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The Scot's Secret: Border Series Book 4

Page 25

by Cecelia Mecca

  Clara followed Alex from the hall, and when they reached the door, he held it for her. She walked through it with one last glance at Gilbert. Alex continued walking, so she followed. Past the kitchen and the stables, he walked to a path that led downhill.

  Like most inns, especially ones this remote, Keston House was built along a river. She’d discovered it on their very first visit. Rivers tended to have mud, which was a necessary component of her disguise.

  He didn’t stop or even speak to her along the way. So he was angry. Well, she couldn’t blame him. But he could at least tell her that himself.


  He continued walking until he reached the river bed. She turned and could no longer see the inn. They were quite. . .


  He pulled her toward him so quickly she nearly lost her footing. His lips were on hers before she could say another word. She wrapped her arms around him and clung on as if she would never let go. His tongue slid into her mouth and she met his movements with her own. Urgent and frenzied ones that said more than words ever could have.

  He’d been scared for her, but no more scared than she’d been for herself. To be in his arms again. . .

  She never wanted to leave.


  Alex had never been more relieved in his life. Seeing her through that window, knowing she was truly safe. He needed to be closer. He needed to feel her, love her, show her that they were never going to be separated again.

  He started with the cap. Having taken it off her before, he knew where the pins were located. After tossing them to the ground, he removed her boy’s clothing next, which, admittedly, was much more malleable than her heavy lady’s gowns.

  His heart soared when Clara attempted to remove his tunic, and he helped by raising it over his head.

  “Clara,” he murmured against her lips. Her answer was to untie the laces of his breeks. He tore off the remaining vestiges of her clothing and didn’t even hesitate. His cock was hard, ready, and he knew she was just as primed. Checking to ensure it was so, he hardened even more at the feel of her slick folds and the sound of her soft moan.

  Alex lifted her then, not wanting to waste time even to lay her down.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he instructed as he held her with one arm and guided himself into her with the other. His face was buried in her neck, her hair teasing him from above. But Alex only wanted one thing, and he was about to have it.

  “Oh,” she said as he entered her. He slid her down atop him gently and then wrapped both arms around her buttocks, bringing his mouth to hers.

  Alex kissed her with all of the built-up passion, the longing he had endured not knowing if she was safe. He moved against her, trying to go slowly.

  She wouldn’t let him.

  The vixen slid her tongue against his suggestively and lifted herself up just enough to slide down once again. He groaned, increasing the pace and the pressure. He needed this, needed her. They matched each other’s intensity until she broke away from him, tossed her head back, and climaxed, allowing him to do the same.

  He thrust into her, leaving no doubt that she was his, now and forever. He held himself there, wanting to bind them together for eternity.

  Alex tightened his grip on her backside as he leaned toward her to whisper in her ear.

  “You are mine, Clara. And I am yours. We will never, ever be parted again.”

  If she said aye or nay, it hardly mattered. So long as she wanted him, so long as she loved him, he would spend a lifetime looking for her. He’d spend his days trying to convince her with words and his nights doing the same with deeds.

  As the throbbing slowed, he pulled back to look at her.

  “I will keep you safe, always. And before you say another word,” he knew what she would say next, “’tis my choice to do so. Sara believes there’s no longer a threat. Gilbert approves. But more importantly, I’m going to spend the rest of my life proving to you that you’re safe and showing you how much I love you.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “I love you, Clara. And if you think I’ll let the woman I love walk away from me again—”

  “I love you too, Alex.”

  Her warm, soft eyes peered into his soul. And he held her gaze, glad for it.

  “And you won’t have to come looking for me again. I will not leave you.”

  Reluctantly, he lifted her off of him. She tugged his hand toward the river’s edge, and he followed. Kneeling beside it, she dipped her hand into the water and brought it to her face, washing the smudges there.

  He watched, mesmerized, hoping it meant what he thought it did.

  Alex followed her lead and helped her wipe every bit of dried mud from her cheeks until they were clean.

  “He is gone.”

  And then she stood, giving him a full view of the glorious body he had first spied when she washed herself at the lake. But this time, she would not be putting her boy’s clothes on. Instead, she picked them up from where he had discarded them, walked back toward him, and promptly tossed every piece into the river.

  He roared with laughter as she made a second trip for the cap. He stood as she marched back to him as proud and tall as an ancient water goddess.

  “It will be okay,” he said.

  He ran his hands along her sides, her back. She was beginning to feel cool to the touch.

  “Clara,” he said, holding her face in his hands.

  Clara’s fingertips glided down his arms. “Aye,” she murmured.

  “What do you intend to wear back to the inn?”

  Her eyes widened.

  “Aye, lass, I’m sorry to have mentioned it.”

  “Alex, ’tis not funny. What will I do?”

  He ran his thumb along the outline of her lip.

  “I will find something, love.”

  Her expression changed from concern to. . . something else.

  “I could get used to hearing that.”

  He caressed the length of her body until he reached her hands, which he clasped, squeezing them gently.

  “I will say it every day. All day.”

  “You complained about your brother and Lady Juliette,” she reminded him.

  “I did. But I expect to act just the same. . . when we see them.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He leaned forward and kissed her on the nose.

  “We will live at Dunmure,” he said.

  “Dunmure? But Alex, I thought—”

  “It is mine, and ’tis time for me to claim it. My mother can live there, or Brockburg—I leave that for her to decide. If it pleases you.”

  “Of course it pleases me. I’m just surprised.”

  “No more surprised than I was to watch you toss your boy’s clothes into the river.”

  “Don’t you dare laugh at me. I just. . .” She smiled. “I just wanted to get rid of them. I wasn’t quite thinking of anything else.”

  “I see that,” he said, his gaze appreciative. He was unable to keep the laughter from his voice.

  “But Geoffrey and I scoured the countryside to find you. And now—”

  “And now, I am Clara. I thought I had to choose, and I was so afraid to choose wrong. But I’m not afraid anymore. Alex?”

  “Aye, love.”

  “There is a bit of Alfred in me still. And I don’t know if I’ll ever be Clara completely again. Not after all that has happened.”

  She said it by way of an apology, but there was nothing to apologize for.

  “As long as you’re by my side and not holding a sword to English reivers, it matters not to me.”

  “You should have seen me,” she said, clearly proud of her efforts. “And I still wish to train.”

  “Then you shall.”

  “And mayhap wear leggings as Lady Sara sometimes does.”

  “Wear this—” he gestured down to her beautiful body, “—I care not.” He then thought better of it. “Well—”

  “And one other th
ing if you are to be my husband. . .”

  She turned serious, so he attempted to do the same.

  “There shall never be any secrets between us. I abhor them.”

  “Well then. . . ” he said. But he ruined the seriousness of the moment by running his hands from her hips to brush against the side of her breasts. “We should get started. I do have a few secrets to share that I think you’ll be pleased to learn.”


  Dunmure Tower, Scotland

  “Alex, your mother will be here any moment!”

  Clara swatted his hand from her backside as they stood in the entranceway of the keep that she now called home. Her mother-in-law was visiting from Brockburg. She’d chosen to stay at the larger holding in her own quarters so as “not to disturb either set of newlyweds.” But she had promised to visit often, and she and Toren and Juliette were due to arrive at any moment.

  Three months had passed since they’d married and moved to Scotland—the best months of her life. Alex could not wait to show his mother the improvements they’d made to his ancestral home, including the waterfall he had constructed in the garden. He remembered what she’d said about the soothing sound of the waters back at Barrington.

  “Then let her come,” he said, pulling her toward him once again and kissing her in full view of the servants who hurried from building to building looking for warmth. “You do remember the promise I made at Keston?”

  Oh, she remembered. He’d not let her forget it.

  “Which reminds me, I’m planning something special for Emma when we next visit Kenshire.”

  She and her friend wrote often, thanks to Father Simon’s tutoring. When Alex had discovered she was unable to read or write well, he’d begged his tutor to reside with them for a time, and Father had happily agreed.

  “Do you have any ideas?”

  She pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders, the cold just beginning to seep through.

  “Come, we’ll go inside.” Alex took her hand and tried to pull her into the keep.

  “Nay,” she said. “I love it here.”

  The view was spectacular. Like Brockburg, Dunmure was positioned high above the surrounding landscape. She still could not believe this was her home.

  Alex wrapped his arms around her.

  “So what do you have planned for Emma?”

  Clara nodded toward the armory, knowing Alex would understand.

  “Gilbert?” Alex smirked. “You plan to marry Emma and Gilbert?”

  Clara laughed. “Of course not. I’ve asked Gilbert to make her a sword like my own.”

  Though the threat she’d worried about for years was becoming more and more of a distant memory, Clara continued to train most days. She remembered Emma admiring her sword and thought it would make the perfect gift for her friend.

  Alex tightened his hold when she shivered.

  “She’ll love it,” he said. “Though not as much as I love you.”

  Though he told her so every day, Clara would never tire of hearing it.

  “Will Gilbert engrave the Waryn motto on Emma’s sword?”

  She nodded. “I’ve made sure of it.”

  Clara looked up at the man who was now her husband, the Scot who’d learned her secret and stolen her heart, and smiled.

  “Non ducor, duco,” she said, and was about to translate when Alex responded.

  “I am not led. I lead.”

  She thought for a moment he would be serious, but should have known her husband better than that.

  “I would like to lead you inside,” he said, his hands beginning to stray.

  She pointed to the approaching riders, well beyond the gates but distinct nonetheless.

  “They’re here!”

  Alex groaned. “And we shall greet them happily. But tonight—”

  “Tonight,” she promised, “and every other night, you shall know me well. For I fear you still have a secret or two you’ve yet to reveal.”

  In answer, Alex smiled. A slow, sensual, genuine smile that confirmed she was right.

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  Also by Cecelia Mecca

  The Ward’s Bride: Prequel (Available Now)

  English knight Sir Adam Dayne, to keep peace along the border, must accept a betrothal to the Scottish Marcher warden’s beautiful daughter. Lady Cora Maxwell hates everything English. When Adam proposes a unique challenge, Cora is forced to face her greatest fears and the burgeoning desire he has awakened.

  The Thief’s Countess: Book 1 (Available Now)

  The son of a baron, Sir Geoffrey has been reduced to stealing the resources he needs to reclaim his family legacy. Lady Sara is distraction he resents. With her betrothed coming to claim her hand in marriage and a distant cousin intent on usurping her earldom, the countess feels beset by controlling, unwanted men including the reiver sent to protect her. As the threats continue to mount, Sara must decide what’s more important—her duty or her heart.

  The Lord’s Captive: Book 2 (Available Now)

  After reclaiming his brother’s inheritance, Sir Bryce is faced with an unwanted distraction—the sister of his greatest enemy. Divided loyalties pull the English knight and his Scottish captive, Lady Cora, apart even as passion ignites between the unlikely pair.

  The Chief’s Maiden: Book 3 (Available Now)

  The Scottish king gives Toren Kerr a dangerous but important mission—kill the English Warden. But when he travels to England to participate in the Tournament of the North, he’s immediately drawn to Lady Juliette Hallington. The English noblewoman longs to escape her sheltered life, but learns the very thing she wants most might consume everything she holds dear.

  Get a release notice for Book 4 coming in 2018.

  About the Author

  Cecelia Mecca is the author of medieval romance, including the Border Series, and sometimes wishes she could be transported back in time to the days of knights and castles. Although the former English teacher’s actual home is in Northeast Pennsylvania where she lives with her husband and two children, her online home can be found at She would love to hear from you.

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  Copyright © 2017 by Cecelia Mecca

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.




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