Crimson Knight (Crimson Series Book 0)

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Crimson Knight (Crimson Series Book 0) Page 6

by K. L. O Johnson

  My team served the ball, in the air it flew, across to the opposite side where Delilah and Bella tapped the ball before sending it back over. As usual, it was Diana who shot the ball down quickly. Leaving me wondering if I was going up against a soldier rather than a student. The amazing part was, she didn’t even sweat. “Come on Diana!” called Alphonse. “No need to slam it down like that Cecelia’s here!” I glared the deadliest warning glare I could muster.

  “What exactly do you mean by that?” I barked. Alphonse slightly cowered in fear, at my words. David laughed and the whistle blew. Professor Huygens ordered us to return back to the game. I was not the last, to notice Professor Huygens, was another young looking teacher, here at Mortem Academy, this time with long black hair tied up in a high pony tail that emphasised sharply his symmetric features.

  “Jealous, we’re winning?” teased Diana as she winked at Alphonse with a hand on her hip and a hand behind her head. She looked as though she was posing for a photo shot. She elegantly flipped her blood red hair over her shoulder and strutted back to her spot. Ready to pass on the serve, we shuffled along and switched positions. That was how the day went by and by the end of it, I found I was enjoying it. Soon, I was required with Bella and the other female students, to head back to our dorms to have our names marked off. After that, we were free to do as we pleased.

  I didn’t feel as though I wanted to do anything at all as something strangely kept holding me back. It was like my mood decided to plummet like a comet, hard and fast. I felt like a time bomb ready to explode, nothing made sense and when I tried to string the strange pieces of this obscure puzzle together—my head ached in pain as I watched and wondered what was next to come.

  I waited for that voice. As I sat on my bed, anticipating the explosion of my unfortunate skull. Eventually, I gave up on waiting and focused on my studies while I could. Bella left, informing me she had something to do and would swing by to pick me up for our meeting with the Faction—something which occurred around this time of year. When Bella did return, I was in a bit of a daze. She led me to the others and we discussed the things that needed to be done around the school. As quick as the meeting came, it ended and I found myself strolling back to my room, alone.

  As I returned to my room, I wondered about how vague that meeting was and how I barely recalled it. There were some parts that I did recall. Like one memory being: Viktor could be rather scary when he wanted to be. Something, I’ve never witnessed firsthand but drew an unwanted insight when I perceived David and the other boys bare his fury. Viktor . . . my mind wandered back to him and how observant he was. He noticed I wasn’t myself and yet he didn’t ask questions. Instead, he kept everyone off my case. After I managed to complete as much of my study as I could, I plonked down on my bed and stared at the ceiling, beginning to reminiscent about Viktor only then did I pull my mind away and mentally slapped myself. I sat up in my bed, there was nothing for me to do. Even though there was nothing to do I knew I couldn’t waste my free time thinking about Viktor and linking whatever conspiracies I had about him, to my crazy theories for his actions. It just wouldn’t do and above all it wasn’t right. I knew I shouldn’t judge a person before I get to know them—that too went for their actions.

  I turned my attention to the rising sun and realised I haven’t slept at all. I regarded the opposite end of my room to see Bella’s slender silhouette outlined in the shadows. I concluded she was still asleep. Careful not to wake her, I slipped out of bed. My feet made contact with the cold linoleum that both comforted me and zipped me awake from my unstable sleep pattern the previous night. There really wasn’t much for me to do other than stand on my own two feet and amble towards our bathroom. Something I didn’t bother using much.

  Later, within the school grounds, I walked through the deathly silent garden. The warmth of the sun caressed my cheek in a soothing manner, mitigating, any form of fears or anxiety I had previously upon my descent. “You shouldn’t be up,” circulated a voice. I looked up and spied Helga, standing a few feet from me with a warm but concerned smile. I brushed off the quick expression that passed her features and focused on what she was doing out here, and instead hoped what I saw was just my imagination.

  “I know . . . couldn’t sleep.”

  “Oh, so it was one of those nights?” she asked as she approached me, with her back straight and chin high. I knew regardless of her job or position in life, she was proud and I respected her for that. Not very many people these days could be proud of who or what they were sometimes, they managed to lose all sense of pride. I could only nod at her comment. We walked side by side, not talking, strolling in a comfortable silence before something or rather someone caught my attention.

  “Hey I know him . . .” I muttered. Helga turned from me and regarded the boy my eyes were set upon. There was something about him that made me rather wary and as if on cue, Helga tensed beside me. I turned to her and saw the crease in her brows, the uncertainty behind her eyes. “Who is he?” I asked faster than I could stop them. Helga turned to me with a surprised expression something which, if on a different day at a different time, would cause me to fluster in laughter. Today however, just wasn’t one of those days.

  “It doesn’t matter . . . Just promise me one thing Cecelia,” she said in a rather stern tone. I nodded immediately.

  “Of course.”

  “Stay away from him. That boy is trouble. Above all he’s dangerous.” Her face was cogent but alert, in a sense it hardened her youthful features, making her pale skin greyer. Though as she said those words, I knew there was something else behind it something that would even cause Bella to freeze with rivalry. This was the same boy I saw in the hall, the same boy that had that sinister smile spreading across his features. He was the same boy that caused the air of tension I felt before as I felt now. What has he done that has caused everyone to tolerate him with this foreboding trepidation?

  An hour later, I returned to bed and next thing I knew a week had flung by. That boy that everyone seemed so set on keeping me from, kind of made me curious but at the same time all I knew was that if something happened around here I feared some people in this school would link him to what ever happened. That I’d have to say, was something I was not proud to consider.


  “I never knew I would be falling for you,

  this was something so very true,

  with you here and there’s something I wanna do.

  Just me and you . . .”

  The song danced, continuously through my ears. JT Evens Russia’s most popular artist/singer someone that even drove American women crazy with his voice was something I enjoyed to listen to from time to time. I unplugged my wireless earpieces, placing JT’s ‘Just me and you’ on pause and sat up.


  It finally arrived.

  “Why does today have to be so boring?” I muttered, annoyed. Not even sure I wanted to get out of bed. It was late at night, no one has done anything other than go to this town’s concert. Bella had asked me to go but I refused, finding it rather time consuming. Also, I guessed the best way to describe it would be emotionally straining.

  I threw my legs over the edge and stood. I glanced out of our large window, the moon was full tonight. The land beneath was cloaked in an eerie darkness that I’ve become familiar with even, comfortable with. I slipped on my socks and shoes. My jeans kept me warm when my feet touched the stone ground, my socks now concealed the small amount of warmth I was able to contain. Slipping on a long sleeved shirt, over my spaghetti-strapped-singlet. I wandered out of my room and down stairs.

  The school was lifeless as there was no one to be found, and walking around the desolated dark grounds I felt both at ease and relaxed. It was like the darkness hid whatever boredom or anxiety I seemed to be having over these past few weeks. Soon, time will come for me to return home and when I did, I will most definitely have a talk with father about the things I’d been experiencing.

m quite thirsty my dear . . .” that same voice purred. I froze, my body solidified in fear. In that moment I fought to throw it off. I had enough strength to continue forward only to endure a singing headache. Placing my hand against a wall to steady myself, I knew that the fear continued to grip me. “I’m very thirsty my dear . . .” it purred and I couldn’t help but flatten my back against the wall. My body felt heavy and I slid to the floor, fearing the voice would completely devour me. Staring at the full moon, was the only reminder I had to my deteriorating reality. Once I was able to pull myself to my feet, I with trembling limbs, I wandered down the dark halls and stairs, that weakened me enough for my legs to almost give way once again. There I sat for a few moments contemplating what was wrong with me.

  Later, I found myself standing in the quadrangle. Still, a little shaky but I fought to keep my cool. “Cecelia?” I heard a voice call. Turning beside me, there was Kristian. I smiled. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “Aren’t you supposed to be with the others?” He shrugged and strutted elegantly, towards me. As I stood in the courtyard, a breather from the confines of the castle walls. Even as the walls surrounded us I knew, that the glistening moon was the only thing so far that calmed my nerves.

  I had walked over to the quadrangle; certain fresh air would quell my racing thoughts. “I guess but I was bored.” he causally said, “aren’t you supposed to be with Bella?” I turned my gaze from him and to the glowing moon that hung high in the starless sky.

  “Not tonight, I told her I didn’t want to go . . . because I don’t enjoy concerts.” I confessed. I felt him stop beside me and I regarded him, noticing his eyes were locked on to the full moon as his body faced mine. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” I asked and spun my eyes back to the moon.

  “It is . . . I guess, if you like that sort of thing,” he said. I arched a brow.

  “What do you mean by “that sort of thing” don’t you enjoy beautiful sights?” I asked before turning to completely face him, “or is it the girls you find attractive?” I teasingly quizzed and he smiled.

  “You hungry?” he asked.

  “Yeah . . . I guess, why?” He turned his back on me and walked towards the cafeteria.

  “Because I’m getting food. Feel free to join me!” he called as he turned around, not considering to glance over his shoulder as he disappeared. I scowled at his retreating form. Taking one last glance at the moon, I ran after him.

  “Hey, wait up!” I called after him, hoping this wasn’t going to turn into a habit. When we entered the cafeteria we were quick to line up and I took what Kristian did from the line and headed over to the tables.

  Utensils clattered against glass plates. It was the only noise that rang throughout the deathly silent cafeteria. No one spoke and at the same time, I didn’t think anyone wanted to. There was no surprise. With all these strange things that had happened and the stupid things I tended say without thinking, may have put us in this predicament but at the same time, I didn’t want Kristian to hate me, either.

  “I don’t hate you, don’t worry about it,” he calmly said. His hands clenched around his raspberry flavoured drink. Sometimes I wondered, about him and the others. Too much sugar wasn’t good for a person. I was certain, they were aware of that fact, so I didn’t mention anything.

  “You haven’t spoken it was hard not to jump to that conclusion,” I said and noticed the colour slightly returning to his cheeks. Well not exactly in a tanning sense but in a way that made him glow, like pregnant women, those healthy type of glows. I couldn’t help but admire the radiance that was him. I blinked several times wondering if I was seeing things. Also, I wondered if this glow he had something to do with the lightening. I took a closer look and noticed his features were a lot clearer. He had this natural beauty about him that I felt drawn to.

  “Well don’t. Anyway, you don’t seem that bothered,” he suggested and I stared. I couldn’t help but raise an inquisitive brow at his words. He had the nerve to question my concern when he practically, mirrored my fear. He briefly glanced at me before adding, “What?”

  I sighed not even bothering to bring it up, there really was no point. Something was bugging him but he didn’t appear as though he wanted to talk to me about it which did kind of sucked but in a way but what could I really do to quell his problems? So instead I asked, “Do you know when the others will be back?”

  The air smoothed out, a bit. “In a few hours I think, something about the concert going well into the early morning.” I stared. He stopped drinking and regarded me with his dark calculating gaze. “Now what is it?”

  “Aren’t they going to get into trouble?” I asked, not exactly sure how to react to my own question. He scoffed. Feeling insulted I snapped. “What’s so funny?”

  “The fact that you think they’ll get into trouble. This. Is. The. Weekend. Normally teachers don’t have to watch us—nor do they have a twenty-four-hour guard thing going on. Today is the day we have some breathing space, thank heaven—well a little.” I couldn’t stop this burning fear that dwelled beneath my exterior. I didn’t even understand why that was but all I knew right now was that I didn’t believe in what he said.

  “That’s not what I meant.” I concluded. This caused him to place his red tinted drink down on a white coaster that sat undisturbed above the sophisticatedly refined white tablecloth. I was still trying to get over the elegance and class this school has displayed throughout the time I’ve been here. I knew that some of the students were children of high achieving families, like me but still it was something to forcibly become used to. “It could be dangerous! You don’t know who’s walking around down there. I just don’t want anything to happen to our friends,” I said the last part quietly. I was not even sure he heard it. As I stared down at my food I haven’t touched.

  “Don’t worry, they’ll be fine. They’re tough cookies. You saw Diana,” he said after sometime and I silently agreed. He drunk his beverage with ease and precision as I watched the liquid slowly lower in volume. I didn’t say anything after that, instead, we sat in silence and devoured our meals. Afterward, we continued to talk.

  Lightly familiar voices rang throughout the cafeteria easing my mind from Kristian. I peered in the general direction and noted Kristian did the same. “You’re back!” I cheered and ran towards Bella engulfing her in a warm embrace.

  “We weren’t gone that long.” commented Beatrice from beside Bella. I smiled but still couldn’t fathom how she could not notice the time. I glanced at the wall cloak overhead and everyone followed my gaze. It was five to five in the morning. “Okay, maybe we were gone for some time,” Beatrice slowly confirmed. Everyone laughed and so did I.

  We wandered back to the table while Diana talked about how much I missed. Kristian sighed whereas Deliah and David argued on either side of the poor boy. I have to say there was a part of me that wished I could do something. However, there was another part of me that wanted more than anything was to sit back and watch the next scene unfold. With Kristian and his hot temper, I didn’t have to wait too long until he lashed out at the two, leaving Viktor and Diana holding him back.

  I laughed and laughed some more, finally, not feeling so bored and not so alone, the night came to a silent close. We departed, the girls headed to the sanctioned dorms and the boys to theirs. Diana, Deliah and Beatrice walked on ahead of Bella and I, as we slowly moseyed to our room in a hushed whisper discussing the actions of Alphonse and Beatrice those two were absolutely hilarious when they were hungry.

  I stopped suddenly and turned over my shoulder peering outside into the darkness. I didn’t know what it was but something felt wrong. I felt like I was being watched and it occurred for some time now but that wasn’t what bothered me. Instead, it was the ominous air that surrounded us—it felt dangerous. I was not sure what it was. As the full moon was shadowed by the almost transparent dark clouds which only added to the portentous effect, the valley remained eerie silent and the moon dauntingly silver. “Hey Cece
lia . . . is everything alright?” I heard Bella ask.

  The air was thin and I felt something cold wrapped firmly, around my wrist. Glancing down, I noticed Bella’s slender silver fingers string around my wrist. Unable to help but feel, both comforted and safe at that gesture, as this deadly presence in the air didn’t dissipate. I turned back to the large dark grey ravine. Only to see the sun beginning to rise in the beautiful warm orange and pink horizon. “We need to go . . .” Bella warned—with a hint of fear in her often gentle voice, “Now!” So I allowed her to guide me back to our room as I suddenly felt weak and concerned, for Bella wasn’t one to be fearful.

  After we managed to return to our rooms, I found myself lying in bed staring at the ceiling, the morning sunrise streaked the walls in magenta, orange and red. Colours that made me feel calm and relaxed even though deep down I was worried about something but the problem was I didn’t exactly know what it was that made me vexed with uncertainty. I knew I should be asleep right now but I was afraid if I close my eyes. I’d end up hearing that voice again. That very same voice that haunted me day and night—ever since my transfer to Mortem Academy.

  Feeling reckless, I crawled out of bed and moved to the window, the blinds on Bella’s side were closed leaving absolutely no light, it was so dark. But the darkness provided barely the outline of her slumbering form. Realising I was still in my pajamas I changed into my uniform before walking towards my door and exiting my room as quietly as I could.

  Managing to make my way to the empty library was easy since this was where Bella often tutored me. I was surprised to find it still open. I smiled as I entered and the librarian smiled back, when I passed the counter. We didn’t say anything but I could tell there was something else behind those eyes of hers—those green eyes that reminded me of Ryan someone I really didn’t want to think about. That in itself dampened my mood a bit but what could I do? Instead, I tried to keep my mind from falling further into that pit of depression. Choosing a random book from the teen section. I ambled over to the reading lounge and stopped in the same moment my heart did.


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