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Feeling Lucky [Lucky, Montana 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 7

by Beverly Price

  She was close to getting everything settled and about to box the items when she was startled by a knocking sound. Confused, she looked at the time. Shit, she was supposed to meet Noah and Sydney a half hour ago. Jumping to her feet, she was scared to look around the corner knowing it would probably be Noah and Sydney. Sure enough, as she opened the door, both men stood there, looking slightly pissed and concerned at the same time.

  “Um hey, guys. I am so sorry. I lost track of time. Come in while I get my stuff,” she said as she ushered them both into the store front. But before she could get too far, Sydney grabbed her arm and hugged her close to his chest, breathing out a large sigh, while Noah closed and locked the door behind him.

  “I got so worried. We tried your house and you weren’t home, and then we called your cell and that went to voice mail. We even tried the store number, but that went to your answering machine. We took a chance and came here. If you were going to be late, you should’ve called us,” Sydney stated.

  Sam suddenly felt foolish. She normally kept her phone on silent when she was at work and had been too caught up with work to remember to turn the damn ringer back on. She didn’t think they would be so worried. It instantly made her feel like crap.

  “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be late. I got a large order and some stuff going on. I was going to go home and change, then come back. We can still go. I would like to change though. I don’t think jeans are appropriate for a date night, and you both look great. I’m really sorry,” she said as she ran her hands up and down on Sydney’s chest, like one would to calm a wild animal. She could feel the tension leaving his body as he pulled her close. She somehow knew he needed the extra comfort. She was soon released only to be turned and placed in front of Noah, who grabbed her and brought her in for a close hug.

  “Princess, if you had to work, you could’ve called us and canceled. Are you done, or do you need to finish up some more? Maybe we can help, and then perhaps we can just grab a pizza or burger and go to your house and watch a movie if you want to instead,” Noah stated as he lowered his head and rested it on the top of hers. She loved the thought of just staying home and watching a movie. She put on the whole party girl act sometimes, but she, like most women, just loved to put on her favorite sweats and a comfy sweatshirt and get lost in a good book or movie.

  “Well, I’m almost done, but I can come back tomorrow morning before we open and finish,” she said as Noah released her.

  She watched as both men headed to the back where she was boxing all the supplies. They all were laid out on the floor in piles and rows to make sure she had enough of each item. She knew it was a mess to everyone else, but to her, it was a well thought out sense of order.

  Noah walked into the small back room of Sam’s store and was blown away by the mounds of items that lined the floor. Body wash, perfumes, and a few other girlie items were bunched together in groups of what looked like about ten of each scent she carried. She really had been busy. He needed to talk to her about hiring more help sooner than later. He and Sydney knew she was expanding, but she had mentioned that Piper was still out of the picture for now until she got better with her ankle. He was looking forward to meeting her. Milo said she was as sweet as could be and a total opposite of Sam. Milo was already hooked, and he didn’t see this one getting away at all.

  He turned to see Sydney had the same expression of horror and amusement on his face. He looked at Sam to see her turn pink with embarrassment.

  “That’s a pretty big order, princess. Why don’t we help you get them boxed up? That way we can all go home, have dinner, and watch a movie and relax. It would save you from getting up so early. What do you say?” he said as he reached for Sam’s hand. He knew he was pushing his luck with inviting himself and Sydney to her house, but it sounded like a good idea. He loved the thought of her sitting between him and Syd. That one, simple thought sent his cock into an instant hard-on. She smiled and nodded her head and then walked into the room to show them what needed to be done with the order.

  About an hour later, everything was boxed, packed, labeled, and sealed, ready for pick up tomorrow. He held out his hand, offering to help Sam stand. She smiled and took it. “Ready to go home, princess? We can pick up dinner on the way or order a pizza. What would you like, baby?” he asked as she wrapped her arms around his torso, burying her face into his chest. She hummed softly as she cuddled closer. Her eyelids slid closed, making him realize she must be dead on her feet. “If you want to just go home and sleep, that’s fine, too. Just tell us what you would like, baby,”

  “No, I’m sorry. You are just so warm and it’s cold in the store,” she said apologetically. “But why don’t we order pizza and have it delivered. I don’t have much at the house, but I do have some beer, wine, and water if that’s okay with you?” She started to release her hold on him and looked between him and Sydney. He liked that she looked to both men for the answer. She didn’t want to play the two of them against each other like other women from their painted past.

  Both of them had agreed with her. Keeping a hold of Sam as they exited, Syd locked up the store. As they approached her car, Noah opened the passenger side door for her to get in. She gave him a puzzling look before spotting Sydney, who had slipped into his truck, while Noah walked around to the driver’s side of her car. There was no way he was going to let her drive when she was so tired. Without a word, she threw him the keys and slid into the passenger seat. The drive to her house was quiet, and as soon as he pulled up into her drive, Syd was already out and opening her door before he could get out. Sly move, brother. She took Sydney’s hand without complaint, flashed Noah a smile, and the three of them walked into her house to settle in for their very first movie date night.

  Chapter Seven

  Sydney didn’t know what to expect when they walked into Sam’s house. Her house was small, cozy, and welcoming. He liked it. He could tell she had spent time making it feel like a home with pictures of friends and family in certain areas. The colors she painted were warm and inviting. In the middle of the living room sat a couch, recliner, coffee table, and a television. She didn’t have little trinkets that he had seen in most women’s houses. Sam was simple and sophisticated. Sydney had learned early on that a house told him a lot about the person living in it, and Sam’s mimicked her perfectly. Releasing Sam’s hand, he sat her down while Noah headed into the kitchen to use the phone to order pizza and retrieve drinks for them. Not wanting her to be uncomfortable, he knelt down and took off her shoes before he took off his then placed them by the door. Taking a seat next to her, he pulled her close to him, placing his arm around her shoulders while handing her the remote for the television.

  “Pizza place said they should be here in about twenty minutes. I guess it’s a slow night,” Noah said. He handed both Sydney and Sam a beer before taking the seat next to Sam, pulling her feet onto his lap. Surprising both him and Noah, Sam went willingly as they positioned her between the two of them. Sam shifted a time or two before settling into a comfortable position. With the remote still in her hands, the TV turned on as she clicked the menu screen.

  “So, guys, what do you think we should watch? I just ask for no horror movies. I’m a scaredy-cat since I live alone. Romance movies can be overrated if they drag on too long. But I do like comedy and action if you guys wanna watch something like that,” she suggested. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head to try to reassure her they had no preferences.

  “Baby girl, we’re fine with anything. Just as long as you are here between us, I could watch the migration patterns of the humpback whales and find it entertaining. So pick something you would like.” Sam blushed, laughing at him before turning her attention to the TV again. Sam selected a comedy show that featured some cute little nerdy guys and a hot chick living across the hall. It was rather funny, and soon the three of them were too engrossed in the show to pay attention to anything else. Sydney kept running his fingers through her soft hair, while Noah
had started rubbing her feet, all done in comfortable silence. A knock startled them all, and Noah got up to answer, only to return a moment later with two large pizzas. Placing the pizzas on the coffee table, Sam got up to go get plates. Sydney opened the box to find one was a pepperoni and mushroom, one of Sam’s favorites. The other a meat lover’s type of pizza, which was his and Noah’s favorite, but he would eat one of hers just to show he was not picky.

  The food tasted so good the three of them ate almost all of the pizzas, and drank three beers each. With full stomachs, they settled once again on the couch to watch more TV. Before he knew it, Sam had fallen asleep and so had Noah. He smiled as he looked at the picture before him. The three of them looked a lot like a family would. He liked the feel of it. Quietly he shook Noah awake and pointed to Sam. Noah nodded and removed her feet from his lap and stood up quietly. Bending over Sam, he picked her up and carried her into her bedroom.

  Noah placed her carefully on the bed as he pulled down the covers. She just didn’t look very comfortable. Now they needed to decide what to do about her clothes. They didn’t want to misuse her trust, so they left her dressed in what she had on. Because both of them had been drinking, they couldn’t drive back to Wes and Grady’s house tonight. Sydney nodded his head to Noah in a silent agreement, and both men climbed on the bed next to her, pulling the covers over all three of them for the night. Sam must have been looking for heat as she turned on her side and sought out Noah, clinging to him while he pulled her back next to his chest. He breathed in her sweet scent of strawberries and smiled. The feel of her next to him as they lay in bed was more than he could have expected. It had been a perfect evening, better than he expected. A night in with just the three of them was just what he wanted. No need for pleasantries with people around them. Pizza, beer, and TV with their girl was exactly his way of spending the night, and to top it off, he got to hold her as they slept until morning. Burying his face into the crook of her neck, he allowed sleep to take him.

  * * * *

  Sam woke up warm and comfy, not wanting to move. She longed to be back in the enchanting dream where she was with Sydney and Noah. Stretching, she reached out only to find she had hit something soft yet firm. Cracking open one eye, she looked to see she was not only in her bed, but she was in bed with someone. How much did she drink last night? Before she could think any further, an arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her close. Two people? She had to think about what happened last night. Did Noah and Sydney stay the night? Did they have sex? She didn’t feel the fire between her legs lessen any. Actually, what she did feel were her jeans still on. Huh, they put her to bed but didn’t take off her clothes. How sweet. She was actually happy because she wasn’t wearing much in the panties department. She wasn’t too shy about her body, but they respected her boundaries while she was passed out.

  “You know, baby girl, you think way too much for so early in the morning and without coffee,” she heard Sydney say into the crook of her neck as he snuggled closer. She heard Noah chuckle in front of her before the bed shifted and another pair of arms was running up and down her arm and a soft kiss was placed on top of her head.

  “Morning, princess, did you sleep okay?” Noah asked. He ran his nose along hers, and she smiled at the tenderness from this large, domineering man.

  “Yes, I slept really well, thank you. How did you guys sleep? I’m sorry I feel asleep on you. It just feels like I am burning the candle at both ends sometimes. I should get up and make some coffee, but I feel too warm to get up. Thanks for staying with me last night. I know I must look a mess right now. I wasn’t a very good host yesterday. I’m sorry about that. First I lose track of time, and then I fall asleep on you. This must be the worse date you both have been on. Did I say I was so—” Sam was cut short when Noah kissed her. She was so lost in the sensation of his soft lips on hers that she didn’t know what to say next. She usually would ramble on and on until she was worn out, but Noah was kissing her silent. This could work. Normally Piper would throw something at her or slap a hand over her mouth. Sam liked Noah’s method a whole lot better.

  Noah ran his tongue over the seam of her mouth, asking permission, and she responded by opening to him. Noah didn’t need a second before he shoved his tongue inside and took control of the kiss. His hand ran up her arm and then into her hair, pulling slightly to angle her where he wanted her. Man, could he kiss. He ran his tongue everywhere inside her mouth, mastering it all within this one kiss. Sam was so engrossed in kissing him that she had almost forgotten that Sydney was in the bed with her as well. Syd slowly kissed along the back of her neck, where she had a secret hotspot. He must have picked up on it as he nipped right where it was, causing her to moan into Noah’s mouth. Noah released his hold on her and looked down at her before he spoke. “Now that was a good morning kiss. And Syd is right, you think way too much in the morning. I think I have just the thing to stop that.” And with those words, he kissed her one more time, turning her so she now lay flat on her back. Sydney reached down and pulled up the hem of her shirt before shifting it up her body. Noah stopped kissing her just long enough for the shirt to pass over her head before again drowning her with his essence.

  Sydney started kissing her down her body and to her stomach and back up again. He ran his hands up and down her body before he finally reached her breasts. They were still bound by her pink, leopard-print bra. She loved it as it was so out there and matched her personality, not to mention her tiny thong that she still had on. However, right now it probably was soaked with her juices as Sydney lowered a cup and sucked a nipple into his mouth. Noah had released her mouth and kissed down to where her shoulder and neck met while reaching behind her and unclasping her bra, freeing her breasts into Sydney’s eager hands and mouth. Sam couldn’t believe this was happening. She had just woken up and now she was fooling around with not just one but two men who were sex on sticks, and hell if she didn’t want it even more. She had held off from sex because she just couldn’t do it with anyone, but with Noah and Sydney she felt safe and wanted. Relishing this time, even if it turned out to be short-lived, she would allow herself to just feel.

  Noah could sense when Sam had finally let go of what she had been guarding while he kissed her. She was now in the moment. Her soft little whimpers sent his cock into a raging hard-on that created an uncomfortable position while he lay down next to her. Trying to shift her, he saw that Sydney was having fun with her bountiful breasts. He had seen them before while they played a little at the club, but it seemed like years ago rather than weeks. Keeping his hands on her delectable body, he finally reached the top of her jeans. Popping the button, he slid the zipper down, leaving a peek of her panties that indeed showed she liked to match her undergarments. He smiled because it was so her. She was flirty, sweet, and had a nice little dirty streak in her. She was damn addictive, that was what she was. Tugging slightly, the jeans came down, exposing her tiny panties. He was never one for women who wore panties because he liked to have unfettered access, but if she had more like these, he just might let her keep them. He liked the idea of sliding them off her body. It was like unwrapping a present for his birthday. Not letting go, he slid off the tiny scrap of material that covered her most valuable treasure to reveal all her secrets to him and Sydney. She was breathtaking. He almost lost it right there at the sight of her soft, silken skin and all her curves. Sydney had also stopped and stared at her as well.

  “Fuckin’ beautiful. Goddamn, princess, I have never in my life seen anything as tempting as you are right now. I can’t wait to be inside you. Do you want that, baby? Do you want both me and Sydney to fuck that sweet little pussy of yours? I want to feel you squeeze me so hard that I get lost in your body. Is that what you want, princess? Will you share your body with me and Syd?” Noah had to ask the question to her. He had always been taught by his momma that if he wanted something, he should always ask first. That was one thing that bothered him with some Doms. They took without asking if it was okay
. He was big on making sure everyone was on the same page. However, when they played at the club, it was already laid out, and safe words were given, along with a list of limits that everyone knew about.

  “Yes, oh please. I want this so much. I haven’t been with two men before. Please I need you both inside. Make me stop thinking, I just want to feel.” Sam was pleading with both of them. It broke Noah’s heart. This strong-willed woman was giving both him and Sydney something larger than they had realized. They had earned her trust. It was something he would treasure and keep sacred and close to his heart. She needed both of them.

  “We will, baby girl. We all need this. We need each other. This is only a start of a long time for us all. We all need to feel, no playing, well, playing yes, but not like at the club. This isn’t a Dom-sub situation. This is simply us and you absorbed in pure pleasure and passion. Nothing but us, baby girl. Nothing at all,” Sydney said before taking her into a heated kiss.

  Noah was engrossed in what Syd had said. His friend always knew what to say when he was unable to form the correct words. While Sydney took her mouth and played with her breast, he could only think of one thing he remembered, and that was the taste of her. He took that moment to remove his jeans but not his boxers. He was afraid if he let his friend out to play, he was not going to be able to control his urges. Taking one of her legs, he pulled her open to show her bare, pouty, pink lips glistening with her nectar, ready to be licked clean by yours truly. Getting himself comfortable, he lay down on his stomach and slowly licked from bottom to top, sending her shooting up off the bed. He reached up to hold her hips in place while he continued to clean her off with his tongue. She moaned and mewled as Sydney pinched one of her nipples. Sydney must have known what Noah was going to do next as he reached down and held her still.


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