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Captain, My Captain

Page 22

by Maddie Taylor


  “Yeah, baby. She and Dex were together once. They were perfect before it all went to shit.”

  “What happened?”

  “No one knows and Dex won’t talk about it. He came home on leave a few years back and she suddenly ended it. When he came back to the team, he was in a bad way. He never would open up and has buried it down deep. So deep that he won’t let any other woman in.”

  Megan’s heart ached for the two estranged lovers.

  “Oh God.”

  Elena had slipped into the chorus again, “Please don’t leave me.” Her fists now clenched but still bracketed her head and shoulders and then she threw her head back and she saw it. There for her and everyone else to see if they looked close enough. The center of her choker tattoo had an elaborate E swirled through the lacy pattern. But “E” not for Elena. Each wrist tattoo also contained a single letter scripted into the intricate pattern. In her position, head back, throat exposed, inner wrists forward and on prominent display, the letters read from left to right and spelled a name. D – E – X.

  In her strong, gritty voice she switched to the next song. Introducing it as an original song, the heartbreaking lyric told a story of heartbreak.

  There is no happily ever after

  No two becoming one

  Fate plays its games and plunges the knife

  Severing dreams you had for your life

  It teases with glimmers of happiness and joy

  Leaving only bitter shame and regret

  The dream is a lie, false and fake

  In the end bringing only pain and heartbreak.

  The crowd swayed along with her, watching as a tear slowly tracked down her face, her inner torment clear for all to see and hear. Beside her, Regan let a little sob escape.

  Elena finished the set. “Thank you. We’ll be back in fifteen.” Her voice was rough with emotion. She turned and hurried off stage, pausing at the stairs leading off stage left. Her eyes locked with the man standing at the bottom staring up at her. Dex. Their gazes locked and it seemed as if everything around them froze. She broke the eye contact first, then bowed her head submissively, the sheer presence of this man overwhelmed her as always. She hesitated briefly before smothering a sob then rushing down the stairs and pushing past him. She didn’t see him turn and look longingly after her.

  The stage lights dimmed and the house music and lights came up. The mood of the crowd was seriously muted by the last song and the scene that had played out before them. Some couples embraced, the men obviously comforting the women. Others left the dance floor completely.

  Rick announced to the table, “Damn shit happens every time she sings those fucking songs. I wish he’d put an end to this shit and either claim her or stop her from singing those depressing songs.” He tipped Regan’s face up to his and brushed the tears off her cheeks with his thumbs. He placed a gentle kiss against her lips. “Crashes everyone’s mellow and makes all the little ladies cry.”

  “Good thing all of her songs aren’t like that or you’d have to ask her to stop. Everyone would fall into a deep depression and be on Prozac.” Regan smiled wanly back at her husband. The lyrics really hit home, fate often stepped in and spiraled things out of control. Regan thought of her own situation. More tears slid down her face as pain sliced through her, the secret she was hiding from him eating away at her inside.

  Thinking she was emotional over Dex and Elena, he pulled Regan close. “Save those tears for when we play later, sweetheart. I owe you a spanking for your behavior this morning and just now with Dex.” He warned her in a firm, serious voice then pushed her off his lap, holding her by the waist to steady her on her heels. “Have you given Meg the grand tour yet, Cap?”

  “Nope. I guess no time like the present.”

  He scooped her up in his strong arms, stood and then set her down before him. Wrapping one arm around her shoulders he turned her toward the bar.

  “Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly.” He threw his head back and let out a mad scientist, evil laugh. Others turned and smiled at Master Tony, pleased to see the usually reserved Dom in such high spirits.

  As they walked through the throng of partiers, Megan remembered something that Dex said earlier. “What’s happening in the private play room at eleven?”

  Tony smiled. “We are going to have a little celebration of both our engagement and your accepting my collar. Just close friends, the owners and their subs.”

  A chill went down Megan’s spine as she remembered some of the BDSM books she had read. Formal collaring ceremonies often included a public demonstration of the Master’s ownership and control and the slave’s submission. She also remembered Tony’s promise of a punishment for swearing. Did he mean to do it in the private playroom? Oh My God! Could she handle it? Being bared and spanked in front of the others, including Rick and Regan? A myriad of emotions passed across her face. Fear, panic, exhilaration, arousal. Thankfully, Tony easily read the anxiety that filled his new little sub.

  “Don’t worry, Angel. Nothing too scary will happen. I’ll send Regan to you and she will help you prepare. Rick collared Regan in a similar ceremony. Trust me.”

  She looked as his gorgeous face. Tony loved her, she knew this. He would do nothing to humiliate or harm her.

  She smiled shyly and nodded. “I trust you, Captain.”

  He pulled her into his big, strong arms and kissed her right in the middle of the crowded bar. “Thank you for that gift, Angel. I will never do anything to break that trust. I promise.” He then turned her and the proceeded through the bar. She entered the public playroom on her Dom’s arm. It was time to play.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  The theme room that Tony had reserved for them was a Victorian era study and matched their costumes perfectly. Over the past few months, Megan had shared many of her fantasies with Tony and it appeared he planned to make the Number One on her list come true tonight.

  Megan was standing in the Lord of the Manor’s study in what appeared to be a 19th century library. A huge, gleaming, wooden desk, almost an exact replica to the one in her fantasy, was the predominant piece of furniture in the room. She remembered telling Tony that she imagined she was a serving wench in love with the Lord of the Manor, a handsome, but lonely widower. In her fantasy she was a down on her luck aristocrat who had no choice but to become a servant to one of her own class. It must have been a plot of one of the many romance novels she had read over the years. In her case, she dreamed of a happily ever after where after fucking the beautiful servant, he fell madly in love with her and took her away from all of the troubles and married her in the end. Of late, the plot had twisted somewhat and the servant girl found herself brought to the Lord’s study for some much needed chastisement.

  “Stand in front of my desk, wench.”

  Startled by Tony’s commanding voice echoing through the chamber, Megan spun around to face him, her eyes searching his. Tony winked at her and smiled. His voice fell to a whisper. “Here at Decadence, your wildest fantasies will come true, my love.”

  Slipping back into his role he frowned at her. “Come along now girl, do as you’re told or it will be all the worse for you.”

  Megan moved to stand in front of the large, ornate desk. The top, she noticed, was free from any clutter; the only item was a blotter and a feather quill that sat next to it.

  “Now turn and face me. Put your hands behind your back.”

  Exhilarated with this role-play, Megan unquestioningly followed his commands.

  “It has been brought to my attention that you have been very naughty of late, my girl. What do you have to say for yourself?”

  “But, my Lord, I have not. I have done all of my duties.”

  “Hmm, that is not what the Mrs. Hennessey has told me. She has told me you have been downright sassy, slow about completing your tasks, flirting with the groomsmen and that you even broke one of the antique vases in the parlor.”

  “I did
break the vase and I am very sorry, sir. You can take the cost out of my pay. As for the rest, it is certainly not true. I am slow because I am unused to my tasks, never before having to scrub or clean. And I never would I flirt, my Lord. My heart belongs to another.”


  Tony sauntered across the room and stopped a hairsbreadth away from Megan. Looking down on her from his imposing height, he smiled as he admired her skill at the game. He enjoyed role-playing with the right partner. It was yet another way in which Megan was perfect for him. “Who owns your heart, wench. Is it the Frenchman that I have seen loitering outside my door? Or how about the handsome Major who has called for you several times. Are you here to court or to serve me, woman?”

  “I did not ask for their attention, my Lord. Please, forgive me.”

  “Well, you certainly have been a disruption around here. Your behavior has most definitely been that of a flirt; why just the other day while dusting in here, I am certain you were flaunting your breasts before me. All that bounty can be very distracting, wench.”

  Tony’s long finger traced the low neckline of her peasant blouse, curling around the ruffled edge and lightly dipping his fingertip into her cleavage.

  “Yes, my Lord,” she breathed and arched her back slightly to encourage him to explore further.

  “So, you admit it. You were flirting, what about this man you profess to have given your heart too?”

  “It is you, my Lord. I love you.”

  Tony pressed against her lush body and lifted her up so she was seated on the large desk behind her. He stepped between her legs, spreading her knees and he slid her forward, her butt perched on the very edge of the desk, the only thing keeping her in place were his strong thighs and hips as he pressed his raging erection firmly against her.

  “So, you love me, do you, sweet wench?”

  She gasped as he pulled her blouse down, securing the elasticized neckline in place below her bare, sumptuous breasts. He captured them both in his strong hands and bowed his head to take one firm nipple between his lips. She arched her back, inviting him to take more.

  “I have to admit, I love you too, wench. Why ever would I have brought such an incompetent servant into my home otherwise? You can’t clean, you can’t cook, so I sure as hell hope you can fuck!”

  He laughed as she blushed. Smiling smiling against her skin, he moved to her other breast and sipped at the rigid peak. He took his arm and swept the desk clean. He whispered in Megan’s ear, slipping role for just a second. “I’ve always wanted to do that.”

  She giggled, thrilled at his playful mood. He then stood and flipped his naughty wench over so that her stomach and bare breasts were against the smooth mahogany surface.

  “Before I move on and allow you to prove just how much you love me, girl, a punishment is in order.”

  “But, my Lord, I thought you believed me?”

  “Oh, I do believe you, my sweet and I plan to take you to my bed and make you my bride, in that order. But there is the matter of the vase; it was quite priceless. Also, the sassiness will not be tolerated by a lowly serving wench or from my bride. Are we clear on that, girl? Even when we marry, you will still be subject to my authority, and my discipline. Can you live with that?”

  “Oh yes, my Lord. It will be my pleasure to serve you as your wife and receive your discipline.”

  She sighed as she felt her skirts slide up in the back, the cool air hitting her warm thighs and ass and wafting across her pussy that was encased in damp, blue fabric.

  “Very well. Rule number one - my wife will not wear undergarments.” He then pulled them down and off her and Megan gasped as his hand instantly returned to grab handfuls of her flesh. He tapped the butt plug he had inserted there several hours earlier. “Such an obedient lass. You look good enough to eat.”

  “Yes, please, my Lord.”

  Tony laughed and slapped her exposed ass in a playful, but stinging swat.

  “Greedy little wench. No eating, fucking or coming until after your punishment.” Tony moved around the desk, anxious to demonstrate some of the finer features of the ingenious piece of custom-made furniture.

  “Spread your arms out to the corners, wench.”

  Tony encased her wrists in the cuffs that were conveniently secured there. “I am making these very loose. You are not to pull or strain your hands or wrists, is that clear, Megan?”

  She looked into her fiancé’s serious eyes; he was not playing about this. “Yes, Captain. I’ll remember.”

  He nodded, then finished securing both arms before dangling something in front of Megan’s face. Her head was arched backward at a difficult angle in order to look up at him. He held a long chain with tweezer-like clips at each end, nipple clamps. She sucked in a deep breath; they had never tried these before. “The doc gave us the go ahead, baby. I thought we’d give ‘em a try tonight. These are very mild.”

  Tony slid a forearm under her, supporting her upper chest and shoulders. Megan was confused by this motion until he lowered a section of the desk top and her large breast sprung free, hanging down into the opening.

  “Oh, my!”

  Tony chuckled. “Yes, this is a unique desk. Not really made for business at all. This little trap door allows for a naughty wench to have her tits free while being punished across it. Or so that her Lord and Master can play to his heart’s content.” He snapped a support in place that supported her upper body and head, eliminating any strain on the captive’s neck and shoulders. He removed his arm and squatted down behind the desk. She could see his handsome face and big grin. He had free access to her tits and quickly began tweaking and pulling her nipples, preparing her for the clamps.

  “Can you think of other uses for this convenient trap door?”

  Megan shook her head, but a flash of her kneeling under the desk with Tony’s cock in her mouth crossed her mind. Having the trap door would allow more freedom for her head movement. She blushed furiously. Or if he sat in the chair, he could just scoot in and it would be directly below her mouth, ready for him to slide in deep while she was still restrained. Wow!

  “Lord Dexter’s design, my dear. You will have to thank him, next you see him.” He laughed as he saw her blush and then clamped a tender nipple. The clamp had a black rubber band that could be slipped up and down on the tweezers, adjusting the pinch. The ends she noticed had rubber pads so as not to allow the metal ends to damage the skin.

  “You know I am going very easy on you, don’t you wench?” He clipped the other nipple and adjusted the band. He watched her face and tightened both just to the point of discomfort, where she grimaced or sucked in her breath, before backing off a bit. “I am very generous with your training. You should thank me.”

  “Thank you, my Lord. I am humbled by the time and attention spent on this lowly serving girl.”

  “Very nice. How do these feel then, girl?”

  “Tight, my Lord.”

  “Hmm, give me a number.”

  “Five, Sir.”

  “Good, they will get tighter as we proceed. If it gets to say seven to eight, you call your safeword, yellow. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Very good, but I think I would like to hear Master on your lips tonight, wench. Lord and Master.” He laughed and gave a little tug on the chain between the clamps. He was pleased with her groaned response.

  “Yes, Master.”

  He stood and she watched him open a desk drawer. He pulled out the pleasure flogger she had selected; he must have brought it from home and stashed it here for his use. A lot of planning had gone into bringing this fantasy to life. The mini flogger was supposed to be a sensual implement that could be used on tender areas such as breasts, inner thighs and genitals. Oh my! The product description had also said, with proper technique it could bite just enough to be used to correct an errant sub’s behavior.

  He looked at her tied and clamped upon the desk. Her mouth at just the right position. Hmm, maybe just a little
taste. He unzipped and released his aching cock. Sitting down in the desk chair, he slid under the desk and angled her head to take her mouth.

  “Open. Get just a little taste of my cock in your mouth, wench. Make me nice and wet so I can slide right in your tight little ass.”

  A strangled sound was all that could be heard as his huge erection sank between her lips. This was not part of his plan though. After a few minutes of sheer bliss, he groaned.

  “Good Lord, Megan, you give such good head. I’ll come if you keep that up and our night will be finished too early.”

  Reluctantly, he pulled out of her mouth and tucked himself back in his pants. He moved around the desk and flipped Megan’s skirts up on her back. He tucked them under so they would not fall again and be in his way. He admired her gorgeous ass filled with the black butt plug.

  “Are you really going to take my ass, Master?”

  “Shhh, naughty wench. No talking without permission.”

  He reprimanded her with a stinging slap on her naked ass. With his foot he nudged her legs apart and secured her ankles to the cuffs at the front of the desk. With a hand on each hip he pulled her backward a few inches so that her pelvic bone was not in direct contact with the sharp edge of the desk. He rolled up her skirt in front then slipped a custom made padded edge protector in place, this served the sole purpose of cushioning the hips when fucked in this way from behind. Lord Dex had thought of everything.


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