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Thunderclap (Steel Infidels MC) (Bad Boy Romance) (Steel Infidels Series Book 4)

Page 45

by Burke, Dez

  I nod and stroke my hand down the length of his cock as my answer.

  “Thank you Jesus!” he says.

  He stands up by the edge of the bed and quickly strips off his clothes. I’m speechless as I gaze up in awe at his deeply tanned, muscular body. A large Steel Infidels tattoo runs across the front of his chest. Several smaller tattoos cover his neck, shoulders, arms, and back. I try not to stare, but I can’t help checking out the thick, long erection between his legs too. Thank you Jesus is right.

  Grasping my ankles, he pulls me down the length of the bed then quickly grabs my panties and tugs them off. Immediately he covers my entire body with his. I close my eyes and slide my hands down his back. Damn! His muscular ass feels delicious underneath my palms.

  Urgently, he claims my lips before leaving a trail of kisses between my breasts and down my stomach. When he reaches my legs, he pauses and looks up at me with blue eyes hazy with desire.

  “Open your legs,” he coaxes. “I want to see your pussy spread wide for me.”

  I swallow and try hard to fight back against the timidness welling up in me. If he only knew how pathetic my sexual experience has been. The desire to please him is stronger than the need to protect my modesty, so I pull my knees up and spread my legs wide apart just like he asked.

  “Breathtaking,” he says, before moving between my legs and placing his cock at the entrance to my pussy lips.

  In an instant, he penetrates me, leaving me gasping from sweet agony. With barely a pause, he sinks in.

  “Damn! You are so fucking wet and tight,” he says, lifting his face from my neck to gaze at me. “I could stay inside you forever. This feels so good.”

  “I know,” I say.

  “I need to move, sweetheart,” he says softly. “And I need you to tell me it’s okay. I can pull out or keep going. All you have to do is say no and I’ll stop. Just say the word.”

  He holds completely still, letting me adjust to his width.

  “No, I want you,” I say, pulling him deeper as I feel him start to withdraw. “It feels too good to stop now.”

  “You want it slow and easy?” he murmurs as he starts moving.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  Shallow at first with a smooth, steady rhythm, Jesse takes me, allowing only a few inches of his cock to slide in and out until my body relaxes. He pumps in steady strokes, sliding and stroking, making me feel him deep inside.

  Everything he gives, I have no choice but to take and keep taking. He rocks in deeper and harder while intently watching my every expression. Leaning down, he kisses my lips again, then my throat, before moving lower and capturing my nipple in his mouth.

  “Is it good?” he asks huskily.

  His hoarse voice breaks through my daze. Not trusting my voice, I speak instead with my body, my legs locking around his sides tightly while my hips move almost imperceptibly beneath him, urging him on.

  The next second he pulls out slightly again and then thrusts more powerfully, jolting me back against the pillows. He is buried so deep inside me now. Beads of sweat break out on our skin, making us slide slickly against each other.

  My nails rake down his muscular back as the pressure mounts deep inside me until I’m writhing and frantic, impatient for more. My teeth sink deep into his neck when I suddenly cum in a rush.

  Jesse groans as my whole body spasms uncontrollably around his hard cock and I lose control over my muscles as they ripple and contract.

  “Trish,” he breathes when my body goes perfectly still.

  I open my eyes and gaze up at him. Bringing him into focus is difficult. There is strain on his face from holding back. He isn’t even breathing hard, though the sheen of perspiration on his forehead shows how much effort it is taking for him to slow things down for me.

  “I can’t hold back much longer,” he says.

  Linking my arms behind his neck, I whisper to him, “It’s okay. Let go.”

  I hear the hitch in his breath as he quickens his pace. His thrusts grow choppy and I buck my hips up to meet his. His hard cock swells and then starts to pulse deep inside me.


  He pushes in to the balls and buries his face in my throat while his body shudders in release.

  Several minutes later, we’re both still breathing raggedly. He rests his forehead against mine, his chest heaving, while his elbows are braced at my sides to support his weight.

  “I don’t want to move,” he says. “I could stay like this forever.”

  With a regretful sound, he slides out of me and rolls off. I glance over and he is staring up at the ceiling with a dazed look on his face. Turning his face toward mine, he reaches out and touches my cheek with his finger.

  “You’re unbelievable,” he says. “Everything I could have wanted and so much more.”

  Pulling me to his chest, he holds my face in his hands and stares into my eyes.

  “Promise me you’ll be here in the morning. No more running away this time. I need to hear you say it. Promise me.”

  No way am I leaving him again.

  “I promise.”



  Trish is still fast asleep when I slip out of the room. After the night we spent together, she needs all the rest she can get. My gut told me that fucking her would be something special. What I didn’t expect is for it to be mind-blowing spectacular.

  Something about her brings out my protective streak. Maybe because her brother is such an asshole. Or maybe because when she looks at me with those soft brown eyes, I want to make sure they never have a reason to fill with tears again.

  It’s been years since I’ve had deep feelings for any girl. Being with Trish is stirring up something I had forgotten existed, and it worries me.

  I have to be careful not to let my personal feelings for her cloud my judgment where the Liberators are concerned. If her brother gets hurt or even killed in the crossfire, then so be it.

  I try not to think about how devastated Trish will be if that ever happens.

  Or if she will ever forgive me.

  I knock on Flint’s door to see if he is up yet. He swings the door open wide and rubs his eyes groggily with the palms of his hands.

  “Jesus Christ, Jesse! What time is it?” he asks.

  “Time to get your lazy ass up and out of bed. We need to work on a plan.” I move past him into the messy hotel room.

  Flint yawns. “Don’t call me lazy, dickhead. I was out all night checking out the Liberators’ hotel while you were next door fucking around. You were, right?”

  “Were what?”

  “Fucking,” he says with a straight face.

  “None of your damn business.”

  He chuckles. “Oh, so that’s how it is now.” He cocks his head and gives me a closer look. “You’ve got a serious thing for her, don’t you? Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me. There’s no point in trying to fool me though, Jesse. I know you better than anyone.”

  I think about lying and know it will only be a waste of my time. “So I like her,” I say with a shrug. “No big deal. Nothing for you to get a hard on over. Women come and go.”

  Flint clears his throat. “Considering I haven’t heard of a single girl actually spending the entire night with you since I came back to town, I do think it’s a big deal. What happened to your famous ‘fuck them and send them packing before daylight’ rule?”

  “She’s only sticking around for a couple of days until we get this mess sorted out with the Liberators. After that, who knows? We certainly haven’t talked about it, and I doubt she has given it any thought either. I know I haven’t. So drop it, okay?”

  “Whatever you say. You’re the boss man.”

  Flint rips open a package provided by the hotel containing a prefilled coffee filter. He holds it up for me to see the label.

  “This shit says gourmet coffee, but I’ll bet you fifty bucks it tastes like ass.”

  He pours water into the canister and
starts the coffee brewing. “How can they make hotel coffee taste so damn awful?”

  “You can always stop by the store and buy yourself a bag of decent coffee if you hate it that bad,” I suggest.

  “Yeah, but that would ruin the whole experience of going on vacation to bike week with you guys,” he jokes. “If I buy a bag of good coffee, the next thing I know you’ll all be ordering me to make cappuccinos like I’m your own personal barista. Kind of like going camping and bringing along a chef.”

  He pours a cup of black coffee when it finishes dripping and hands it to me. I take a sip and grimace.

  “Damn! You weren’t kidding. So tell me what you found out last night at the Beachcomber. Any sign of Big Roy?”

  Flint shakes his head. “No. Not that we were really expecting there to be. The brother obviously tipped him off and they all split. We hung around in the parking lot for a bit and asked a few questions. Some bikers there remembered seeing a man with red hair and a long beard. Snake tattoo on his arm.”

  “Big Roy?”

  “Must be. Don’t know anybody else that ugly. Nobody knew where they went. The girl at the check-in desk said the rooms were paid in full through the end of bike week. That’s all we know right now.”

  I sit down in a chair by the window and pull up the blinds to keep a close eye on the parking lot. “Since you’re the lawyer and the brains in the family, got any ideas how we can flush them out?”

  “Sure, I have an idea,” he says slowly. “You’re probably not going to like it.”

  “Spit it out. Let’s hear it.” I already have a clue where this is going.

  “We use your girl as bait to lure them out into the open again.”

  “No,” I say curtly. “You’re right, I don’t like it. Not one damn bit.”

  Flint holds up his hand. “Hear me out, okay? We wouldn’t be putting her in any danger. Well, at least not intentionally. Trish needs to agree to be part of the plan for it to work smoothly.”

  “And what exactly would this plan be?”

  “First, she would have to call or text her brother and create a believable excuse to set up a meeting. Then, we’ll put a tail on him after the meet up is over. He’s our best link to Big Roy and the rest of the Liberators.”

  “No fucking way.”


  “Don’t start with me, Flint. I’m not asking Trish to do this. You didn’t see the two of them together. Her brother is mean as a rattlesnake and plenty capable of hurting her. He doesn’t give a shit about his sister. I don’t want her anywhere near him.”

  “What’s their story?”

  “I don’t really know all the details yet. He roughed her up in the parking lot of the bar and left bruises on her arm before that. She hasn’t told me what the extent of his abuse is or if he’s done anything worse. Psychologically, he has some kind of weird hold on her. It’s not safe for her to be with him. Especially now that she’s hanging with us. There’s no telling what he might do.”

  Flint blows out a long breath. “I figured you might feel this way. There’s always Plan B then.”

  I lift my eyebrows at him. “Which is?”

  “We go ahead with the same plan without her knowing she’s part of it.”

  “And how do you propose we do that? Wouldn’t she need to be the one to contact her brother?”

  Flint downs the last of his coffee and pours another cup. “Not if you can secretly grab her cell phone and do it instead. Send him a text from her phone asking to meet him at the bar and then delete it.”

  “Aww...shit. This plan sucks. You graduate from law school and this is the best you can come up with?”

  I lean back in the chair and close my eyes. If I do this, Trish is going to be so pissed at me.

  “Even if I delete the text, won’t Trish see his response to it?”

  Flint hesitates and leans forward to explain. “See, this is where it gets a little tricky and complicated. You need to steal her phone and not give it back. Ever.”

  “Steal my girl’s phone? Boy, you’re full of shit ideas this morning, aren’t you? Are you still drunk? What if she needs to call me in an emergency and I have her damn phone in my pocket? What good will that do?”

  “I’ve got you covered there too,” Flint says. “A lawyer is always thinking ahead. I’ll pick up a couple of prepaid burner phones for you at the drugstore. You should keep one of those activated and ready to hand over to her when she realizes her phone is...missing in action.”

  “I still don’t like it. She’ll suspect something is up. She’s not dumb.”

  “Did I say she was?” he asks. “You’re already making this way too personal, and it isn’t like you. We’ve been chasing after the Liberators for months and you’re going to let it all go down the drain for a girl you just met? Quit thinking with your damn dick and get onboard with the plan.”

  “When have you ever known me to put a girl before the club?”

  “There’s a first time for everything. How many chances do you think we’re going to get to nail the Liberators? We need to finish this. It hasn’t been so long ago that you and I stood up in front of the crew and promised them we would do just that. Here is our opportunity and we have to take it. Trust me, the end justifies the means in this case.”

  He’s right. I’m letting my feelings for Trish corrode my judgment. Exactly what I swore to myself I wouldn’t do.

  “Plan B it is then,” I say, standing up. “I’ll find a way to grab her phone today. When should I try to set up the meet?”

  “Tonight,” he replies without hesitation. “After the bar closes. No need to drag this shit out any longer than necessary.”

  “I agree. Wouldn’t it be terrific to never have to think about those bastard Liberators again? Tonight it is then.”


  Trish is already awake and dressed when I return to the room. I’m disappointed since I was hoping to slide back under the sheets and wake her up slowly with my tongue.

  Now that we have a plan, I realize my time with her is limited. Something tells me to make the best of every second. Once she finds out we’re using her and her brother as bait, she is going to be furious with me.

  I slip up behind her at the mirror and bend down to nuzzle the soft nape of her neck.

  “Good morning, gorgeous,” I say, wrapping my arms around her waist and inhaling her sweet scent.

  She leans back into me and smiles at my reflection. “You’re up early. I woke up and you were already gone.”

  “Did you miss me?” I tease.

  She gives me a shy smile. “Maybe a little.”

  “I promise to make it up to you later tonight if you’ll let me,” I say. “There are so many things I want to do to you. Just thinking about it is making my dick hard. But first things first. Let’s talk about breakfast. Are you hungry? When was the last time you had anything to eat?”

  She puts her hairbrush down to think. “I really don’t remember. Lunch yesterday, maybe. Now that you mention it, I’m starving.”

  “Are you up for a ride? I thought we could grab a quick breakfast then take a drive today along the coastal highway. Get away from all the bikers for a few hours. It’s a nice ride and I think you’ll like it.”

  “Actually, I would love it. Can you get me back in time for work? I don’t want to piss Roger off any more than I already have. I can’t afford to be fired.”

  “I’ll deliver you to the bar with extra time to spare,” I promise.

  “It’s a date then. I’m almost ready to go.”

  She reaches for a ponytail holder and deftly pulls back her long hair. “Which direction are we riding? East or west?”

  “I’ll let you pick. East will take us to Apalachicola Bay where we can order fresh oysters right out of the bay for lunch. Or we can go west through the pretty little town of Seaside and then on to Destin for fresh fish. Red snapper might be in season, or if not they always serve grouper.”

  She wrinkles her nos
e and makes a face.

  “Sorry, I’m not a fan of raw oysters. The texture grosses me out. I would love to ride through Seaside. I’ve seen photos of the town in magazines and it looks beautiful. Can we go west?”

  “Anything you want,” I say. “Do you have any sunscreen?”

  She nods.

  “You had better slather it on thick. One of the worst sunburns I ever got was riding on my bike through Florida. Make sure you do your face, arms, and legs.”

  She pulls out a tube of sunscreen from her bag.

  “Here, let me do it,” I say.

  I squirt a big dollop of sunscreen onto the palm of my hand and start rubbing the lotion on her arms. She winces when I accidentally touch the bruise on her upper arm. I frown and draw back my hand.

  “Is this still sore?”

  “Only when you touch it.”

  “You want to tell me how it happened? You never did say.”

  A sad look crosses her face. “Can we please not talk about my brother today? I want to forget about him for a while if I can. Let’s just go have a good time and pretend we’re normal people for a few hours.”

  “Your wish is my command. There’s nothing I would like more.”



  The bustling town of Seaside is busier than I expected. It has been years since I’d ridden through the pastel-colored town, and it surprises me to see throngs of tourists filling the sidewalks and crosswalks.

  Instead of bikers, most of the tourists are wealthy, sunburned families with children, all dragging umbrellas and towels from their rented houses over to the public beach. I don’t envy them since they look hot, tired, and cranky.

  For some reason, they all seem to be irritated at me. After we receive several hateful glares, I realize the loud muffler on my motorcycle might have something to do with it.

  Too bad.

  They can just fucking deal.

  “What do you think about Seaside?” I yell to Trish over my shoulder.

  “I love it,” she says back. “The colors of the buildings are so pretty. A picture perfect town. I wonder what it would be like to live in a place like this.”


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