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Texas Stranger

Page 7

by Muncy, Janet

  Carl took January’s hand and she could feel the warmth flow through them as he stood looking into her silver blue eyes. “I’ve had a really nice evening.”

  “Thank you for what you did this evening,” she said shyly.

  “It was my pleasure,” he said, kissing her knuckles, tenderly. “I don’t advise you to ever do that again, and I think you should take Mary up on her offer to work for you on Monday.”

  “Well tomorrow is Sunday so I’ll think about it, I’ll see how I feel. I do appreciate your concern, but, I really can’t take time off just yet, I have a business to run, and the aerobic competition will be soon.”

  “Were you always so stubborn?” he teased.

  “Yes, I guess I was.” January smiled.

  “Did you know, your more beautiful when you smile?” he said, pulling her close.

  Not giving her a chance to answer he lowered his lips to hers, softly he kissed her. She brought her arms up around his neck unable to control the need to touch him. Holding him for just a few minutes. His kisses became more demanding as he crushed her to him.

  “Hum... you intoxicate me with your sweet smell. I better leave before I haven’t the strength,” he said, pushing her from him. He kissed her on the nose then headed for the door. Turning once to wink as he closed the door behind him.

  Chapter 12

  Sunday was uneventful, January just relaxed and did some house hold chores. She made some needed phone calls to her brothers and mom and dad, catching up on family news. On Monday feeling amazingly refreshed, sitting on the edge of the bed, January stretched luxuriously. It had been a long time since she’d had such a restful sleep. She went into the bathroom and turned on the hot water. Showering quickly and dressing she hurried out to the car.

  The traffic wasn’t near as bad this morning when she left as it usually was. Singing to the tunes on the radio, she wondered if the reason she was so cheerful was the fact that she would be seeing Carl again, for she was sure he felt the same about her. Mary’s car was parked at the club when she arrived. Unlocking the door she let herself into the reception area. Mary was at her desk talking to someone on the phone. A few minutes later she hung up obviously upset by something.

  “Is something wrong?” January asked, frowning at her.

  “No, not really, I guess, I’m being a little foolish.” Mary said, forcing a smile.

  “About what?”

  “BJ and I had a date tonight, and he called to cancel it. It seems Carl, BJ and Kathy are going to Dallas for a few day’s and won’t be back before Thursday.”

  “BJ has gone out of town before.” January said, moving some paper work around on her desk.

  “Yes, but never with Kathy, at least that I know of. Oh don’t get me wrong I’m not jealous of Kathy, it’s just I know Kathy and her friends. She is always trying to get BJ to take out one of her friends, she even does it in front of me. She is so irritating. Besides I kind of had plans for us on my day’s off this week, now their squashed.”

  “Do you know why they are going to Dallas?” January asked, a little annoyed at the fact that Carl would be spending time with Kathy as well.

  “They had problems with the thoroughbreds that were supposed to come in at the end of the week. Kathy went along for the ride so to speak.” Mary said rolling her eyes.

  “I’m sorry Mary, I wish there was something I could do for you.” January patted her shoulder. She had not realized how much Mary had fallen for BJ until that very moment. The hurt in her eyes told all.

  The rest of the day went slowly as her mind kept wondering back to the fact that Carl was spending the week with Kathy in Dallas. Her nerves were jumpy as she snapped at her employees for little of nothing. Mary only worked a half of the day, her depression was getting to everyone and she was finally sent home. Tonya would be here later long with Shaun the night manager. Tonya had just walked through the door when the phone rang, and she picked it up.

  “January it’s for you, Kevin I think.” Tonya said.


  “Hi this is Kevin, I thought I’d call and ask you to have dinner with me tonight. I know it’s short notice, but if you’re not busy, I’d love your company.”

  “Sure why not,” she said. Besides why stay home when Carl was with Kathy.

  “How about eight ?” Kevin asked. “Dress casually, we’re going to a Mexican restaurant and maybe kicker dancing later.”

  “Sounds fun to me, see you at eight.” January said, hanging up the phone.

  The Mexican restaurant was full when they arrived. So heading for the bar area, they ordered a drink until their table was available. The conversation consisted of dancing, golf and a mixture of sports. Kevin was easy to talk to. As they laughed and enjoyed each others’ company. After dinner, Kevin suggested a dance club just a few blocks away, so they headed out.

  The building was made to look like an old western town, from the outside. On the inside there were people dressed in old western style clothes and the walls were covered in scene’s from the olden days. The dance floor was packed with people, dancing and laughing. It was next to impossible to find a table to sit down. But Kevin was very persuasive with one of the waitresses, and before long they had a good view of the dance floor. Kevin was a good dancer, and since January danced most of her life, dancing with someone that knew how was enjoyable.

  January tried to enjoy herself although her most dominate thought’s were of Carl and Kathy in Dallas. And she wondered if Carl was holding Kathy close on a crowded dance floor somewhere. Shaking her head slightly, she tried to pay attention to what Kevin was saying.

  “Is there something bothering you January?”

  “No, of course not, what gave you that idea?”

  “You’ve been kind of to your own thoughts to night I thought maybe something was bothering you.”

  “No, not at all,” she lied. “But it is getting late and I think maybe you should take me home now.”

  “Okay, I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy yourself tonight.”

  “Really Kevin I did enjoy myself. I just have a lot on my mind lately, by the way when are you going to get me those figures for the club?” She asked wanting to change the subject.

  “I’ll have the plans for you by the end of the week, I hope that is soon enough. I’ve kind of been busy myself lately.”

  “I understand, it’s just I’d like to get started as soon as possible, so we can get it over with before the holidays.” January smiled.

  “There will be plenty of time for that, are you ready?”

  The next couple of days, January would jump every time the phone would ring. She knew it was because Carl would be coming back from Dallas and she hoped he would call her.

  She was just starting her aerobic classes when Tonya came hurrying into the aerobic room. “January, Carl Richards is here.” Tonya said, a little out of breath.

  “Thanks Tonya, take him into my office I’ll be there in a minute.”

  “He’s already there, I’ll take over for you.” Tonya said, moving toward the stereo.

  By the time she entered the office Carl had laid the plans of the new addition on her desk.

  “Hi Carl, I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.” She said, turning to look at the plans. “I thought Kevin would be bringing these by.”

  Carl straightened his shoulders, making himself seem even taller. “Are you disappointed?” He asked, in a defensive manor.

  “Of course not, it’s just he was the one who took the measurements. I thought...”

  “I want to know just what your thoughts are January, are you seeing Kevin?” He interrupted her, taking her totally by surprise.

  “What are you asking Carl?”

  The look on his face was between hate and kill, she wasn’t sure which. But she felt she needed to get out of the small room. She seemed to suddenly become suffocating as she started to edge past him. Catching her arm and pulling her close to him she could feel his breath on her face.

  “Don’t play games with me, Miss. Manson. Just what is your game? Just what do you have in mind? Are you trying to make all men fall in love with you or what?” he said holding her so close she couldn’t think straight.

  “You’ve got your nerve!” she accused him. “You may not realize this Mr. Richards, but I am not just a little girl. I make my own decisions, I also assure you my thoughts on the subject what ever that is, is none of your business. So I’ll thank you to let go of me this instant and stay out of my personal business.” She said, jerking away from him, and falling back against the desk. He then stepped closer to her pinning her to the desk. His lips and the aroma, of his cologne was intoxicating. Her breath was becoming unsteady and the rise and fall of her breast seemed to be playing games with the hardness of his chest. He touched her lips softly at first and then hard and demanding. She tried to free herself from his embrace but her strength was no match to his. She felt the fire in her body burn, from his kiss. She was losing all fight. This man had powers over her and she didn’t like it. Her let her go roughly.

  “Do what you want with those plans.” Slamming the door he was gone.

  She kicked at the wall and cursed a couple of times before trying to calm herself down. He was so aggravating. One minute he acted like he wanted her the next minute he was spending time with Kathy. And the next he seemed jealous of Kevin.

  Tired and confused, she left the club early. A nice warm bath and a good book was all she wanted. The phone was ringing when she entered the apartment, and Kevin greeted her with a cheerful hello.

  “Hi Kevin, what can I do for you?” She asked, not really wanting to talk to him.

  “How about dinner tonight, you know you did promise me, I tried to catch you before you left the club, but Tonya said you left early. You won’t disappoint me now will you?”

  She didn’t remember promising him anything, but thought if she did then just maybe she needed to get out and enjoy herself. For Kevin was a lot of fun, despite the fact Carl wouldn’t approve. But for the life of her, she didn’t know why.

  “Only on one condition, only dinner no dancing. I want to make an early night of it. I’ve got a lot of things to do in the morning early.”

  Kevin picked her up, and they headed out to the small steak house, for a quick meal. The dinner was fabulous, and so was the conversation. Kevin seemed to talk more about Carl and the fact that he was trying to get a big deal of some kind in Dallas. But January didn’t want to hear about the Richards and tried to change the subject several times.

  “Kevin, I thought you were going to bring the plans to me today and instead Carl brought them by.”

  “Sorry I hope that was okay, I had some other things to do, and he said he was going by there anyway. I asked him if he would drop them off. Did you have a chance to look over them, or did Carl hurry you through them?”

  “I really haven’t had a chance to look them over, I am not sure what I’m looking at and I guess Carl was per-occupied himself.”

  “Well speak of the devil, there’s Carl and Kathy now.” Kevin said, standing up to greet them.

  “So, if I would have known you were going to be in Houston, I would have invited you to join us. Kathy have you met January?” Kevin asked.

  “No, I don’t believe I have.” Kathy smiled, not really interested.

  “January owns the Fitness Center out on I-45.” Kevin said, putting his arm around January’s shoulders.

  January was uneasy with Kevin’s gesture and avoided looking at Carl.

  “By the way Kevin, have you heard about the wedding?” Kathy smiled sweetly.

  “No, I haven’t.” he said in surprised. “When is it?”

  “In about two month’s,” Kathy stated. Hugging Carl’s arm tighter. “We’ll send out invitations.”

  “Boy, don’t waste time,” Kevin laughed.

  January quickly glanced up Carl. Somehow she wasn’t sure how excited he was or he seemed to be far away in his own thoughts, staring back at her. His face was set firm in a frown. His eyes taking on an even darker appearance as Kevin again wrapped his arm around January’s waist. Kevin and Kathy said their goodbyes, and he shook Carl’s hand. But she could only smile as Kevin lead her past the two.

  If Carl and Kathy were going to be married, what was it to her anyway. Maybe that was the best thing that could happen to her. Now maybe she could get on with her life, such as it was.

  Kevin made light conversation on the way home about the wedding, being the big event of the year. But January had her own thoughts about the event, and they weren’t something she was able to talk about out loud.

  The next day wasn’t quite what she expected. Mary had taken the day off. Carrie the part time girl was out of town and Sarah the sub-instructor pulled a hamstring and couldn’t do any classes. Tonya had to be called in, and Shaun was an hour late. Kevin called and invited her to dinner again but she had to refuse. It was ten before she was able to leave the club. She had just walked into her apartment when she heard the phone ringing. She almost didn’t pick it up, but thought better of it. Mary was on the other end.

  “Hi girly, I’m glad I caught you before you went to bed. We’ve set the date for the wedding, and we are going to have it out at the ranch. Mrs. Richards wants the wedding party to stay at the ranch that week-end. What do you think can you make arrangements?”

  “Make arrangements for what?” January laughed.

  “To stay out at the ranch?”

  “Why would I want to do that?”

  “Because silly, you’re going to be my maid of honor! OMG! Did I not ask you?”

  “Mary you have got to be the most confusing person I know at this time.”

  “January, please oh please be my maid of honor. BJ and I are getting married on October the twenty-fifth, that is two weeks after the aerobic competition.”

  “Well I guess since you asked me so nicely, how could I refuse.” January laughed.

  “So when is Carl and Kathy getting married?” January asked and then wished she hadn’t.

  “What? What are you talking about? Their not getting married. I can’t imagine them ever getting married.” Mary laughed. “Where did you hear that?”

  “Kathy herself, I guess she was talking about them, she was making me think it was them anyway.” January sat down on the sofa.

  “That is news to me, but I’ll find out, because it better not upstage my wedding or we will have words. Anyway take the day off tomorrow, I know you worked really hard today, Tonya called and told me about the mess. Anyway relax tomorrow.”

  “Great, to be able to sleep in is going to be just what I need.” January agreed.

  “Well, there is a method to my madness, I want to take a few day’s off and get the wedding together. And then of course the honeymoon,” She quietly replied.

  “Wonderful, I guess you’ll need some time, yea, okay, go for it.” January teased her.

  January went into the bed room and was getting ready for bed when she realized what she had just agreed to. There was no possible way she was going to spend the entire week-end at the Richards. She wouldn’t be able to avoid Carl, no matter how hard she tried. She had to think of something fast to get out of it.

  It was late before she finally climbed under the covers. But she fell fast asleep. Or at least she thought so, but the ringing of the phone woke her up again.

  “Are you awake?” Carl’s voice vibrated the phone.

  “No, I’m not, why are you calling me at this hour?”

  “Well, wake up and get dressed, I’ll be over to pick you up in about fifteen minutes.”

  “What on earth for? I was having such a nice sleep for a change.”

  “Just do as I say, fifteen minutes.” He repeated hanging up the phone.

  “What is the matter with that man? Why can’t he ever do anything normal? What does he have to come over here for to see me that he couldn’t say over the phone?”

  January got up and dressed in a pull
over white sweater and a pair of jeans. She certainly didn’t want him to see her dressed in her night gown. She also applied a small amount of blush and combed her hair.

  Fifteen minutes to the second, he was ringing the door bell. She opened the door, and he stood looking at her up and down as though he was expecting to see more. He on the other hand looked as though he had been up for days. The growth on his chin stated that fact loud and clear.

  “What is this all about?” She asked as he entered her apartment.

  “Sit down, and I’ll tell you,” he ordered her.

  “Carl, for crying out loud just tell me what this is all about.”

  He gently took her hand and lead her to the chair, putting his hands on her shoulders, and pushing her softly into the cushion. He turned and walked a few feet away, as she waited for him to speak, which seemed like forever.

  “Kevin has been in a car accident.”

  “Oh my gosh!” January jumped from her chair. “Is he...” She couldn’t say the words.

  “No, but he is very badly hurt, they need to run more test to see if he’ll ever walk again. If you want to go to the hospital I’ll drive you?”

  Not knowing what else to do, she moved across the room and gathered her purse. As he leads her to the door, he stopped. “Are you alright?”

  “Yes, of course, Is he conscious?”

  “He wasn’t when I left the hospital, I am not sure about now. But he has been heavily sedated.”

  They arrived at the hospital and Carl lead the way to the room that was holding Kevin. He was heavily sedated, and there were tubs and machines everywhere. It was awful seeing Kevin lay there so helpless. January stared at him, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “I’m sure every thing will be okay once Kevin regains consciousness.” She heard Carl say as he leads her out into the hall. “In the mean time, I want you to encourage him in any way you can. If he doesn’t come through his I’ll hold you personally responsible.”

  January couldn’t believe her ears. Through tear strained eyes, she looked at Carl in shock.

  “What are you talking about, why should I be held responsible?”


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