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Feeling Lucky [Lucky, Montana 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 9

by Beverly Price

  “Oh, guys, I am so sorry. Is there anything I can do? You know I watch a lot of TV when I have nothing to do. All those crime shows can pay off somehow… Bad guys today use technology, but I am sure that Sydney already knows that. Mr. Computer Guy himself. Okay, this is just me goofing around, so bear with me. I don’t know any details, but what about trackers, camera phones, computers? Hell, even video feeds can be used now to get inside information. I saw this one where the bad guy had hacked into the victim’s computer and was stalking them through their own video feed without them even knowing it was even on. That, my hunky men, is why mine is in the kitchen and turned off when I am not using it. That, and I try not to piss anyone off in the meantime.” She laughed. But somehow she had been right. He needed to get off the phone and check something.

  “Hey, baby girl, we need to go. I will call you later tomorrow, okay?” he asked.

  “Sure, guys. Have a good night. I miss you.” Both men smiled at her sentiments.

  “We miss you, too, princess. Sleep tight and have sweet dreams,” Noah said before disconnecting the call. He then turned before he spoke to him. “Okay, man, what the hell was that about?”

  “Listen, just hang on for a minute. Do you remember what Sam just said? About computers and technology? That’s the key. We have been looking for a leak, but in fact we are the leak. The son of a bitch has been either watching or listening to us. He is one step ahead of us because he knows what we are saying or doing,” he said as he pulled Noah out of the room with his laptop in hand.

  After heading down into a small room that was empty, Sydney loaded up his computer. His fingers flew over the keys as if possessed by something. Noah was good at computers most of the time, but nothing like him. He had a way to hack into any system to find information about anything or anyone. That was one of the main reasons the FBI picked him up. No more than ten minutes had passed when Sydney began to swear up a storm.

  “What is it?” Noah asked. Syd turned the computer around and showed him. It was a live feed into their office. How the hell did that happen? They had picked that office because it didn’t have any cameras in it, but by looking closer at the picture, he noticed it was lower than a normal camera. Had Sam actually been right? The UNSUB was watching them from the other computer in the room. Damn it. How could they have been so stupid?

  “Fuck, what do we do now? I mean, he knows everything we know. Hell, he even knows about Sam. Shit, man, this isn’t good. What if he tries to go after her? He likes to look for weakness in people, and breaking her would be the ultimate prize. Shit. Shit. Shit! I need to call Milo and have someone keep watch on her without them or her knowing what is going on. Can you track the IP address?” Noah asked.

  Sydney’s fingers were still flying over the keyboard once again, and soon he smiled. “Well, I have it, but it’s at the club, so it won’t do us any good. However, I have set a trap up by having them look at us through a loop on the computer. So, it will play what we want him to see. Yeah, I got that idea from a movie, too, before you ask. Anyway, it will allow us more time. Plus I have set up a tracer for when he does log in again. It will send a message to my cell phone, letting me know when he logs in so I can link into his computer and see who is on the other end, providing his computer has a camera attached to it. So now all we have to do is wait. I think I am going to go over some more photos of the UNSUB we have on the camera and see if I missed anything. Maybe looking at them with a fresh pair of eyes might help me,” he said as he closed up his laptop and turned to leave. He knew Noah would follow him out, and now he was suddenly feeling lucky. They would finally be able to close this case, get the subs home hopefully safely, and then finally get home to Lucky.

  * * * *

  He was so done with having incompetent help that he was half tempted to kill all the subs and end this right now. But he was having too much fun. He loved hearing the cries from the women as he killed that stupid little prink for spying on him. He wasn’t as stupid as Noah and Sydney thought. He had a second person to take the fall if shit hit the fan, which it wasn’t going to. He had a lot of big-name buyers from outside the US coming in to get the women. His job was to break them down enough so their new Master could train them as they wanted. He enjoyed that part. The last one had such a red ass now, he didn’t think she could sit down. Plus it helped that she was chained to the wall. Who would have thought a barn would be the perfect place to store women? There was one stall set up at his training section, while each woman was chained into each stall. This allowed the investors to come and check out the merchandise before they purchased.

  Looking down at the paperwork in his hand he knew exactly how to get rid of Noah and Sydney. They, too, now had a weakness. A one Samantha Brown, former resident of Florida, also had a hidden past. He wondered what the men would think of her once they knew how broken she really was. Stupid idiots. They should know they were never supposed to care about a sub. A sub was there to please the Master, no matter what. If the master was unhappy, then the sub must pay the price until he was happy. A toy was what they were, nothing more and nothing less. Because the good thing about a toy was that once it broke, one could always go out and get a new one.

  Chapter Nine

  Sam was so excited to see that Piper and Milo were getting married. It was always something she had dreamed about. It made her wonder if there was ever a future with her, Noah, and Sydney. Piper was wearing a simple white dress that Sam had insisted she wear just so she could look somewhat like a bride. Sam did her hair up in soft curls that flowed down her back to create a cascading effect. Nothing could compare to the way she looked at Milo, and he looked at her. He wore a plain dress shirt and pants with no tie. The sweet little court wedding was exactly what they had wanted. Sam had tried to persuade them to have a small party after, but Milo wanted to take her away for the weekend before he had to get back to work. Piper had hinted at them wanting to start a family soon, and the feeling made her long for something inside that she never had before. She needed a drink. Heading home, she stopped by the small liquor store and picked up some wine.

  Once home, she stripped down into her super comfy, overly large shirt that had several holes in it and her fluffy purple-and-white striped socks. Sam pulled the cork out of the bottle of wine, then poured herself an overly large glass and brought the bottle with her to the living room. She didn’t feel like TV tonight, so she pulled out an old book Wes and Grady lent her.

  With only a fourth left of wine in the bottle, Sam was feeling pretty happy and in a somewhat better mood when there was a knock on the door. She didn’t expect anyone this late. Getting up, she headed to the door, trying to steady her feet as they seem to shake as she walked. When she reached the door, she was shocked to see it was Noah on the other side. He was smiling down at her and then frowned when he took in her attire and drunken state.

  “Hey, princess, can I come in?” he asked. He could smell the wine on her breath and the way she was swaying as she stood still told him she had a lot to drink tonight. Did she do this often? Drinking was one thing, but this was a lot when she was by herself. Walking into her house, he pulled her along as she stumbled to follow to the couch. He sat her down before joining her.

  “You okay?” he asked, and he pointed to the bottle. She blushed and then turned away before she answered him.

  “Yes, I’m just fine. I was um, celebrating, you know, to Piper and Milo’s big day and stuff. Plus it’s not against the law to drink at home. I am not drinking and driving or anything. It’s not that big of a deal, okay, so just lay off,” she snapped at him. Noah looked at her and could tell something was bugging her. She had the same look Sydney got when he was thinking. But in her case she was lying to him. He didn’t like it, but he knew Sam well enough to let it go and not push the subject. She seemed to fade off after she yelled at him. She was hiding something. They all had secrets, but today something was off.

  “Princess, it’s okay. Honestly, I’m not judging you. You
work hard, you do a lot for everyone in the town, and even you need a day off. If you want to drink, then go ahead, baby, and drink. But if something is bothering you, just know that Syd and I are here for you. Anytime. But, Sam, know this. I know you are hiding something, and when you are ready to tell us, we are here. Until then, do you mind if I have a glass and stay the night? It was a long drive and I just want to snuggle with you in my arms and sleep the night away. Is that okay?” he asked. He wasn’t too sure how she would react, or, hell, if she would let him stay, but he would never know unless he asked. She took a deep breath and seemed to weigh all the options in her head.

  “I’m fine really. Thank you for being concerned. I would love it if you stayed with me,” she whispered as she lowered her eyes and stared at the ground. Taking her hand, Noah pulled so Sam could curl up next to him. She laid her head against his chest, and she sighed in contentment. Wrapping his arm around her, he held on to her. She was perfect right then and there. She had no makeup on, an old ratty T-shirt that was two sizes too big, and the sweetest little fluffy socks that one would see on a child. But in his mind he had never seen her more beautiful. The nights he and Sydney were away, he longed to just hold her and forget everything else around him. The world could go on and he would hold on to this single moment in time.

  His head was a mess from the case, and he needed a break. Currently there was nothing going on and no major breakthroughs that required his attention. Sydney and he decided that he would go up and check on Sam to make sure she was all right. She had seemed a bit off, and then the other day they had practically hung up on her. She yawned, and he knew it was time for bed. They could sleep and then talk in the morning. He was looking forward to that. Both men loved when they woke up with her in their arms and the feeling of coming home from a day of work and just relaxing. There were no games, no pretending with them. They were their own little family.

  Sam was half-asleep when he stood up, and her eyes were half-open when she looked up at him. Not giving her a chance to say anything, he scooped her up and carried her into the bedroom. Setting her on the floor, he pulled back the covers then placed her in the bed. After pulling off his clothes, but leaving on his boxer briefs, he climbed in next to her. She automatically turned and rested her head on his chest like she had many nights before.

  “Noah, is Sydney okay? Why didn’t he come with you?” she half mumbled to him.

  “Princess, Syd is just fine. He is just working. That’s all. We got a good lead, but I will tell you all about it in the morning. He misses you though. I promise you can call him tomorrow, okay?” She nodded, and he kissed the top of her head then breathed in her sweet smell of strawberries. She fell right asleep as her breathing evened out, and the last thing he thought was to make sure no one knew about her and to keep her safe. She was now priority number one.

  * * * *

  The next morning, she felt fuzzy and slightly out of place. Keeping her eyes shut as the light flooded the room, she remembered that Noah had come over. He stayed with her. She was slightly drunk, and he did nothing but hold her all night. She had a bad night, and she couldn’t shake it. Maybe she should get some professional help, but the truth was if she did, she would have to admit what happened to her in Florida. As she was trying to forget about it, Noah stirred and wrapped his arms around her more, snuggling closer. Slowly he opened his eyes and smiled.

  “Morning, princess, did you sleep okay?” Noah asked her as he ran his hands through her hair. She melted into his touch and loved the way the simplest things make her feel cherished.

  “Yes, I did. I’m sorry about last night. I didn’t mean to, well, I guess I did mean to get drunk, but I should have called or something. But thank you. I was a bit of a bitch and you did nothing but let me know everything was okay. Are you okay? Did you sleep all right?” asked Sam.

  Noah nodded at her and then leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips. “I always sleep well when I’m with you, baby,” he whispered along her lips. She smiled, and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, sending Sam into utter bliss. Noah could kiss. His hand ran up along her hair and pulled her head back, allowing him access to her throat. He kissed along her jaw, her collarbone, leading down to her breasts. Sam couldn’t seem to get enough of him and reached for the hem of her shirt, pulling it up and over her head to give him better access.

  “God, I want you so much. But if you are too tired, let me know and we can stop,” Noah said in between kisses and nips on her breasts. Before she could say anything, he had taken one of her nipples into his mouth, suckling it while providing the other one with the pleasure of his fingers. Sam was lost in sensation as she ran her hands through his hair. He groaned as she pulled a little. Then his sweet, sexy smile came up at her, and she froze at his expression.

  “Okay, princess, you wanna play? I sure in the hell do. Do you trust me?” he asked her.

  “Yes, Noah, I trust you,” she stated. There was no doubt in her mind that she trusted him and Sydney with her life, and now her heart.

  “I am glad you do, and it’s Sir right now. I want you out of bed and in position when I come back.” And then he stood and left the room really quick. Sam’s heart was fluttering. What was he going to do with her? He would never hurt her, but damn if she wasn’t excited and turned on. She quickly walked over near her bed where a small rug was. She didn’t want to kneel on the cold floor. She noticed she still had her socks on, and she quickly took them off. Trying to slow her breathing down, she could hear him rustling in the kitchen looking for something. He soon returned, and she was grateful she kept her head down when he entered.

  “Very good, love. I got some toys for you if you want to try them?” Hmm, toys, she thought. The only toy she had was in her top panty drawer, and it was hot pink. “I want you to stand for a minute for me.” And with that he helped her stand up. Noah took her hands and bound them in front of her body with what felt like a zip tie. He must have found her junk drawer in the kitchen that held various items such as tape, staplers, and so on. What else did he find in there? It sent her mind racing, but she was pulled short when he sucked one of her nipples back into his mouth. Sam moaned at the sensation, and then she felt a weird pinch. What the hell? She opened her eyes to see he had put clothespins on her nipples. It didn’t hurt but had a strange burn. He was improvising for nipple clamps. The pain started to radiate down to her pussy, which now was weeping with her juices.

  She opened her eyes and looked to see and feel the heat radiating off Noah. She needed him. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. With the desire to show him how much she longed for him, she slowly, and more gracefully than she normally was, sank to her knees. His eyes never left hers. She reached for the top of his boxer briefs, and she could hear his intake of breath, but he didn’t stop her. She pulled them down until his cock sprang free and was pointing right at her. Taking the opportunity she had before her, she held his gaze as she let her tongue slide out of her mouth to lick the top. Noah hissed through his clenched teeth. A small amount of creamy goodness leaked from the tip, and Sam took that moment to pull him all the way into her mouth. Noah groaned and grabbed her hair, holding her in place. Sam hollowed out her cheeks as she sucked him in as far as he could go in quick succession. His grip on her hair grew tighter, almost painful, but then he started to thrust into her mouth as she sucked him. Faster and faster she sucked him, and with what she could manage with her hands still tied, she gripped his balls and let her teeth slide to scrape along his silken flesh. He shouted her name as he pumped into her mouth and spilled his seed deep down into her throat. She swallowed ever last drop and released him with a pop and kissed the tip. Sam sat back on her heels to see an angry Noah. Oh shit, what did she do now?

  Noah had no intention of having her suck his cock, but when her hot little mouth grabbed hold of him, he lost it. She sucked him down like a man in the desert needed water. He had not wanted to finish in her mouth, but the little vixen had pushed him over the
edge, sending his seed into her mouth.

  Her smug look nearly undid is control, and he knew just how to get her right back on track. “Did I say you could suck my cock, princess?”

  “Umm, no, Sir, I just wanted to… I’m sorry if I—” But he cut her off by putting his finger on her lips.

  “No talking. I love your sexy little mouth, but I had more plans with you. Since you didn’t ask to suck my cock, I am going to spank your tight little ass, and then I am going to fuck you until both of us can’t think of anything else for the next couple of hours. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” was all she said. He could tell she was excited as her breathing increased, and he stood her up and placed her so her head and torso lay on the bed, sending her ass in the air. He took his time to run his hands over the delicate skin of her round globes. He wanted something different, so he had rummaged through her kitchen to see if she had a paddle or something. She didn’t have much he could use, but he did find a pretty flat wooden spoon that would work just fine.

  “You look so hot like this, princess. I am going to give you ten good swats, and if it’s too much, just tell me to stop and I will. We’re playing, but there is no safe word. It is just you and me, okay?”

  “Yes, Sir,” was all she needed to say as he picked up the spoon. Parting her legs a little further out, he brought the spoon down on her ass. It provided a wonderful sound as it hit her skin, turning her rump a nice shade of pink. She whimpered as he struck her again in a different spot. Bracing herself for another swat, she leaned into him, looking for more. She moaned the second time. When he struck her the third time, the damn spoon splintered, breaking the head off the base. Never in a million years would he have thought that could happen. Trying not to laugh, he needed to regain his control.


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