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Forever His Baby

Page 16

by Airicka Phoenix

  Without waiting for him to get his brain off the floor, she bolted towards the door. But Sloan came out of his shock before she could escape and lunged after her. His hand closed in the fabric of her dress and he yanked her back into his chest. Her gasp echoed in his ear. The hand holding her dress released and slid up to cup her throat, forcing her head onto his shoulder as his free hand went for the sweet place between her thighs.

  Her panties were soaked. The heat coming off her burned his hand. He groaned into the curve of her jaw as he pressed against the material.

  Lily whimpered. Her hips rocked greedily into his palm.

  “I love the reason you’re so hot,” he growled into her ear as he tore the flimsy scrap of material off her body with a fluid jerk of his wrist. Her whimper thrilled him. “Question is, how ready for me are you?”

  Her mound was neatly shaven, leaving a smooth path clear to her slippery folds and he dipped his fingers into the sticky puddle in the center. He sunk his teeth around her earlobe as he fought like the devil not to spray into his own shorts. He had waited too long for this moment. He had gone too long without a woman. But it was this woman, the one writhing in his arms and whimpering his name that he had dreamed of every night. He didn’t care if this was a fluke. He didn’t care what tomorrow would bring. She was his now and he wanted to make sure she never forgot that.

  Unable to wait another minute to bury himself deep inside her, Sloan moved. He forced her forward until her hands were pressed flat against the wall just inside the kitchen doorway and her feet were spread apart. With one hand nestled between her thighs, he used the other to shove his pants around his thighs and free the full, hard weight of his aching cock. His hands shook as he grabbed Lily’s hips. His heart cracked like a vicious hammer against concrete as he aligned himself, took a deep breath, and drove home in a single, powerful thrust.

  Lily howled. It was a sound bordering on pain and pleasure. Sloan released his own snarl of victory as he forced himself deep into her slick and swollen channel. The vicious grip of her walls was an angry fist, much too tight for someone who wasn’t a virgin. He swore as the overpowering urge to spill roared in his head.

  He drew out and sank back in, aiming higher, faster and harder with every assault. Lily clawed at the wall as she was rocked up onto her toes. Her sweet little pussy pulsed like a greedy mouth sucking him in deeper. She was close.

  “Not yet, baby girl,” he panted into her ear. “I want to see your face when you come for me.”

  He withdrew, ignored her weak sob of protest by spinning her around. Her wide, darkened eyes peered up at him, glazed with the need to have him back inside her. Sloan wanted nothing more.

  “You said you wanted this on the table,” he reminded her as he forced her back against the wall. He hooked a hand under one knee and lifted her leg around his hip. Then his cock was back in the warm cocoon of her body. “Hmm, perfect fit.”

  Her eyes were barely focusing on him as she fought to achieve her own release; her hips rolled and bucked in his grasp with a greedy vengeance. Her nails gouged into his shoulders, fisting his shirt and ripping strips of flesh in her pursuit.

  Sloan watched the ripples of pleasure wash over her face, watched the slow rise of color working up her chest to swarm into her face, watched her chest bounce and strain against the loose fit of her bodice. Caught in the provocative jiggle, Sloan propped her securely on his cock by a single arm hooked around her middle. He raised his free hand to bunch the front of her dress down over one breast. The dusky, pink nipple hardened for his attention. Sloan didn’t disappoint.

  He cupped the plump swell and was rewarded by Lily’s low hiss of pleasure. Her back bowed, thrusting the offering further into his palm and the skim of his thumb over the nipple in slow circles. The bud rolled and stiffened under his caress. But it wasn’t enough.

  Scooping her up with his cock still impaling her, he marched with her back to the table. He gave the rickety piece of shit a single glance before casting the thought aside. He sat in a chair instead with her on his lap, her legs dangling on either side of his hips.

  “First chance I get,” he told her. “I will buy you a new table and fuck you on it.”

  Lily gave a throaty laugh that quickly turned into a deep moan when she realized she was in complete control. Her hands relinquished their grip around his shoulders and dragged the thin straps of her dress down her arms. The fabric formed a flimsy pool, bunched around her waist, leaving her completely bare to his eyes.

  “I want you to show me,” she whispered.

  His eyes unfastened from the proud points tempting him and lifted them to her flushed face. “Show you what, Lily?”

  She shivered around him. Her walls convulsed, releasing a fresh wave of hot cream over his shaft. Her eyes fluttered shut briefly before she caught herself and returned his gaze.

  “How to come.”

  Sloan tried hard not to look surprised. “You’ve never…?”

  Her hair swung around her shoulders with the shake of her head. “By myself, yes, but I want you to show me how to come like this, with you inside me.”

  If possible, his cock swelled to a painful throb. He gritted his teeth against the urge to wash her insides with his seeds.

  “Turn around.” Even to his own ears, the command was hoarse.

  Lily didn’t seem to notice as she rose on wobbly knees and turned her back on him. Sloan dusted her dress off her frame before kicking off his own boots and pants. He settled his hands on her hips and guided her back.

  “Put my cock back inside you,” he said.

  With her legs on either side of him, Lily reached for the heavily creamed length of his cock lying against his stomach. He groaned when her fingers curled around him. He yanked off his top while she guided him to her opening once more and lowered herself inch by inch until he was buried to the hilt inside her.

  “Lean back,” he instructed.

  She did and he splayed her thighs apart. Her tiny belly made it slightly challenging to see her puffy lips, or the swollen little nub glistening in between, but that didn’t stop him. He let his fingers glide along her sides, over her hips to cup either side of her pussy. Two fingers pried the lips apart so his thumb could smooth over the bump.

  “Shit!” Lily bucked involuntarily, her back coming off his chest. “God you feel so good, Sloan.”

  He wondered if she could feel how rapidly his heart quickened at the seductive whimper, or how his cock pulsed inside her.

  “Yeah?” he whispered huskily into her ear. “Like having your pussy stretched around my cock?”


  He took her clit between his thumb and finger and gently pinched, making her curse wildly and thrash. He rolled the bud and her head rolled side to side against his shoulder. His gaze went to the hard peaks of her breasts and his mouth watered.

  “Play with your nipples,” he commanded, still speaking low and gravelly into the hair over her ear. “Good girl,” he purred when she immediately took her breasts into her hands and began kneading the soft mounds and rolling the nipples under her thumbs. “Next time, I’m going to watch you spread those legs and play with your pussy until you come. Then I’m going to lick her. I’m going to taste your sweet little cunt and have you hold my head to her while I push my tongue so far up your tight hole—”

  With a vibrant wail, Lily came. Her walls clamped around him, trapping him deep inside her. Her slick little clit throbbed violently under the fingers he was using to hold it down, prolonging her tumble. His free arm held her tightly to him as she flailed with such intense force she nearly slid off his lap.

  Sloan threw his mind to anything but the warm rush of heat that trickled over his shaft, or how the woman in his arms screamed his name with unadulterated passion. He wasn’t ready to come.

  Finally, after what felt like ages, she went slack in his arms. Her chest heaved with ragged breath. Every so often, she would give a tiny shudder that was followed by a low whine.
Her walls continued to vibrate as though implanted with electrodes.

  “Oh my God!” she gasped.

  Sloan grinned into the side of her head. “Done?”

  Still panting, she turned her head so their faces were inches apart. “Aren’t you?”

  Without taking his eyes away from hers, he closed his hands on her hips and pushed up with his hips, feeding himself deeper inside her.

  “Not even close, baby girl,” he murmured. “You promised me a taste of your pussy.”

  Lily gasped. Her eyes went round with wonder and a new burst of hunger. Her pussy clenched. She bit her lip.

  “Taste me.”

  With a groan, Sloan kissed her, fierce and hard. He continued to lazily flick her clit until she was fidgeting again. Only then did he take her to the sofa and make her sit for him with her bum close to the cushion edge and her knees up. She held them apart against her chest so when he kneeled on the floor between her thighs, he could see the opening his cock had made stretching her. The area glistened with her arousal. The muscle at the top was swollen and a bright pink. Her lips were puffy and hairless.

  His mouth began to water.

  “Are you comfortable?” he asked her, never taking his eyes off his prize.

  “Lick me!” she commanded in response.

  Sloan obliged. He lowered his head and ran the flat of his tongue from hole to clit in a single sweep that made her hiss. Her sweet flavor filled his mouth. The musky scent of her sent his head reeling with lust. His fingers bit into her thighs as he fought to control himself.

  He repeated the gesture twice, sucking her clean. The third time, he speared her with the point of his tongue, pushing as deep as he possibly could go and swirling it around inside her.

  “Shit!” Lily sobbed, hips bouncing off the cushion to rub against his face. “Shit! That’s your tongue! I can feel your tongue inside me!”

  Sloan opened his eyes and peered over her mound to the look of anguished pleasure darkening her face. Her mouth was open in a silent scream and low moans were coming from her chest.

  He eased his tongue out and placed an open mouth kiss over her slit before working his way up to cover the bundle of nerves at the top. He sucked and nibbled as he worked two fingers into her opening. He knew he wouldn’t be able to last much longer, but he was determined to make her come at least one more time.

  “No!” she croaked, actually scooting back, away from him.

  Sloan raised his head, concerned he’d done something wrong.

  “I want you inside me again when I come,” she panted.

  Never one to deny a woman anything, Sloan rose to his feet. Lily’s gaze dropped to the bright, purple hood on his cock. Veins bulged along the shaft still glistening with her cream. Her eyes glimmered with yearning. She licked her lips and scooted to the edge of the cushion. Her feet went to the floor. He caught her hand before she could touch him.

  “Next time,” he promised. “You come near him right now and this is going to end pretty quickly.”

  Her bottom lip puckered, but she nodded, and for the second time that night, Sloan had her straddling his lap, her pussy a tight sheath around his cock. His hands guided her, fast and hard, pounding into her while he thrust upwards with his hips. He took one of her hands off his shoulder and brought her middle finger to his mouth. He suckled on the finger, all the while peering heatedly into her eyes. Once it was properly wet, he dragged it down between their bodies to her clit.

  “Play with her,” he instructed. “I want you to come with me.”

  Her lip disappeared between her teeth as she did what he asked. Sloan busied himself ravaging her breasts, sucking and nipping on her nipples. Above him she began to make those sounds he was beginning to really love. It started as low whimpers that quickly built to choked gasps. Then she was sobbing his name and trembling around him.

  Sloan gathered her up close as he shot his seeds up into her greedy opening. Her orgasm sucked him dry, gobbling his come until he was empty, lightheaded and so exhausted, he could have passed out right then and there.

  “I think the chili burned,” she panted into the side of his neck.

  He groaned, partially relieved that the burning smell wasn’t really his brain turning to mush. Carefully, he pulled back and searched her face for even a hint of regret, or worse, pain. What he saw instead was a flushed, visibly sated woman that returned his gaze with a shy smile that warmed his heart.

  “Okay?” she whispered uncertainly.

  Never taking his eyes off her face, Sloan shook his head. “So much better.”

  Lily beamed and he kissed her, then eased her off him to hurry into the kitchen. He left her just long enough to snap the stove off and remove the pot from the element. Then he was back in front of her, scooping her up into his arms and marching with her up the stairs to the bathroom.

  She didn’t protest as he set her down. He turned the water on, then helped her under the spray and quickly followed.

  He slid up behind her and drew her into the curve of his front. He nuzzled the side of her neck, his hands going to her breasts now beaded with water.

  “Tell me if you’ve had enough.”

  Her response was to turn in his arms, go up on her toes and kiss him.

  Chapter Nine ~ Lily

  Lily awoke in Sloan's bed alone. It was morning and the sun was a bright square patch of light cut into the sheets an inch from her toes. The air was warm and laced with the faint scent of the previous night. She blushed as it all came back to her, the memory of Sloan's hands skimming over her, his mouth worshipping her, and his cock, buried impossibly deep inside where she had always wanted him. She couldn't believe she had told him to fuck her. She couldn't believe he had. It would have felt like a dream if her body wasn't still humming like livewires.

  I had sex with Sloan McClain. I had earthshattering, mind numbing, incredible sex with Sloan McClain!

  Holy shit!

  A stupid grin formed across her face. Beneath the flimsy and severely wrinkled sheets, her nether region thrummed with a sweet pulse that coaxed a shiver from her. She stared across the room as memories of being wrapped around him, rolling and writhing across the mattress, somersaulted across her mind’s eye.

  She blushed, something she was surprised she was still capable of doing.

  “Morning.” Sloan stood in the doorway, a tray of plastic cups and a paper bag in his hands. “How are you feeling?”

  Pushing up on the thoroughly destroyed bed, Lily clutched the sheets to her chest and tried not to blush too furiously.

  “I'm okay.”

  She heard him move into the room. The items in his hand were set on the nightstand and the corner of the mattress sank as he sat.

  “I brought you hot chocolate and apple crumble. I know you like them.”

  She nodded. She did like them, just not in that moment, because he was watching her with a very intense expression.

  “Lily, we should talk.”

  She grimaced, her earlier happy feelings gone. “About what?”

  “About last night,” he said evenly.

  He regrets it, she thought miserably. It had been one of the best nights of her life and he looked like he was about to tell a patient they had twenty-four hours to live.

  “Do we have to because I'm already mortified and I'm pretty sure there aren’t enough I'm sorry’s in the world to make you forgive me.”

  It was his turn to look stricken. He blinked and stared at her with wide eyed confusion.

  “Forgive you?” The bewilderment in his voice dared her to steal a peek at him.

  “I practically raped you,” she blurted. “I threw myself at you and put you in what was probably the worst situation and I am just so sorry.”

  “What are you talking about, Lily?”

  “I should have kept my mouth shut.” Why was he making this so hard? “Then you wouldn't have felt obligated to—”

  “To fuck you like I've wanted to for too damn long?”
br />   Lily’s blush returned with a fury. “If that’s true, then why…”

  “Because I was worried I hurt you,” he answered.

  Her brows knitted together. “Hurt me?”

  “I was rough,” he said with a hard pinch of his lips. “I have to remember to be more careful with you.”

  “This may come as a shock, but I’m not made of china,” she said. “I wasn’t hurt. I loved everything we did. All of it.”

  Sloan offered her a half grin. “You want to know why I hated when you would come over, Lily? Because you were a constant test to my control.”

  Mouth tasting like she’d swallowed cotton, she stared at him. “What do you mean?”

  Kicking off his boots, Sloan crawled onto the mattress and kissed her and that kiss burned with all the yearning and love she felt blazing inside herself for him. It sizzled with years of pent up passion and sang through her.

  When he drew back, they were both panting.

  “You make me forget everything except how badly I want you,” he replied. “Last night was testament to that and I woke up this morning scared out of my mind that I somehow scared you, or worse, hurt you. I would never forgive myself.”

  A tender smile softened her face. “I wasn’t hurt, or scared. Not once. I love you, Sloan,” she whispered against his mouth. “I love you so much.”

  He cupped the side of her face and smoothed the pad of his thumb over the curve of her cheek. He peered intently into her eyes, squinting as though searching for something. He must have found it, because he relaxed. His features softened and he returned her smile.

  “Love you, too, Lily.”

  Cole called while they were in the shower. Lily recognized his number the minute she picked up her phone and saw it flash across her screen as a missed call. She checked the time on Sloan’s bedside alarm before hitting redial.

  Sloan, dressed as she was in a towel and miles of damp skin, entered his bedroom and raised an eyebrow in question.


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