised in question. “Other than you looking like a Globe Trotter standing next to me in my chair?” It was a lame attempt at humor but she got a laugh from him so it was worth it.

  “Well, I rode over here with dad this morning. I can give Lilah a call and have her come get us, or we can take one of your rides.”

  “My rides are bikes. As far as I can remember, they don’t have a place to store a wheelchair.”

  “We have wheelchairs at the center. Is it okay with you to use a loaner tonight? Otherwise, I can just carry you everywhere. Yeah, I like that idea best actually,” he said giving her his sexiest grin.

  It made her skin heat up and her clothing felt too rough against her sensitive skin. If she was honest with her own feelings, she would voice that she wanted very much to be carried in his arms. God, she was a piece of work. She had issues with feeling like a burden and asking for help, but after his statement of wanting to carry her she wanted very much to be in his arms, pressed against him.

  “Grab the keys with the red key ring. We’ll take papá’s trike for a ride. I’ll text him and let him know I’m going to hang out with you. Go out to the garage through the door in the kitchen and I’ll lock up and meet you in the driveway.”

  Dakota’s face lit up like a kid in a candy store. “I get to drive the Harley? Oh hell yeah!” He took off in a jog and was out the door before she could even respond with anything more than laughter. When she met him outside he already had the jet black trike pulled out in the driveway, with two helmets sitting on the seats. Angel rolled down the ramp, smiling at the pure joy on Dakota’s face.

  “God this thing is a beauty, Angel. You sure it’s okay I drive it?”

  “I’m sure. I already got a text back from my dad and he’s glad I’m going for a ride.” It had been a little over seven weeks since she felt the power of a motorcycle between her thighs. Initially she was scared to ride again. But for some reason, with Dakota she didn’t feel the fear that clawed at her throat previously. In fact, she was excited. She grabbed a helmet and strapped it under her chin as he did the same. One swift scoop and he had her in his arms and sat her on the back seat, lifting her legs and placing her feet on the foot rests. The way the bike was set up, even if her foot dangled off she wasn’t in any danger of getting burned by the pipes and since the seat was high and she was short, her feet weren’t going to touch the ground either. He pushed her chair into the garage and shut the door. As he walked towards her in his panther-like stride, she had to admit to herself he was a pretty amazing man. It warmed her heart how gentle he was with her.

  When he climbed on in front of her and started the engine, the vibration shocked her. Her inner thighs tingled and she felt the flutter all the way down her legs to the tips of her toes. It wasn’t to the point of having all feeling; it was like a butterfly kiss that ran down the length of her. She pounded Dakota’s back and yelled, “I feel that! Like…down my legs. All the way down.”

  He whooped and revved the engine again. She responded by shrieking and clasping her arms around him, hugging him tight. He lifted the shield to his helmet and kissed her hand.

  “I lo…uh adore you, Angel.”

  Tapping his shield down, she bumped her helmet against his and then gave him a wink, “I kinda like you too.”

  Nerves didn’t hit her until they pulled up at the back entrance to Dakota’s place of work. This time, she was looking at the facility in a different light. Not as a visitor there to sign autographs and cheer up patients. This time she was the patient looking at a place that might help her heal. The dwelling was big but not looming and it fit in a complimentary way to the natural country setting. It was two stories that stretched across the lot in an ‘L’ shape with a beautifully landscaped garden area that had park benches placed every so often. A beautiful rock lined waterfall fountain with crystal clear water emerging in a soothing ripple was filled with rainbow colored koi fish darting under lilies that were vivid shades of pink, purple and yellow. Beyond the garden was a winding, paved path through large oaks, weeping willows, maple and magnolia trees as far as she could see. But even in the beginnings of dusk, she could see where the setting sun reflected off the lake in the center. To the left of the building across the orchard on the hill you could see the side of Dakota’s house; it was the same side that housed the patient suites. She knew this because of the small patio areas each one had. Some had a lawn chair or two and some only had a small table, probably for those that were in wheelchairs like her. No need for a lawn chair when you were already in a chair.

  “How bout a piggyback ride inside, beautiful? Then I’ll hook you up with a set of wheels and we’ll find Lilah so she can show you your suite.” His helmet was off and he was unfastening hers before she had a chance too.

  “Okay,” she said as she pulled her left leg over the seat of the bike. Dakota took her helmet, holding one in each hand as he crouched down with his back to her so she could loop her arms around his neck. She tried to lift her legs to wrap around his waist but they had a mind of their own. He didn’t think anything of it though. Simply reached for the bend of her knees and held her legs around his hips and walked through the sliding glass door. A rush of cool air greeted them as did a man in a wheelchair that was missing both his legs all the way up to mid-thigh and his left hand.

  “What’s goin’ on, Doc? Man, why don’t you ever
let me ride on your back like that?” The man laughed at his own joke and looked so happy to see Dakota she couldn’t help but smile.

  “Sup, Keegan. Bruh, no way are you ever getting a ride on my back like this.” Dakota was grinning when he replied. “This is my girl, Angel. She’s the only one that gets this privilege.”

  “Ah, so this is the lady you’ve been holding out for.” Keegan came up next to her and offered her his right hand which she immediately clasped in hers. “I’m honored, M’lady.”

  “Nice to meet you too, Keegan. I have a feeling that you and I have much to discuss when it comes to…um, Doc…”

  “Oh yes we do.” He had a devilish grin on his face that was so endearing Angel knew she could easily become fast friends with him. Everyone needed a partner in crime and he seemed to fit the bill.

  “Hey, Doc. If I can’t have a piggyback ride, the least you can do is take me for a ride on that Hog out there you rolled in on. Throw a dog a bone here, man.” Keegan followed them down the hallway, rolling along and keeping up Dakota’s long stride with just one hand.

  Angel was impressed. And maybe even a little doe eyed at this new friend that oozed of strength, joy and peace with his situation.

  “Not my ride, my friend.”

  Keegan sped up and spun around in front of them, rolling backwards so he could see them as he spoke. “Ah, so it’s the beauty’s ride huh? M’lady, if you should take pity on this handsome man on wheels, I would love to take a ride with you. I promise to be a gentleman.”

  Angel busted out laughing and patted Dakota’s chest. “I don’t mind at all, Keegan. But this big guy here is gonna be your driver. My legs don’t work like they’re supposed to right now so I wouldn’t get us very far.”

  “I’ll take you for a spin later but we aren’t going to snuggle, Kee. You’re keeping your paws to yourself.” Dakota turned the corner and went into a storage room that was lined with wheelchairs, crutches and various other mobility items. He let her left leg go so he could pull one out and crouch down to lock the wheels before turning so he could set her down in it.

  “There you go, baby.” He leaned down and gave her a soft kiss.

  “Damn, I’m in a snuggling mood, Doc. Why you gotta rain on my parade?”

  Angel was giggling as she followed them out the door and back into the hallway.

  Chapter 13Delilah Cane

  Dear heavens she was exhausted. Her best friend and partner, Chelsea had been sick with pneumonia and off work for a week and a half now. Delilah had worked eighteen hour days in her absence and was still behind. Thank goodness Chelsea was finally starting to feel better. If she continued recovering, she might be back to work on Monday. Even then, it would take another week, maybe two, to catch up. Not that they were ever really caught up. Between her family’s charity organization, church, the rehab center and volunteering at the additional charities they helped fund, there wasn’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. She was desperately hoping Angel would want a job working with her and Chelsea. If she didn’t, Delilah was going to have to start interviewing applicants.

  Like she had time for that.

  She didn’t even have time to have much of a social life. It wasn’t as if men were knocking down her door to date her, but it would be nice to have some free time to go out with the girls to a dance club or something. Everyone always told her she had an old soul, but sometimes she just wanted to act her age and be a twenty-one year old, carefree and out having fun.

  Delilah yawned, raising her arms and stretching her body.

  Ugh, I have to get up and walk around or I’ll fall asleep before they get here.

  Standing up, she walked to the coffee pot she always kept going when she was working and filled her mug, lacing it with vanilla creamer and a packet of sugar. In the morning she was going to visit a new prospective charity. One of the guys that was a patient of Dakota’s told her about his brother, Jake, a single dad that ran their family’s ranch. They were in need of funding to keep his program going. Keegan assured her it was a legit, well run organization that was suffering from the slump in the economy. Lilah had the lawyers check it out and she received a promising report about the good things done there.

  Kringle Farms had been in operation for twelve years. Lilah had been there at Christmas a few times as a child with her family to see the lights and decorations. The entire Kringle family dressed up and handed out presents to all the kids that came through, offering cookies and cocoa to all their guests. One of the men in the family dressed as Santa Claus every year and even had a sleigh with reindeer hooked to it that the kids could pet and take pictures with. Other than that, Lilah had never checked any further into what they did there until Keegan brought it up.

  She had an immense amount of respect for him. He was a Navy SEAL just like her father. He too, had been injured in Afghanistan from a roadside bomb that blew off his legs and his left hand. The stamina and determination he had while going through surgery after surgery floored her. He fought to keep his spirits up, and support his friends and other patients at RWR as well. Of course, when he mentioned his family’s farm, she had to check into it because she really wanted to help. The memories she had from visiting Kringle Farms were dear to her heart. Back then she was an innocent, unaware of the harsh reality of the real world. It wasn’t until after her birth parents passed away that she saw the world wasn’t all sunshine and roses. Foster care and abuse after she lost her parents gave her insight on how lucky she had been growing up. Thank God they were adopted by the Canes and blessed with a safe haven. But those years she ran the streets with her twin showed her how many people were destitute and needed a helping hand. That’s why she made it her mission in life to live selflessly and assist people in times of need.

  Once in a while, she wished for one thing for herself. Love. True, heart-wrenching, soul-searing love. The kind her birth parents had, the kind her adoptive parents have, the kind it seemed, that Dakota found with Angel.

  Those two may still have a long way to go in solidifying their relationship, but Lilah knew her brother. He was love drunk like she had never seen him be before. He was head over heels, slam dunked, a complete goner in love. She was happy for him. He was a good man, a hardworking, loving and dependable man. He deserved to be blessed with that crazy kind of love that many seek, but never find.

  While she paced in front of the windows of her office, Lilah thought about all the upcoming projects and events that were already scheduled throughout the end of the year. With summer winding down, one of the big projects was issuing school supplies to low income families and making sure all the kids were up to date on vaccinations. Now that the free clinic was open, thanks to the hard work of her twin, Dominic and their father, Noah, she had a place to send all the families and know they would be taken care of. In previous years, her and her mom had a hell of a time getting the medical side of things readily available. If Angel agreed to join them, Lilah was sure she could bring in donations through her sponsors and connections. She would also be an asset in other areas as well, such as visiting hospitals and getting the community that loved her so much involved in giving back.

  That was something Lilah adored about Angel even though they hadn’t spent much time in each other’s company. Angel was a giver—a philanthropist that believed in giving back to her community. Having someone like her, with her celebrity status, could give them the boost they needed with all the upcoming holidays. Lilah knew from her own experiences, that when you were down, the best thing to do was stay busy and think of others. No matter how bad you had it, there was always someone who had it worse.

  A knock at her door and the booming voice of her big brother put a smile on her face. Dakota always brightened her day no matter how tired she was. His boundless energy was catching. “Hey, D. How you doin’ sweets?”

  Dakota gave his baby sister a hug and twirled her around before setting her back on her feet. “I’m good. How’s my favorite sister?”
  “I’m your only sister. Of course I’m your favorite.” Rolling her eyes, Lilah walked past him and knelt to hug Angel. “Hey there pretty lady! I’m so glad you came.”

  “Thanks for inviting me. Dakota made it sound like an offer I’ll have a hard time refusing.”

  “That’s a good thing. We don’t want you to refuse!” Lilah rested her hand on Angel’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “How about I show you to your suite first, then we’ll take a tour of the facility.”

  “Damn, can’t a guy get any love and attention around here? I know I’m not tall, dark and handsome…but I am short, slightly tan and handsome.” Keegan was smiling as he teased her.

  “Keegan, I’m going to tell your girlfriend what a wicked flirt you are next time she comes to visit.” She said in a playful voice as she gave him a warm hug.

  “S’ok, lady love. She says it’s okay if I flirt with you long as you keep me in line.” That remark made them all laugh. “She’s coming up on her day off this week. So on Wednesday you ladies are gonna be missing me admiring you from afar because when she’s around, my eyes are only on her.”

  “Aww, well aren’t you a charmer.” Lilah walked by and ruffled his hair like you would an annoying little brother.

  “That’s what the women tell me. You’d think losing my legs and my hand would turn them off, but it seems I’m still irresistible. It’s a cross I have to bear…” He sighed, shaking his head and trying to hide his playful smirk.

  “How long are you going to be staying here, Keegan?” Angel asked. “Because I may have to move in here just to be entertained by you for a while. Seriously, you are cracking me up.”

  Lilah was glad Keegan had offered to meet them downstairs. She knew he had a special, comforting way about him that might make this transition easier for Angel. It seemed to be working wonders since the beautiful woman hadn’t stopped giggling at Keegan since he started talking.

  “See, Doc…I been telling you I have a way with the women. Even your woman likes me. Ah, it’s so good to be king.” Keegan popped a wheelie in his chair and spun around, rolling backwards again while the others followed him.


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