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by Desiree Broussard

  Taken: The Vampire's Concubine

  Christmas on Legionnaire

  Part Six

  By Desiree Broussard

  Copyright Notice:

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events listed in this book are products of the author's imagination, or used fictitiously.

  Taken: The Vampire's Concubine - Part Five

  All Rights Reserved

  © 2014 Desiree Broussard

  No parts of this book may be used, scanned, duplicated, copied, or reproduced without written permission from the author, with the exception of small quotations used in reviews or articles.

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  Chapter 1

  December 2051

  “Dammit, Keely,” Kosmas said with a groan, flinging himself away from her to his back, on the bed next to her. “You're like a drug for vampires.” His hand skimmed along her curves before tugging her to his hard body. “I can't ever get enough.”

  Keely grinned as she snuggled up to him on her side, her face resting on his chest. Kosmas pulled the comforter over her before wrapping his arm around her blossoming stomach. He always treated her so thoughtfully, but many times she wondered if it were only due to her pregnancy. She hoped not. A girl could get used to his kind of nurturing.

  “Sure you will,” she retorted, her eyes closed from the pleasure of his embrace. Kosmas had just made wild passionate love to her, and she was still reeling from it. “It's only a matter of time. My stomach is growing by the day. Pretty soon, I'll be too big, and you'll wonder why you were ever attracted to me in the first place.”

  “Bullshit,” he growled, his hand moving in slow circles to gently rub the mound underneath the comforter. “You've got me all wrong. Watching you swell with my child is extremely erotic. It's a constant reminder of how much I enjoyed getting you pregnant. Knowing that you're so fertile makes my shaft ache. I warn you now... I foresee many, many children in our future.”

  Keely giggled. “Do you now? So you're going to keep me the vampire version of barefoot and pregnant?” Surprisingly, she didn't find the idea unappealing.

  Kosmas scowled at her words. “No, I have no intentions of keeping you barefoot. No mate of mine will ever go without, especially since I'm rich enough to supply you with thousands of pairs of shoes. Are you worried about whether or not I can provide for you?” His swarthy face had hardened into a mask, his deep sense of pride stung at her words.

  Clearly, he wasn't familiar with that saying. Keely chuckled as she shook her head. “It's just a human figure of speech. Barefoot and pregnant refers to a female whose life revolves around anticipating her husband's every want or need and providing him with as many children as she can.” Or that he wanted, but she didn't add that on.

  At her explanation, Kosmas perked up. He stared down at her with a mischievous gleam in his dark eyes. “Oh, really?” he mused out loud. “I believe I like the sounds of that.”

  She reached for a small pillow to whack him. “That's too bad,” she said in mock exasperation, shaking her head. “I'm not offering.”

  He laughed in response before pulling her close again. “I'm just teasing you, my love,” he reassured her, his voice thick with amusement. “I'm completely satisfied with you just as you are. I can only hope you're as happy with me as I am with you.”

  Keely softened against him, her heart overflowing with love. “That's an understatement,” she replied, enjoying the feel of his warm body pressed against hers. She fell silent for a moment before adding, “I don't just feel joy, it's something much stronger than that. It's like everyday I wake up, and I'm just filled with this ecstatic kind of happiness about my life. I feel alive in a way I've never felt before. It almost seems like a sin for someone to be as happy as I am, Kosmas. What I have with you is special. I could have never had this with anyone else. You're not just my mate, you're my soul mate, and I'm just thankful to have you in my life.”

  She stopped, wondering if she sounded corny. Although he was hers, he was also a male vampire, and most males weren't known for their emotional side. And although they'd been mates for months, not to mention she was carrying his heir, Keely still had her moments of insecurity. Kosmas was everything she ever could have wished for in a mate and more. But she hadn't come to him whole. Instead, she was a woman that had seen the very worst in life, and it had left its mark on her. Both good and bad. It made her appreciate what she had with him more than the average person would have, but it also made her fear losing him. A lot. She'd knew what life felt like without him in it... and it sucked. Keely sighed. Her pregnancy hormones were driving her batty.

  As if he could sense her thoughts, he tilted her face up to meet his eyes. “It's the exact same for me, Keely,” he gently reassured her, his eyes warm as they moved across her face. He looked relaxed, happy, and satiated, a look he wore well. “Never doubt that. There could never be another woman for me, not now. As long as we live, I'll adore you, and the child that you are carrying. You're a part of me, a piece that I can't live without. We're going to have a wonderful life together... I promise you this.”

  His words were the exact reassurance she needed. Kosmas pressed a quick kiss to her mouth as they held each other, their bodies intertwined. Several moments passed, the silence easy and relaxed. “Do you really think the guards can get the amphitheater converted in time?” Keely asked him, her thoughts on the upcoming Christmas celebration. It would be the first one held on Legionnaire, and she highly anticipated it.

  Kosmas chuckled, his chest vibrating with his amusement. “Of course,” he replied, “even if they do spend their time bitching and moaning about the extra work. It's good training for them. It will help build their muscles.”

  Keely rolled her eyes at his words, but she didn't dwell on them. Christmas had always been her favorite holiday, although the conditions on Earth had left little cause for celebration. There was something magical about the holidays, something she hoped she could recreate for the vampires on Legionnaire. It was a time of peace, love, and joy, a time to just feel blessed. It had been years since she'd really had a true Christmas, and it was a tradition she hoped the vampires would grow to appreciate and continue. The thought of life without Christmas just left her feeling bleak.

  “Thanks for supporting me on this,” she finally said, rolling over so her back was pressed to his front. Now that her pregnancy was advancing, she only felt comfortable on her sides. She sighed with pleasure as he fitted her to him, wrapping his arms around her once again. “It means a lot to me. Even when my parents were still alive, we had to eventually stop celebrating the holidays. I mean, how could we have continued? It was impossible when there wasn't any money, food, or even a tree.”

  “Never again,” he vowed, from behind her, his breath teasing her ear. “If it makes you happy, we'll do this every year. Besides, I like having the opportunity to buy you gifts. I find this tradition of being able to purchase anything I want quite intriguing.”

  Keely groaned immediately as she wondered what kind of gifts his inventive mind had come up with. “I'm almost scared to ask,” she somewhat teased him.

  “Good, because I wouldn't tell you anyhow,” he whispered in her ear, his voice smug. “So stop trying to wiggle it out of me.”

  “As if I was,” she muttered, but she couldn't help but smile. After all, hadn't she been the one to tell him that their gifts had to remain secret until Christmas? It wasn't his fault that she was dying to know what he'd bought. Keely decided to quit while she was still ahead. The
holiday spirit was definitely upon her, and it felt good.


  Kosmas settled against her, a silly grin on his lips. He couldn't recall ever being happier in his life. When his mate had told him about Christmas, he had jumped all over it. It was rare that Keely ever wanted anything for herself. She was selfless, a woman that was beautiful both inside and out. If she wanted a celebration, he would provide one. It was that simple.

  Keely had explained what Christmas was all about. To his surprise, her excitement was contagious. He now anticipated it as much as she did, and he believed that the other vampires would too. Eventually.

  All of Golden Harbor would join them for a holiday-themed ball and celebration. In order to accommodate the residents, he'd decided to host it at the amphitheater, which was why his men were currently complaining. He'd set quite a monumental task upon their shoulders with little warning, but Kosmas had no doubt that they wouldn't fail him.

  He couldn't deny their bitching was quite amusing. Not only had he requested that they install wooden platforms over the sandy, rocky ground, but he'd also requested that they set up the largest Scotch pine tree that they could find. He'd even went so far to sketch out his plans, not wanting to leave any stoned unturned. His orders were quite detailed, as he wanted it to be perfect for his mate. Magical. It hadn't escaped his notice how Keely used the word several times when she'd described her past holidays. He was determined to give her everything she wanted and more.

  They were combining the Christmas celebration with the next concubine market. Keely had suggested it, and Kosmas had seen the wisdom of her words. The vampires would be happy over the new matings, and participating in a mortal tradition would likely ease the fears of the human females. He wanted to make the transition as smooth as possible for their newest arrivals. Kosmas knew better than anyone how needed they were.

  The space plane would arrive within the hour. Not only would it contain the concubines, but it would contain everything Kosmas needed to make her Christmas complete. He restrained his chuckle of glee as he thought back to the reactions of his men when he'd handed them his list. Their bitching had been loud and long as they'd perused its contents out loud. Most of them hadn't had a clue when they'd come to several of the items, such as light sets, Santa suits, and mistletoe, but that was okay. He was just as confused as they were, but they didn't need to know that. Kosmas expected them to improvise and get him what he needed on their trip.

  It was the day before Christmas Eve, and he knew there wasn't much time to finalize their preparations. Would she be pleased with the final result? Kosmas hoped so. There was much work left ahead of him, but he didn't want Keely to know it. He wanted to surprise her with the transformation.

  But Kosmas did have one surprise that he needed to share with her. “Zander will be returning to Golden Harbor,” he informed Keely, his hands sliding up to cup her breasts. They were swollen from pregnancy, her nipples even more sensitive than they generally were. Kosmas loved suckling them, and he couldn't wait until the day her milk came in. The thought of tasting it was strangely erotic. “But not for good. I've invited him to the celebration, and he's bringing some of his council members with him. Things have been tense in Diabolos since he took over leadership, and I am hoping that some of this Christmas magic will rub off on them. Thankfully, the majority of the people there don't seem to share Laryn's crueler nature, but we are still not where we need to be with them. They are resistant to joining with us, but they have little choice. It has already been decided. We just need to help them accept it.”

  “Is he... well?” Keely asked hesitantly, her voice low. Even though Kosmas no longer felt any jealousy over her concern for Zander, he didn't like the plaintive tone of her voice. She still felt guilt over hurting the other man, although he deemed it unnecessary. The past was done. The best man, at least for her, had won.

  “Of course he is. Why wouldn't he be?” Kosmas retorted lightly, but it wasn't completely true. From all accounts, Zander had changed. Although Kosmas hadn't personally seen him since he'd left, his advisers were full of information. They said Zander ruled Diabolos with a firm hand, which didn't worry Kosmas, but the other details did. Zander was reported to be cold and bitter, his harshness negatively impacting his position. He needed to be firm, it was essential to establish control of their new territory, but he didn't need to alienate the Seiyadians, which he was clearly doing. Something had to be done before Zander destroyed his carefully laid plans. Kosmas grimaced. Had he made a mistake in placing Zander over Diabolos? Zander had changed, and it wasn't for the better. From the reports, the other man was completely unlike the guard he'd once known.

  Kosmas lightly stroked Keely's hair, silently marveling at the softness underneath his palm. Could losing her have altered the other male that much? With the pleasure of her warm body pressed so invitingly against his, Kosmas already knew the answer. Had Keely chosen Zander, Kosmas doubted he would have ever recovered from her loss. There was something about her that got into a man's blood, driving him to stop at nothing to possess her. There hadn't been much that Kosmas wouldn't have done to keep her. Lucky for him, it had worked. His hardened shaft pressed against the cleft of her buttocks, wishing he had the time to demonstrate once again how grateful he was that she was his.

  He had no intentions of worrying his breeding mate, though. Zander was a grown vampire, hundreds of years old. He didn't need the pregnant mate of another male worrying over him. Kosmas wouldn't tolerate it. Whatever issues Zander still had, he just had to work them out on his own.

  His hand slid down to her stomach again, caressing the roundness that cocooned his son or daughter so well. He never tired of touching Keely, and he never would. As she sighed in pleasure at his caress, Kosmas thought of the upcoming celebration. He had another motive for inviting Zander back, and it wasn't just due to the holiday.

  It was because of the concubine market. Despite his protests, Kosmas still felt bad for the man. There was only one solution to both of their problems, and it involved mating Zander. His advisers were thorough in their reports, and Kosmas knew the other vampire hadn't taken a woman since Keely. It didn't bode well. As a male vampire in his prime, he needed release. If he wouldn't take it from the whores, he needed to mate, and Kosmas was going to do all he could to facilitate that, even if he had to force the issue. Once Zander felt the same bliss that he did, all would be right. For both of them. For all three of them.

  Keely wiggled, tearing his thoughts away from Zander with a twist of her full, delectable ass. Kosmas groaned in reaction, partially from lust but mostly from the knowledge that he didn't have time to take her again. “Tease,” he accused her in an aroused voice, his hands locking onto her hips to hold her in place against his turgid flesh. “As much as I'd like to take you again, we both know I have to oversee the unloading of the space plane.” He didn't sound very enthused, and he felt even less.

  But as leader of Golden Harbor, it was his place to be there. As Keely's mate, it was essential that he be there. His list had been quite extensive, and he wanted to make sure his guards had collected everything he needed... especially when it came to the mistletoe. After hearing of its use, he planned on hanging it everywhere.

  “That's okay,” Keely replied, shooting him a coy look over her shoulder, one guaranteed to make him sizzle with lust. After mating her, Kosmas had quickly learned that she had a few weapons of her own. With just one glance, she could arouse him beyond belief, rendering him incapable of thought until he possessed her curvaceous body. And the little minx knew it.

  She pulled herself up into a seated position as she let the comforter drop beneath her full breasts. Kosmas watched with a slack jaw, enjoying the show. Keely then stretched, the action forcing her breasts to pop out. Her hardened nipples just begged to be suckled. Kosmas clenched the comforter in his hands.

  “I think I'll take a bath while you're gone,” she informed him, a mysterious little smile playing about her plump lips. “A lon
g soak. I'll be mighty lonesome in that big tub all by myself, but I'll just have to make do, I suppose. I've been wanting to try out that hand held shower head you had installed. Surely one of those jets can relieve this tension that I'm suddenly experiencing.”

  Her voice had dropped with each sentence, her words husky and seductive. Kosmas' swollen shaft twitched, his imagination kicking into overdrive as he pictured her directing the shower head over every inch of her body. Would she linger between her legs, in the area he adored so much? As erotic as the thought was, he quickly found himself growing jealous. He refused to allow her to orgasm without his participation, he wasn't selfless enough to ever deny himself that kind of pleasure.

  “Oh. Hell. No,” he growled out, leaning forward to swirl his tongue around one taut nub. “I order you to wait until I return. I'll bathe you then, and I promise you, by the time I'm done you'll feel boneless.”

  Kosmas anticipated taking her as much as he had in the beginning. Time hadn't dimmed his lust. With Keely, everything still felt fresh and new. His body still thrummed with the thrill of the chase, his shaft still hardened by the thought of her curves. He would never give up trying to win her, a day would never pass them by that he wasn't as flirtatious and bossy as he'd been from the beginning. It was his way of showing he cared. He was obsessed with his mate, and he wasn't too proud to admit it. To himself, at least.

  “Well, since you say it so temptingly...”

  Keely's words were cut off with a gasp, as she suddenly pressed her hand against her stomach, her face pale. Kosmas immediately leaped up on his knees, his own hand reaching out to her stomach. Leaning forward, he hissed, “What is it, Keely? Is it the baby?”

  His body filled with cold terror at the thought. There were no words to describe just how much he wanted his son or daughter, and everything that her pregnancy represented. Kosmas couldn't bear the thought of their happiness being ripped away from them, he couldn't take the thought of losing that tiny fetus growing within her. Nothing in his life had ever prepared him for the horror that engulfed him. Kosmas would rather face a horde of the biggest, deadliest vampires in existence than see the worried expression across his mate's face.


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