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Ruled by her Daddies

Page 30

by Roberts, Laylah

  She took in a shuddering breath. “Okay, what else?”

  Caleb let out a deep breath. He didn’t want to tell her this next part, but she had a right to know. “The shooter likely picked up your handbag and the flash drive. Since nothing on the flash drive has been used against your father, we can guess the shooter worked for him.”

  “So you think my own father sent someone to shoot me?”

  He hated how lost she sounded. “It’s possible that it could have been the mystery man. Since we don’t know who he is, we’re not sure how he factors in.”

  There were still so many unanswered questions. Who was the mystery man? How did he come into all of this?

  “It seems your father is searching for you. But we expected that. So far, he hasn’t done anything suspicious, but we still have Micah watching him.”

  “For how long?”

  “As long as necessary. We’ll do whatever we have to in order to keep you safe. We need to figure out who the mystery man is and ensure that he and your father leave you alone. For good.”

  “How?” she whispered. “Without the information on that flash drive, how can we take my father down?”

  He frowned. “We’ll find a way. Micah had one of his guys look into William’s death, but it seems it really was a heart attack.”

  He felt some of the tension leave her. “Okay, that’s good to know.”

  “We’re going to watch the funeral. You want to do that?”

  “I think so. At least some of it. It’s not like I feel I owe him anything. William wasn’t a good husband. He was manipulative and could be mean, even if at the end he was trying to make things better. However, I feel like I should watch to see how my father is acting and what he’s saying about me not being there.”

  Caleb nodded. “Then we’ll do that. Together. As a family. Wolfe is going to deal with the Marilyn stuff for the moment and pull me in if needed.”

  “I don’t think it’s that big of a deal—”

  He placed his hand over her mouth. “It is for us. I’m not going to bend on this one. And even if we did, there is no way that Kassim would allow it. This can’t be allowed to go unanswered. It sets a precedent. Understand?”

  She nodded.

  Leaning in, he kissed her forehead. “You really should take a nap, the funeral isn’t until late our time.”

  “I don’t think I can.” She tapped her head. “Too much going on.”

  “Oh yeah? Hmm, I might have an idea on how to distract you,” he murmured. “I thought that maybe we should have our first date.”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “How about a swim?” he suggested.

  She froze. Swim? Was he insane? Swimming was the last thing she wanted to do.

  “Couldn’t we just watch a movie or something?”

  He stared at her, his gaze narrowed. “You still don’t swim?”

  “No, I don’t think I even know how anymore. I haven’t really swum since my mom drowned.”


  “I was still learning to swim when she drowned,” she whispered. “I mean, I guess I might remember how once I get back in the water. But it’s been a long time. But afterward . . . after I found her . . . the water terrified me. For years I wouldn’t even take a bath. My father, he didn’t care. I had a nanny who tried to force me into swimming lessons, but I screamed and fought her. After I saw a therapist, I was able to start taking baths. The therapist helped me a lot with my mom’s death. But there wasn’t anyone who I trusted to teach me to swim.”

  “Jelly bean, you need to learn to swim. It’s not safe for you otherwise.”

  “I can’t,” she whispered.

  “You can. I’m going to help you.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think I can do it.”

  Grasping hold of her chin, he gave her a firm look. “You can do this, jelly bean. Because you’re not alone. I’ll be with you. If you need them to, Aleki and Wolfe will come in the pool too. We’ll all get you through this. We’ll all support you. If you want to talk to someone again, we can do that too. But, baby, what I can’t do is stand by knowing that you’re living with this fear. Okay?”

  “Okay,” she whispered. She was silent for a long moment. “I think maybe I could try.”

  He kissed her gently. “That’s my brave girl. Even if you just get part of the way in. Even if it’s just your toes, that’s enough. All right?”

  “All right,” she whispered.

  “Good girl. Put your swimming suit on and meet me out by the pool.”

  * * *

  She could do this. It wasn’t like she hadn’t been around swimming pools and the ocean all her life. It was just that she never got into the water.

  Nerves battered her insides, making her feel black and blue. She took a deep breath in and let it out slowly.

  All she had to do was put her toes in. If she couldn’t go any further then that was fine.

  She took a last look at herself in the mirror. She was kind of shocked that Wolfe had bought her something as revealing as this bikini. It was red and simple. For the top, there were just two pieces of red string securing the cups to each other at the front. The bottom part covered her, but only just. Two bows at the sides secured the front and back pieces together.

  Honestly, it was more like sexy lingerie than swimwear.

  She looked in the closet and found a sarong which she pulled around her, tying it in the middle of her chest. Then grabbing Piggles, she made her way out to the swimming pool.

  “Piggles, Daddy’s taking us for a swim. Piggles, we might need to hide from him.”

  Caleb was waiting for her by the pool, dressed in a pair of blue swimming trunks. Damn, that was a gorgeous sight. How was he so beautiful with his pale skin, blond hair and those blue eyes?

  “You going to come closer?” he asked with a smirk on his face, as though he knew she’d been checking him out.

  She slowly moved towards him, her gaze going to the pool in trepidation.

  “I have a few ideas of things that might help. But today, we’re just taking it easy, want to lose the sarong?”

  “I’m not going that far in!” she protested.

  “No, it’s kind of long, though. It might get wet.”

  Oh. Fine. She undid the top and slid it off, throwing it away.

  “Holy. Shit. What are you wearing?” he demanded.

  She looked down at herself then up to him.

  “It’s what was in my closet.”

  “Wolfe bought you that?” he asked.

  “You don’t like it?” It was far more risqué than anything she’d ever worn before, but she didn’t think it looked bad.

  “It . . . what . . . fuck!”

  She reached for her sarong, prepared to put it back on.

  “No, no, don’t do that. Just . . . shit, baby, don’t ever wear that anywhere but here, with the three of us okay? You’ll start a fucking riot otherwise.”

  “I . . . you mean . . . you like it?”

  “Like it?” He drew her close to him and she felt him growing hard against her tummy. “I love it. I want to lay you down on the side of the pool and take you until neither of us can remember our own names.”

  Damn. Well, she wouldn’t object.

  “If that shiver is anything to go by, I think you like that idea.”

  “I do,” she whispered.

  Reaching out, he took hold of her hand and tugged her forward. She shook her head, wanting to stay where she was.

  He looked from her face to the stuffed pig she was clutching like a lifeline. “Piggles, you want to go for a swim?”

  “Piggles is scared. Piggles doesn’t think he wants to swim,” she replied in a small voice. “Piggles knows I can’t swim. He’s worried.”

  “Will Piggles trust me to take care of him?” He tilted up her chin. “Does Piggles know I won’t let anything hurt him?”

  “Piggles knows. Piggles is just a scaredy-pig.”

tually, I think Piggles is very brave. It takes courage to admit to fear, even more, to push past the fear and try something you’re afraid of.”

  “Piggles hears what you are saying and is still scared.”

  “What about for a reward?” he asked. “Would you and Piggles get in the water then?”

  “A reward?”

  “Yep. If you get into the water past your knees, I’ll give you a reward. Get in past your hips and you’ll get two rewards. They can be Little girl rewards, like a bowl of ice cream, getting to stay up a bit later, or having Wolfe dress up like a princess and sing show tunes. I vote for that last one, by the way. Or they could be some big girl rewards.”


  “Like having me lick your pussy until you scream with pleasure,” he suggested.

  “Or sex?” she asked before she thought better of it. She whacked her hand against her forehead. What an idiot! Why did she go and ask that?

  Gently, he pulled her hand away from her face. “Yeah, baby. Like sex. If you’re ready, that is. There’s no hurry.”

  Wasn’t there? Because if kind of felt like her body was on fire and there was no respite in sight.

  First, you have to get into the water.

  “What does Piggles get?” she asked.

  “Hmm. What would Piggles like?”

  “He’s a simple pig. Maybe extra chocolate sprinkles on his ice-cream for a month.”

  “Done,” Caleb said.

  “Will you keep hold of me the entire way, Daddy?”

  “I won’t let go unless you tell me to. I promise.”

  She let out a breath. “Okie-dokie.” She grabbed her locket. “I should take this off.”

  Caleb turned her around and undid the clasp then set it carefully on top of one of the pool chairs. Then he took her hand and led her to the side of the pool. Damn it. What was she doing? Could she do this?

  Deep breath in. Slowly out. She used the techniques the therapist had given her to keep herself calm. She thought about relaxing the muscles in each area of her body one by one until they were at the steps of the pool.

  Caleb took a step in, then another. She stood there, staring down.

  “Jelly bean, just one step. That’s all. One step.”

  She could do it. One step. It was ridiculous, she got more of herself into the bath. She could do one step.

  She took a step. Let the water slide over her foot. There, that wasn’t so bad. She raised her gaze up to Caleb’s calm face. He looked so confident. So sure that she could do this.

  “You won’t let anything happen to me?”

  “Never,” he promised. “I’m right here. I’d never let anything happen to you.”

  She nodded. And took another step. A big smile broke out on his face. He held out his other hand to her and she took hold.

  Three steps. You can do it.

  Another step. The water was to her knees by now. It felt nice and cool in the hot, humid climate.

  Step four. She was shaking slightly. But she was also feeling empowered.

  “My brave, brave girl. Want to do one more or do you want to try sitting?”

  Sitting? Could she do that?

  “Sit with me?” she asked.

  “Always. I’ll always be next to you.”

  Slowly, she sat down. She felt the panic start to engulf her. She couldn’t do this. It was too much. All she could see was her mom lying in the water. She clutched Piggles tight, gasping for her air.

  “Breathe, baby. Just breathe. I’m here. And I’m not going anywhere. Never again.”

  Suddenly, she was in Caleb’s lap. Only her feet were in the water.

  “It’s all right, jelly bean. You’re all right. Daddy’s here. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “Sorry,” she said when she thought the panic attack was under control.

  “Hey, no saying sorry.” He cupped the side of her face with his hand. “It’s just one step at a time. I’ll be here beside you for every step. Doesn’t matter how slowly you move, as long as you move forward. That’s all you can do. Just keep moving forward.”


  A dark blanket felt like it was smothering her.

  It had started about an hour earlier. Caleb had done a good job of keeping her busy. From their swimming lesson to him bathing her complete with bath toys and bubbles.

  He favored rose-scented bath bubbles. Now she was sitting on the floor in the living room as Wolfe brushed out her hair. They were on countdown to when the funeral would begin.

  And her nerves were growing. She hadn’t been able to eat any dinner, which Wolfe was still grumbling about.

  “You’re having a protein drink before bed,” he told her. “You barely drank any of that last one.”

  She wrinkled her nose at him. Truth was, she wouldn’t mind climbing into bed right now. She was exhausted. She ran her hand over her short, lightweight pajamas. They were brand new and made from a pale blue material with flying pigs all over them.

  “And don’t pull that face at me, little girl,” he growled.

  Her mouth dropped open. How did he see that?

  “He can see your reflection in the television.” Aleki plopped down on the floor next to her as Wolfe started braiding her hair into two big braids.

  “Damn it,” she muttered.

  “You sure you want to do this?” Aleki asked her, looking concerned.

  She nodded, holding Piggles tight. “I have to.”

  Aleki studied her for a moment then nodded and turned to his laptop which he had on the coffee table.

  “Who do you want sleeping with you tonight?” Wolfe asked her suddenly as Caleb walked in.

  “Oh, umm.” They were making her decide now?

  “I am,” Caleb announced.

  She glanced up then back at Wolfe. He was frowning. “She’s slept with you a lot.”

  “Yes, but I owe her a reward for today.”

  “What did she do?” Aleki asked, sounding like he was only partially paying attention.

  “We started swimming lessons.”

  Aleki frowned. “Swimming lessons?”

  She took a deep breath as Caleb gave her an encouraging nod. She knew she needed to be open and honest with them. “You know how I told you that I didn’t like swimming? Because of how my mom drowned?”

  Aleki nodded.

  “Well, it was a bit more than that. I haven’t swum since I was six, after I found her. After that, every time I was forced into any water I would start screaming. Therapy helped me a lot, but I never really learned how to swim.”

  Aleki stared at her. Was that a hint of hurt in his face? She never meant to cause him pain.

  “I didn’t ask you before, but did your mom not know how to swim?” Caleb asked.

  “She was actually a good swimmer. My father told me she’d been drinking that night and must have slipped into the water and wasn’t able to get back out. He would get angry when I tried to talk about her so I stopped asking questions.”

  Wolfe grunted. “Do we need a professional swimming instructor? I can find one, have them come here to teach her.”

  “Hey,” Caleb said with mock-annoyance. “I was on the swimming team at my school. I won a lot of awards.”

  “Doesn’t mean you know shit about teaching,” Wolfe said.

  For some reason, she giggled at that. Somehow, without meaning to, Wolfe had lightened the mood.

  “You could have told me,” Aleki said quietly. “I would have understood.”

  “I know,” she whispered. “I’m sorry. It was hard for me to talk about.”

  He nodded, sympathy in his gaze. Then he turned to his laptop.

  “Ten minutes to go,” Aleki said. “Micah’s guy is walking in now.”

  And just like that, the blanket of darkness surrounded her once more.

  “Wolfe, any word on Marilyn?” Caleb asked.

  She half-turned to look up at Wolfe who was frowning and shaking his head. “No one has seen her. When Hux w
ent to her apartment, it was still full of her stuff but she wasn’t there. They’re trying to track her down. But I don’t understand how she disappeared. It’s like someone tipped her off or is hiding her.”

  The others frowned and started talking through possible ways she could have been tipped off. Vivi remained quiet. Truth was, she had bigger things to worry about than Marilyn.

  * * *

  “So that’s how he’s playing it,” Caleb said thoughtfully as Aleki turned off the television. He’d hooked up his laptop so they could view the feed through the camera that Micah’s guy wore. She hated to think what it was costing the guys to have people watching her father. It was especially frustrating when they were getting no answers about what was going on.

  After the funeral, her father had held a brief press conference. He’d looked haggard. Exhausted. She might feel sorry for him, if he hadn’t put her through hell these past eight years.

  All the questions had been about William’s successor, who he’d said he would name soon. And about her.

  Where was she? Why wasn’t she at the funeral? Why hadn’t she been seen?

  “He made it sound like I had a breakdown,” she said.

  “The only way he could explain your absence and why you won’t be seen for a while,” Caleb told her gently. He looked over at her, but she couldn’t meet his gaze.

  She wasn’t sure why she was so out of sorts. She shouldn’t be upset by William’s death. He was almost as bad as her father. Or why she was upset at her father’s lies. He was hardly going to say she’d run from him and he couldn’t find her.

  She rubbed at her chest, her heart was beating over time.

  Wolfe moved beside her. About halfway through the funeral, he’d reached out his hand to her. She’d wrapped her pinky around his, keeping a tight hold of Piggles with her other hand.

  “What if my father finds out I’m here?”

  “Nobody will get to you,” Wolfe told her. His eyes darkened. His face was like stone. People underestimated Wolfe. They saw Aleki with his big, powerful body. Caleb with his muscular build. But they didn’t notice Wolfe.


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