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Captain, My Captain

Page 24

by Maddie Taylor

  “Due to Megan’s involvement, Tony has recused himself from direct involvement. He is going to help us here at command and of course keep an eye on her in case they link her to Edgar. We’re gonna need two teams. Rick and Dex will take lead. We have agents in deep cover over the border. Politics being as it is, we haven’t been authorized to proceed, but my intel says that if we don’t act now, the agents are at risk.”

  He passed out portfolios to each of the men. “This is a black bag operation, gentlemen. As usual, if it goes to shit, the US government will not have your backs. Compensation, of course, is above the usual grade due to the risk involved. As always, Tony insists that anyone who wants to opt out for moral or ethical reasons be allowed the option without repercussions. Anyone opting out, please say so now; once the files have been accessed, you will be required to complete the mission.”

  This statement was met with silence. Finally, Lil T spoke for them all. “They made it personal when they fucked with Cap’s woman, General. We’re all in.”

  Tony’s eyes swept over the men gathered at the table. Respect and gratitude shone brightly in his eyes as he met the gaze of each of his brothers in arms. In all, thirteen men were gathered, including the general and the two FBI agents that were taking leave and going off on their own to see the mission to its end. They were also welcoming Kurt back to the team. Cap had been partially right when he predicted Kurt would be bored out of his gourd dealing with retail computer systems and had moved to San Antonio last week. It hadn’t taken the six months he had predicted, more like eighteen, but better late than never and as promised, Cap gave him a job with the company.

  Cap didn’t need to verbalize his thanks to the men gathered who again faced dangerous enemies in order to do the right thing, as well as help him avenge his woman, his Angel. He would do the same if the position were reversed, and had done so often enough in the past for many of them.

  “Excellent. Let’s begin then. Please open your folders, your op orders are confirmed.”

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  The owners adjourned about thirty minutes later and disbursed, those in committed relationships going to the club to collect their subs and make their way to the owner’s private playroom. The celebration for Cap and Megan was planned to begin in about twenty minutes. Located on the third floor of the club, the entire floor was reserved for the owners’ private activities. Special passkeys were required to access the floor. The playroom was really like a smaller, but very well appointed version of the main club. It had a bar and a variety of luxurious and comfortable furniture where the owners could relax and conduct social events in private.

  Tonight the owners had gathered to celebrate the engagement of Cap and Megan. Lil T, Dex and Master Sean who had just returned home earlier in the week from rehab stay, were flying solo tonight. None of them were in committed relationships and as such, random subs or casual play partners were not invited. Master Peter was present with his wife and sub Joann. Jonas was joined by his collared sub, Susan. Elena was present with her guitarist, Ronnie, to perform a few numbers in the couple’s honor. Mistress Jana, the club manager and her submissive Eric rounded out the group as well as a few of the more experienced serving staff who were known for their discretion.

  Rick had collected his obviously miserable sub, releasing her from her gilded cage. They were delayed due to Rick having taken time with Regan in one of the vacant theme rooms. Usually enjoying their time playing in the theme rooms, tonight an unusually passive Regan stood quietly and listened to her irate Master rant about how she was hiding her thoughts and feelings from her Dom.

  Tears continued to track down her cheeks. Frustrated, Rick cupped her face, his huge hands dwarfing her delicate features and his broad thumbs brushed the tears from her lashes.

  “Please, baby. I can’t stand seeing you like this. Tell me what’s wrong so I can help.”

  A sob escaped her lips but she remained silent, locked in her self-imposed isolation.

  Irritated with her emotional withdrawal, he dropped his hands. “Fine. Go fix your face and compose yourself. We are due upstairs in a few minutes. But you better change your attitude. I won’t have you putting a damper on the celebration by this unacceptable behavior.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir. Maybe if my behavior is so abhorrent, you should fine someone else to go with. I’m sure that tall blonde with the big boobs would be happy to keep you company.” Regan could have bitten her tongue. Why couldn’t she keep her big mouth shut?

  “Is that what this is about? You’re jealous? Seriously?” Rick was livid. How dare she imply something untoward happened with the other woman? They had made vows to each other, both as husband and wife and Dom and collared sub. Fucking unbelievable!

  “No. I don’t care, really. I just want to go home, please.” She hung her head as the lie passed her lips. Of course she cared, he was her everything. Her shoulders shook as she sobbed quietly.

  “NO! Absolutely not!” He practically roared. “I don’t know what the fuck is going on inside that head of yours, but you are not walking out on your sister’s collaring ceremony.” Her tear-filled eyes flew to his. “What?”

  “Yes, if you didn’t have your head wrapped up in whatever shit you’ve got going on, you would have known. I had to ask Elena to help her get ready. And you know, this won’t be easy for her with Dex here and all. I am very disappointed in you, Regan. But right now, you are going to fix your hair and your face. Then, you my wife and submissive, are going to accompany me upstairs and witness the collaring of your sister to the man who has been like a brother to me. You will paste on a smile and act like you are thrilled that they have finally come together after all these years. Understood?” At her nod, he added, “Good, at least someone will be fucking happy around here.”

  A very guilty and contrite Regan followed her husband into the owner’s private playroom at 10:55. Everyone was already gathered. Master Peter was to preside over the ceremonies and stood waiting with Cap for his lovely fiancé and soon to be collared submissive to join him on the dais. Chairs were arranged for the Doms in a semi-circle with cushions beside the chairs for their submissives. Rick moved to the chair at the front left of the circle, near Tony’s side. His best friend and brother, soon to be official through their marriage to the twins, he was also acting as his second, vowing to care for his sub in the event something should happen to him. This was a unique tradition that the owners had implemented for their brothers. They were a family and looked after their own.

  Regan stepped up to Rick’s side. He pointed at the floor with one finger, her signal to kneel. She gracefully sank to her knees on the cushion. Her knees spread and her hands resting on her thighs, palms up and open, head bowed and eyes lowered. This position reminded her of her submissive vows, honor and obey, but she had certainly hadn’t honored them today. Her position was to signify her submission, her openness to his dominance. The latter something she had neglected tonight. A single tear spilled over and slowly trailed down her cheek.

  Rick’s hand covered the top of her head, in a gentle caress he swept it down the fall of her hair. The tender moment ended abruptly however when he tunneled his fingers into the hair at her nape and firmly pulled her head back. He leaned from his great height to whisper in her ear. “This is a happy event, Regan. Hold it together for a while longer and we will sort this out at home. Understood?”

  “Yes, Master,” she whispered back. “I am sorry for disappointing you. I love you.”

  He pulled back and looked at the love shining up at him through her eyes. He nodded, then pressed his lips against hers in a quick kiss. “I love you, too, little one. Forever.” He straightened, but kept a reassuring hand in her hair, gentling her, supporting her.

  Soft guitar music started to play an acoustic version of Peter Gabriel’s In Your Eyes as Elena entered and took her place on the small stage. She was followed shortly by Megan. Although Megan appeared nervous, she was stunning as she moved confidently towa
rd her Dom. Dressed in a sheer, flowing white robe, she glided across the room. Her shiny golden curls were gathered high at her crown and cascaded down to the middle of her back. Through the sheer robe, her naked beauty was displayed. Her full breasts jiggled as she walked, drawing the eye of every Dom present. Her rosy nipples were clearly revealed through the fabric, brushing against the delicate chiffon. In respect for her modesty, Tony had allowed her to retain her panties. Usually subs presented themselves totally naked for collaring, a humble sign that they came freely without reservations, hiding nothing from their master and the community. Megan wore a skimpy piece of blue satin and lace, shot through with silver threads. The G-string barely concealed her bare pussy and enhanced the round globes of her ass as much as it concealed. As was tradition, she was barefoot. They had eyes only for each other until she stopped at the edge of the dais and waited in the standing position, her hands clasped behind her back, feet shoulder width apart, head up but lowering her eyes demurely to the floor.

  Master Peter began. “Friends, family, and members of our community, we are gathered this evening to celebrate the joining of two of our own. Master Tony, who usually presides over these solemn occasions, has asked me to step in and say a few words. Often collaring is more meaningful than marriage to our lifestyle, although I understand that will be taken care of as well in the coming months….” He paused as a happy murmur swept through the gathering, some only learning of their engagement for the first time. “The collar is a symbol that displays that this man and his woman have dedicated themselves to a committed relationship of love, loyalty, trust and respect. Knowing Master Tony as we do, we know that he values traditional roles for men and women. He has found the counterpoint in his Megan. They come before you today as dominant and submissive, and though each relationship varies greatly, a consistent thread remains evident. The dominant controls, rules, leads, governs, directs and dictates. However, the true power belongs to the one who willingly gifts, accepts, yields, and surrenders in submission. When a pair embraces these tenets, true synergy occurs. The true dominant is revered because of his strength, fervor, character and integrity. The true submissive is respected because of her love, passion, trust and commitment. Above all, what sets this pair apart from the posers, curiosity seekers, and kinky players often seen moving in and out of the community, is the love, trust and respect this committed pair has for one another. We, as witnesses, share our happiness at their joining and wish them many years of pleasure and fulfillment. As always, as members of our community, we offer them our support.” Finished, Master Peter stepped back and Tony took center stage.

  He softly spoke to her. “Come to me.”

  Megan stepped up on the dais and let her robe slide from her shoulders. It drifted down her near naked body until it lay gracefully at her feet. Tony’s eyes burned; the love he had for this glorious woman was visible on his face as he watched her kneel before him. Tony’s dry throat caused a sexy rasp in his deep voice. “Kneel.”

  His one word command trilled through her. Caught up in the emotion and significance of the ceremony, she gracefully knelt. Elena had told her that she should kneel in preparation for the acceptance of her collar. She was moved to take it one step further and bowed forward in the ultimate show of vulnerability and acceptance and assumed the kneeling present position at her master’s feet. Usually reserved for high protocol, Megan felt it was appropriate for this moment. Her palms hit the floor and she gracefully slid them out in front of her, her head lowered until her forehead rested on the backs of her hands, back straight, knees aligned with her hips, her barely covered ass and pussy beautifully displayed to all as she bowed before him.

  The observers seemed to inhale as one, a few of the subs released quiet sobs, and Tony swallowed against his dry throat, overwhelmed by her yielding to him in front of the gathering of their closest friends. Megan was a very private person and he knew the courage it took for her to subjugate herself in front of others, and yield entirely.

  “Rise, my beauty and accept this collar as a symbol of my ownership, my love and dedication.” He paused as Megan rose to a kneeling position. She sat back on her heels in the perfect kneeling position. Glorious.

  He lifted her chin to raise her eyes to his. “Your submission is a gift that I don’t accept lightly. I vow to honor and cherish you. I will care for you and keep you safe, always promising to do what is best for you. I respect your beauty, intelligence, and spirit. What you yield to me, I promise not to break, but to nurture and cultivate so that under my care it can soar and you can embrace all your dreams and desires.”

  He leaned down and removed her play collar and handed it to Rick for safekeeping. He held up the custom collar he had presented to her earlier that evening. A choker made of two stands of intricately interwoven platinum and diamonds, the exact match to the band of her engagement ring that already twinkled on her finger. Tony had the matching wedding band tucked away in his safe at home.

  “Megan, by accepting this collar, do you yield to me, all that you are? Will you honor my wishes and desires, obey me and follow my lead? Will you promise me your love, trust, devotion and caring for all the days of our life?”

  Megan answered in a soft, steady voice, secure in her decision to accept this man as her master. “I will, Master. I trust in your honor and integrity. You are a man who has earned respect not only from me, but from others that have the privilege to know you. I love you. I only want to please you and make you happy through my acceptance of your authority and by the gift of my submission. I don’t enter into this lightly. Those who know us have watched us struggle with our attraction for fifteen long years. I rejoice that the fates have finally brought us together after all that time. We complete each other in every way. I love you, my Captain.”

  Tony stepped forward and clasped the jeweled collar around his submissive’s neck. It was stunning, but paled in comparison to her beauty. His hands moved to her shoulders, which he cupped in order to bring her quickly to her feet and into his arms.

  “Then stand my beauty and kiss your master.” His eyes twinkled as he boldly stated for their amusement, “I command it.” Tony enfolded her in his strong arms and accepted Megan’s kiss. He quickly took control and devoured her. His rigid cock pressed against her belly and her glorious full tits crushed against his hard chest.

  The room erupted in applause. There was not a sub with a dry eye. Regan was openly sobbing as Rick held her tightly in his arms, rocking and comforting her. Elena could feel Dex’s searing gaze burn into her as she turned to cue her guitarist. She had to collect herself quickly so she could perform. She was drowning in memories from their own collaring ceremony just a few short years ago. They had shared similar promises and words of commitment. But fate was a cruel master.

  The other subs sniffled against their Dom’s shoulders, moved to tears by the outpouring of love and devotion. Master Peter moved off the stage and went to join his own sub. Tugging her up into his arms and capturing her lips and plunging his tongue inside before whispering words of love and devotion into her ear. They were lost in the memories of their own collaring ceremony that had begun their journey over twenty-five years earlier.

  Tony finally pulled his lips from Megan’s tempting mouth. Her lips were swollen from his fierce kisses and the love bites to her full lower lip. He smiled at her and then his head turned to the other guests. He laughed aloud as he saw the reaction of their guests, watching the couples embracing, caressing and cuddling together, the bachelors had turned to the bar for fortification. He looked back at Megan gloriously naked in his arms. Wanting to keep her selfishly to himself, he bent and picked up her robe and helped her into it. He laughed at the futility of his efforts. He had, after all, picked out the robe himself and selected it specifically for its sheerness. At the time, he had wanted to show off her beauty and revel in the knowledge that she belonged to him alone. He helped her off the stage and accepted a glass of champagne for each of them. Master Peter raised h
is glass and toasted the couple. A round of toasts, jokes and glowing praise for Master Tony’s blushing sub followed.

  As they shared their happiness with their close friends, the haunting strains of the acoustic guitar echoed through the room and Elena’s voice soared above the low hum of voices. She sang Paul McCartney’s My Love, a special request from Tony. Putting her unique style into the moving ballad of a pair of lovers who found their happily ever after, the couples danced and swayed, each derived their own personal meaning from the lyrics.

  Dex glared at the stage. The irony of the song his little light sang was not lost on him. It was one of her favorites and on her iPod playlist of “music to make love to Dex by”, literally. As a talented and musical being, she had a playlist for everything. They had made love to that playlist many times while together. Bitterness consumed Dex. Although she had given up on them three long years ago, the pain was still fresh and like a knife through his heart each time he saw her, but especially when she sang. Didn’t she know anything besides fucking love songs? Jealous as hell at his friend’s good fortune in finally finding “the one”, he quickly congratulated the beaming couple and made an excuse about making rounds in the club and promptly left.

  Tony and Megan looked after him in sympathy and their eyes turned to Elena who also watched him almost bolt from the room. “Poor bastard, he can’t bear to hear her sing. Every love song or loved and lost song is a dagger in his heart.”

  Megan saw a similar suffering behind Elena’s eyes. “She’s as miserable as he is. Surely if they feel so strongly after all these years, there is some way to repair the damage.” She had a twinkle in her eye and Tony could practically see the matchmaking wheels turn.


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