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Catalina's Caress

Page 41

by Sylvie F. Sommerfield

  "Then it was all worth the struggle, Jake. You've certainly done well."

  "I've tried hard to learn so many things. Sometimes my mind gets all jumbled up. Then I think about you and ..." Her enthusiasm suddenly seemed blocked, and Jake flushed. Seth, too, suddenly seemed unable to find words.

  They stood gazing at each other until the humor of the situation rescued them. Jake caught her lower lip between her teeth to keep back the soft giggle that teased her throat Caught in the same dilemma, Seth felt if he laughed Jake might become offended.

  But despite their efforts both lost control, and began to laugh. It was good medicine and relieved the tension between them.

  "Come downstairs, Jake," Seth said gently. "I'd love to introduce you to my sister and her future husband, Marc Garrison. I'm sure you and Catalina will become friends."

  "All right," Jake answered, her confidence restored.

  As they walked down the hallway, Seth questioned Jake regarding her grandfather's whereabouts.

  "I didn't see the boat anywhere."

  "Grandpa has sold it."

  "Sold it? Whatever for?"

  "Your Aunt Charlotte convinced him that she wanted to make an investment, so she and Grandpa are buying a new boat"

  Seth chuckled. "Leave it to Aunt Charlotte to do such a thing. She'll most likely expect a profit, too."

  "I wouldn't be surprised."

  "Jake ... ah .. . it's going to be awfully hard to call you by a boy's name." He smiled. "I'd rather call you Jacqueline. You're much too pretty and too much a lady to be called Jake anymore."

  Jake paused and looked up into Seth's eyes. Suddenly they were both caught up in something vital that neither could name.

  "I suppose you should," Jake said softly.

  "Yes," he murmured. Again, as they stood close, something swift and uncertain wrapped them in its embrace.

  "We should hurry," Seth said, but suddenly that was the last thing he wanted to do. In fact, he was startled by his thoughts, and he knew they would shock Jake if he gathered enough courage to voice them.

  "I'm just a little nervous," she proclaimed.


  "I'm anxious about meeting your sister."

  "Cat?" Seth laughed. "Don't be nervous about meeting her. She's so happy right now, she loves everyone. She'll greet you like a sister. Watch and see."

  "Does she love Marc Garrison that much?"

  "She certainly does. Come. Look in their eyes and see for yourself." Seth took Jake's elbow as they descended the stairs.

  The others were talking animatedly when Jake and Seth entered the room, but the gentlemen rose as they approached. Then Seth introduced Jake to Catalina and Marc.

  Before long Catalina and Jake were discussing Cat's wedding, and Jake was as caught up in the planning as everyone else was. She was profoundly affected when Catalina asked her to take part in the ceremony.

  "Since I have no sisters, and you and Seth are such good friends, would you consider being my maid of honor? I know it's a great deal to ask, since we've only met, but I—"

  "Oh please, don't say that It's so thoughtful of you to ask me. I've never participated in a wedding."

  Seeing her excitement, Seth realized how little pleasure Jake had had in her life, and he decided to fill her days with it.

  In fact Seth was beginning to fed quite noble about the whole affair. Hadn't he rescued Jake from a terrible fate? Hadn't he been the one to open up her life? Why, if it hadn't been for him, she would still be scrubbing the deck of her grandfather's boat, and dressing like a ragged boy. Seth's self-esteem expanded like an air-filled balloon as he decided to make the weeks before Catalina's wedding exciting for Jake.

  As Charlotte watched Seth and Jake, her eyes sparkled with amusement. Maybe it was time for Jake to let Seth know just what he had helped to create. She was certain she was going to enjoy the next few weeks, for far more reasons than Catalina's and Marc's wedding.


  The next morning, when Seth came down for breakfast, he found only Charlotte at the table.

  "Where's everyone?" he questioned.

  "Cat and Marc have gone, as Marc says, to buy the most beautiful ring New Orleans can offer."

  "And where's Jake—I mean Jacqueline?"

  "Oh, Jacqueline's gone riding."


  "In the park, of course."


  "Good heavens, Seth, she's not alone."

  "She's not? Who is she with? I didn't know she had any women friends here."

  "She doesn't. She's riding with young William Drake."

  "William Drake," Seth replied blankly.

  "Why, Seth, Jacqueline has a great many admirers. The child has hardly been unescorted, almost from the time she arrived. I guess she's just making up for lost time." Charlotte retained her innocent look with some effort. She knew that Seth had received only his first jolt.

  A flurry of shopping and parties followed, and it seemed to Seth that he saw Jake only when she was coming from or going to another engagement. That wasn't bad enough, but she seemed to be prettier and more exciting each time he saw her. He wanted to enjoy her beauty. He felt he deserved that pleasure. His over-inflated ego began to suffer, and it soon dissolved into disbelieving anger and a liberal dose of self-pity.

  There was to be a grand ball two nights before the wedding, and Seth was amazed to find that he did not even consider asking one of the young women he knew, He was in a less than jovial mood when he appeared at Catalina's door as she was preparing to dine with Marc.

  She was in the midst of getting ready when Seth knocked, but she invited him in.

  "Seth, what brings you here?" Catalina said as she went to the mirror to check her appearance. "And you do look glum. What's the matter?"

  "Nothing. Ah ... did you see Jake today?"

  "Yes. She went visiting with David McNight. He's a charming young man. You should be so proud of what you've done for Jacqueline. I know I am."

  "I guess she's really enjoying herself. I haven't been able to pin her down and talk since we came home."

  "Well, you do want her to enjoy herself."

  "Of course."

  "Then why are you upset?"

  "I would think she'd show some sign of gratitude!" he declared defensively. "She can't spare a minute for me, but she has time for every other man in New Orleans!"

  "Why, Seth," Catalina said softly, and rose to pick up her cloak and gloves. "You sound jealous."

  "Don't be ridiculous, Cat," he scoffed. "I'm not jealous. It's just that... well... I feel she's a little ungrateful."

  Catalina went to her brother and patted his cheek as she smiled up into his eyes. "She's a sweet charming woman—very much a woman. Maybe you should give that a thought." Before he could reply, Catalina turned and left the room.

  Seth slowly sat down on the edge of Catalina's bed and did as Catalina had suggested. He gave Jacqueline Barde a great deal of thought.


  It was well after midnight when the carriage rolled to a halt before Charlotte's home. David McNight stepped down and helped Jacqueline alight Then they walked to the door.

  "David, I do want to thank you for a very lovely evening."

  "I most certainly enjoyed it, Jacqueline, and I'd like to see you again. There is a party at the Grayfields' tomorrow evening I would be most pleased if you would accompany me."

  "Oh, David, I'm afraid I must decline. I have a family commitment, then the wedding party and the wedding."

  "In that case, may I call on you next week?"

  "Of course."

  He lifted her hand and kissed it; then Jacqueline went inside. She closed the door softly and leaned against it. The house was almost dark except for a candle or two. They emitted a soft glow, which lit her way to the stairs.

  She sighed deeply and stood immobile, thinking of how much she had come to love this house, to love Charlotte, and to love... She could not allow that thought, it hurt too m

  She slowly crossed the hall and put her foot on the first step. "Jake." Her name was spoken so softly she thought she had imagined it. When she started up the stairs again, it was repeated a little more firmly. "Jake, I've got to talk to you."

  She spun around to see Seth standing at the entrance to the library.


  "Come into the library .. . please," he said softly.

  She was astounded by his use of her old name, and by his quiet and serious attitude.

  "Of course," she replied. She walked to him, and he stepped aside to let her enter. When she heard the door click shut, she turned to face him.

  In the pale candle glow, Seth was transfixed for a moment by the ethereal beauty of this girl who had suddenly turned into a. graceful and delicate woman.

  "Seth, what is it? Is something wrong? Nothing has happened to Aunt Charlotte, has it?" Jake was suddenly frightened.

  "No ... no, nothing's wrong. I just want to talk to you."

  "All right." She smiled. "What can be important enough to keep you up so late? You could have talked to me at breakfast."

  "Not very well. You're always scooting off with some fellow or the other. Don't you ever stay home once in a while? Don't you have any time for me?"

  "Seth!" she was shocked. She took a step toward him. "I... I thought this was what you wanted. I never meant to make you angry."

  Seth regretted what he had said and the way he had said it, but he had reached the end of his endurance. He went to Jacqueline and gripped her shoulders, gave her a rough little shake and glared at her.

  "I'll tell you why, damn your beautiful soul, because I'm in love with you and I can't stand the thought of your being with any other man. Because I don't want you flitting from one conquest to another. Because you're driving me crazy and I don't know what to do about it."

  He stopped talking, and the silence was so profound that the ticking of the clock on the mantel seemed thunderous.

  "Now you know. I guess I've wanted to tell you that, and how beautiful you are since I came home. I just haven't been able to catch up with you." He released her slowly, alarmed by her silence. He knew he had shaken and frightened her because her wide eyes were fixed on him. "I'm not going to say I'm sorry, so you might just as well tell me how you feel. Then we can fight it out right here. I'm not going to let you go easily. You're in for one hell of a fight. What do you have to say, Jake?"

  Jacqueline's eyes filled with tears and Seth only had time for a startled exclamation before he found his arms filled with a soft, sweet-scented woman.

  "I always said, bilge rat, that you did too much talking. Why don't you just show me instead of yellin' so loud?"


  "There you go again, bilge rat. Maybe another dunk in the river could loosen your tongue."

  Seth laughed softly, then swept her up into his arms and claimed her mouth in a deep and most satisfying kiss. She was breathless when he finally set her down.

  "I don't want another dunking," he said softly, "but I do need a new captain for my boat. What do you say, Jake Barde, do you want the job? Of course it would mean changing your name. What do you say to Jake Carrington?"

  "I'd say wonderful... only I think I'd better start to convince you I'm as much a Jacqueline as a Jake."

  "I love them both." He grinned. "But if you want to show me the difference, suppose you start now," he whispered.

  She nodded and her eyes closed as his lips met hers, offering a promise of love.

  "Umm," Seth murmured. "There's definitely a difference."

  He continued to kiss her until she clung dizzily to him, struggling to control an emotion that was so new, it confused and startled her. Seth realized this. In fact, his own control was shaky.

  He held her away from him and smiled down into her warm green eyes. "I want you to marry me, Jake," he said softly, "and just as soon as possible."

  "Aunt Charlotte will be surprised." She laughed.

  "Somehow I doubt that." Seth grinned. "I wouldn't put it past the old girl to be making plans already. She's crafty, and very wise."



  "I don't want you to believe I don't want to marry you; I do, with all my heart. But I don't think it would be fair to Cat to have a hasty wedding. Her ceremony is being planned, and I wouldn't want to spoil it." Her eyes pleaded for him to understand.

  "You've become quite a lady," he said softly.

  "Then you do understand."

  "Of course I do."

  "We can tell Aunt Charlotte now."

  "We'll tell her tomorrow. Tonight," he murmured, "I'd like to discuss the difference between Jake and Jacqueline."

  "I'll always be Jake, too," she replied. "But both of us love you very much."

  "You know, I think I fell in love with you the minute I saw you on your grandfather's boat."

  "And I was scared of what you made me feel. I had never felt such ... wonderful things."

  "Well, fate tossed me into your arms, and I, for one, am more than grateful. It was an experience I would never have wanted to miss ... I love you, Jake."

  "And I love you," she whispered. His arms tightened about her and their lips met in a warm sensual giving that filled both with the sense of oneness. In this stolen moment, the world was excluded, and they greeted the promise of the future with open arms.


  The night was warm, but a breeze rustled in the trees along the river. The soft singing of the men who worked the Belle floated on the night air. It soothed the pair who lay together in the main cabin.

  Sated, they had relaxed in each other's arms, their silence filled with contentment.

  "Did I tell you that you made the most beautiful bride in existence?" Marc murmured against her hair.

  "You're prejudiced." Catalina laughed softly.

  "I'm not. I merely made the observation, and every person present agreed with me."

  "Marc, you are impossible," Catalina teased, but she was pleased by her new husband's pleasure in her.

  Again they were silent for a short time; then Marc chuckled.

  "What's so funny?"

  "Did you by any chance watch your brother's face at the wedding?"

  "No. I was too busy watching you," she replied.

  He kissed her leisurely and deeply.

  "He's head over heels in love with Jacqueline, and I wouldn't be surprised to see another wedding in the making by the time we get back."

  "I couldn't be happier about that. Jacqueline is lovely, and she and I have become good friends. She did make an exceptionally lovely bridesmaid. Didn't you notice?"

  "No." Marc laughed. "With you there, it's hard enough for me to control my baser needs, much less notice any other woman. Besides, not one is lovelier than you."

  Catalina turned in his arms to mold her body more tightly to his, then drew his head down for a kiss that disintegrated whatever control he had.

  He caught her in his arms and smiled into her warm eyes. "I love you, my dear wife. And this honeymoon is going to last a lifetime."

  "Yes... a lifetime," she breathed softly, as their passion again began to blossom into the flame of love that would warm them throughout their lives.




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