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Soul Seers Complete Set

Page 12

by Rene Folsom

  “Well, Ella? Don’t make him wait,” she whisper-scolded. I swear mothers must go to school just to learn how to sound terse even when whispering.

  With shaking hands, I grabbed the phone and brought it to my ear. Thankfully, my mom went inside, giving me privacy and letting me bask in the warm sun while I talked with my Jonah.

  “Hello?” A weak little chime was all I could muster. My body shook with nerves and I scolded myself for acting so childish over a phone call. If just a call from him made me this weak, how was I to manage seeing him at the studio—hopefully on a daily basis if I had anything to say about it.

  “Ella?” he asked.

  I nodded stupidly, and then realized he couldn’t hear a nod! “Yes, this is Ella.” Damn, girl. You sound like such a wimp. Pull it together. Be strong.

  “Hi there. This is Jonah, from Lavendine?” His statement sounded like more of a question before he continued by saying, “I’m sorry to call so unexpectedly, but I really enjoyed your company earlier today.”

  “Really? …I mean, yeah. I really appreciated your help,” I said, like the shy moron that I am.

  “Just my help?” I could clearly tell he was grinning through the phone. His smiling words made my bashfulness melt away slightly. He really did make me feel more comfortable as he spoke—almost as if I had known him for a long time.

  “No, not just the help. I enjoyed every minute,” I finally admitted with the most honesty I could muster. I wanted to tell him so much more, but I held my tongue.

  “Good. I’m glad. I didn’t want to be the only one who thoroughly enjoyed our encounter today. Say… when can I see you again?”

  Oh my! He wanted to see me again! I was speechless as I tried to come up for air. Where’d all the damn air go? I couldn’t breathe. Breathe, Ella. He’s just a boy. A devastatingly handsome boy who just so happens to be perfect for you in every way.

  “Ella? You still there?”

  “Yeah, I’m sorry. I just… would it be too forward of me if I said I’d like to see you again today?”

  My forwardness was rewarded with his stunning laugh trickling through the phone, even causing my ears to have goose bumps at the sound of his joy. “God, no. I was hoping you would say that. Can I come pick you up around four?”

  “Oh, I have PT until four. How about six?” I asked, hoping he would still be available.

  “PT? You mean, physical therapy?” he asked, concern etched in his voice.

  Shit. I didn’t want to let him know about any of that. Me and my big mouth! That’s what I get for not thinking before I speak. How was I supposed to explain something so embarrassing to him?


  “Yes. I have physical therapy until four. If five is too late, I can cancel…”

  “No. Please don’t do that. That’s way too important to cancel. Five is perfect. How does dinner sound?”

  “Sounds wonderful,” I admitted all too quickly.

  “Perfect. Anything you have in mind? Any particular tastes?” he politely asked.

  “Nope. I’m pretty flexible. Whatever you choose will be fine with me.”

  “Sounds good then. Dinner date it is,” he said with a smile in his tone.


  “And what?” he asked, obviously confused about my question.

  “And, what else can we do besides dinner? Dinner might last an hour and a half at most? I’d like to spend a little more time than that with you,” I cheekily requested.

  “Damn, I would love to spend more time with you. But, I have to work on a rather large project at the studio tonight,” he said, disappointment clearly in his words.

  Now I felt bad for putting him on the spot. “Oh, Jonah, I was just teasing. Dinner is really enough, I promise.”

  “No. No, it’s not. There’s never going enough time to spend with you, Ella,” he said with a pause. “Actually, I would like to show you what I’m working on if you want to come back to the studio with me after dinner.”

  “Really?” I asked, shocked he would want to spend more time with me.

  “Yes, really. I’d love it if you would accompany me back to the studio, as long as you don’t mind keeping me company while I work.”

  “Oh, Jonah! I’d love to watch you work. I’m not going to be in your way, am I?” I asked, worried he was just inviting me to be polite.

  “Of course not. You might be just the distraction I need,” he said, a flirtatious tone taking over his words.

  “I can’t wait to distract you then,” I said in a pitiful attempt to flirt back.

  I heard him breathe a sigh through the phone, as if he was upset about something, or trying to gain control of his emotions.


  “Yes, Jonah?”

  “Would you mind terribly if I ask what the physical therapy is for?”

  “I don’t mind that you ask, but maybe I can tell you over dinner instead? It’s a rather long story.” Hopefully he’ll forget by then and I can skirt this whole conversation.

  “That sounds like a great idea. I’m looking forward to knowing everything there is to know about you, lovely Ella.”

  Wow. His words made my insides melt, radiating that feeling of excitement all the way down to my center. I suddenly felt embarrassed my mom was probably listening to my thoughts and here I was, getting all hot and bothered by a boy.

  “I’ll see you at six,” he said.

  Just before he hung up, I caught his attention. “Oh, Jonah. One more thing.”

  “What’s up?”

  “This is my mom’s cell phone. Do you want my number instead so you can get in touch with me directly?”

  “Of course! Let me get a pen,” he said as I heard some shuffling. “Ok, ready when you are.”

  I gave him my number and was sure my face would split in two as I smiled big. My smile was so wide, my cheeks actually hurt. I felt like such a child. My inexperience with boys was entirely valid. It seemed so much different in my dreams. In real life? These new lustful feelings were nothing short of euphoric, causing the pit of my stomach to do summersaults at the mere thought of seeing him again.

  A few minutes later, after the girly-giddy-gallops with my mom, I received a text message from none other than the enigmatic Jonah.

  I can’t wait to see you again, lovely Ella. Be there at six. We’re not going anywhere fancy, so you can wear something comfortable.

  I could hardly contain my excitement during my PT session that day, eager to get home and get ready for my date with Jonah.

  Chapter Six

  I was nothing but a big bundle of nerves as I climbed the few steps towards Ella’s front door. I still hadn’t decided whether I would tell her about the dreams or not. I didn’t want to scare her away. Yet, I also didn’t want to wait too long. Then she would be pissed at me for lying.

  I thought about taking her back to my apartment and letting her see the drawing. But, I didn’t want her to think I had other intentions.

  My best bet? Let things play out as they go. No need to rush.

  Just as I stepped onto the front porch and was about to knock, I inhaled an aroma so mouthwatering, it made my eyes roll and my head turn into the direction of the Jasmine scent.

  There she was, curled up on a suspended wooden swing, her hands folded up neatly on a pillow under her head and her knees tucked up to her chest.

  What a sight. The sleeping Orella was just as lovely as she was awake, save for the amethyst eyes I’ve grown so used to over the years.

  Quietly, I made my way over to the swing and knelt down next to her. I took a moment to just stare in awe at this wonderful creature. She was truly the most magnificent woman I had ever seen. My drawings didn’t do her justice, of course.

  With a shaky hand, I gently slid an errant curl back behind her ear, successfully clearing the path between my eyes and her lovely face. At that moment, her lips parted ever so slightly and she dragged in a breath, almost as if she had been starving for air until I a

  I wanted to kiss her. Those lips were so tempting. I wanted nothing more than to wake her by pressing my lips to hers in a gentle, reverent display of affection, which couldn’t possibly express how I feel about her. I knew that action would be way out of line and the last thing I wanted to do was scare her away.

  Instead, I touched her cheek with the palm of my hand, lacing my fingers lightly into a few curls along the side of her head. So soft. So warm.

  Wait. What was that? I could… I can see her. She’s standing on the beach holding hands with someone. But, who? Then, as if looking from her eyes, I saw me. She’s dreaming of me?

  That thought had me smiling and pressing my forehead to hers as I gently held onto her head with my hand. I could see clearly now. Closing my eyes and keeping my forehead against hers, I could feel her dream. I was living her dream.

  We’re on the beach here in town. She has her jeans rolled up just enough to stick her dainty toes in the water. Her laugh is intoxicating as the waves roll in enough to make her jump in surprise. Never letting go of my hand, she dances around the water like there’s no other care in the world.

  The dream was broken as I heard her voice whisper, “Jonah?”

  Opening my eyes and only marginally pulling away enough to see her, I was stunned by her groggy splendor. “Hey, sleeping beauty. Rise and shine.”

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to pass out. The weather was just so perfect and…”

  “Shhh. It’s ok. You must’ve been tired. Are you still up for dinner? I’d hate to drag you out if you need some rest.”

  “Oh, no. I’m fine, really. I wouldn’t pass up our date for all the sleep in the world,” she said as she grinned and began to stir. She hadn’t moved a muscle, other than to talk, since she woke.

  Reluctantly, I let go of my lovely and helped her gain her balance. She was very fragile and weak, which reminded me of the physical therapy comment she had made. Maybe she was sick? My heart would surely never survive such a tragedy.

  Ella took my breath away as she stood, straightening her clothes, and stepping into the muted afternoon sun.

  She wore a low-cut purple top that matched her eyes perfectly. Jeans hung low on her hips and hugged every curve of her slender body. Black boots with a slight heel finished it off and made her look beyond words.

  “Wow. Ella, you look beautiful,” I whispered as I stared at her, mouth agape, like a big dumb fish out of water.

  “So do you, Jonah,” she responded. Damn. Hearing her say my name was the most beautiful sound… next to her laugh, of course.

  She fidgeted for a moment before saying, “So, Mr. Chantrey, are we ready to go?”

  “Oh, yes. I’m sorry. You just… Well, you simply take my breath away,” I admitted as I handed her the single purple Calla Lily.

  “Thank you. It matches perfectly with my shirt,” she said as she held it up against her chest.

  “And your eyes,” I added.

  “That too. Thank you for remembering,” she said with a smile.

  “I could never forget,” I said loud enough for her to hear me.


  “I could never forget the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing,” I deadpanned as I held my hand out for her. Luckily, she didn’t hesitate as she slid her fingers into my grasp. The feel of her soft, warm skin against my hand was the most wonderful feeling in the world.

  She smiled as I walked her closer to the Charger. I opened the door for her. Noticing she was just standing there grinning, I had to ask, “What’s the smile for?”

  “You have a black Charger,” she answered as if it were to explain her happiness. It didn’t.

  “You noticed,” I said, making fun of the obvious statement. “What’s so fascinating about my car? Well, besides the fact that it’s a kick-ass car. You like Chargers?”

  “Oh, I just…” then she blushed. “It’s nothing, really. It just suits you.”

  “Is that a good thing?”

  With that, she nodded and climbed into the car, leaving me standing by the passenger door, utterly confused with our most recent choice of conversation.

  On our way to the riverside restaurant, my Ella sighed loudly enough for me to notice something was bothering her.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked as I lightly grabbed her hand from her lap and kissed a knuckle, trying desperately to glance at her while keeping my eyes on the road.

  “Why are you blocking me, Jonah?”

  Her question caught me off guard. She wouldn’t know about blocking if she wasn’t…

  “So, I was right. You are a soul seer,” I stated. She just nodded, continuing to stare at me expectantly… waiting for me to answer her question. “Well, I’m actually not purposefully blocking you. I know that sounds like a crock, but I promise, I’m not.”

  “Then, if you’re not purposefully blocking me, what’s going on? Why do you seem so afraid to let me in?”

  “Good question, and one I don’t yet have an answer to. But, trust me, I’m not afraid. A few days ago, I suddenly had an increase in sensitivity, like someone turned up the volume on everyone’s thoughts. Within a few minutes of painful awareness in a public area, it all suddenly stopped. Not only did the ability for you to read me stop, but my ability to read you has stopped as well. I can’t read anyone and I have no idea why. And…” I paused, just before I was about to say something I wasn’t quite ready to tell.

  “And? And what?” she probed. Damn. I wasn’t going to get away with my slip of the tongue.

  “And, my dreams have stopped as well.”

  “Oh,” was all she said as she tore her gaze away from me and out the front window.

  We had just pulled up to the restaurant and I chose a rather private spot in the parking lot. I faced her fully as she stared at me, obviously thinking about something. Finally, she spoke.

  “I’m not sure whether I would be happy or upset if I ever lost my ability,” she said.

  Yeah, lost. Damn. Her words made it really sink in. What if my gift was lost forever?

  “You would be upset. Trust me. I know it can seem like a curse at times, but once you’re totally barren of other’s thoughts, it’s like a piece of you has been gashed from your soul. I’d give anything to figure out what the hell is wrong with me.”

  “Jonah,” she said as she grabbed my hands with both of hers. “I think it’ll be just fine. The vibe that I’m getting from you is that you are blocking me. Seriously blocking. It’s almost a tangible barrier I can feel. If you were willing to take down that barrier, I’d be able to see… well, everything. So, I’m sure in defense to your issue, you probably just put up this barrier. You know, to protect yourself. It’ll come back.”

  “Thank you. I hope so,” I whispered. At this moment, I wanted to do nothing more than kiss her. Show her how appreciative I was of her kind words.

  She nodded her head.


  “You said you wanted to kiss me. Well, I’m saying, yes.”

  “I said that out loud?” I asked, confusion wracking my brain.

  “No, you projected it. You didn’t do it on purpose?”

  I gulped as I shook my head no. I had no idea what was going on, but I should just take it for what it’s worth and do as the lady said.

  “So, Ella. You want me to kiss you?” I asked in an attempt to clarify what she truly wanted.

  “More than anything,” she admitted.

  Within moments, I was on her like white on rice. Scooting as close as I possibly could in the confined space of the car, I leaned in, laced my fingers behind her head, and brought her lips so close to mine I could feel her breath on my face.

  “Here?” I asked as I tapped the soft patch of skin beneath her earlobe.

  “Yes,” she whispered and I did what I was told.

  I lightly placed a small peck on her neck then reverently licked and sucked until I heard her softly moan.

  “How about here?” I
said as I traced my finger along her jawline.

  “Please,” she sighed.

  Holding her chin lightly with my fingers, I trailed more kisses along her jaw, making my way to her beautifully plump lips, puckering up at the mere thought of me ravishing them with my own.

  “And here?” I asked as I gently grazed my fingers over the soft pads of her lips.

  “Christ, yes!” she begged.

  With a smile, I closed the distance between our lips. The kiss started out soft, warm, and oh so perfect. She was perfect. I took my time with her, savoring her taste as it exploded in my mouth.

  With patience and tenderness, I began to lick at her lips, asking her to open for me, just enough to feel her tongue on mine. Oh boy, she didn’t disappoint.

  She swallowed my moan as we molded our mouths together, harder this time. She was exquisite. Everything about her made my body respond. I devoured her, kissing her passionately as I pressed her soft body against mine.

  Reluctantly, I pulled my lips away from hers, figuring maybe she would have to breathe at some point. Before I could retract myself away from her, I held her close against my forehead, closing my eyes and just breathing her in.

  God, the things she did to me… I don’t think there was a chance I would recover enough to go into the restaurant.

  I felt a soft, warm drop of moisture hit my thumb as I held her face. Looking into her eyes, I saw she was crying. Did I hurt her?

  “Oh, Ella. What’s the matter?”

  “Don’t mind me. Stupid girls. The dam bursts every time we get a little emotional,” she said, totally not explaining what the hell was wrong.

  She began to pull away from me, so I tightened my grip just enough to let her know I wasn’t letting go. “Ella, please. Talk to me. Did I do something wrong?”

  “Oh, no, Jonah. Just the opposite,” she said with a sniff as she gained some sort of control and began drying her eyes.

  I just stared at her, confused. Utterly baffled and enamored by this woman.

  “I just, I never thought I’d see you again,” she said.

  Bomb. Dropped. Detonated.


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