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Ruled by her Daddies

Page 25

by Roberts, Laylah

  “You’re tired. We went to bed too late.”

  “It’s not even eleven. Back home I never went to sleep before eleven.”

  “That won’t be happening again.” He reached over for the bedside lamp, turning it off. She shuffled around, trying to find a comfortable spot. It was odd having Wolfe here in bed with her, yet not touching him.

  Wolfe let out a grumbling noise and she froze, not wanting to annoy him.

  “Damn it, this won’t do.”

  “Sorry, I’ll try not to move around,” she whispered.

  “No, it’s not that. It’s having you so close.”

  This was too close for him? Disappointment filled her. She’d hoped they’d be able to at least sleep in the same bed.

  “I’m sorry. Do you need to go back to your bed?” she asked.

  “I need another shower.”

  A shower? She leaned over to turn on the bedside lamp. “Why do you need a shower? Do you feel dirty?”

  “I feel fucking horny.”

  What did that have to do with . . . oh.

  “I swear I have blushed more in the last week than I did in the last eight years,” she muttered.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it.”

  “You don’t have to go into the shower to do that,” she blurted out without thinking.

  Oh. Hell.

  He froze, halfway out of the bed. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean . . . I thought that maybe I still could watch? It would be sexy. If that’s okay with you. If it’s not, that’s fine. It was probably silly. Forget I said anything.”

  “You want to watch? That wasn’t something you just said?”

  “You asked me to be honest with you. I’m trying to.”

  He nodded. “And you’d find that sexy?”

  “Did you like watching Aleki and Caleb pleasure me?” she asked.

  Those obsidian eyes grew darker. “Oh, yeah.”

  “I’ve always wanted to watch,” she whispered, barely able to voice her need.

  “You and Aleki never . . .”

  She shook her head.

  “So I’d be your first.”

  She nodded. Seemed her ability to speak had flown out the window.

  “Good. I like that.” Determination filled his face. She got it. She liked that they’d have this together as well. “I need to get lube.” He opened the bedside drawer, pulling out a tube of lube.

  “There’s lube in the drawers?”

  “Princess, there’s lube everywhere. I believe in always being prepared.”

  “By putting lube everywhere? What are you preparing for? An orgy?”

  He snorted. “How many people do you need for an orgy? Because there’s four of us.”

  Wait. Did he mean . . .did they all plan to sleep with her together? Aleki and Caleb had gotten her off together but she guessed she hadn’t thought about all of them having sex together.

  Holy. Hell.

  “You’re sure about this?” he asked. “I can go in the shower.”

  “I’m sure,” she whispered.

  Dear. Lord. Please. Help.

  She’d lost her mind. She was sure of it. Funny, she’d never thought of herself as some sort of voyeur, but the idea of watching him jack off made her heart race. She’d never seen anyone do that. Not in real life. She’d never even watched porn, being too scared someone would find out.

  Seemed her life was sadly lacking.

  He looked down at his crotch. “He likes the idea of you watching.”

  She shook her head, with a laugh. Only Wolfe would treat his cock as though it had a mind of its own. Pushing the blanket back, he dragged down his pants, revealing his cock.

  Okay, so he hadn’t been exaggerating before. It really was a beast. Long and thick. Gorgeous.

  “Too much?” he asked, watching her closely. “When I watched porn, it didn’t seem out of place size-wise, but then Caleb told me that porn wasn’t a good way for me to judge things. Or learn about sex.”

  “That’s why you watched it? To learn about sex?”

  “Yep. Apparently, it’s meant to be arousing, but I never got turned on.”

  “You didn’t?”

  Wolfe shook his head. “Like I told you, this is new for me. The only thing to ever really turn me on is you.”

  Holy. Shit.

  She’d kind of thought he was exaggerating or joking. Then again, this was Wolfe. So she should have known better, right? He didn’t really joke. He didn’t lie.

  He meant what he said. She turned him on.

  Wolfe took off his pajama top, folding it neatly and setting it aside with his pants and boxers. He was now naked. And damn, he was gorgeous. He grabbed the lube, squirting some out. Then he half-reclined against the headboard.

  She sat up so she could watch him. She didn’t want to miss even a second of this.

  He took hold of his cock, running his hand slowly up and down it. “You know, there’s something you can do to help.”

  “What’s that?” she asked, feeling breathless. Turned on.

  “Take off the shirt. Show me your body.”

  Well, she guessed that was only fair since he was lying here naked in front of her, touching himself.

  She carefully pulled off the T-shirt. His gaze ate her up, as though he was starving and she was a banquet of the finest food he’d ever seen.

  “Touch your nipple,” he commanded. “Squeeze it.”

  Wolfe continued to move his hand slowly up and down his shaft. “I’m trying to go slow, but fuck, you’re so damn gorgeous.”

  “I’m not the gorgeous one,” she told him. “I’m too thin and bony. You’re perfection.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Are you searching for a compliment or a spanking? Because I can do both.”

  Her eyes widened. “Neither.”

  “Then don’t do that. Don’t try to dismiss what I tell you. Because you know I don’t lie. So when I say you’re fucking gorgeous, I damn well mean it.”

  “Okay,” she agreed. “I’ll try not to do that.”

  “I mean, you’re also too thin, but that doesn’t take away from your beauty. Nothing could, since it’s not just what’s on the outside.”

  “Wolfe.” She sniffled, a tear running down her cheek.

  “What is it? Does your nipple hurt? Are you in pain?”

  “No, it’s just. You’re being so sweet. . .”

  “Huh,” he said. “Didn’t know I could be sweet.”

  And that’s what made it even more special. Because she knew they weren’t just words he was spouting. He meant it.

  “Now open your legs so I can see your pussy.”

  Sweet and dirty.

  It was a combination that seemed to work for her. But she spread her legs and he moaned. “That’s such a fucking pretty sight. Your pussy is glistening. Hot for me? Do you need to come, princess?”

  She nodded.

  “Words,” he demanded.

  Christ. And she’d thought Caleb was the bossy one during sexy times. Seemed Wolfe could be just as demanding.

  “Yes,” she groaned.

  “Yes, what?”

  “I’m turned on because of you.”

  “Then we need to do something about that, don’t we?” To her confusion, he let go of his cock and swung around, grabbing up all the pillows.

  What was he doing?

  He placed the pillows down at the end of the bed, stacking them up. “Lie back against them.”

  She slid along the mattress and lay down on them so her head was propped up. He sat up against the headboard and took his cock back in hand. “Spread your legs.”

  She widened her legs.

  “Touch yourself.”

  She bit her lower lip.

  “Princess, touch yourself. Now.”

  Holy. Crap. She couldn’t resist the command in his voice. Slowly she ran her hand down her stomach, watching as he continued to play with himself, squeezing his dick kind of hard. Harder than she’d ev
er do.

  He groaned as she touched herself. “Yes, princess. Just like that. Fuck.”

  She swirled her finger around her clit. Normally, she’d close her eyes and think of them if she ever touched herself like this.

  But they weren’t a dream anymore. They were here. Right now, Wolfe was sitting across the other end of the bed from her, jacking off. While she touched herself.

  It might have seemed weird to someone else. Both of them doing this together. But it felt good. So fucking good.

  “Wolfe, I’m close to coming.”

  “Not yet, you don’t,” he warned.

  She flicked at her clit, raising her injured arm so she could play with her nipple.

  “Put that hand down,” he demanded. “I don’t want you hurting yourself.”

  “I won’t. It’s not that sore anymore.”

  “Put your arm down or I’ll send you to bed with a warm bottom and no orgasm.”

  She whimpered. He wouldn’t.

  “And you won’t get to see me masturbate.”

  Vivi lowered her arm. She wasn’t going to risk that.

  “That’s what I thought,” he said with satisfaction. “Now touch your clit again. You get to come with me, but not before, understand?

  “I understand you’re a damn sadist,” she muttered.

  He chuckled. “Baby, if you’d ever met a sadist, you wouldn’t say that.”

  She froze at the word baby. He’d never called her that before. Usually, it was Genevieve. Or princess. By the look on his face, she would say he was just as shocked. But then he seemed to shake himself out of it.

  “Make yourself come. But don’t take your eyes off me.”

  She used her finger against her clit, rubbing it as she watched him speed up. His hand moved quickly up and down, along his thick shaft. Her breathing sped up. How this could be so fucking sexy, she wasn’t sure. But it was.

  “Wolfe,” she groaned.

  “I’m close. Nearly there. Fuck. Fuck. I changed my mind. We’re not coming together. I want to watch you. You first.”

  She didn’t need much more encouragement. Her finger worked her clit harder, faster until she cried out, her hips lifting in the air as she started to come, the first pulses were light. Then they intensified and she screamed as she fell over the edge.

  “Open your eyes. Watch me.”

  She opened her eyes, her breath coming in fast pants as she watched him work his long shaft with sure strokes.

  “Come here,” he commanded. “Touch my balls.”

  She knee-walked over to where he sat then reached down with her good hand to lightly touch his balls.

  “Yes. Yes!” He threw his head back with a groan as he came. She watched, fascinated, intrigued and to her shock, she felt her arousal start to grow once more.

  It was like she couldn’t get enough when it came to them. She withdrew her hand from his balls and ran it along his softening cock.

  “Jesus. Do that and he might just wake up again,” he groaned.

  She looked up startled, staring into his heavy-lidded eyes. “So soon?”

  “He doesn’t seem to understand that there’s meant to be a recovery period. Not when it comes to you.”

  She smiled as his cock bobbed, almost as though agreeing with that sentiment.

  “I need to go clean up.”

  She should as well. She nodded, letting him go first. He strode into the bathroom, completely unconcerned by his nudity. And why should he be? He was simply gorgeous. And that butt was to die for. Pert. Round. Rounder than she’d thought given his slimmer build.

  When he returned, he carried a washcloth. “Lie back, spread your legs.”

  She blushed. “I can do that.”

  He just raised his eyebrows, staring down at her sternly. Mumbling under her breath about stubborn men, she lay back and closed her eyes as she widened her legs. He wiped at her gently, but thoroughly. She thought about telling him that he didn’t have to be that thorough. She wasn’t that dirty after all. But she was kind of enjoying the attention.

  Finally, the cloth was removed. She opened her eyes and stared up at him. But he was looking down at his cock.

  She glanced down to find it at half-mast.

  She bit down on her lip as he started to curse. “This thing has a life of its own around you.”


  He pointed at her. “No, you’re not. I can hear the amusement in your voice. No saying sorry unless you mean it. Now it’s time for sleep. Let’s get you dressed again or I’m not getting any sleep tonight.”

  He got them both dressed then tucked her back into bed. He stared down at her for a long moment. “I’m forgetting something.” He snapped his fingers. “Do you need the pig to sleep?”

  She stared up at him. “Um, yes, if you don’t mind.”

  “Why would I mind?” He gave her a confused look.

  Rolling over, she opened the bedside drawer and drew out Piggles, hugging him tight. She lay back, staring up at the ceiling. Then she started giggling. Even to herself it sounded somewhat hysterical.

  “Why are you laughing?” he asked.

  “I’m in bed with a pig and the big, bad wolf.”

  He shook his head. She bit her lip, trying to stop laughing. She knew she was just nervous.

  “You’re grinding your teeth together,” Wolfe told her.

  “Am I? Sorry, is it annoying?”

  “You’ll give yourself a headache.”

  Too late.

  “I have something you can use to try to help, but I’m not sure you’re going to want to.”

  “What is it?” she asked curiously.

  He leaned over the side of the bed. She guessed he was reaching into the bag he’d brought with him. He pulled something out and handed it to her. It took her a moment for her brain to catch up with her eyes.

  “A pacifier?” She bit her lip nervously. Did he really expect her to use this?

  “You could use a mouthguard. Might work better. But I thought this was, well, cuter.”

  Cuter? Did that word seriously come out of his mouth?

  “Why don’t you try it?” he suggested softly. “You don’t like it, then we’ll know. And we can experiment with a mouthguard.”

  Well. She guessed that was fair. She reached over for the pacifier. Turning it, she saw the image of a fat, smiling pig on the other side. Ooh, that was super cute.

  Okay, what was wrong with her? Now she was thinking that the pacifier was cute?

  “Try it,” he whispered.

  “You don’t think it’s weird for me to use it?” she whispered back.

  “I bought it for you, didn’t I?”

  Well. That was true. Maybe she was being silly.

  “Stop overthinking everything. Try it.”

  She slid it into her mouth. It was kind of odd. She wasn’t sure she liked it for a start. It was obviously made for an adult. It filled her mouth. But it wasn’t as plastic tasting as she’d feared. Knowing Wolfe, he’d likely washed it well first.

  Her eyes started drooping and she yawned again. Wolfe took off his glasses and settled on his back. She lay there, unable to sleep. However, she was determined not to toss and turn, not wanting to keep him awake.



  “Not sure I’m up to the cuddling thing.”

  “That’s okay,” she said hastily. “I’m fine.”

  “Does Caleb cuddle you at night? Does it keep the nightmares at bay?”

  “Umm, he does. But I’ll be fine. I have the blanket.”

  “I don’t want you having a nightmare.” He was silent for so long that she wondered if that was all he had to say. If he’d gone off to sleep.

  “Not sure I can hold your hand.”

  “Wolfe, it’s fine.”

  He was being sweet, worrying so much. It was kind of unexpected. Then she jolted in shock as he reached out and his pinky wrapped around hers.

  “All right?” he asked qu

  “Yeah,” she replied.

  The tension bled from her as they lay there side-by-side, connected by their hands. She understood what a step it was for him.

  And it was perfect.


  She awoke to find Wolfe leaning over her, his face in hers.

  A gasp escaped her before she could swallow it down. She mumbled his name around the pacifier in her mouth. How had that stayed in there all night? Surprise filled her as she realized that she’d slept all night without a nightmare. And she hadn’t woken up with a headache. “Wolfe!”

  “Good. You’re awake.”

  Well, she was now.

  “Is it late?” Why was he standing over her, watching her sleep?

  “No, it’s eight. But you were making noises in your sleep.”

  “I was? Sorry.” She tried to push herself up so she was sitting, wincing as she pulled at her sore arm.

  “Be careful,” he barked, reaching out to help her up.

  “I forgot. It’s not so bad anymore. Just when I wrench it.”

  He studied her closely. She noticed he was already dressed. “You look tired. You should stay in bed today. I’ll bring you some breakfast.”

  She sighed and refrained from pointing out that he’d basically woke her up to tell her that she looked tired.

  “I’m not spending all day in bed, Wolfe. And I don’t need you to bring me food. I’m going to have a shower and eat breakfast in the kitchen or on the verandah.”

  “You’re not having a shower.” He frowned. “I’ll run you a bath.”

  They’d insisted that she take baths with her foot. Caleb had been running her a bath each morning and helping her in and out. Mostly he was a gentleman and tried not to look. Although she suspected he’d snuck a few peeks. But her foot was a lot better now. And she wanted a shower.

  “I want a shower.”

  “No, your foot isn’t good enough to stand on. You could slip and fall over.”

  “I won’t slip and fall over.”

  He stood up straight, crossing his arms over his chest. “Not happening. I’m putting my foot down.”

  She wiggled a finger at him. “Oh no, you don’t. The foot is not going down.”

  He lifted his foot up.

  “Don’t you dare!”

  He put it down, giving her a satisfied look. The rat. “Urgh. Just because you put your foot down doesn’t mean I have to do what you say.”


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