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Sweet Seduction

Page 13

by Anthology

  “Out,” Ally yelled and she realized she had more than a small audience now. She turned slightly and saw that Chef Taggart, Eric, and the rest of the crew had come out of the kitchen and were actively watching the scene being performed in front of them.

  Yeah, she was making quite the impression, but she couldn’t back down now. If she was about to get fired, she was going to make sure there was a damn good reason behind it. She marched on Elise.

  Those five-inch heels could really move when they wanted to. Elise hauled her skinny ass toward the front door.

  “Macon!” Elise shouted, her arms out as though they could protect her. “Macon, please.”

  “It pleases Macon to not have anything to do with you.” Macon yawned and tipped back his beer. “We’re divorced. We’re going to stay that way. Go back to New York. Find some other rich idiot to take care of you. The bank’s closed here. I’m a working man now.”

  “If you would talk to your father,” Elise pleaded.

  Ally was done talking. She swung the umbrella, narrowly missing the blonde, but then she’d planned it that way.

  Elise screamed and Taggart shouted out something about a swing and a miss.

  Ally chased the lovely Elise right out onto the street. The minute she could, she locked the door. That woman wasn’t getting back in.

  “And stay out. You aren’t welcome at Top.” She turned, her hands still on the umbrella.

  Big Tag and Jake clapped, but they weren’t the only ones. She looked over and the entire kitchen staff plus Deena, Tiffany, and Jenni were cheering her on. Thank god.

  Chef Taggart gave her a thumbs-up. “Way to take out the trash, Ally.”

  But Macon frowned her way. He stood as she walked back into the dining room. “Chef’s office. Now.”

  “Back to work. We’ve got dinner soon. And Miles, I’ll handle the glaze, but you better clean up after yourself, if you know what I mean,” Chef said.

  She turned again, well aware her trouble was just starting.

  Chapter Seven

  Macon closed the door behind him without looking over at Ally. He wasn’t angry, but he needed to make a few things plain to her. She’d put herself in harm’s way. She could still be there. Elise’s father was a lawyer. He wouldn’t be surprised if Ally didn’t find herself being served papers in the next few weeks. They would deal with it, but things would have been infinitely simpler if she’d done as he’d asked her to.

  The door locked with an audible snick.

  “Macon, are you mad at me?” Now she managed a soft voice, her accent coming out like sweet syrup.

  He crossed over to the closet where he knew damn well Sean kept some necessary items. By telling him to “clean up” after himself, Sean had been giving him permission to use his office for the very necessary disciplining of his submissive.

  He was about to find out if she could really handle what he needed her to. Being with Allyson had made it clear to him this was absolutely what he wanted.

  “No, but we’re going to have a talk about what it means to be a couple.” Ah, there it was. A nice long length of jute. He pulled it out.

  Her eyes widened at the sight, but she didn’t protest. “I didn’t like the way she touched you. She didn’t have the right to kiss you.”

  He unrolled the rope, getting a feel for it. “You’re right. She didn’t and I can’t tell you how good your possessiveness makes me feel, baby. I want this to work both ways. I’m never going to like another man looking at you, much less actually laying a hand on you. Take off your clothes.”

  “What? I thought we were talking.”

  “Yes, we’re going to talk with you naked.”

  “And the rope?”

  “Naked and tied up,” he clarified.

  She sighed but started to work out of the T-shirt she was wearing. She dragged it over her head and folded it before unclasping the bra she really didn’t need to wear. Those breasts were two of the perkiest, prettiest things he’d ever seen. It was a shame to bind them up. “I know I lost my temper, but she kissed you.”

  And that had driven his sweet girl absolutely insane. She’d been right. She really had lost her shit and now everyone at Top knew Macon had a girl who would defend his honor against all threats. “Now the pants. And I understand, but I could have handled it. I’m worried you’ve opened a nice-sized can of worms.”

  She folded the jeans and stood in front of him completely naked, her hands on her hips as she glared up at him. “I’m not apologizing, Macon. She touched your leg.”

  He couldn’t help but chuckle about that. He would bet she’d been more pissed about Elise’s hand on his quarter leg than she’d been about the kiss. “I understand, but it would have been better for you if you’d done as I asked. Her father is a highly litigious man. He lives for nuisance lawsuits. She’s very likely on the phone with him right now.”

  She shrugged, tossing her hair back in her sassy way. “Bring it on. I seriously doubt she’s going to find it worth her while. I don’t have any money. Besides, I didn’t even hit her.”

  He felt bad about explaining the full situation to her, but she needed to understand he hadn’t given the order for his health. He’d actually loved watching her go a little crazy. She’d wielded that damn umbrella like a deadly weapon. It had been satisfying to see Elise duck and run.

  “Sean didn’t hit her either, but she could potentially sue Top.”

  The color drained from her face. “I didn’t think about that.”

  “Yes, I realize that, but I did and that’s why I requested you go into the kitchen and let me handle things. Were you worried I was going to cheat on you?”

  Tears filled those perfect eyes, and it took everything he had not to scoop her up and hold her close. “No. I didn’t think you would cheat. If you were going to go with her, you would have broken it off with me first. Did I really get the restaurant in trouble?”

  At least she trusted him. He was still worried she’d taken Elise’s words to heart. The woman had always known how to get under an opponent’s skin. It was her superpower. “I don’t know, but we’ll handle it. There were plenty of witnesses who will likely say you behaved in an appropriate manner, but that’s not the point. I won’t ever put my foot down unless it’s important, Allyson. We have to figure out how we’ll work as a couple, but I can tell you when I finally do put that foot down, I expect to be obeyed. Did you understand what I wanted you to do?”

  She sniffled, but he was pleased with how comfortable she was with her nudity. The first few times he’d required her to chuck her clothes, she’d been self-conscious, but it seemed she’d gotten the idea that he appreciated her body. “Yes. I knew what you wanted and I knew what would happen if I didn’t. I knew you would need a session. I didn’t know you kept rope lying around though. That was a surprise.”

  “Oh, baby, I don’t need rope to discipline you. I can always find something. The kitchen is a veritable store of things I can use to swat your pretty rear. Put you hands together and hold them out.”

  She put her wrists together and held them toward him. “Are you going to spank me? I can handle it.”

  He’d figured her out a bit. She would always be a mystery to him. There would be small spaces inside her that weren’t open to him, but he could deal with that. He’d learned she could handle some loving discipline as long as he was affectionate with her afterward. “I’m going to spank you. I think you’ve certainly earned twenty smacks and then you’re going to take care of me. When I tell you to, you’ll get on your knees and you’ll suck me dry. Is that understood?”

  He worked while he talked, moving the jute up and over and around, forming a pattern that would sit on her skin for a while after he’d removed the rope. It wasn’t too tight, but he wanted her to sit at dinner with the marks as a visible reminder of his possession. It wasn’t simply about reminding her. There was a part of him that wanted the rest of them to see he was properly topping this woman.

Let me make something clear. I have no intentions of leaving you. Why would you think about that?”

  Her eyes were on the rope, watching as he moved the pattern up. Had she been a bustier girl, he wouldn’t have been able to tie her this way, but Allyson was particularly flexible with her arms. They’d played with ropes over the last few nights. He liked this pattern. It made her look vulnerable.

  “Macon, some of the things she said were true.”

  “Which ones? The one about how my losing a leg was really the hardest on her? Or how running off with my brother was probably my fault because I’d left her alone while I was fighting a war?”

  Her eyes flared. “Are you serious?”

  “As a heart attack, baby. You weren’t listening to her. I would never fall for her shit, but I’ve learned that unless I let her have her say she won’t stop. I was going to listen and then explain in no uncertain terms that my life is here now and it’s with you. She’s not welcome here. I want to be right here with the right job and the right woman.”

  “But she’s wasn’t lying about me. I’m not well bred. My only family connections are currently in the Georgia penitentiary. I’m a liability to a man like you.”

  “That’s another ten swats. And what do you mean by ‘a man like me’? Bend over.”

  She leaned over Sean’s desk, her bound arms forming a base to balance from. It would be difficult. She would have to think about not falling to one side or the other. That was exactly what he wanted. He looked down and stared at that luscious ass of hers. The cheeks were plump and perfect, and he adored the twin dimples on the small of her back.

  “You won’t always want to be a pastry chef at a small restaurant,” she said. “Eventually you’ll need more. You were raised to be ambitious. You came from a wealthy family.”

  He ran a hand over her cheeks. They’d played at light spanking, nothing serious. Even as he let his palm explore he knew he wouldn’t go too hard on her. Even this was mostly play. Spanking her wouldn’t correct the behavior. Knowing that she could have hurt Sean would correct the behavior. This was about allowing him to feel like he was in control and he was deeply grateful to have found a woman who understood. “Let me know if this scares you, baby.”

  He brought his hand up and then down with a satisfying smack to the center of her backside. She gasped and then settled in.

  “That’s not so bad. I told you. I can handle this, Miles.”

  He slapped her ass again, harder this time. “That’s two. I might come from a wealthy family but I never enjoyed the money.” His hand moved, forming a pattern across the fleshy part of her ass. “Three. Four. And I wasn’t raised to be ambitious. I was raised to be a soldier. It’s what Miles men have done for generations. I was supposed to be a general like my father and my grandfather. Five. Six. I was supposed to marry the right woman. Seven. I was not supposed to get my leg blown to hell and get involved in potential scandals. Eight. Nine. Ten.”

  “Scandal?” The question came out on a breathy gasp.

  He was not getting into it right now. He wanted a moment of pleasure with her, not a rundown of everything he’d done wrong. “It’s not important. Eleven and twelve. The point is my life hasn’t gone the way my father thought it should. Will I always want to be right here? I don’t know, but I do know I’m going to want to be with you.”

  He got down to spanking her, relieved when he caught some sure signs that she was enjoying her discipline. When his fingers brushed against her, he could feel the way her pussy was getting wet and ripe, smell the sweet scent of her arousal. She went up on her toes with the next smack and he could see in the low light how pink her backside was becoming. When he got to twenty, he felt his cock tighten. He’d been hard since she’d walked in the room, but his erection was reaching epic proportions. His leg had been aching from standing far too long, but none of that mattered because Ally was accepting the relationship. He’d been afraid in the beginning that they wouldn’t be able to get past her disdain, but she’d thrown herself into the lifestyle, trying the things he asked her to and being honest about what she did or didn’t like. She could handle spanking and a light crop, but she wanted nothing to do with canes. She preferred the feel of warm flesh against hers and he liked to give her what she wanted.

  “How are you doing?” He looked down and there were tears glistening in her eyes.

  “I hated seeing her with you. I can’t stand the thought of that woman having your name.” The desolation in her voice made him stop. He quickly helped her up and had her unbound in a few seconds. She was crying freely by the time he tossed the rope aside and gathered her up. He ran his hands up and down her arms to make sure she had circulation before wrapping himself around her as she wept against his chest.

  “I’m sorry, baby. She means nothing to me.”

  “You loved her.”

  Had he? “I thought I did, but marrying her was also a means to an end. My father was friends with hers. My father and stepmother thought it was a good match and I wanted to take the next step. I guess you’re right. I was raised to be ambitious. I was raised to constantly move forward, to always have a goal, and part of that stage of my life was to get married.”

  “You were so young.”

  She felt right cuddled up against him. He sank down into the big chair, settling her on his lap. “I wanted to move to the next part of my life. I suppose what I really wanted was a family. I thought if I married and had some kids, maybe it would make up for feeling so alone growing up.” He let his fingers tangle in her hair, holding her close. “I’m not going to want her back. I’m not going to want some aristocratic life. I want this life.”

  She sat up, her eyes finding his. “I want this life, too. I want it with you. Macon, I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  She’d had so much taken from her. “You don’t have to find out. I’m not going anywhere.”

  She put her arms around him and brushed her mouth to his. “I’m crazy about you, Miles. I promise I’ll listen to you next time, but you should know that any time another woman touches you, I’ll probably want to kick her ass.”

  “And then I’ll spank yours.” He kissed her again, lingering this time. “Did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head. “No. I got emotional. Seeing her made me a little insecure. I needed this. I needed to be with you.” She hopped off his lap and turned away from him. She placed her palms flat on the desk. “You owe me ten more.”

  She was presenting to him and his cock hardened painfully.

  “Not like that,” he said, his voice going deep. “I want you to bend over and grab your ankles.”

  She moved back and then gracefully bent over and found her position.

  Macon stood up. This was exactly what he wanted. The position allowed her pussy to peek out, showing off glistening folds that were begging for the attention of his mouth or his cock. He settled for fingers for the moment. “This is interesting.” He slid a single finger along her labia. “I was worried you would never enjoy this part of play, but your pussy seems to like it fine.”

  “I like it with you. I couldn’t do this with anyone else.”

  He pressed his finger in, angling inside her as he used his free hand to swat her ass. “Now that we’ve discussed the situation with my ex-wife and your homicidal proclivities, let’s move on to the secondary punishment.”

  He slowly fucked that finger in and out of her pussy. He smacked her ass again, this one a hard swat that sounded through the quiet room. “I don’t ever want to hear you talk bad about yourself again. I don’t like it.”

  Another one, exactly as rough. He could be indulgent on the first issue, but he wouldn’t be disobeyed on this one. No one got to talk shit about her. Not even her.

  “I promise,” she vowed, her voice a breathy plea.

  He gave her every spank he’d promised. All the while his finger moved in and out of her body. He teased at her clit. A bit of sugar and then a hard slap. By the time he was done, sh
e was soaking wet and wanting so much more than he was willing to give her in that moment. “Up. Now you take care of me.”

  The pleading look on her face almost made him change his plans. Almost.

  She dropped to her knees in front of him, her hands on the fly of his slacks. She tugged them down. Her hand ran over the skin of his thigh and he nearly growled in pleasure. He’d thought the useless piece of flesh was something he would have to try to hide if he ever took a lover, but Ally didn’t pull away or avert her eyes. She slid her nails right down to where his flesh met the C-Leg. She teased him, running her fingertips across the skin and sensitizing it while her mouth got closer and closer to where he needed it to be.

  He reached down and tangled a hand in her hair. She was not in control of this. “Lick me, Allyson. Lick me and take me deep or we’re not done with the punishment.”

  She pouted beautifully, but there was a grin on her face when she leaned over and gripped his cock right before running her tongue over the head.

  He bit back a groan. It wasn’t only about how good it felt to have that tongue of hers coating his cock. He got hot just from the act of her submitting to him. Ally was strong, so strong, and she had emotional issues, but she pushed through because she wanted to please him. It made him willing to do anything to keep her by his side.

  He was falling in love with this woman and he finally understood what the phrase really meant. His marriage to Elise had been about trying to find something, attempting to build something he’d never really had before. His relationship with Ally was as natural as breathing. It wasn’t merely something to build, but something to build on. Ally was his foundation.

  She sucked gently on the head and he watched as his cock started to disappear behind her lips.

  Her tongue whirled all around, pure pleasure swamping his senses. She sucked on the head, her tongue sliding over the slit where pre-come pulsed out. Her eyes were up, watching him as she reached up and cupped his balls. He gritted his teeth against the need to thrust hard and fast, preferring to revel in the soft feel of her mouth, the way her hands moved on his skin.


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