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Still Candy Shopping

Page 14

by Swinson, Kiki

  Finally Jennifer left the room and joined the men in the living room. They cheered on her and Stacy as they entered the room. I stood behind the wall of the entryway to the living room and watched the expressions on all the men’s faces. They looked like pussy hungry derelicts with their tongues hanging out of their mouths. Slim stood in the kitchen so he could monitor everything. He also controlled the music.

  While all the entertaining was going on, Slim left his post by the CD player and walked in my direction. When he approached me he said, “That big nigga over there with the dreads wanted you to get butt naked, but I told him I wasn’t gon’ waste his time because you weren’t young and fresh like them. But I did tell ’im you’d suck his dick for fifty dollars, so go in the room and get ready, ’cause he gon’ come in there in a few minutes.”

  I was appalled at the way Slim talked to me. He basically handled me like I was a fucking dirt bag bitch. How dare that bastard tell that guy that I wasn’t young and fresh? Shit! I wasn’t that much older than those girls, so what the fuck was his problem? But instead of expressing how I felt about what he’d said, I kept my mouth closed. Why should I set myself up to be cursed out? Slim was an immature little boy with dreams of becoming someone he would never be, and I was his means of getting there.

  Shortly after I walked away from the party and headed into the bedroom, I was joined by the big guy who wanted to get his dick sucked. He was too big to sit on the edge of my twin-sized bed, so I sat on the bed and convinced him to stand in front of me. Immediately he unzipped his pants and pulled out his shriveled up dick through the opening of his zipper. I looked at that itty-bitty thing and almost laughed. I could not believe how small his penis was. He had to be over three hundred pounds, so to be that big and only have a dick that was the size of a five-year-old child had to be humiliating.

  I stared at it and wondered how I would hold it in my hand and suck it at the same time. It looked impossible. While I contemplated another way to do it, he became frustrated.

  “Why the fuck you staring at my dick?” he yelled. “Just put it in your motherfucking mouth and suck it, bitch!”

  It took everything within me not to curse out this fat motherfucker. I mean, who the fuck did he think he was talking to like that? I was the chick whose mouth he wanted to slide his dick in. So I wasn’t his bitch for real, and I wanted to express that to him. But I figured if I gave him a hard time, he’d run in the other room and tell Slim, so I kept my mouth closed and worked with what I had. Dreading servicing this disrespectful ass nigga, I grabbed the tip of his penis with my thumb and my pointer finger and began to lick the head.

  I tried to block out the musty smell that was coming from his ball sack, but it was becoming unbearable, causing me to gag a couple of times. He looked down at me twice and asked me what the fuck was wrong.

  “Your genitals smell like you haven’t washed your ass!”

  “Bitch, whatcha trying to say that my ball sack stinks?” he snapped.

  “Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying,” I replied.

  “Well deal with it, ’cause I done already gave that nigga Slim my dough. So shut up and make my dick cum before I make that nigga come in here and straighten out your ass!” he barked, and then he shoved his penis right back into my mouth. He grabbed the back of my head and forced my head back and forth. He was literally forcing his dick in and out of my mouth.

  I gagged at least five more times, but he ignored me and continued to gyrate against my face. I held my breath to eliminate the smell and went with the motion until he ejaculated into my mouth. The moment he pulled his nasty ass dick out of my mouth was the moment I spit all of his semen onto the floor. He picked up a shirt from Jennifer’s bed and wiped off his dick with it, and then he threw the shirt in my face. “Thanks for nothing, bitch!” he said, and then he waddled his fat ass out of the room.

  Feelings of humiliation grew inside me rapidly and I wondered how much longer I would be able to take this treatment. I wasn’t a bad person. And even though I’d done some fucked up things, I’d never treated a human being the way I’d been treated. I was at my wits’ end.

  After fat boy walked his ass out of the room, Slim escorted another guy in. This time I had to let this one fuck me in my ass. So I assumed the position and let him go for what he knew. And for the first time since I’d been on the streets, I wanted to put a gun up to my head and pull the trigger. I simply wanted to end my life. I was nothing but a dope fiend. No one respected me. Not even my own ex-husband respected me. He threw my ass away and re-married the next best thing that came along. So why continue to live?

  As I wallowed in my grief, I heard a loud scream from Jennifer followed by a thud. My first intention was to break free of this moron who was banging the hell out of my rear end, but I knew he wouldn’t let me go, so I stayed where I was and wondered what had happened. After several minutes of continuous pounding, the guy ejaculated on the back of my ass and then left the room.

  After I wiped off the back of my ass, I quickly pulled up my panties and rushed to the door to see what had happened. I heard the music still playing, so I figured everything was all right, but when I opened the door, my eyes told me a different story. Slim was holding Jennifer off the floor with his arm around her neck. He had her in a fucking chokehold and her face had turned at least three different shades of red while I was looking at them. I couldn’t believe how all the men were just standing around watching. She was naked, so I assumed that she had undressed herself completely to dance, but clearly something else happened in the process.

  I rushed down the hallway toward them and yelled for one of the guys to help her. “Can y’all please help her before he kills her?” I begged. But every last one of those men in there kept their distance and either threw their hands in the air or left the apartment altogether.

  Before long the apartment became empty, and the only person left standing there with me was Stacy. Her eyes were glassy and she looked scared as she stood there butt naked. He dragged her into the kitchen by her neck so I jumped in to save her.

  “Get off her!” I screamed and locked my arm around Slim’s neck. I immediately applied enough pressure around his neck, hoping he would realize that he had to let her go so he could save himself. When he let her go, I knew he was going to focus his anger on me. Slim was a much bigger man than I was able to handle, so I knew it would only be a short matter of time before he was able to maneuver out of the hold I had around his neck. I heard Stacy in the background crying, asking me to stop, but I tuned her out. My life was at stake, and I didn’t care about that bitch.

  Finally Slim released Jennifer, but I maintained my hold on his neck. I hadn’t noticed at first, but Jennifer had gotten off the floor. Once she had gained enough strength to help herself, she came to my defense to keep Slim down on his knees. It was an uphill battle, but we were gaining some leeway.

  While we kept Slim pinned to the floor, Jennifer and I tried to figure out a way to knock him out so we could escape. But as soon as Stacy saw Jennifer reach for the pot on the stove, she ran over and snatched it from her. The next thing we knew, Stacy had jumped on Jennifer’s back.

  I couldn’t help but wonder why all these stupid ass bitches kept coming to this guy’s rescue? Did they not see that he was dangerous and that he would kill us if he had to? For the life of me I couldn’t figure out why Stacy prevented me and Jennifer from knocking out Slim. All we wanted to do was knock him out long enough to get away. But it looked like that wasn’t going to happen tonight.

  Once Stacy intercepted our plan, Slim was able to regain his control of me. As soon as he removed my arm from around his neck, he turned to face me and I saw nothing but rage in his eyes. Before I could blink, he hit me so hard on my head that he knocked me unconscious.

  The Candy Shop part 2 Kiki Swinson

  Rat Poisoning

  When I regained consciousness, my head hurt like crazy. The lights from the kitchen and the living room blinded me th
e moment I opened my eyes. I tried to block out the light with my hand, but it didn’t work, so I dealt with it and looked around the room. I saw Jennifer lying beside me on the floor, but she wasn’t moving. Fear crept into my heart. She looked like she was dead as she lay there naked, but I had to check to make sure.

  I reached over to check her pulse and realized that she was indeed breathing, so that relieved my heart. And all I could do was lay my head against her arm because I felt her pain.

  “Y’all thought y’all could take me down, huh?” I heard Slim ask, startling me. I couldn’t see him, although I now knew he was in the room with us.

  He spoke again, so I was able to follow his voice. And when I looked around the entire room, I noticed he was sitting on the living room couch with his gun in his right hand. I also saw Stacy sitting next to him fully dressed. There was no doubt in my mind that he was going to pull the trigger and kill both me and Jennifer.

  “Getcha ass up!” he roared as he pointed the gun directly at me. I turned over on my stomach and pushed all the weight of my body onto my hands and feet to lift myself from the floor. After I stood, Slim instructed me to pull up Jennifer as well. I turned toward Jennifer, got down in a squat, and grabbed both of her arms. When I tried to lift her, it seemed impossible. Jennifer’s body was too heavy for me to lift, so I did the next best thing, and that was to wake her.

  At first trying to get her to regain consciousness was also impossible, so I dragged her across the kitchen floor and onto the living room rug. Halfway across the rug she began to wake up. She broke away from my grasp and became a little hostile. She started kicking and swinging her arms. I looked at her until I noticed that her eyes were fully focused.

  “Jennifer, stop, it’s me,” I told her. Once she realized that I was the one who had her arms, she calmed down.

  Sitting on the sideline looking at us, Slim burst into laughter. I guessed Jennifer and I looked somewhat comical to him. I stood over Jennifer and assisted her off the floor. After I helped her stand to her feet, Slim made yet another one of his announcements as he waved his gun around at us. Jennifer was still somewhat dazed, but she caught the gist of his statement.

  “Both of y’all bitches made me lose a lot of money tonight. And then on top of that, y’all hoes tried to hurt me. Now I oughta kill you standing right there. But since I’m a good nigga at heart, I’ma give y’all a chance to make it up to me by taking you back to the corner so you can get the money you owe me. But I’m warning you this time that if y’all ever try to jump on me again, I’m gon’ blow your motherfucking brains out! Now get out my face and go get dressed. We leaving in ten minutes.”

  After Slim dismissed us, I grabbed Jennifer by her arm and helped her walk back into the bedroom. I was appalled that he wanted us to go out on the corner, especially after all the tricks I’d turned tonight. Jennifer was the one who’d prevented him from making money, so why make me pay for something she did? I knew I wasn’t in a position to protest considering that she and I were both on his shit list, so I did what I was told, and got ready to head back to the corner to turn more tricks.

  While Jennifer and I were in the bedroom, I helped her get dressed. She was slowly coming around. She and I didn’t say much to each other because we feared that either Stacy or Slim would be standing outside the door eavesdropping. But when we got outside, Jennifer definitely had a few choice words. She kept her voice down to a minimum during the walk to the corner.

  “You know we almost had him, right?” she whispered as we walked ahead of Slim and Stacy.

  “Yeah, I know. And we would’ve had him if that bitch wouldn’t have jumped in it.”

  “I know. But I’m not giving up. I’m gonna get away from him the next time around, even if it’s meant for me to die while I’m doing it.”

  I couldn’t comment after Jennifer made that statement. When I looked in her eyes, I knew that she meant what she said, so I knew there was no need for me to try to sway her thinking. I just looked straight ahead and decided to go with the flow.

  While we were on the corner, I noticed how Jennifer wasn’t her usual self. Normally she’d leave all the bullshit we went through back at the apartment and turn over a new leaf while we were out here. But tonight she was just dragging herself from one car to the next. Slim had to talk to her a few times, but whatever he said went right over her head. She was really testing him to see how far she could go. I was beginning to get scared for her. As soon as she finished with her next customer, I rushed over to her and grabbed her to the side. Slim stood a couple feet away and watched us, so I knew I had to be fast.

  “I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but you need to chill,” I said.

  “Whatcha talking about?” she asked, giving me a funny look.

  “Look, Jen, all I’m saying is for you to chill out for me, please. I saw Slim pull you to the side a couple times to talk to you. And you know he’s kind of fed up with us right now, so please, let’s behave. Can you do it for me?” I begged.

  “I’m cool. We gon’ be a’ight!” she said, and then she walked over to the curb. Two cars pulled up. Stacy took the first one and Jennifer hopped in the second car. I waited patiently for the next car, and finally one pulled up and I got inside. Slim instructed him to turn off his car. He wasn’t allowing that drive-off stunt to happen to him again. He had become quite hip to our games.

  After I sat down on the passenger seat, I did my routine spiel about what kind of services I performed and how much they had to pay. I never bothered to ask my customers if they were the police, because I was always hoped they were. Unfortunately this one wasn’t. I was disappointed to say the least. After he gave me his money for a standard blowjob, I instructed him to pull out his dick and then I went to work.

  “I wanna see if you can deep throat my dick,” he said.

  I looked up at him, and then I looked back down at his penis. Now I had to admit that he was working with a monster. His dick had to be at least nine inches and it wasn’t fully erect. And the head of it was huge. I couldn’t see how I could push the entire thing in my mouth if I wanted to. So I continued to do what I knew how to do and occasionally I pressed my luck by pushing a third of it to the back of my throat.

  Suddenly while I was servicing my customer I heard Stacy scream. “Oh, shit!” she yelled. “I think she’s having a seizure or something!”

  I immediately stopped what I was doing. The guy whose dick I had in my mouth was not pleased with me at all. He was already erect and was at the peak of ejaculating, but I stopped stimulating him without any warning.

  “What the fuck you doing?” he snapped.

  “Shhh!” I hushed him.

  “Shhh, my ass! Bitch, you better keep sucking my dick or give back my money,” he told me.

  “Slim, what are we going to do?” I heard Stacy ask. “What’s happening to her?”

  She sounded distressed. I sat up in my seat and looked out of the passenger window of the car. From where I was sitting, I really couldn’t see what was happening, but I did see Stacy and Slim hovering over Jennifer. And then I saw her feet kicking, and my mouth dropped open.

  “What the fuck!” I said as my heart dropped. And without saying another word, I jumped out of the guy’s car. He grabbed my arm before I could close the door.

  “Where the fuck you think you going?” he yelled. “Bitch, you better give back my motherfucking money back before I kick your ass out here.”

  Without even thinking about it, I reached down in my bra, grabbed the fifty dollars he’d already given me, and flung it back at him. After I slammed his car door, he sped off down the street and I ran over to see why Jennifer was lying on the ground kicking.

  As soon as I got within two feet of her, Slim grabbed me by the arm and demanded that we leave. “Let’s go! We gotta get out of here,” he yelled.

  By this time Stacy was screaming hysterically, so I looked over her shoulder and saw Jennifer lying on her back kicking frantically. Her eyes
were in the back of her head, and she was foaming at the mouth. My heart was already in the pit of my stomach, but it felt even worse now.

  “She’s ODing!” I screamed, and pushed Stacy to the side. But before I could get by her, Slim grabbed me with his other hand and locked me into a bear hug. I started kicking and screaming uncontrollably. “Let me go, Slim. I gotta stop her from dying!” I sobbed.

  Slim ignored my cries and threw me over his shoulder, but he couldn’t manage my weight, so he dropped me to the ground. And as soon as I hit the concrete, I felt a massive pain shoot through my knee. I screamed at the top of my voice. Instead of picking me back up from the ground, Slim pulled out his pistol and pressed it against my head.

  “Bitch, shut up right now!” he roared and pressed the gun against my temple as hard as he could. I closed my mouth immediately. Tears were still falling from my eyes, but I wouldn’t utter a sound. When he figured that he’d calmed me down, he helped me back up to my feet and instructed me to leave with him immediately. I had no other choice in the matter, so I allowed him to escort me back to the apartment without any protests.

  The walk back to the apartment seemed very long. I cried the entire time. Stacy was a complete wreck herself. Slim had to tell her over a dozen times to walk faster. But when we finally got back to the apartment building, he didn’t have to open his mouth again, because she ran straight for the front door and didn’t look back.

  Two of his outside watchmen walked up to him with expressions of concern. They saw how upset Stacy was, so they wanted to know what had happened. Slim told them to help him carry me upstairs and he’d tell them what happened on the way. By the time we all made it to the second floor, Slim had given them the 411. After they got the gist of everything, they acted like they didn’t want to be around. But before they bailed on Slim, they wanted to know if he was going to leave Jennifer’s body out there.


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