The Third Key
Page 5
“The darkness almost managed to suck out the life from my body but I’ll be all right. We have work to do.”
Gunnar watched the tired face of a warrior. He just nodded and listened carefully instead of saying anything.
“Listen: The Key is hidden below a green copperas altar of some Temple of 39. T10ETG. Please, 39.T10ETG must be the answer … send this to anyone you think may help us determine what or where is this 39. T10ETG. We need a location for that Temple. Could be a church, maybe a cathedral … check everything”, explained Jason, still breathing deeply. “Send this to your best guys – if you think we need help hire anyone who can. Price doesn’t matter, you know that.”
“O.K. , O.K. we are after the location … some sort of a Temple..” Gunnar was already typing an email.
“We will crack this code! What happens afterward?” Gunnar wanted to know.
“Exactly! Please prepare the Jet. Get together five or six of your best guys. Call Michael and Janis to join us. Get all the tools. As soon we know where, we just take off!” Jason’s voice already sounded a bit stronger. “Just keep in mind – Quabil is already on his way. That Temple located on 39.T10ETG - whatever it is - is clear to him but not to me. Otherwise, the fallen Guardian would still be tortured. And he wanted me to hear that – I think he wants me to find him. But he is way ahead of us ….!”
Gunnar was worried to hear this. He wasn’t used to hear anything even near to concept of ‘giving up’ from his mighty friend. It had to be a reaction from the attack and fighting the dark forces, maybe even a fever.
“I’m on it. Are YOU going to be O.K.? We can’t do shit without you…!” Gunnar asked in a slightly raised voice.
“I’ll be just like new in an hour or so, no worries. But, 39.T10ETG means absolutely nothing to me – focus on that. We have to try…” With an uncharacteristic voice wobble, Jason spoke about the puzzle that stood in their way. Time was short but he didn’t even know where to go. Not a good starting point, not at all.
“I’m on this my friend. Please just …” Gunnar paused for a moment “…do whatever you plan on doing and come back to normal. I’ll be in my Web room, you know the code.” Gunnar left to go to his private office on top of the Four Seasons Hotel, where his office with extra fast Internet access and a few power machines made his task somewhat easier.
“See you soon”, Jason promised while changing his body posture from one Asana* to another – part of the procedure that would help him recover faster.
However, a bigger issue was slowing Jason down. Gunnar could not see it, and Jason alone had just become aware of it. There was something in the side of his heart, many times more devastating than a time gap between Quabil’s and his advancement towards the Third Key. That something was growing inside him and he had to deal with it. No position of a body and no pranayama* technique that he applied would help.
Jason could understand that those conflicting feelings and pressures that grew inside him were not there by accident. As the temperature and blood pressure of his body slowly returned to normal levels, it started to become clear to him.
Next to deep breathing and yoga positions, he started to apply special Chi Kung * and acupressure techniques. The emotional pressure of eruptions was getting very annoying. It was all mixed inside of him; anger, disappointment, frustration, fear of failing to stop Quabil …
Once his body had calmed down, Jason went into meditation, from Alpha to deeper levels…then down to the subconscious parts of his mind where he finally could face the causes of his inner struggle. These were the hard facts that tortured him:
- He admitted that he was angry at Durjay and destiny that allowed him to fight bare handed, against an enemy that used an abundance of weapons and black power
- He faced a strong disappointment in that injustice that he’d been subjected to
- He then welcomed the frustration in failure … and finally
- He looked right into the eyes of his fear and with his higher understanding he simply concluded:
“I am where I am. We never receive the tests that we can’t solve. Despite all the shit, I have to believe. What else is there for me to do? It all looks bad, very bad, demons could be opening the Diamond Gate right now! But, what else is there left but to give my best with mind, body and soul.”
That was it. Having processed all the dark clouds swirling around his heart, his mind cleared, and he felt peace and focus again. For him there was now only one thing left in the whole world … to get up and fight. Getting the location was top priority now.
The Web Room was buzzing. Gunnar had managed to engage a team of seventeen people to crack the code and get the exact location – they worked hard. Some were engaged on getting the meaning of “39.T10ETG”, others on churning out ideas and comparing data from all over the world. But he was there alone. All of the team members were top experts with the skillsets needed for this difficult task, and they were all in different locations and time zones. All data, ideas and hints were shared on a safe platform tailor-made for Gunnar. The creator of this powerful software, Vijay B., remained one of the most wanted scramble-coding wizards in the world. The CIA had abducted him from his village of Navadvip in West Bengal when he was 19 years old, just 36 hours after he had successfully broken in, cloned and locked the NATO server’s data – something he did for sheer fun. After that, the things he started working on were not so funny, so he welcomed all positivity and creative tasks from Gunnar.
Gunnar had a chance to literally ‘save the world’, something he had dreamed about from childhood. While the team worked on data comparison, patterns began moving into place. Meanwhile, Gunnar’s mind was dwelling on a wave of memories. Though the impression was rational in nature, it carried an emotional charge all the same.
All of his life, Gunnar had been searching for the absolute truth and he never accepted defeat. Next to his Internet entrepreneurship skills and success, he was well versed in metaphysical disciplines. His search brought him to many places and through some wild experiences, but the gratefulness in his heart rested entirely on the world that opened after meeting with Jason.
They did not exactly meet. He remembered clearly that day. About five years ago, on a peaceful Sunday afternoon, he was walking in a Park next to a lake. Out of the blue sky, something splashed into the lake and Gunnar saw Jason’s body, floating. He did not seem dead but he did not give any signs of life for a good while, even when Gunnar hauled him to shore and performed CPR. He remembered that day and felt deeply thankful and touched because … there was much more to it.
A few months before that day, Gunnar had been going through a very difficult period. He was missing direction in life. All of the money, success and wealth that he had created couldn’t pacify the pain in his heart. There was something missing in his life and after trying to fill that hole by material enjoyments of this world, he became even more frustrated and determined to find a way out of the misery. He knew that he could do so much more to benefit this world, but WHAT? He knew there was something missing; a mission, guidance, answers. He started praying for a sign, for a direction and for a way out. It all became clear on that Sunday afternoon five years ago – a ‘sign’ literally came to him ‘out of the clear blue sky’.
Since then, the lives of both men changed dramatically. It’s not only because of friendship and good times they shared but it’s about the synergy and meaning they both received from their friendship. For Gunnar, new doors opened wide but all that he learned about Jason’s fight was a proof to him - a solid living proof of something he felt in his guts. That was a reality he missed being in. For example, he always knew that this planet is in constant danger – his studies of ancient scriptures did reveal to him many secrets about the forces of Light and Darkness that constantly fight over this planet. But Jason was a materialization of everything he was pining for. He always wanted to help change the world into a better place, but he got frustrated with all the attempts,
charities, religions and “missions” he was introduced to. Now, the retired but real ‘Guardian of the Light’ just fell into his life. With his presence and perception of reality he offered him answers and meaning of life that Gunnar longed for. Gunnar really felt blessed by the touch of destiny.
“And very soon…” – fast forwarding to the present moment in his mind, Gunnar concluded, “…all of that could vanish! I really can’t take it … my inability to crack this simple code can’t become a reason for this world to fall into demon hands! We have to crack this puzzle right now – or else, may God have mercy on us all.”
The buzz of the security system announced that doors behind him have opened. He turned back and smiled. Jason had obviously returned to full power (as much as he could without Armor, Weapons and Mystic Powers of a Guardian), his eyes simply shimmering with energy. He was back and he was ready!
“Nice to have you back!” Gunnar greeted his friend.
Placing his warm palm on Gunnar’s shoulder, Jason spoke in a deep voice charged with concern.
“How is it going?” The answer was obvious on the face of his friend in front of three wide Retina screens.
“God help us! If we fail getting the location on time, I am afraid even God cannot help us…” Those words, though honest, did not help much at this moment. Knowing that he and the team of experts were doing their best, Gunnar tried to remain positive. “Regarding the action team, all is ready and prepared. We have the best guys on call, and packed for action.”
Jason thought for a moment. “I would like to take my Butterfly Swords. Or, can maybe Michael get them…?”
“It’s already arranged. Don’t worry. Your action gear is packed with Michael and the other guys. Jet’s on the Airport but I’ve prepped vehicles just in case… if we have to drive, you know. Let’s see…” Gunnar spoke as his fingers flew over the keyboard.
“Good thinking, thank you for that.” Jason spoke softly, but he no longer sounded exhausted. Suddenly switching gears, his voice vibrated in urgency:
“What about the locations… please, tell me. Any ideas?” Gunnar knew they had a good reason to feel the need for urgency, and he spoke the best words he could find.
“We are near, very near, I guess a few more minutes. We are about to close on all possible meanings and indications that may tell us anything. If you look here are our top choices right now ….” He pointed to the place on the nearest monitor screen. “Now, it goes fast, I have dozen of my best guys working together” – Gunnar showed more key places on the left and middle screens in from of him. Data reloaded constantly on the Retina screens. Chat boxes were filled with exchanges; lines of text were streaming and webcams around the screen edges showed the intense faces of focused people. Despite their obvious work ethic, these images did nothing to calm Jason’s mind.
With his leg, he dragged over an office chair, and began to analyze all the data he could see. Before he had time to say anything, Gunnar jumped up from his chair.
“Looks like we’re done! Two conclusions look very possible. This ‘green copperas’ deal was hard to crack. Turns out it’s a name for green vitriol, a term used in Middle Ages Alchemy experiments … in essence it’s iron sulphate, but anyway, here are 2 winners.
1st possible meaning for 39.T10ETG – 39th page of “Top 10 Eyewitness Travel Guide”, the Dorling Kindersley book, shows the Church of Our Lady before Tyn, or the Tyn Temple, right here in Prague! The connection to alchemy is, as you know, very clear and green copperas was used when the original Altar for the temple was made. It has to be there, hidden below a church in the catacombs…
2nd possibility: there is a priest, 39th in line of head priests at St. Peter’s Chapel, oldest church in the UK, in Essex. He drives a Volvo with a car plate - T10ETG. That place has strong tide to alchemy and green copperas was used when the altar there was made.
What do you think?” Gunnar was feeling proud and very pleased. It had to be it. With a happy expression on his face, he waited for answer. There were two options and both seemed equally good.
“Well, I think we need wheels, you prepared more than a Jet! The Essex church, St. Peter’s Chapel … somehow I do not think that’s the one. Prague makes sense to me. Call me lazy but the Temple of Tyn, Old Square is only a 10 min walk from us!” The excitement in Jason’s voice was obvious.
“That’s probably why Durjay could go on like that … without giving me the full gear of a Guardian! He knew I’d be here, just a few steps from the Third Key. The Council of Light and Durjay all knew I would get to where the Third Key is, long before Quabil can! Now it all makes sense. The Third Key is just in front of our noses, let’s move!”
Jason suited word to action, and Gunnar had difficulties keeping pace. Jason whipped out the phone and dialed Michael’s number for news. Prague’s Four Seasons Hotel Resort was normally a twelve-minute walk from Old Town Square but they arrived in 6 minutes – Gunnar was trying to catch his breath when they came to the spot. They both knew about the history of the Tyn Temple. The big church building attracted crowds into the thousands. Guides were followed by large groups of tourists, holding umbrellas and remote mikes. Silly explanations of history could be heard in Spanish, English, Russian … a busy, busy place.
However, no tourist guide could explain the hidden history of the Tyn church, one of the main centers of Alchemy and secret societies operating in that part of the world. This is why only the main church was opened to the public, and that’s what held the attention of the crowds. The real location of the original Altar and the Third Key was elsewhere.
As they walked, Gunnar managed to pull up several plans of the church building on his iPad. The altar of ‘green copperas’ had to be somewhere in the labyrinth of corridors below the church. The easiest way to enter the secret part of this place was through the ‘Wizards’ Gate’. For centuries, these gates were used for entrance into secret meetings and rituals. They entered a narrow street on the left of the church, walking by high stone walls towards the southeast corner of a huge building. They found a mystical and scary-looking old door that had to be the original gate.
Walls made from white granite stone were now a dark brownish-grey, marked by time. The massive wooden gate doors were a few centuries old, protected by hand-made ornaments of iron. If only the small staircase facing them could tell stories.
“Locked of course … very rarely used. No one has entered here recently”, Gunnar concluded after a quick look around the entrance. “In any case – the guys will be here any minute so we’d better wait for them”.
Jason’s response was in a sharp tone, and Gunnar quickly realized that the warrior in him had awakened.
“We can’t wait! Quabil may already be here. The situation is clear – the key is inside the building, below the altar. If you can navigate, I can be in and out with the Third Key. You stay here and wait for the team. Now is the time to test our technology. Hope T-Mobile reaches through this thick stone “.
Gunnar handed him a normal-looking headset. “We’d better use this one. This Etymotic EtyBlu2 will work.” Gunnar’s ability to think a few steps ahead of others had served him well in business, especially when hi-tech gear was involved. He had snatched the EtyBlu2 headsets for later use while they were taking off from the Web Room.
“Now, let’s hope for the best. As soon they come, help them secure this entrance, that exit, and this street.” Attaching the Bluetooth headphone to his ear, Jason pointed towards the locations, waving like a tourist appreciating the beauty around the Tyn temple.
“Keep a low profile – we don’t want attention. Just tell me if anything looks suspicious, don’t react – if you have to, make sure it’s a kill shot. Repeat that to Michael if you have to.” Jason was sure that Gunnar thought he knew what power his team was up against – they were tough guys – but this power was out of this world. “Most importantly, I have to personally fight Quabil! Whatever happens, if I do not face him, the whole plan
may just collapse.” Using his knife, Jason prepared to open a big metal lock with his knife, and eased open the large wooden door.
“I leave now, may the Lord be with us. Hope to see you soon.” Saying this, Jason hugged his friend and entered the dark hall.
“Me too. Find the Key and come back safe”, was Gunnar’s reply.
Part 5
Temple of Tyn
It was dark inside, and confusing. The corridors inside showed eerie patterns of red, blue and green light, reflecting onto the walls from the huge stained glass windows above. Jason moved swiftly and silently through the ancient architecture, his mind outracing his feet. From the outside, the maze of corridors had been clear to him – from the inside it was more difficult to locate the altar. His life depended on silence. If Quabil was already here, and Jason only carried a short Tanto* knife, he would be nearly helpless before the demon horde. But in his heart, he still had hope of finding the Third Key of the Diamond Gate in time to stop the plan of the Demonic Alliance.
Racing through corridors, he came to a spot that didn’t show on the map. The main tunnel now led to a smaller space that separated into three separate tunnels, not high enough for a grown person. Would one of those tunnels lead to the altar, or all three? Jason didn’t know. Instinctively, he chose the middle one but then stopped.
“I’d better check this with Gunnar”, he thought, but the familiar voice began telling just what he was hoping to hear.
“Middle corridor is the fastest way to go, says the map”, Gunnar said while looking at his iPad screen.
“I simply love you.” Jason’s quiet answer echoed through the corridors.
“Happy to help. Just keep going straight - ” Gunnar’s instructions took Jason further along, “… on the 2nd crossing, there is a V-shaped split…” Gunnar paused, waiting for the pulsating point of Jason’s GPS signal to catch up.