human rights workers in, 26–27
legal advice center in, 15
UNHCR and, 9, 10–12, 15, 18, 23, 25, 27
Cairo Conference on Population and Development (1992), 349
fence on border in, 91–94, 100–101
migrants to, 83–90, 91–111
Cambodia, 43
Cambodian refugees, 40, 43
border patrolling and, 52
Palestinian refugees in, 250
post-WW II refugees and, 36
resettlement and, 11, 15, 25, 333, 359–60
Canicatti, Sicily, 81–82
Capri, 66
Carey, Peter, 149
Carney, Terence, 156
Cartagena Declaration on Refugees (1984), 40
Carter, Paul, 349
Casa del Migrante, 83–86
Cavour, Count Camillo di, 76
Central America, 40
Centro di Permanenza Temporanea (CPTs), 75–76, 77
Chaldeans, 103–6
Chechen refugees, 181
Chechnya, 43, 181
Afghan, 317
Australian detention camps and, 136–48, 152–55
boy soldiers, 13–14, 47, 201, 203–6
in Cairo, and schooling, 15–16, 23
Convention of 1951 and, 110
deaths of, and boat people, 137
as guides for coyotes, 89–90
Guinean camps and, 192, 195, 200–206, 215, 217
Liberian, 217–18
Palestinian camps and, 244–49
prison and detention centers and, 136–48
prostitution of, 50
of refugees, 264–67
separated from parents, 202–6
translate for parents, 275
resettlement and, 334–35
torture in, 268–69, 282–84
Chilean Medical Association, 268–69
Chilean refugees, 282–84
Chilout, 149
Great Wall, 94
Chinese migrants and refugees, 92–93, 102, 117, 127
Christian (Guinean aid worker), 203–6
Christmas Island, 129–30, 132
Cicero, 100
Claudette (Rwandan refugee), 177–79
Claudette, Sister, 119–20, 124, 125
Clinton, Bill, 97–98
Cold War, 38, 42
Colombian torture victims, 268–69, 272
Communism, “good” refugees and, 37–38
Conakry, Guinea, 157, 187–88, 189, 210–11
transit center for children, 203–6
concentration camps, 141, 269–70
“conflict” countries, 370
Congo, 158, 356, 370
Congolese refuges, 159, 179
Congress of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, 146
Consortium for Asylum Support Services, 183–85
Conte, Lansana, 207–8
Convention on Transnational Crime, UN protocols of 2000, 50
Convention for the Rights of the Child, 152
Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (1951), 5, 5n, 25, 37–38, 53, 356
Article 1, defines refugee and asylum seeker, 37–38
Article 33, on nonrefoukment, 37
Australia and, 127–28, 152
Britain and, 161, 175–76
Hocké and redefinition of refugee in line with OAU, 42
Italy’s reservation annulled, 73
not externally supervised, 45
number of countries signing, 52
Protocol of 1967, 38
questions about number valid refugees under, in 1980s, 49
resettlement under, 333
support for, while obstructing asylum seekers, 47
unaccompanied minors and, 46–47
Coombs, Ann, 150
Cornelius, Wayne, 99, 100
Cote d’Ivoire, ‘200
Crisp, Jeff, 47, 101–2, 349–50
Cuban refugees, 108
Cyprus, 132
Czech refugees, 34
Daily Express (British newspaper), 116, 174, 175
Daily Mail (British newspaper), 174, 175
D’Amico, Daniela, 75 Daniel (Liberian refugee), 64, 80–81, 359
Dark Victory (Marr and Wilkinson), 135
Darwish, Mahmud, 241
Declaration of the Hague ot 2002, 352, 356
de Gaulle, Charles, 187
Deir Yassin massacre, 230–31
Deng, David, 328–31
Deng, Francis, 47–48
Denmark, 176
Palestinian refugees in, 250
deportations, 51
Britain and, 167
Greece and, 74
Italy and, 74, 75
U.S. and, 107
depression of 1930s, 33
Australia and, 119–25, 126–35, 136–55
Britain and, 163
Europe and, 42
U.S. and, 109–11
development aid, 351
Dhykwan, Peter, 339–40
Dialo, Suleiman, 156–63, 169, 177, 215
Dinka people, 10, 328–32, 336–40
Somalian refugees in, 356
documents, 11, 66, 126
Doe, Samuel, 17, 197–98, 363
Dolores (Mexican migrant), 88–90
Donzo (Liberian refugee), 13–14, 23 drug smuggling, 49, 74–75
D’Souza, Frances, 309
Dubai, 291–92
Dunant, Henri, 31–32
Dupree, Nancy, 313
“durable solutions,” 25, 38
Durham, Kate, 151
Eastern Europe, 37–38
“economic migrant,” 38, 40–42
asylum seeker vs., 87–88
effort to keep out, 51
term enters jargon, 41
Economist, 175
ECOMOG, 198–99
Afghanistan and, 299–300, 310
Cairo and, 15–16, 23
Finland and, 338, 339, 344
Guinea and, 215
Pakistan and, 301
Palestinian refugees and, 249–51
Liberian asylum seekers in, 1–2, 3–27
See also Cairo
Ein el-Helweh (Palestinian refugee camp), 236, 243–44, 245–47, 249–50, 252, 253
Emaan (Afghan boat person), 134
Emam (Iranian refugee), 121, 123, 124
Eritrea, 43
Eritrean refugees, 4, 43, 168, 284–88
Estolen, Heike, 336, 337
Ethiopia, 43, 356
Ethiopian refugees, 4, 10, 41, 43, 168
ethnic cleansing, 43
anti-immigration rhetoric in, 186
asylum requests in, 41, 49
refugee definition and, 37
European Convention on human rights British derogation from, 173
European Monitoring Centre on
Racism and Xenophobia, 173
European Parliament, 186
European Union
Afghanistan and, 322
“economic migrants” and, 41–42, 49–50
European Union (continued)
funding of UNHCR and, 45
illegal entry as only option in, 50
migration of labor and, 351–52
refugees and migrants, hostility toward, 355–56
Shatila camp and, 226
Evian Conference of 1938, 33–34, 117
Evin prison (Iran), 275, 276
exile, 262–67
loneliness and trauma of, 110, 264–67
modern age of, 264–67
post-traumatic stress disorder and, 266–67
Fallah (Liberian refugee), 217–19
Farahi, Nabi, 306
Fatah (Palestinian political group), 233–35, 244, 254
Fatima (Afg
han boat person), 134
Fatima (Afghan displaced widow), 322–25
Fatima (Liberian refugee), 192–96, 215, 358
Fatima (Shatila vocational training center head), 249–50
Finland, resetdement in, 331, 332–47
Finnish Red Cross, 333
Finnish Refugee Council, 344
Flexner, Georgina, 183–85
Fofana (Liberian refugee), 24
Ford Foundation, 39
Foucault, Pere Charles de, 260
France, 37, 262
asylum seekers in, 164
Francesco, Father, 71–72
Franco, Francisco, 116
Fraser, Malcolm, 129
Freud, Sigmund, 264
Fugitive Pieces (Michaels), 266
Fumbe (Liberian refugee), 21, 26
Gagliano, Comandante Rino, 70, 71
Gateshead Muslim Society, 161
Gedaweh (Liberian refugee), 20–21, 25–26
Gemayel, Bashir, 236
Genefke, Dr. Inge Kemp, 269
Geneva Convention of 1864, 32
Genghis Khan, 298, 302
genocide, 43, 44
the Holocaust, 264–65, 268
See also Rwanda
Afghan refugees in, 294
asylum seekers in, 164
Palestinian refugees in, 240, 254
UNHCR and, 37
WW II and, 37
Ghanaian refugees, 80, 217
Ghazi (Palestinian refugee), 244–49, 255
Gio people, 191, 197
Giuseppe, Father, 61, 64, 65, 77
Global Commission on International Migration, 351
Global IDP Database, 48
globalization, 94, 350
Goedhart, Gerrit Jan van Heuven, 39–40
Goethe, 72
Gorton, John, 129
Great Britain
Afghan refugees in, 294
Algerian refugee in, 262
appeals for asylum denied in, 185–86
asylum seekers in, 74, 156–63, 169–86
Australian policy as model, 176
costs of asylum seekers in, 52n
demographic deficit, 350–51
Eritrean refugee in, 284–88
Hadrian’s wall, 94
humanitarian protection in, 175–76
Jews to Palestine and, 34, 132
media opposition, 173–75, 184
number of refugees in, 164
offshore centers and, 176
and Palestine, 229–30
Palestinian refugees in, 228–29, 240–42, 245, 254
Somalian refugees in, 356
Ugandan refugees in, 357–58
UNHCR and Convention and, 37, 164
Green, Sir Andrew, 172–79
Grey, Earl, 160
Guantanamo Bay, “enemy combatants” in, 108
Guatemala, 105
Guekedou (Guinean refugee camp), 189, 205, 206–9
Guinea, 187–89
aid workers in, 203–6, 207–9, 213–14
camps scandal of 2001, 211–12
cuts in spending for UNHCR in, 211
as receiving country, 52, 188
refugee camps in, 187–96, 199, 200–19, 367
refugees from, 4, 156–63, 168, 217
UNHCR and, 188–89, 192–93, 200, 201, 202–3, 205, 207, 209–15, 216
Guinean Red Cross, 202, 217
Gulf War, first, 252
Gypsies (Roma), 74, 175
Hadrian, 94
Haganah (Jewish underground organization), 220, 229, 230
Hague, William, 172–79
Haitian refugees, 109
Hakim, Abdul, 299
Halimi, Aziza (daughter of Zainab), 227
Halimi, Eyad (Palestinian refugee), 226
Halimi, Ghassam (son of Zainab), 226–27
Halimi, Hanan (granddaughter of Zainab), 240
Halimi, Marwan (son of Zainab), 226, 227–28
Halimi, Naifa (wife of Marwan), 226
Halimi, Rasmiyya (granddaughter of Zainab), 240
Halimi, Souha (daughter of Zainab), 239
Halimi, Tariq (son of Zainab), 224–25, 231–41
Halimi, Zainab (Palestinian refugee), 220–25, 226–28, 231, 232, 237, 238, 240–41
Hamas, 254
Hammarskjold, Dag, 39
Hannan, Dr. Timothy, 138
Hanson, Pauline, 128–29
Happy (Liberian refugee), 62–63, 66, 81–82
Hardy, Barbara, 354
Harrell-Bond, Barbara, 5
Harding, Poul, 40, 42
Hassan, Fakhri el, 232
Hatton, Timothy, 352
Hawke, Bob, 129
Hazaras (Afghan ethnic group), 298–301, 309–10, 313–16
Hema, Sister, 83–90
Henderson, Katherine, 156, 157, 161, 162, 164, 167, 168
Henkin, Louis, 36–37
High Commissioner for Refugees (League of Nations)
created, 33–34
See also United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Hindu Kush mountains, 312–20
poppies as crop, 314, 358
History of Western Philosophy (Russell), 340
Hocke, Jean-Pierre, 42–43, 46
Hoffman, Eva, 263
Holbrooke, Richard, 48
Holland, 254
Holocaust, 264–65, 268, 354
home, idea of, 321, 354
Horace, 358
Horowitz, M. J., 266
Howard, John, 129, 131–32, 133, 134, 135, 148, 153–54
Hubaishi, Bassam Jamil, 254
humanitarian movement, 32–33
“humanitarian pragmatism,” 46–47
Human Rights Watch, 148, 190
human smugglers and traffickers, 20, 49–50, 368
Australia and, 122–23, 127
Britain and, 170
identities recommended by, 166
Indonesian, 124, 127, 154–55
Italy and (scafisti), 60, 66, 67 lack of protection for asylum seekers using, 50
human smugglers and traffickers (continued)
Mexico and (coyotes), 84–85, 87, 89–90, 92, 98–99, 106
Palestinian refugees and, 154
revenues from, 68
rise of, 67–68
Tunisian, 66–67
Hungarian refugees, 34
Husein (son of Anja), 323
Hussein (Iranian refugee), 142
Hussein, Saddam, 103, 104, 121, 124, 127, 171, 197, 198
Hutu, 177, 271–72
See also Claudette; Rwandan refugees
IDENT system, 97
Ignatieff, Michael, 148
Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (U.S., 1996), 100
Iman (Chaldean refugee), 105
“illegals,” Australia and, 126–27
anti-immigration lobbies and, 51
four categories of, in U.S., 107n
need for, in Australia, 126
See also refugees and asylum seekers; and specific nationalities
Immigration Act (UK, 1999), 168
Immigration Reform and Control Act (U.S., 1986), 96
Indonesia, 130–31
Interim Dispersal Measures (Britain, 2000), 167–72
“internally displaced” people (IDPs), 47–51
defined, 47–48
excluded from Convention, 38
UNHCR and, 47–51
International Committee of the Red Cross, 32, 42, 251, 310–11
International Covenant on Political and Civil Rights, 152
International Office for Migration, 39
International Organization for Migration, 355
International Refugee Organization (IRO), 35–36, 39, 355
International Rescue Committee
(IRC), 107, 202–3, 212
Afghan refugees in, 294, 296, 29V, 309, 314, 319, 322
as receiving country, 52
Iranian refugees, 41
Australia and, 121–25, 136–44
Britain and, 163
resettled in Finland, 338
as torture victims, 275–77
war of 1990s, 43
war of 2003 in, 170–72
Iraqi refugees, 41, 144
Australia and, 122, 127
Britain and, 170–72, 184
Chaldeans, 103–6
resettled in Finland, 336, 338
returnees, 352
torture victims, 272
Ireland, 175, 176
resettlement and, 334–35
Islamic fundamentalists, 254
See also Taliban
Israel, 220–25
Lebanon invaded by, 246, 247 49, 253
Liberian refugees in, 22–23, 25, 368–70
Liberians charged with spying for, in Egypt, 6, 19
Palestinian refugee camps and, 222–28, 232–34, 236–43
See also Naqba; Occupied Territories Israel Defense Forces, 221
Israeli Yishuv party, 229
Italian migrants, to Australia, 116–17
Italy, 72–76
boat people in, 57–61, 62–72, 76–82
emigration from, 73, 116–17
and Jews, 74, 76
migrants and, 73–74
UNHCR and Convention and, 37
Italy-Albanian agreement, 70
Ivory Coast, 216, 370
Guinea, crossing points to, 216
as receiving country, 52
refugees from, 4, 216–17
Izako (Liberian refugee), 14, 189, 209, 368
Jabra, Jabra Ibrahim, 224
Jahan, Shah, 326
Jaivin, Linda, 149
Jan, Amir, 312, 358
Japan, 43, 49
Jeremiah (Sudanese refugee), 340
Australia and, 117
and the Holocaust, 264–65, 268, 354
Italy and, 74, 76
resettlement attempts, 33–34, 132
WW II and, 34–36, 354–55
Johannes Peter (Sudanese refugee), 340
John the Baptist, 121
Johnson, Prince, 197, 198
Palestinian camps in, 223, 251, 255
Joy (Liberian refugee), 82
Kabineh (Liberian refugee), 17
Kabul, Afghanistan, 291, 295–99, 301–4, 308–12, 320–27
Kamal, Haji, 303–4, 306–7, 312, 358
Kanafani, Ghassan, 242
Kandahar, Afghanistan, 322
Kapya, David, 211
Karzai, Hamid, 296, 306
Keating, Paul, 125, 127, 129
Kelly, Penny, 149–50
Kenneally, Thomas, 149, 154
Kennedy, Edward, 40
Kenya, 356
Khalidatu (business woman), 366
Khalidatu (mother of Ansu), 366–67
Khalidi, Walid, 230
Khalil, George Naguib, 242
Khoury, Elias, 220, 231
Kissinger, Henry, 40
Kitoko, Gaby, 158–59, 162, 172–74, 176–79
Klein, Josephine, 274–75, 277
Koestler, Arthur, 270
Kolya (Azerbaijan refugee, Madinas son), 181–82, 358
Kono (Liberian refugee), 17–18, 19–20, 23, 359–60
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