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Forever His Baby

Page 25

by Airicka Phoenix

  Her shoulders rose and fell with her calming breath. “Ready.”

  “She keeps saying that,” Beth muttered. “Calmest damn bride I’ve ever seen.”

  Her father chuckled. “Beth, love, can you give us a minute?”

  Nodding, Beth hurried away.

  Lily’s father turned to her.

  “Did I ever tell you about the day I married your mother?”

  He had, a million times, but she let him continue.

  “So there I was, standing next to Father Peters, waiting for your mom to come down. Everyone was in their seats, watching me, watching the doors. I swear, it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes, but to me, it felt like hours. I was scared shitless that she would realize I wasn’t worthy of her and bolt. Then she appeared in the doorway, this stunning thing dressed all in white and I thought I’d died and gone to heaven, because in that moment, she had given me everything.”

  She had heard all this before, although she never got tired of hearing it again.

  “She walks towards me then and I can’t believe how calm she is while I’m a damn mess. It wasn’t until years later that she tells me that she nearly threw up twice on the way up to the altar and it was only because I looked so calm that she didn’t.”

  Lily laughed.

  “One day, you’re going to tell Calla the story of this day, but only if you’re sure this is what you want. I love that boy. He’s been real good to you and that little girl. He’s a good man and I respect that. But if this isn’t what you want, you don’t gotta do it.”

  Except, there was nothing in the world she wanted more.

  “I’ve been wanting this since I was thirteen,” she murmured. “That’s how long I’ve loved that man.”

  Her father’s face softened into a smile. “Then let’s not keep him waiting.”

  As Lily took those handful of steps down the hall to the altar doors, she pushed down the knot in her chest. She closed her eyes and let herself fall into that one perfect moment that was only overshadowed by Calla’s birth. She was about to marry the man of her dreams, what more could she ask for?

  When she opened her eyes again, they were standing in the doorway lined with purple blooms that she couldn’t bring herself to remember their names. The aisle was lined with petals. Somewhere, she was vaguely aware of music playing her song, the one that would start the rest of her life. Ahead of her, skipping away in her lacy white dress with purple trim, Calla tossed rose petals haphazardly in all directions, getting them on the people, on herself and on the red carpet. Her ringlets bounced against her tiny shoulders, glinting in the early afternoon sunlight like spun gold. When she reached the end, basket empty, she spun around in a flurry of triumph and beamed proudly at doing her job so perfectly. Then she spotted Lily and her blue eyes went wide in joy.


  Before anyone could grab her, she was tearing back down the aisle as fast as her two year old legs could carry her and had leapt full throttle into Lily’s arms. Lily only just managed to steady herself as she hoisted the squealing toddler up into her arms, uncaring of ruining her dress.

  “I did it!” Calla shouted. “Did you see? I dumped all the flowers everywhere.”

  Lily smiled up at her flushed and beautiful daughter. “You did wonderful, baby.”

  Calla bent her head so their foreheads touched. “Daddy says you need to hurry or Uncle Sloan is going to pee himself.”

  Uncaring of the eyes watching them, Lily burst out laughing and clutched her baby to her chest.

  “We better not keep him waiting then, huh?”

  With Calla’s nod of agreement, Lily slipped her arm back through her fathers, kept a tight hold of her daughter and started towards the man at the other end.

  Sloan never took his eyes off her. His features were so calm, so confident, like he never once doubted she would show. He stood so tall and regal in his dark tux, reminding her of a prince.

  Someone reached for Calla, but Lily shook her head without ever taking her focus off the man she was about to spend the rest of her life with.

  At the altar, she stood facing him, her heart going a mile a minute. Sloan smiled, reached up and touched the curve of Calla’s rosy cheek, but his gaze was on Lily.

  “My two favorite girls,” he murmured. “How lucky am I?” His expression turned serious. “You’re beautiful, baby girl.”

  Lily reached for his hand with her free one, propping Calla on her hip.

  The ceremony began. The man who had married her parents all those years ago, said the same blessing over her small family. Calla rested her head on Lily’s shoulder and Lily breathed in the sweet scent of the girl’s strawberry shampoo. On her other side, Sloan squeezed her fingers once before threading his through hers.

  When Father Peters told him he could finally kiss the bride, Cole stepped out from behind his brother and held out his arms for Calla. She went into her father’s arms without fuss and Lily turned to her husband.

  “Ready to make me yours forever, Mr. McClain?” she teased.

  “No.” Sloan gave her the ghost of a smile as he took her chin in his hands. “Much longer.”

  “Good, because I have something to tell you.”

  The right corner of his mouth quirked. “Can I kiss you first?”

  “Maybe…” She nibbled on her lip. “How do you feel about setting the crib up again in seven months?”

  The fingers on her face shook once, the only outward show that her words had surprised him. Then his mouth curled into a blinding grin.

  “I knew it.”

  Lily blinked, her turn to be taken aback. “How? I only just found out myself.”

  His smile turned dark, predatory. “Did you honestly think I wouldn’t notice the slightest change in your body? The one I know better than my own?” He drew her close. “And I will set up that crib as many times as you’ll let me. You’re mine forever now, baby girl.”

  He sealed his promise with a kiss.

  The End

  About Airicka Phoenix

  International Best-Selling author Airicka Phoenix lives in a world where unicorns, fairies and mermaids run amok through her home on a daily basis. When she’s not chasing after pixies and rounding up imps, also known as her four children, she can be found conjuring up evil villains, bad-ass heroines and swoon-worthy heroes to play with.

  Airicka is singlehandedly responsible for her greatly anticipated collections, the Touch Saga, the Sons of Judgment Saga, The Lost Girl Duology, In The Dark Series, Games of Fire, Betraying Innocence & Forever His Baby. She also writes adult paranormal & contemporary romance under the dark guise of Morgana Phoenix.

  For more about Airicka and the realm she rules with an iron fist—and tons of chocolate—visit her at: Website




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