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Payback (Dueling Devils)

Page 8

by Shyla Colt

  “Your mouth is so sweet. “ He mumbled against her lips. “I can’t get enough.” They stumbled to the bathroom and he set her down by the door. He reached the shower in two strides, turned on the water. Clothes hit the floor.

  Naked, she eyed him, drinking in his masculine beauty. His muscles moved beneath his skin as he stalked over like a lithe jungle cat, lean, confident and aggressive. Gripping her hips tight, he lifted her slowly, dragging her over the hard planes of his body.

  Chill bumps broke out over her flesh and she circled his waist with her legs.

  “That’s my girl.” He walked them to the shower and carefully stepped beneath the warm spray. Leaning her against the wall, he took her mouth again and the world around them faded to the background.

  She buried her hands in his wet hair, tilting her head to deepen the kiss. His cock nudged her entrance as he slid between her lips. She bucked against him, eager to stop the incessant ache.

  “Not yet, sweet girl. Not yet,” he whispered, “Stand up.” She released him, reluctantly and he grabbed the soap hanging on a white wire rack. Squeezing a dollop in his hand, he offered up the brown bottle. The earthy scent filled the space. They washed one another thoroughly. Everything ached. She rubbed her thighs together.

  “Don’t worry baby, I’m going to take care of you. I’ve been waiting on this meal for days.” They stepped out of the shower and he grabbed a towel, rubbing her down.

  The gentleness his rough hands were capable of dolling out floored her. She blinked and found herself laid on the bed with her legs spread. With him, her losing time was a common occurrence. He overloaded her circuits.

  D buried his face in between her thighs and licked a path up her slippery slit. Her hips came up and he chuckled. “My baby is ready for me, isn’t she?” He slid her legs over his shoulders. His tongue circled her entranced and she moaned, winding her fingers in his thick hair. He plunged his stiff tongue inside.

  Her hips jerked off the bed and she rode his face. “So good, Jonah. OH God, so good.” He sucked her swollen bundle of nerves into his mouth and she dug her heels into his back. He moaned, sending vibrations through her body. Her legs trembled. The pressure built and she bit her lip to keep from screaming. He squeezed her thighs with his rough hands and she splintered into a million pieces. Stars burst beneath her eyelids and the image of his dark head between her legs etched itself on her brain.

  When she came back to herself, he was still between her legs.

  “Jonah?” She licked her lips.

  “I know you came, but I can’t get enough of your pretty pussy baby.”

  Her stomach fluttered.

  He pushed two fingers inside her slick core and she gripped the sheets. “You like that?” he pumped roughly. “We have to make sure you’re ready for me.”

  “I’m ready,” she said breathlessly.

  He circled her walls. “Are you sure?”

  “Jonah,” she snapped.

  He laughed. “Alright, I’m done teasing. We’re going to do things differently. I want to see you when you come. I want to watch your eyes when you come apart for me.” He gently placed her legs down and stood, sinking down on the edge of the bed. “I want you to ride me baby.”

  She sat up on shaky legs and crawled over to the nightstand, pulling out a condom.

  “One of two things needs to happen. You need to get on birth control, or we’re making a baby.”

  The words made her heart skip.

  “I’ll pull out this time, but I need to feel you.”

  The panic in his voice frightened her. She nodded and climbed onto his lap. He held his base and she eased down on him inch by inch, wiggling her hips.

  “That’s it baby, take it all.” He gripped her hair and sucked her right breast into his mouth.

  Tiny sparks of electricity shot through her body. “Oh, you always make me so full.” Her pussy stretched to max capacity to take him, making room for him the same way her heart did. This man pushed her to her breaking point, cracked open her shell and forced her to examine what rested at the very heart of who she was.

  He gripped her hips setting the pace. Fast and hard, they came together. Her chest heaved and her body burned. Her muscles contracted and he groaned. “Yeah, come for me baby.”

  Digging her fingers into his shoulders, she let her head fall back and gave him what he wanted, sweeping past the falling to a state of falling. She loved him.

  “Ah, shit yes.” He thrust through her orgasm and pulled out, pumping his cock. Sticky fluid coated her belly and breasts. “Fuck.” He rested his head on her shoulder. “I’m never going to get enough of you baby.”

  “I’m okay with that,” Ardy replied.

  He chuckled. “Yeah? Good ‘cause at this point, you don’t have much of a choice.”

  The words rested on her tongue. “Are you leaving?”

  “As soon as I rest up, we’re close to blowing the lid off some important shit.”

  The words filled her with dread. All of this would be coming to a head soon and she wasn’t sure what the outcome would be.

  Chapter Six

  Demon pulled himself from bed, reluctant to leave the pliant body draped over him. The warehouse had been full of weapons, answering the question of why now. They wanted to take over the gun trading business and knew between Los Calaveras and Dueling Devils, the game was on lock. He knew how the game went. You came in, fucked up enough people to pass along the message, this will happen to you if you resist. Then you claimed new territory. Not on my watch, fuckers.

  He forced his aching limbs out of bed and moved to get dressed. Each article of clothing felt like a piece of armor as he prepared to go to battle. Dressed in all black, he slipped on his boots, laced them quickly and walked over to the edge of the bed. “Baby, I gotta go.”

  “NO.” She grumbled.

  “Yes.” He kissed her lips. Love you. He mouthed the words against her lips unable to say the words out loud…He waited and held his breath.

  “Love you too,” she mumbled, rolling back over.

  His heart sang and he pulled away, satisfied with the way they were leaving things. When she woke up, she’d probably ask herself if she’d been dreaming or not. Chuckling, he left the room and went to say a silent goodbye to Harley and Rocket. Five minutes later, he was out the house and on the road.

  The sun rose in the sky, turning everything red with orange tints. I sure as fuck hope this isn’t an omen. He reached the fall back location they used when shit got too hot at the club. The grey brick building sat on the outskirts of town and looked damn near abandoned. The gate was pulled back by a bleary-eyed Jumpy.

  “You been up all night?” he asked.

  “Yeah, on watch.”

  “I’ll have someone switch you out man. You look beat to shit.”

  “Yes, Pres.”

  Seeing the ADHD man sluggish was actually kind of frightening. Demon shook his head and drove behind the building, parking in the back with the others. They tried to keep things low key out here. He pushed open the door and spotted Lefty at the bar nursing a mug.

  “What’s the news?” Demon asked.

  “They’re on the move, gathering up guns. For what we don’t know,” Lefty reported.

  “Good, they’re shaken. We probably upped their D-day. Everything quite at the club?”

  “Not even any suspicious drive bys to indicate they’re casing the place.”

  “That doesn’t seem right.” Demon frowned.

  “Maybe we’re fucking up something else entirely,” Hack interjected.

  “Explain,” Demon said walking over to where Hack sat with a pair of headphones.

  “They have a deal set up to trade guns with some contractors from their old town. They think it was them last night, trying to double cross them and steal there shit, so they’re moving it all to a secure location they haven’t been to.”

  “They couldn’t get anyone in town to deal with them, so they went back to one of t
heir old contacts.” Demon shook his head. He came over to stand behind Hack and watch the movement on the cameras they’d set up. “Do you know when they’re going to move everything?”

  “No. They’re arguing about it. Louis wants to move it now, but the other guy doesn’t want to do it in broad daylight. He thinks it’s too risky.”

  “Stay on that channel. I want that location. I want to leave a little surprise for them. If we get rid of the Sidewinders, we’ll solve the contractor problems. They won’t stay without backing and shit will be too hot for them to linger.”

  “I agree,” Lefty spoke up. “Contracting is all about profit. They could give a fuck about loyalty.”

  “Once we know the location, I want our boys out there, wiring the place up.”

  “You going to blow it up?” Lefty asked.

  “I want that shit to burn to the grown right before his club does. With him and whoever is stupid enough to go down with him in it. We’re going to shut this down before it gets bloody and out of hand. I’m not trying to have another war going.”

  A strained silence fell over the room.

  “Those were some dark ass times,” Lefty broke the quiet.

  “I don’t want my kids and my old lady to live in that kind of fear. It’s not like anyone is going to miss the Sidewinders. Shit…It’s practically a public service, taking out the trash.”

  Lefty laughed. “Fucking ridiculous.”

  Demon shrugged. “But true. Let’s keep monitoring and see if we luck up on what we need. In the meantime, let’s plan how we’re going to deal with their clubhouse and them. We got a rough estimation of how many of them there are?”

  “We think about fifty. With the sister chapters coming in, we’ll be double that easy. We called to let them know to relocate here.”

  “Good. I’ll feel better when we’re all together. Let’s wait for them to come over from the hotel before we get too deep into this shit.” His stomach gurgled. “And let’s get someone on breakfast duty. We need a donut run.”

  With the breakfast gathering delegated, he took a seat next to Lefty. “Think I need something harder than coffee. “

  Lefty lifted his mug. “Trust me, this is Irish coffee.”

  “Sneaky fuck,” Demon sneered.

  “Flow, get Pres a cup of coffee Irish style, black.”

  “On it.” Flow jumped and hurried to the coffee machine. His brilliant ink caught Demon’s eyes. He liked the kid, but he always seemed like he should be at an Art school, instead of here with the club.

  “How are things going at the homestead?” Lefty asked quietly

  “Oh, fuck you. Don’t act like you’re not fishing. Yes, there was drama and Ardy handled it like a pro. I set Gia straight. She has some shit going on with her headspace man. We never knew what her background was. It might bear some looking into.”

  “No, we’re not going to invade her privacy like that.” Lefty shook his head. “It’s not like she’s a threat.”

  “No, but she’s damn desperate and if you want that shit to be yours exclusively, you best speak up quick before she does something stupid.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Flow set down a mug.

  “Thanks Flow.”

  “Pres.” He nodded and seat down the cup of coffee.

  Demon waited for him to walk away before he spoke, “She’s lost dude. It’s a bad way to be.”

  “Lost? The girl owns her house, has a successful business.” Lefty shook his head. “That’s more together than most people we know.”

  “Doesn’t matter when you’re focused on your past, whatever happened to her was bad shit.” Demon took a sip of his coffee. “Look I’m just telling. Giving you a heads up.”

  “You think I won’t want her now?”

  “No, I think you have your heart set on her and it’s going to be a long ass messy road to being happy.” Demon shrugged.

  “Not everyone has the fairytales where unicorns shit rainbow poop.”

  Demon choked on his coffee. “Where what?”

  “You know what I’m talking about. I bet Ardy goes into the front yard, sings and woodland creatures come out.”

  Demon laughed. “Fuck you.” The rumble of bikes put him back into work mode and he stood to greet their sister chapter.

  Demon flexed his muscles and stayed silent as he waited for the clock to hit eight fifteen. He gave the orders to blow the gun warehouse at eight. The row of cars lined up behind him a few blocks over from the club would roll out behind him. Vested and dressed in all black, they looked like a team of swat members ready to go into battle. He gripped the gun in his hand, ready to lead the charge. His watched beeped.

  Go time.

  “Alright, Lefty, punch it.”

  His right hand man gunned the engine and they tore through the fence like it was butter in the massive van. Shots rang out from the man standing guard. Answering fire followed. The door opened and men rushed them. The cars behind them picked them off like fish in a barrel. Bodies hit the ground.

  Demon stroked the barrel, saving his bullets for Louis. The men began to run back inside when they realized they were basically human targets and Lefty floored it. The smash of flesh on the roof and the crack of bone made Demon wince. Shit’s got to hurt. Pulling a drift move, he slid in front of the entrance and the men began to rush the door. Bullets flew with cries of pain and warrior anthems of bravery.

  The thwack of bullets hitting their mark and landing against Kevlar made his ears ache. Gunpowder tickled at the back of his throat and he coughed. His gaze darted back and forth, as he moved through the crowd searching for his target, gun raised and sweeping the air. The call head with the snake coiled around it bobbed as Louis ran toward the back. He aimed.

  A body slammed into him, taking him to the ground.

  “Son of a bitch.” He wrestled with his assailant, slamming the butt of his gun into the long, oily brown hair until it yielded blood and the man went motionless. “Fat fucker.” Demon hefted his frame off him and stayed on the ground, taking in the chaos around him. His people were winning. Sidewinders lay on the ground, dead and wounded in piles of blood. Others were being lined up. Demon scrambled to his feet and ran for the back. A bullet slammed into his chest, throwing him off course.

  “I’m going I’m taking you to hell with me, mother fucker!” Louis roared. The veins in his neck bulged and his eyes held nothing but pure hatred as he unloaded his clip.

  Demon’s body jerked with the impact. His finger twitched.

  Louis howled…A red stain appeared on his shoulder and spread down his white shirt.

  Demon fired two more, one to the gut and one to the leg.

  Louis toppled like an imbalanced tower.

  Demon rushed over and kicked the gun from his hand. “You’re mine now, Sidewinder. You fucked with the wrong. M.C.” He pressed his boot to Louis’s neck. “How does it feel knowing I hold your life in my hands, you son of a bitch. You came here to start shit, try to take over my territory. Your old man wasn’t man enough, why the fuck did you think you would be?”

  “This club ruined my fucking life! Nothing ever compared. You think I’m afraid of death?” Louis spat out blood, covering Demon’s boots. “I welcome that shit.”

  “Good, because that’s exactly what you’ll be getting. You’re going to burn down with the pitiful shit you call a club. Nothing’s going to change that. Why don’t you do yourself a favor and tell me everything I want to know about Natasha.”

  He laughed. “You’ll never find her.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about finding her. I want to know if you put her up to that shit.”

  Louis smirked. “That bitch would do anything for Yayo and the lady. I gave her that shit like candy and she ate it up. I planned everything, but that first brat was a surprise. Watching you fawn over it while we laughed at you was a pastime here at the club. I fucked her while that baby of yours was inside her belly.”

  Demon presse
d his foot down on his neck. “You don’t have shit I want to hear. He removed his foot and delivered a swift kick to Louis’s head. “Boys, come in here and pick up the trash.”

  He walked back out front to the room crowded with his people.

  “What you want us to do, D?” Lefty asked as he anxiously glanced at the door. Odds were no one would call the cops, but he didn’t want to linger. Lefty liked shit to go down swiftly.

  “No loose ends.” The last thing I want is this coming back to bite us in the ass. Bullets whizzed through the air and each one that found his mark weighed on his heart. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

  “And this one?” Lefty nodded down at Louis who groaned as he slowly came back to the land of the living.

  “Let this bitch go up in flames with his ship.”

  Lefty’s eyes rounded. “Fuck, okay…get him in a chair, douse this place with gas and let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  Time sped up while the bodies were dragged into a pile and laid at Louis’ feet. Bound to the chair and gagged, he slumped. His eyes were at half-mast and the puddle of blood on the ground below him, told Demon he was already halfway to meeting his maker.

  “As you take your final breaths, I want you to think about these men. All of this was your fault. You never should have come back here and tried to take me on.” Demon shook his head. “Light them up.”

  Lefty covered his mouth and lowered the gas covered torch to the blankets they’d soaked and placed beneath the pile and above it. The smell of burning hair and flesh filled the room.

  His stomach turned in protests. “We’re done here. Everyone get back and head to the club. I got the prospects throwing one hell of a party. If anyone asks, which I doubt they will, we’ll have an alibi.”

  A rumbling of agreement and cheers filled the air.

  “You guys did me proud tonight. I won’t forget it. Lefty hang back with me. I want to make sure this is put to bed properly.”


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