Crimson Knight (Crimson Series Book 0)

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Crimson Knight (Crimson Series Book 0) Page 5

by K. L. O Johnson

  I nodded, “I understand, Professor.”

  I packed my things and left, wandering hastily to the female dorms. There was no one in sight other than the two female security guards. As usual, I signed in, starting a conversation with the guards, regarding how unfair Professor Tulum was and headed to my room, soon after. The sight of my bed was welcoming and I wandered into the shower chamber downstairs and turned on the shower, the warm beads lightly trickled along my skin and that was the same instance, I heard something grind along the ground.

  I moved towards the sound but hesitated and stopped altogether, once I noted my bare skin. The thought of it annoyed me. It reminded me of those horror movies, the ones where the chick died naked in the shower. I really hoped it was only in the movies. I grasped my towel from the hook and wrapped it around myself. My feet felt cool in the puddle of water. Drip, drip, drip. The shower head opposite me leaked and that only made the place all the eerier.

  I sucked up my fear and began to gait towards the door—hesitantly. With one problem at the forefront of my mind, there was only one way to and from, the shower chamber. And only one way to exit and enter the showers. I passed the many cubicles lined up on either side of me, careful for the unexpected and careful not to slip. Falling would only make whoever’s in here job’s a lot easier. If I had a weapon of some sort I would feel prepared, maybe even a katana. I mean what was the whole point of learning how to fight and use a weapon when there was no real chance for you to actually, use it. I felt utterly annoyed at how vulnerable I was and absolutely stupid that I decided to take a shower alone. Why did I turn Bella down? I ruefully, wondered.

  Each step I took, seemed to go on forever. It dauntingly progressed slowly as I felt on the verge of insanity. Could I be only just hearing things? Could I only just be feeling things that weren’t there? I didn’t wait to find out. I sped walked down the dull gray tiled shower floor and into the change room. Picking up my bag, I looped it over my shoulder and slipped out of the shower chamber. I passed many other females in towels and didn’t feel uncomfortable at all—the best part was they didn’t judge whether I was slender and short or not, or if my hair was plastered down my back with suds still threaded through it.

  I changed into a fresh set of clothes when I returned to my room, using the adjacent bathroom to remove the suds in my hair and wandered down the hall in search of someone to check the bathroom—anyone who was able. I hopped down the stairs two steps at a time and before I knew it was already winding my way back to the entrance of the female dorms. I stopped before a counter and saw two female security guards look up at me. One guard’s name was Helga and the other, Veronika. “Hey Cecelia . . . what brings you here?” asked Helga. I smiled.

  “A problem.” I said. Veronika regarded me and turned to Helga.

  “What problem may that be?” she asked and I stared at her for a moment. I glanced at her with a serious face and the smile she wore immediately dropped. “Is it that bad?”

  “I’m not sure exactly . . .” I admitted, “but I think someone was in the girls’ shower chamber.” Immediately, they stood with angry looks on their faces. “I can’t be sure but I just had a strange feeling.” I added quickly and the two chuckled.

  “It’s okay,” she said, “People often feel nervous when they don’t trust someone and that’s a feeling. Sometimes those feelings are what keep people like you out of harm’s way.” They stood up from their seats—their faces grave. The two stepped out from behind their booth and asked me to lead the way as I explained the odd sensation. Even now thinking about whomever perverted person was potentially there; made me sick and queasy with fear. No one was in sight as we wandered down the winding corridors.

  The general noise of shuffling feet and talking began to drown out; this instantly put me on high alert. The only thing that kept me from turning around and running back to Bella, were these two guards I was sure I saw a male guard earlier but didn’t exactly know where he went. We entered the shower chamber and I unexpectedly shuddered. “You okay?” question Veronika and I nodded. “Alright were going to keep moving.” They walked on ahead and I followed after. The air around me felt thin and I suddenly felt light headed—there was this banging feeling within the inner part of my brain—I couldn’t begin to understand what was happening to me and why everything seemed to be affecting me in the most incongruous manner.

  I stopped and rested against the far end wall. Pressing my hand lightly against the tiled wall for support. As I felt my legs would give way. The air felt cold and I was scared because I knew what was yet to come. “I’m quite thirsty my dear . . .” the voice came again, this time there was a hammering pain at the forefront of my skull. “I’m very thirsty my dear . . .” it came again and this time my legs gave way. It suddenly became hard to breathe as I slid to the ground. I had no idea what was happening to me and I was afraid no one could help me. Then as quick as it came, there were flashes of snow and blood splatters, cries and screams of pain and like that—it disappeared. I found myself staring at the puddle of water before me.

  The air felt thin and there I watched what watched me in return from the shadows of the cubical—the reflection of the water was not a man nor was it a woman—it wasn’t even human as it was chalky pale with blood red eyes. The sound of the guard’s footsteps returned to my ears and so did the sound of my name. “Cecelia?” I looked up to see Helga’s brown eyes regard me with confusion and concern. I smiled.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t catch what you said,” I confessed and moved to stand. My legs felt slightly damp from the condensation that stuck to the walls and floors of the tiles.

  “Are you alright?” she asked this time more slowly. I smiled.

  “I’m fine. I just suddenly felt tired,” I lied. I never did like to lie but I really didn’t want to worry them at the same time. I could be forgiven for that right? I was not exactly sure what I will and will not be forgiven for but what I saw made my arms prickle in fear as I was certain that goose bumps ran along every visible part of my limbs.

  “Maybe we should take you to see the school doctor?” said Helga.

  “No! That’s not necessary, I was fine really . . .” I tried to convince Helga who viewed me with suspicion and hesitation.

  “Alright, if you say so,” she commented, “anyway we found nothing.” I suddenly felt guilty. I hung my head in shame and stared at the droplets of water on the tiled floor.

  “Sorry about wasting your time,” I said.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Helga’s blood red lips pulled themselves into a smile that would comfort even a very small child. “It’s better to be cautious than sorry,” she said as she tucked her large flashlight into her utility belt. Veronika did the same as she strode towards us, she glanced once more over her shoulder before turning back to us.

  “It could have been an animal . . .” suggested Veronika but I knew she doubted her words as much as I did. I didn’t say anything and neither did Helga instead; we left the shower chamber while Veronika and Helga discussed potential sightings for my reaction. But I didn’t hear them as I couldn’t undermine this incident it was too coincidental. But regardless, it still made me question my sanity.

  I mean these things didn’t normally happen to just anyone right? And if it did—was it safer for these things to happen. I was unsure as I’ve ever been. Normally, I would’ve known what to do because I had my parents around but now, I didn’t. I was well aware; I was playing with a fire that I couldn’t exactly extinguish let alone see—only painfully feel. That very same fire, was causing me more and more damage by the minute, so I knew I had to act fast.

  I returned back to my room; Helga and Veronika said they would search the grounds tomorrow during the day—making sure there was no sign of a break-in. I felt safer but not enough as I felt my mind drift back to my parents and I wondered if I would ever see them again and if they wouldn’t mind if I went home early—the school term was almost over and I was certain they wouldn�
�t mind but I might need to make a phone call home; for permission. The joys of being a teen. I sarcastically thought as I reflected back of Anya, her in her blooming twenties she was free to do as she pleased—she legally didn’t have to answer to anyone.

  The filter of the morning light entered the room, I turned on my side, watching Bella’s chest rise and fall as she slept. My mind filled with questions and above all fear. A fear I was unsure where it had originated from and if I could consider myself safe at all. That voice I seemed to hear out of nowhere has caused me to feel more and more insecure each time it passed. It made me feel as someone—somewhere was out for my blood.

  I tucked the sheets under my chin and pulled my legs up so that I laid curled into a foetal position. For some reason, I felt not exactly safe and afraid. I was afraid of what was behind those words—what was behind that voice. I knew that even if I was bolted behind a fifty feet steel wall, I wouldn’t be safe. I didn’t remember dosing off but when I woke, Bella stood above me gently nudging me awake as if I were a delicate child. Her eyes were filled with worry. “Hey . . . Cecelia . . . are you okay?” she questioned and I felt a little disorientated, a little unsure of what I heard. “Cecelia?”

  “Yeah?” I asked as my head felt thick and heavy.

  “Are you okay? You were crying,” she declared and I noticed the dampness of my cheeks and the sticky sensation around my eyes that often occurred when you cried yourself to sleep. I probably looked like a mess and I wasn’t going to deny it though, I would just have to make sure I looked fresh for tonight’s class. I told Bella I was fine and hoped out of bed picking up my towel, toiletry bag, my uniform, and shoes. I gingerly picked up my dirty socks from yesterday as well not caring they were dirty and wandered out the door without another word to Bella. I headed down the stairs ignoring the gazes that followed. I didn’t hear much movement and figured that not everyone was up yet. Bella, as usual, was an early riser.

  The walk to the shower chamber seemed to be slow and daunting as I reflected on what happened yesterday, I kept questioning whether I was sane or not and whether I had felt what I had. Even though I tried to push it aside as jitters for showering alone. Deep down, I didn’t seem to buy whatever my intellectual side was telling me—my empathetic side seemed to win. I reluctantly made it to the dressing room that was linked to the shower chamber. Pushing open the blurred glass door. I ambled towards the far bench of the dressing room and changed before heading into my preferred shower cubical.


  “Can anyone, please name the proteins commonly associated with communication?” Professor Mullan questioned, her gaze lingering over the class. My biology teacher critically eyed us behind the glasses on her face, which were pointed upon her youthful expression. I didn’t seem to hear what else was said but I did do my readings the previous night and with Bella’s tutoring along with those lectured videos our teachers put up for people who missed class. I figured I could afford to just daydream not that my mind could help it, so much had happened and I was starting to question whether I was really safe or not—better yet I was questioning who to tell.

  Before I knew it, period one and two ended. Leaving me, sitting at the cafeteria table with the Faction members wondering how quickly time flew by. Apparently because of my test scores and average results. I already had a position in the Faction followed by a few new members; Allan and Delilah, those two were shy at first but managed to open up.

  I sat beside Bella and the new girl Delilah, she was a sweet girl with very attractive features as expected. Her blond curly hair sat around her back while her bright warm brown eyes looked alacritous to learn—she too had the pale skin that mostly resembled all of Russians. Allan had the similar striking features to that of Viktor—black hair and eyes, which complimented his pale features the only difference was. He had a wider jaw set and broader shoulders, he appeared like a jock and I wondered how fit he was but didn’t really feel in the mood to talk. So instead, I allowed my mind to wonder.

  “So Cecelia . . .” peered David as he leaned over the table pulling me from my thoughts.

  He continued, “now that you’re one of us . . . I’m quite certain you’ll be fitting at my side.” His eyes gave into a desire I never thought he had. As his lips purged into a succulent smile something which surprisingly caused my cheeks to heat.

  As quickly as it happened, David’s elbow was knocked from the table. His face collided with the silverware as I sat stunned while the others laughed. Diana was practically on the floor and Bella for once didn’t laugh like a lady should. I tried not to laugh which was very hard and regarded the annoyed look on David’s face as he glared at Viktor. “What the heck, did you do that for?” he growled. The look on boy’s face—caused me to gasp—luckily it didn’t cause any heads to whip towards me. He was the guy. He was the guy, I saw on my first day at Mortem Academy, the one who told David and his group off.

  “Quit annoying Cecelia. I’m sure she has enough on her plate as it is,” Viktor easily commented, in a calm but omit expression that caused my lips to turn up in a smile. I felt rather happy to know that at least one person was observant. As so far, I didn’t speak at lunch break and no one asked.

  “I’m not annoying her!”—his head twisted towards me—”I’m not annoying you am I Cecelia?” he asked in a gentler voice. I placed my china back on its saucer and denied it immediately. Diana pulled her tea to her lips and drunk in a very ladylike manner. At that moment, I noticed she was watching me, from the corner of her eye.

  “No of course not.”

  David turned back to Viktor. “See!” David said as he flung a hand my way. I sighed and mentally cursed for adding this to his already big ego. Beatrice sat beside her brother and giggled.

  “My . . . I believe this is going to become rather interesting,” she said in her usual tender tone. I regarded her with confusion.

  “What do you mean by that?” I asked while David continued telling Viktor that he wasn’t in the wrong when in my opinion—he was. Viktor, however, remained quiet at David’s incorrect accusations. There were times when he brushed David off, declaring he was an “immature brat” that caused both Alphonse and Kristian to crack up laughing. Diana sighed.

  “You’ll see in the future.” That was all Beatrice was willing to offer and I didn’t bother pressing, what I’ve learned about her was that when she clams up she will remain tight—protecting whatever secrets she had and I didn’t think she was going to be revealing anything to me, anytime soon. Returning back to my meal, I ignored the pestering arguments of the boys as all the other girls did at the table. Even Delilah seemed to carry herself with ladylike air, something I aimed to master like the other girls.

  When we travelled from the cafeteria to our next class, something out of the ordinary happened. Bang! The ground shook and Viktor shielded me from the eccentric noise. I regarded the sight with unwavering detail as yellow and orange flares flickered about. As quickly as the explosion roared, it ended.

  My eyes were drawn over Professor Long’s shoulder. He stood guard before me and the other students that scrambled to gain a glimpse of the remnants that now reigned. The flickering flames and black ash was smeared upon the external building walls were the only reminders of the explosion. However, my body still relived it. It was locked tight and frozen, I recalled the boom and the bang, I recalled the shaking ground beneath my feet. It happened so quickly but to me it continued to happen.

  I knew Professor Long spoke to me but I didn’t register his words nor did I respond. Instead, my eyes were locked onto a brunette haired boy who stared back at me with dark eyes. I stood staring at the strange boy.

  The one that everyone was tense around. I didn’t care but for some strange reason—he didn’t seem that bad. I mean sure he was a little rude and rough around the edges but he was a decent person. So, I watched as he moved across the quadrangle and chased after him. “Hey!” I called, slipping around Professor Long and disregarding his calls even
though I felt him chase after me.

  A part of me told me to stay away but I knew he couldn’t be that bad. He sluggishly turned around to face me. The moment he briefly did, he turned around and walked away. “Hey!” I called again. This time, I was quick to grab his wrist. “You can’t just turn your back on someone who wants to talk to you.”

  “No one wants to talk to me,” he replied.

  “What do you mean no one wants to talk to you? Why is it because you’re a big shot?” I wondered out loud only to find him towering closely over me.

  “Something like that. So back off, Princess.” I watched as he walked away, taking in, his ash tarnished fingers.

  I heard Professor Long’s voice bound behind me, “Return back to the others, Cecelia.”




  When our first lunch break, of the day, finished. I had PE and I enjoyed it, to an extent. This was mostly due to my above average reflexes, strength and speed. Explaining why I had to keep my natural abilities hidden from my friends at Hinkson Christian. I feared I’d have to do the same here. Today, however, I just wasn’t in the correct headspace. On the plus side, I had David and Alphonse in my class, those two were full of energy and very good at sports. So obviously, I didn’t mind playing alongside them as I knew, with them here it was more than enough to win. Even without my help.

  Today we were learning about volleyball and its rules. I listened attentively as always, as our Professor explained the rules of the game. As well as the following set of instructions that hung in the air separating one team from the next. Moulding the large black net, stamped in between the two opposing sides—the game had begun.


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