Book Read Free

Potion Perfect

Page 13

by Billie Dale

  Realizing texting isn’t giving me enough information, I dial her number. Her happy voice lightens my mood a little but I still bite her head off when she answers.

  We’ve gotten close over the past month. Spending three or four days a week together. Any nights I’m not away for games, she’s with me in the fitness center. Any free time during the days we spend in the library studying. Masters was right about one thing, she is rocking some killer curves now.

  Over the past month, I have watched her body transform. She was wonderful the way she was; but now, now she is smokin’ hot. Sadly, most of her weight loss came off her glorious tits. I was devastated to watch them go. She still wears her baggy sweatshirts and yoga pants, unless she is working out then she wears my team shirt I gave her. The same shirt that used to stretch to capacity across her chest and roll up at her waist now hugs her curves to perfection. Hell, she could make wearing a trash bag sexy. She still has me in the friend zone which is giving me a frequent relationship with Rosy Palm and her five sisters plus many cold showers, but I’m still hopeful for more.

  My mood darkens when I find out she’s working with Archer Boyd. He’s a great match for her. Smart, driven and kind.

  Damn it, I hope he’s not interested. I don’t want any more competition for her. Chase is salivating wanting to take another shot at her, Wren is circling like a vulture but I know she doesn’t want either of them. Now Archer will be in the mix and he’s is worse than the other two because he could have a shot with her.

  She tells me that the weasel took issue with her not coming home with him; I bet he did. That little fucker has been battling me every step of the way. Fucking Wren Morris.

  The positive thing about her staying on campus is I know I’ll get to see her when we get back.

  “I had a bad game, the coach got on my shit. I don’t like you being alone for Christmas.”

  “It’s just another day, Kohl. I’m sorry you had a bad game. Anything I can do to make it better?”

  I wish I could tell her how much I would love for her to fuck my stress right out of me. For her to rub her lush tits all over my body, how I’m dying to taste every inch of her skin. “I can think of a few things you could do to make it better,” I joke, but there is truth hiding in each word.

  “Always with the sex, Kohl. Do you ever think about anything else?” she says but I can hear hurt in her voice. I always joke with her about sex, it’s one of our things. It also consumes my brain every time I smell her fruity cucumber scent. I can’t even look at a piece of fruit without getting hard as stone remembering her aroma.

  “What’s wrong, Tennie Girl? You know I’m only teasing. I love to see your adorable face turn red.”

  “I gotta go. Will I see you when you get back before you head home?” she asks.

  She’s cutting me short, I can hear something in her voice. She sounds hurt and I know she would tell me if someone else had done something. That leaves only one option. Damn it, what have I done now?

  “Yes, Ten. I’ll stop by when I get back to campus. Bye, pretty girl.”

  “Bye Kohl”

  Now I have six hours to ride this damn bus wondering what I’ve done to hurt her.

  Chapter Twelve

  How do I spell relief? T-E-N-S-A-N-N-E

  —Kohl’s inner thoughts


  BAM, BAM, BAM, what the fuck is that?

  Who the hell is at my door at? Slipping on my glasses I check the time on my phone, 2:00 a.m.

  “Open the door, Ten,” comes across my phone from Kohl.

  Opening the door, I see an exhausted Kohl, holding his team duffle bag. His arms braced on the door frame, his head hanging low.

  Butterflies fill my belly. He came here straight from the bus. I didn’t figure I would see him until in the morning.

  “Kohl,” I whisper, raising his head, his eyes a stormy gray, he pulls me forward engulfing me in his arms burying his nose in my hair.

  “What did I do, baby girl? Why are you angry at me?” he mumbles into my neck, the vibration and heat of his breath sending chills along my skin, his succulent scent fills my nose.

  Pulling back from him, “Nothing, I was just being stupid. Why are you here? Why didn’t you go back to the dorm and get some sleep? You look like shit,” I laugh.

  Stepping through the door, he drops his bag and flops back on my twin bed, “I couldn’t go to sleep with you mad at me. That was the longest six-hour ride of my life, thinking that I may have lost you as a friend.”

  Standing at the foot of the bed, admiring how perfect his body is sprawled out in my space, surrounded by my things, I reassure him, “You haven’t lost me. Wren said something that pissed me off, something I have no right to be angry for and I let it eat at me. I know it was stupid and I’m sorry I made you worry.”

  Sitting up on his elbows, his face etched in concern, he pats the bed, “Come sit with me.”

  He waits for me to situate myself on the edge of the bed, then he asks, “What did he say?”

  Picking at my nails, I can’t look him in the face. I feel foolish for being angry. “Something about you and a blonde at the after-game party last weekend, and the fact that we’re never together at the parties or out anywhere else off campus. But were not a couple, were friends and we do what friends do.”

  “Ten, you won’t go to the parties with me. Hell, I’ve been trying to get you in the stands for a home game since the season started. I don’t know what blonde he was talking about but I promise you I wasn’t with anyone,” he says twirling a piece of my hair between his fingers.

  “You’re right, though; you don’t have a reason to be angry if I was. You know we don’t go anywhere because you insist we don’t have time.” Cupping his hand against my cheek, he continues, “You’re angry with me for stipulations that you put on us. Come here and lay down with me,” he says patting his chest and scooting his body against the wall to make room for me, extending his arm waiting for me to curl into him.

  “N-no, I’ll stay here,” I stammer.

  “Come on, Tennie Girl, let me hold you for a minute. Just a friendly hold.”

  “Ok, just for a minute,” I agree curling myself into the nook between his chin and shoulder, hearing his heart beat a steady rhythm in my ear. He wraps his arm around me, his sweet vanilla scent fills my nose. I lightly rest my shaking hand on the hard ridges of his stomach. His warmth surrounds me providing a sense of safety and serenity. Glancing up to meet his eyes, his breathing has fallen shallow, his eyes are closed. He’s asleep. He’s so stunning it hurts me but I can’t stop staring. He seems so peaceful, happy; all the stress he had when I opened the door has melted away. I feel like such a terrible person for making him think I was mad at him. I know I should wake him and make him leave, I’ve learned not to cross lines with friends but it’s my fault he came straight here. It won’t hurt anything to let him sleep for a little bit.

  Grabbing my blanket from the floor, I drape it over us. I mull over his words. It is my fault that we only stay on campus; I won’t go to his games because I don’t like crowds and I don’t want Kohl to have to explain why he’s with me at a party. My thoughts running, my eyes get heavy. Thinking I will rest them for a few minutes, I fall into the best sleep I have ever had in my life. Surrounded by Kohl’s delicious smell and the warmth from something made by my Mom’s hands.

  Waking, my hand rests on something hard, hot and pulsing. A warm sweetness surrounds me. I don’t want to wake up, I was having the best dream.

  “If you keep your hand there, the problem is only going to get worse,” rumbles from my pillow, only it’s not my pillow and I wasn’t having a dream. I’m lying on Kohl’s chest with my hand on his dick—his very hard, throbbing dick.

  “Sorry,” I mumble jerking my hand back, feeling heat rush to my face.

  “Damn you’re cute when you turn red, Ten,” he laughs.

  “Do you know the average man thinks about sex nineteen times a day? Averaging o
nce every hour and a half. Originally, it was thought they think about it every seven seconds, but it’s more than 500 times an hour. There would be nothing else in their brains if that statistic were accurate. Women tend to think about food fifteen times a day and sex ten. I know I think more about food than sex. Waking up hard is natural, you probably just have to pee,” I ramble.

  “I assure you, this morning it’s all because of the beauty who woke up with her hand on my dick and not because I have to piss. Your head is so full of random facts, how do you have any room for your classes? I love it when you ramble.”

  “When you spend all your time alone you learn that Google is your best friend. I spent hours searching and reading. Absorbing information, you do have to be careful what you put into the search engine though. You don’t want to know what a lemon party is, trust me don’t Google it.” I tell him shivering when I remember what popped up on my screen from that search. “Are you heading home today?”

  “I don’t have to; I can stay here with you.”

  “No way, you only have a small amount of time to spend with your family. They can’t afford to come see your games. You go home and be with them. From the way Archer made it sound, they are going to need me to work a lot, so I’ll be busy.”

  “You’re right,” he agrees, sadly. “I should get going but I’m coming back for New Year’s Eve. Be my date?”

  “You want to spend it with me?”

  “Nowhere else I would rather be.”

  “Ronnie’s Dad has a killer New Year’s party. Want to go with me? As friends, of course.”

  “A party at the Mayor’s Mansion, with a spectacular woman on my arm? Hell, yes,” he gushes.

  Kissing me on the cheek, he leaves. I know I’ll see him in a little over a week but I’ll miss him. Working out isn’t the same without him. He’s so ingrained in my life now, I feel a blank spot when I don’t get to see him. His endless flirting always has me hoping for more but in my mind, I know it’s part of his charm.

  I’m excited for my first day at work and now excited for New Year’s, the excitement adding a little pep in my step while I get ready for work. I grab me a cup of coffee taking my potion for the day. I don’t know what this potion is supposed to be doing but since I started using it, I have become friends with Kohl, nabbed a job and my life is good. I only have half a bottle left. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the bottle holds for me.

  Arriving at The Brew Station, Archer greets me smiling. “Good Morning, Tensanne.”

  “Good morning Mr., uh, um, Archer,” damn he’s one fine ass man. Not nearly as handsome as Kohl, but still not hard on the eyes.

  “Leah and I will be training you today. Once you learn the flavor combinations the rest is easy until we close and clean the machines.”

  Leah explains the machines and how they work. I watch while she makes a few drinks when she hands me the cup she explains the number of pumps of flavored syrup and which liquids to add. I like the customers that order a simple black cup of coffee, those are easy.

  The crowd finally slows down around two p.m.; Leah explains while we are slow, we need to wipe down all the machines. Archer insists the expresso machine be polished to a sparkling shine. While I’m rubbing the knobs to make them gleam, I hear, “I have a knob you could give a good rub on, Ten,” recognizing the voice, I glance up meeting Chase’s eyes and cocky grin.

  “Welcome to The Brew Station, I’m Tensanne. I’ll be your barista today. What can I get for you?” I ask, using the line Leah told me to use. My blood bubbling in my veins at having to be nice to this asshole. Smiling when I hear You’re So Vain coming through the sound system, a perfect soundtrack for this moment.

  “A smile. You like the thought of polishing my knob, don’t you? I’ve got time, I would hate to deny you of something that makes you smile,” he teases with a smug smile that makes me want to smack him.

  I hate this man. With every fiber of my being, I despise him. I rack my brain for a clever retort. “I got this one, Tensanne. Go help Leah with the cups, “Archer growls from behind me.

  “But I don’t think-”

  “I said, I got this one. Go,” Archer orders.

  Scurrying over to Leah, who doesn’t need any help with the cups, “What was that about?” I ask pointing to Archer and Chase facing off at the counter.

  “Watch,” Leah says with a smile and her wide eyes glued to the guys.

  “What do you want, Masters? Besides harassing my barista.” Archer says clenching his jaw.

  “I want a cup of coffee and maybe some of Ten,” Chase cocks off with a nod in my direction.

  Archer braces himself with his hands on the counter, leaning right into Chase’s face, “You’re not getting any of either today. Get the hell out of here.”

  “You can’t kick me out, I’ll call your corporate manager,” Chase spats crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Oh, boo fucking hoo, go ahead. I call him Dad but you might want to call him Mr. Boyd. Give him a call,” Archer chortles.

  “Whatever, man, you’ll regret this. Hey, Ten. I’m not done with you, yet.”

  “Yes, you are. Now leave,” Archer glares, pointing to the door.

  Turning to Jackson and Austin who are standing behind him, Chase says, “Let’s go, this place is a joke anyway,” heading to the door. Jackson remains behind while Austin follows Chase.

  “Come on, Raines, I said let’s go,” Chase demands, stomping his foot.

  Shrugging his shoulders, “He told you to leave, not me,” Jacksons mumbles turning back to place his order.

  I slap my hand over my mouth when a snicker escapes my lips. Archer gives me a wink and the corners of Jackson’s mouth turns up a little while Chase huffs out of the store with Austin trailing behind him.

  Jackson reaches out his fist to Archer. Archer bumps it while Leah sets Jackson’s regular order on the counter. “On the house,” Archer smiles. Jackson grabs the cup and gives a silent nod of thanks.

  Walking to me, “You alright, Tensanne?”

  “That was wonderful. Holy crap. You didn’t have to do that, but thank you, I’m fine,” I gush. I’ve never had anyone stand-up for me, especially to someone like Chase. Seeing him get thrown out was a thing of beauty. Seeing him on the receiving end this time was magical. Someday maybe I’ll be able to stand-up for myself.

  “I don’t need him in my business,” he fumes walking to his office.

  The rest of my shift is slow, cleaning up to close for the night, I wonder about Archer’s comment on the owner being his dad.

  “The Brew Station is owned by Archer’s family?”

  Scrubbing the expresso machine, Leah responds, “Yes, he doesn’t like having to work here while he goes to school, but his father insists he’s a part of the business. He expects Archer to take over once he finishes school, but I’m not sure it’s what Archer wants.”

  “He’s getting a degree in business?”

  “No, he’s a drama major. He has an amazing voice and is magic on the stage. You should watch him sometime. He has an uncanny ability to bring his characters to life,” she beams.

  “He’s drool worthy enough to be on the big screen. He’s got that whole Hollywood heartthrob vibe about him. I’ll have to find out what his next production is and check him out.”

  “He’s a fine piece of man,” she sighs, “Too bad he bats for the other team.”

  Eyes wide, I gasp, “He’s gay?”

  Her voice quivers, “Oh shit,” grabbing my hands nervously, “That wasn’t supposed to slip out. The only reason I know is that I came on too strong when I started here and he told me to get me to back off, instead of having to fire me. No one knows. You can’t tell anyone.”

  Taking my hand to my lips I mimic turning a key. “My lips are sealed. His secret is safe with me. If we’re done here, I think I’m going to go workout for a while before I head back to the dorm. I drank too much coffee and after seeing Chase put in his place earlier, I’m feeling w
ired. See you tomorrow?”

  “You did great today. Better than I did on my first day. Plus, you look amazing; I meant to tell you earlier and I forgot.”

  Thanking her, I grab my coat and purse, leaving her to lock up.

  “I’ll see you in the morning, Ten,” she waves.

  Walking across campus to the fitness center, Kohl gave me his access card, I feel jittery from all the coffee but great about my first day. I’m stunned and sadden that Archer is gay but it makes sense because the man is pretty. I guess that spark I felt when he shook my hand was only static electricity.

  Working up a sweat for an hour drains the caffeine buzz out of my body. When I get back to the dorm, I plop on my bed falling into a blissful sleep full of dreams of Kohl.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kids look forward to a fat man in a suit that delivers presents down our chimney but these same kids still make fun of you if your fat. Do you see the irony?

  —Tensanne’s to Ronnie


  Christmas Day

  I SLEEP AS late as my body will let me. This is the first Christmas I will spend by myself. I tried contacting my dad again to see if he was still going to work all day today, but he never responded back to me. I plan to spend my day watching the A Christmas Story marathon and eating myself stupid. I have worked very hard to lose weight but this day requires mass quantities of comfort food.

  At noon, I drag myself out of bed. Using what little money I had, I stocked up on all things Hostess: Twinkies, ding dongs, ho-ho’s—plus a few bags of chips, hot chocolate k-cups, and popcorn.

  Don’t judge me. The holidays always require gaining ten pounds.

  After a shower, I put on Kohl’s t-shirt. It’s only me in the room so I run around in his shirt and my panties. At least I feel close to him wearing the shirt he gave me.

  I set my laptop on my bed and load up my Direct TV account, going to the channel showing the movie all day. I go to the kitchenette and pop some hot chocolate in the Keurig and start digging through our cabinet for snacks. While I’m digging, I find Ronnie’s bottle of peppermint Schnapps. I’m not much of a drinker, I have had a few glasses of wine here in the room with Ronnie but I’m feeling lonely and some peppermint hot chocolate is sounding good right now.


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