Konobah (Liberian refugee), 24
Korsinski, Michael, 278–81
Kosovo, 45
and torture, 272
Kou, Mayo, 329
Kpomassie, Tete-Michel, 332
Krahn people, 191
Kromah, Alhaji G. V., 18
Kromer, Mustafa, 18–19
Kuankan (Guinean refugee camp), 189–96, 201–2, 215–16
Kuchi nomads, 322
Kundera, Milan, 263
Kurdish refugees, 170–72
Finland and, 334
Italy and, 73
Lebanon and, 224
Palestinian refugee camps in, 223
Kuwaiti refugees, 168
Kyrgyzstan, 199
Lamine (Algerian refugee), 257–58, 267, 278–81, 288
Lampedusa, Giuseppe di, 57, 67
Lampedusa, Irene, 67
Lampedusa, Tomasso “the Leopard,” 67
Lampedusa island, 66–72
land mines, 315
Langa, Mandla, 257, 263–64
Laotian refugees, 40
League of Nations, 32–33
Lebanese Christian Falangists, 235, 247, 253
civil war in, 235–37
Israeli invasion of, 246, 247–49, 253
Palestinian refugees in, 222–28, 232–34, 236–56
Lega Nord, 74
Leonardo da Vinci (ship), 116
Leopard, The (Lampedusa), 57, 67
Letwin, Oliver, 173
Levi, Peter, 291, 326
Levi, Primo, 264
Lewis, Anthony, 108
Liberia, 9, 43, 196–200, 358, 361, 370
civil wars, 198, 363
Guinea, crossing points to, 216
rebels raid Guinea refugee camps, 198–200
as receiving country, 25, 52
Liberian refugees, 4
as boat people in Sicily, 57–61, 62–72, 76–82
Cairo and, 3–27
flee Egypt into Israel, 19–21, 25–26
Guinea and, 188–89, 191, 192–96, 199–200, 216, 217–19
resettled in West, 359–67
as torture victims, 20, 272, 364
Libya, 240
Light Garden of the Angel King, The (Levi), 291
Lindt, Auguste, 39
Liria-Franch, Ana, 25
Living In a New Community (Carter), 349
Loescher, Gil, 38, 251n
Logar, Afghanistan, 303, 312
Lola, Guinea, transit center, 217–18
Lubbers, Ruud, 45–46, 47, 48, 212
Luis (Chilean refugee), 282–84, 288
Luis, Father, 83, 84, 86–87
Luisa (Mexican migrant), 88–90
Lynch, Wayne, 137
Macedonian refugees, 168
McDonald, James G., 33
Madina (Azerbaijan refugee), 180–83, 358–59
Mafia, 60
Maghrebini, 74–75
Magyar refugees, 32
Mahfouz, Naguib, 242
Mahmada (Liberian refugee), 20–21, 25–26
Mahmoud (Palestinian refugee), 253
Mahmut (Palestinian refugee), 220–22, 227, 233
Maikan (Liberian refugee), 361–62
Maja (Liberian refugee), 218
Majid (Iranian refugee), 121, 123–24
Malaysia, 122
Malian refugees, 217
Malish (Sudanese refugee), 336–37, 338–40
Malta, 66
Mamadu (Liberian refugee), 21–23, 189, 215, 354, 367–71
“managed migration,” 349–54, 356–57
Mandaeans, 121, 123–24, 154–55
Mandingo people, 13–14, 65, 191, 197
Manne, Robert, 149, 152, 153–54
Manoora (naval vessel), 133
Mano people, 197
Manus Island detention centers, 132, 134
Marr, David, 129, 135, 149
Marshall Plan, 36
Martelli, Claudio, 73
Mary (IRC teacher in Guinea), 212–13
Mary (Ugandan refugee), 281–82, 288, 357–58
Masood, General, 307, 309
Masoud (Iranian refugee), 121–22
Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), 75, 192, 193, 305, 318, 325
medical care
Afghanistan and, 325
Palestinian refugees and, 254
torture victims and, 268–69
Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture, 270–74, 272n, 278–81, 282, 287–88
Melbourne Herald Sun, 139
Mena (Iranian refugee), 142
Mende people, 7–8
Men in the Sun (Kanafani), 242
mental health
Afghanistan and, 325
detention of children and, 136–41, 141–48
Guinea camps and, 215–16
post-traumatic stress disorder and, 138–39, 147–48, 264–65
torture victims and, 268–69, 273
self-mutilation, 151
See also suicide
Mercy (Liberian refugee), 62–63, 64–65, 66, 74, 78
Mexicali canal, 87–88
Mexican migrants, 83–90, 91–111
Mexican-U.S. border
history of migration across, 95–101
fence, 91–94, 100–101, 132
people smuggled into, 84–85, 87, 89–90, 92, 98–99, 106
Micciche, Calogero, 75
Michaels, Anne, 266
defined by Article I of Convention, 37–38
need for protection, 355–56
percent of world’s population as, 94–95
prosecution of, in U.S., 100
See also refugees and asylum seekers
“migrants of identity,” 353–54
migration, 354–57
changing attitudes toward, 97–98, 99–100, 355–56
globalization and, 94, 350
Migration Watch UK, 172–79
Mira (Afghan returnee), 316–17
Misericordia (Italian ambulance service), 64–65, 77
Mo (Afghan returnee), 308, 327
Mobaraka, Bibi (wife of emperor Babur), 326
Mohamed (Liberian refugee), 10, 16, 198, 215, 360
Mohamed (Sudanese refugee), 168–69
Moldova, 199
Moroccan refugees, 74
Morteza (Iranian refugee), 141–44, 148, 154
Moscat, Dr., 66
Mozambique, 43
Mugabe, Robert, 169–70
mujahedeen, 292–93, 303, 304, 323
Mussolini, Benito, 358
Mustafa (husband to Salima), 323
Nabokov, Vladimir, 262
Naked Dead, The (Langa), 257
Namibia, 43
Nansen, Fridtjof, 32–33
Napolitano Bill (Italy, 1998), 73
Naqba (uprooting of Palestinians of 1948), 220–25, 228–31, 241–42, 245, 251
Nasir (Afghan returnee), 292–94, 305–6, 307, 320
Nasser, Gamal, 235
National Asylum Support Agency (NASS), 168, 169, 170, 357–58
National Temperance Hospital (Britain), 270
National Union of Journalists (Britain), 175
Nauru detention center, 132, 133, 134, 150–51, 153
Newcasde, England
asylum seekers in, 156–63, 169–79, 183–85
Bykerarea, 169–70, 172–74, 176–70
New River, 99
New York Review of Books, 108
New Zealand, 133
resetdement and, 333
Niemoller, Martin, 108
Nigeria, 42n
Nigerian refugees, 74, 102, 217
Nigerois refugees, 217
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 99
North Korean refugees, 172
North of England Refuge Service, 156
Northern Alliance (Afghanistan), 307
Norway, 130–31, 175, 333
Norwegian Refugee Council, 48<
br />
Nsamba (Congolese refugee), 179
Nzerekore, Guinea, 189–90, 211
Occupied Territories, 241, 248, 251
Ogata, Sadako, 43–45
Omar (Liberian refugee), 361–62
Operation Blockade, 98
Operation Foxbat, 100
Operation Gatekeeper, 93, 98
Operation Hold the Line, 98
Operation Jaguar, 100
Operation Relex, 133, 135
Operation Safeguard, 98
Operation Thunderbird, 100
Operation Wetback, 97n
opium growers, 313
Organization for Alrican Unity (OAU), 40, 42
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 175
Organization Guinéenne des Droits de l’Homme, 188
Ortega, Cesar, 211
Osman, Ekhias, 344
Ottoman empire, 32
Oulu, Finland, 335–40
Pacific Solution, 132–33, 135, 150, 151, 153–54
Pakistan, 52
Afghan refugees in, 294, 296, 299–301, 303–4, 309, 314, 322
Pakistani refugees, 168
Palapa (boat), 129–30
Jews and, 34, 132, 221
partition of, 229–31
WW II and, 34, 132
See also Naqba; Occupied Territories
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 225, 233, 234–35, 248
Arab Muslim’s and, 238–39
Palestinian Authority, 253–54
Palestinian refugees, 220–28, 232–34, 236–56, 370
Arab Muslim’s and, 238–39
education available to, 253–54
not included in 1951 Convention, 38, 251n
number of, 242n, 244, 251
“right of return,” 223–25, 223n, 231
work available to, 253
UNRWA and, 227, 243, 246, 251n
Palestinian state, 230–31
Palumbo, Dr., 76–79
Papua New Guinea, 132
Passerini, Lyndall, 15
Peace of Westphalia (1648), 32
Pedro (Mexican migrant), 88–90
Peel, Dr. Michael, 278
Permanent Temporary Centers. See Centro di Permanenza
Peter (Liberian refugee), 194, 200, 215
Physicians for Human Rights, 110
Pinochet, General, 282
Polish refugees, 34
Port Augusta detention center (Australia), 119, 120, 149
Port Hedland detention camp (Australia), 142
post-traumatic stress disorder, 138–39, 147–48, 264–65
torture victims and, 273
Potsdam conference, 34
Professional Alliance for the Health of Asylum Seekers and Their Children, 141
prostitution, 49–50
migrants in Italy, 74
Qaddafi, Col. Muammar, 68
Qassam, Shaykh Izz al-Din al-, 224
racism, 74, 128–29, 172–79
Ranch Rescue, 100
Rania (Chaldean refugee), 105
rape, 8, 43, 245
and AIDS, 23
of refugees by aid workers, 212
survivors of, 266, 271, 272, 281–82
Red Cross movement, 32
“refugee,” definition and granting of status of, 37–38, 42
Australia and, 129–30
Convention of 1951 and, 41
OAU and, 42
unaccompanied minors and, 110–11
West and, 52
refugee camps, 42
Australia and, 119–25, 126–35, 136–55
developing world and, 40, 213–15
as destructive places, 214–15
difficulty raising money for, 52
Europe and, at end of WW II, 38
Guinea and, 189–96, 205–19
Hocké attempts to end long-term, 42
Palestinian refugees in 222–28, 232–34, 236–43
See also specific camps
Refugee Convention. See Convention
Relating to the Status of
Refugees of 1951
refugees and asylum seekers
African, in Cairo, 3–27
as “agents of development,” 210
arrests and torture of, 258–59, 268–78, 280, 281–84, 364
asylum policy crisis and, 49–50
boat people, 40, 50–51, 118, 129–35
boat people, in Sicily, 57–61, 62–72, 76–82
boat people, in Australia, 115–35, 136–55
change in policy toward, in Australia, 119–20, 125
children and unaccompanied minors, 46–47, 110–11, 264–67
children of, and parental trauma, 110–11
cost of handing, in UK, 52n
cross from Mexico to U.S., 83–90, 91–111
defined by UNHCR and
Convention of 1951, 37–38, 40, 41, 42
denied asylum, in Britain, 167–68
deportations of, 51
detention of, in Australia, 119–25, 126–35, 136–55
detention of, in U.S., 109–11
difficulties of, in Britain, 167–68, 171–73
dispersal of, in Britain, 156–63, 167–79
extraordinary journeys of, 105–6
families and women with children, 15
finances of, 14
funding and coordination issues, 49
future of policy on, 352–53, 355–56
global attitudes on, 355–56
“good” vs. “bad,” 37–38, 41, 117, 134
history of Geneva Convention and UNHCR and, 36–39
hostility towards, 50, 51, 97, 353
human rights workers and, 26–27
idea of “home” and, 321
IDPs and, 38, 47–51
language problems, 157, 161, 168, 261–62, 274, 336–37
legal hurdles and, in U.S., 107–9
local community and, in Britain, 169
media opposition to, 173–75, 184
mortality rates of, 70–71
pain of exile and past traumas of, 264–67
Palestinian diaspora, 220–25, 228–31, 241–42, 245, 251
political reaction to, 117–19, 132–33, 135, 150, 151, 153–54, 172–73, 184
post-traumatic stress and, 273
post-WW II in Europe, 34–36
as returnees, in Afghanistan, 292–94
repatriation, 43–44
resettlement of, in Finland, 331, 332–47
resetdement of, in West, 360–63
self-mutilation, 151
suicide of, 13, 137, 138, 139, 142–43, 156–86, 249, 364–65
top ten receiving countries, 52
torture and rape victims as, 8, 23, 43, 258–59, 266, 268–78, 280, 281–84, 356–57
under the age of 18, 46–47
whites-only policy, of Australia, 128–29
See also children; torture victims; unaccompanied minors; and specific receiving countries and nationalities
Refugee Therapy Center, 277–78
Reith, Peter, 135
first UNHCR and, 39
protection issue vs., 40–41
asylum vs., 331–32
Finland and, 331, 332–47
Reyes, Silvestre, 97–98
Rhodesian refugees, 41
“right of return,” 223–25, 223n, 231
Rinnan, Arne, 130–31, 135n
Roland (Liberian refugee), 62–63, 64–65, 66, 74, 78
Romanian refugees, 32, 34, 169
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 33
Roses and Thorns (Khalil), 242
Rothmund, Heinrich, 354–55
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 31
Ruddock, Phillip, 129–30, 131, 133, 135, 138, 139, 140, 147, 148
Rural Australians for Refugees, 150–51
Rusk, Dean, 37
Russell, Bertrand, 340
and Chechen refugees, 181
See also Soviet Union
Russian refugees
Britain and, 180–83
Finland and, 331
revolution of 1917 and, 32–33
WW I and, 32
WW II and, 34
genocide in, 43, 44, 298
Rwandan refugees, 4, 10–11, 159, 177–79
as torture victims, 271–72
Sabra (Palestinian refugee camp), 236–37
Saeed (Iranian refugee), 136–41
Said, Edward, 222, 242, 251, 262–63
St. Petersburg, 181–83
Salaam (Chaldean refugee), 104–6
Salem (Iranian refugee), 121–25
Salima (Afghan widow), 322–25
Salimov (Chechen refugees), 181
Sallis, Eva, 149
Saloh, Hassan Omar, 171
Salvo, Francesco di, 65
San Biagio Platani
Liberians in, 76–77
San Diego, California
border with Tijuana, 91–93, 96–101, 132
Chaldean Iraqis in, 105–6
Santa Ana, Angel, 96
Sargon the Akkadian, 103
Satta, Alya, 134
Satta, Kawthar, 134
Satta, Ronkayya, 134
Saudi Arabia, 253
Save the Children Fund, 318
Sayigh, Rosemary, 239
Scarpone, Jason, 214
SCCPI (situation of chronic conflict and political instability), 308
Schnyder, Félix, 39, 40
Schwartz, Theodore, 353
Sciortino, Nene, 57–61
Sciortino, Vera, 57–61
Seikaly, May, 247
Sekou (boy soldier from Sierra Leone), 203–6
Selassie, Haile, 10
self-mutilation, 151
Senegalese refugees, 66
Sennacherib of Mesopotamia, 103
September 11, 2001 (9/11), 49, 101, 107, 351
sexual exploitation, 211–12
Sharon, Ariel, 19
Shatila (Palestinian refugee camp), 222–28, 232–34, 236, 244, 252
conditions in, 225–26
population of, 225
shelling and attacks on, 236
Shayan (Iranian refugee), 136–41, 148, 154
Sherif, Musa, 3–10, 20, 23, 215
Sherif, Zainab (wife of Musa), 8, 9
Shikaki, Khalil, 230, 255
Shinfig (Sudanese refugee), 328–32
Shomali plain, 301–3, 312
Shubnam (Iranian refugee), 137, 139
Siaka (Liberian refugee), 363–64
Sicilia, La (Italian newspaper), 61
Sicily, 57, 72
Liberian boat people in, 57–61, 62–72, 76–82
Sierra Leone, 200, 370
as receiving country, 52
refugees from, 4, 10, 43, 168, 188–89, 191, 206–9
SIEV-X (boat), 134
Silove, Derrick, 144
Siren-Borrego, Ann-Charlotte, 334
Sisalem, Aladdin, 153
Slovakia, 199
Smith, Adam, 83
Smith, Elaine, 150–51
Society for International
Development, 352
Somali refugees, 10, 43, 168, 176, 333–34, 336, 338, 356
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