Human Cargo
Page 44
Somalia, 41, 298
Sophie (Liberian nurse), 216
South African refugees, 164
South American refugees, 74
Southern Illinois Trauma Center, 209
sovereignty issue, 38, 44
Soviet Union
Afghanistan and, 294, 303–4
IRO and, 35–36
post-WW II refugees and, 35–36
See also Russia
Sow, Dr. Thierno Maadjou, 188
Spain, 64, 262
Spanish Civil War, 115, 270
Spanish refugees, 116
Sri Lankan refugees, 41, 102, 172, 184
as torture victims, 272
Stalin, Joseph, 35–36
State of the World’s Refugees, 350
Statute of Rome, 152
Steel, Dr. Zachary, 144–48
Stern Gang, 230
Stoltenberg, Thorvald, 43
Straw, Jack, 175–76
Sudan, 285
civil war, 4
lost boys, 4
Palestinian refugees in, 255
remittances and, 350n
Sudanese refugees, 4, 10, 14–15, 168–69, 328–32, 356
resettled in Finland, 331, 336–47
Sudan People’s Liberation Army, 329
suicide, 364–65
in Britain, 156–86
in Cairo, 13
detainees and, 137, 138, 139, 142–43
in Finland, 343
Holocaust survivors and, 264, 265
See also mental health
Sultan, Dr. Aamer, 144, 146
Summerfield, Dr. Derek, 273
Sun (British newspaper), 174, 175
Sunday Times (British newspaper), 175
Sundous (Afghan boat person), 134
Surinam, 102
“suspect aliens,” in U.S., 108
Sweden, 74, 175, 240, 333
Swiss People’s party, 174
Switzerland, 174
anti-Semitism and, 354–55
Sydney Daily Telegraph, 139
Lebanon and, 236
Palestinian refugee camps in, 223, 251, 255
Syrian refugees, in Lebanon, 225
Taliban, 127, 291, 293, 294, 295, 301, 302, 304, 305, 306–7, 313–20, 323, 358
Bamiyan valley Buddhas, destruction of, 313, 315
Tamburlaine, 302
Tampa (tanker), 130–32, 135n, 150
Tampering with Asylum (Brennan), 152
as receiving country, 52, 176
Taraki, Nur Mohamed, 294
Taylor, Charles, 8, 13, 14, 19, 20, 189, 190, 198–200, 358, 361, 363
Tesfay (Eritrean refugee), 284–88
Thai refugees, 102
Tiberius, emperor of Byzantium, 67
Tijuana, Mexico, 91–93
migrant workers, refuges for, 83–90
Times of London, 248, 252, 276
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 73
torture victims, 18–20, 258–59, 268–78, 280, 281–84, 287–88, 356–57
Afghanistan and, 294–95
Algeria and, 278–81
“climate of disbelief” and, 270
Liberia and, 364
Sudan and, 329
Turkey and, 269, 272
Touré, Sékou, 187–88
leading to exile, 278–81
See also post-traumatic stress disorder; rape; torture victims
Treaty of Vienna (1815), 32
Tunisia, 68
Tunisian refugees, 66–67, 74
Turkey, 66
massacres of Armenians, 32
people smuggling and, 69
refugees from, 168
torture victims and, 269, 272
Turkish Kurds, 102
Britain and, 170–72
Tutsi, 271–72
Tyrant’s Novel, The (Kenneally), 154
Uganda, 356
Ugandan refugees, 281–82
Ukraine, 199
Ukrainian refugees, 34
unaccompanied minors, 46
detention of, in U.S., 110–11
Vietnamese boat people and, 50–51
unemployment, 46
United Kingdom (UK). See Great Britain
United Nations
Afghan returnees and, 292–94, 296–97, 303–27, 352
Australian detention and, 148
refugees and, post-WW II, 350
West African conflicts and, 198
UN Convention Against Torture, 268
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), 110
UN General Assembly
Resolution 194 (“right of return”), 223–25, 223n, 231
Palestine, partition of, 229–31
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNIICR), 5n, 36–39, 39–45
Afghan returnees and, 292–94, 303–27, 352
asylum seekers in Cairo and, 9, 10–12, 15, 18, 23, 25, 27
attitudes toward refugees and, 174–75
budget and funding of, 45–46, 52, 321
definition of refugees and, 37–38, 40
detention of asylum seekers and, 109, 132–33, 148
“economic migrants” and, 41
founding and history of, 38–45
in Guinea, 188–89, 192–93, 200, 201, 202–3, 205, 207, 209–15, 216
IDPs and, 38, 47–51
internal affairs of nations and, 38
long-term camps in Guinea and, 188–89
and the media, 175
migration and, 349–54
misconduct in, 211
Palapa and, 129–30
Palestinian refugees and, 38, 242n, 251–54
refugee status, refusal of, 328–32
relief vs. protection and, 45–51
report of 2003 on camps, 242n
resettlement and, in Australia, 126
Sierra Leone and, 200
Vietnamese boat people and, 50–51
UN Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), 34–35, 38
UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), 226
United States
Afghan refugees in, 294
anti-immigration lobby, 51
asylum requests in, 46n
child refugees and, 110
detention in, 109–11
guest workers in, 95–96
history of immigration into, 95–96
immigrants, categories of, 107n
legal hurdles in, post-9/11, 101, 107–9
Liberia and, 197–99
Liberian refugees in, 360–67
Mexican border and, 84–85, 87, 89–90, 92, 98–99, 106
nationalities crossing into, 95, 101–6
number of asylum seekers in, 11, 46n
Palestinian refugees and, 231, 250
post-WW II refugees and, 34–35, 36
resettlement and, 6, 11, 15, 23, 24, 25, 333
Somalian refugees in, 356
unaccompanied minors and, 110–11
UNIICR and, 39, 49
U.S. Border Patrol, 84–85, 86, 91–92
U.S. Congress, 108
U.S. Department or’ Health and Human Services (HHS), 110
U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, 268
U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), 97
U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement, 110
U.S. State Department, 36
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), 35, 152
USA Patriot Act, 108
Vanstone, Amanda, 124, 135, 147
Varga, Susan, 150
Vietnamese refugees, 40, 50–51, 127 in Finland, 332
in Guinea, 207–8
U.S.-Mexico border and, 99–100
Villa wood detention center (Australia), 137–39, 140, 143, 144, 154–55
Virgil, 262
visas, 50, 140
Voltaire, 31
a, Jawad, 299–301, 307, 314, 319, 358
Wannsee Conference (1942), 354–55
wars and civil conflict
casualties from, 43
See also specific conflicts
asylum policies in, 43, 49
image of, in refugees in Egypt, 12
migration and, 355–56
See also Europe; and specific nations
West African Economic Community, 188
White, T. W., 117
White Australia policy, 117–19
Whitlam, Gough, 118, 129
Why Am I Here? (Amnesty International report, 2003), 111
Wiesel, Elie, 3
Wilder, Andrew, 311
Wilhelmensen, Wilhelm, 130
Wilkinson, Marian, 135
Afghanistan and, 308, 322–25
as rape survivors, 8, 43, 245, 266, 271, 272, 281–82
trafficking of, 49–50
See also prostitution; rape
Woomera detention center (Australia), 120, 123, 136–37, 142–43, 149
work, availability of
Britain and, 171, 172, 180
Egypt and, 9
Finland and, 338–39
Italy and, 73–74
World Food Programme (WFP), 193–94, 309
World Health Organization (WHO), 260
World War I, 32
World War II, 264, 350
displaced person and, 34–36, 117–18
Yalta conference, 34
as receiving country, 52, 356
Youhana (Iranian refugee), 121, 123–24
Yugoslav refugees, 44, 73, 74
Zable, Arnold, 149
Zahra (Afghan boat person), 134
Zahra (Iranian refugee), 136–41
Zimbabwean refugees, 159, 168, 169–70, 172, 184
as torture victims, 272
Zionists, 221, 229–31
“zones of protection” proposal, 176