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Crimson Knight (Crimson Series Book 0)

Page 17

by K. L. O Johnson

  “Cecelia?” I heard Cassandra’s voice call. I turned over my shoulder and noticed she was standing on the footpath just outside her well-trimmed yard. I glanced at her and she squealed in delight as Bella did with Diana and ran straight into my arms. I fiercely returned her hug realising how much I had missed her. I glanced behind her and gleefully spotted the others further back.

  I returned their greeting hugs and headed inside with them. The interior of Cassandra’s house was modern and suburban. No extravagant vases on display or paintings just white walls and family portraits. “So what have you been up to?” Marcus asked. I giggled. He glanced down at me as he moved to open the living room door. “What?”

  “Nothing. You just have the same name as someone else I know,” I stated and he smiled.

  “Please tell me I’m the better man.”

  I shook my head. Same old Marcus. I thought as we walked into the living room. “And the first one I met.” I managed through my snickers.

  “Good.” Marcus said as he plonked down on the couch.

  Cassandra scooted into the living room with a large bowl of chips and set them down on the coffee table, between Marcus and the large flat screen TV. Marcus without asking decided to turn on the News. I regarded it intently realising how much I missed being surrounded by people outside of Castle Haven.

  I watched as a blond haired woman, speak into the camera. Behind her were explosions and I saw everyone duck. It occurred again and again. Within the cracks of the narrow streets of St. Petersburg. “It is quite chaotic as you can see. The Nefaliem are trying to hold off the Dark Cartel and are failing. It wouldn’t be possible if the United Council’s Serenity quick response team were here. Though that surprisingly isn’t the case. So far, there have been fifteen counted deaths and three hundred injured in the surprise assault.

  “The Russian military and St. Petersburg police are working to keep the citizens off the streets and hauling them into the underground bunkers until further notice. This is Natalie Ivishkav live from St. Petersburg.”

  The blond haired woman’s face was replaced soon by a younger looking male anchor who spoke about the weather forecast. Marcus turned off the TV and we were all silent. The United Council was fighting the Dark Cartel—they were here in Russia? This only explained Zarlach’s recent hyper vigilant actions.

  “So do we still want to go to the Spring Festival?” Marcus asked and Cassandra crossed her arms. It was a surprise to see her there, I didn’t even hear her return. I must have been so engrossed in the news. Before I could answer Marcus’s question, the doorbell rang and she darted towards the entrance, once again.

  I heard the sound of familiar voices and watched as the twins entered the room. I welcomed them and they greeted me in return. Catching up seemed to be so easy but so difficult at the same time. I wanted to tell them the new things that happened but a part of me was afraid. Even when Marcus had asked if anything new or good had happened to me all I said was, “Same old. Same old.”

  I’ll admit I felt horrible. But I also felt the need to protect my friends from those dangerous people I saw clashing and shattering buildings under their fists. These were female Nefaliem and nowhere near aristocratic blood but they were powerful it made me wonder how strong Kal was and how strong I had yet to become. I wondered, with all the strength in the world. Could it save me from potential misogynistic disrespect? Or was something I had to learn to shield?

  We soon piled into the Bernt’s car the moment Cassandra’s mom returned home. As quick as we could, we took off towards the southern part of Moscow. Apparently, there was supposed to be a festival beside Moskava river but I couldn’t quiet imagine it being there it was such a strange place to old a festival in my opinion.

  The others spoke and talked about class and other new kids that started school. I could no longer relate so I remained quiet and eyed the passing fir trees overhead as we entered the national park. I couldn’t help but eye the sky with such longing. I remembered when Kal took me up there. I felt free, more free than when I was in my Vampieruz form. It was an entirely new experience and I wondered if I would ever gain my wings. I wanted them now but like Zarlach and my parents said. I would have to wait and I didn’t like that.

  I didn’t like that I was so far behind. Normally, I was never behind in anything. “We’re here!” I heard Cassandra call from the front seat. Mrs. Bernt weaved the car down the road and I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the rides, colours and music that played. Once Cassandra’s mother took off. We entered the festival.

  Hours had passed and we all enjoyed ourselves. “We’re going to go on some rides,” Julie said as she threaded her arm through her brothers. “We’ll see you soon.”

  I nodded and smiled. “Yeah.”

  “Are you going to be alright on your own?” Leon asked.

  I nodded. “I’ll be fine.” Julie and Leon turned away after Marcus and Cassandra.

  As I watched people move around me and I was aware of something else. Something dangerous, glancing over my shoulder didn’t quell the instinct to run nor did it produce the drive to fight. Instead, I continued walking between the stalls. My eyes never faulted as I regarded my friends several hundred feet ahead of me. It was strange to see them but I delved in it, for as long as I could, I delved in what was supposed to be . . . normal.

  The change in the stormy air caught my attention. The clouds over head quickly but slowly moved as if preparing for a full force gale. I stopped and watched the dark and light grey clouds as they drove towards us. I heard the people shuffle around me. I felt their close proximity and sensed their eyes trailing me. Perhaps curious as to what would cause a young woman to stand in the middle of a festival.

  I didn’t know myself. All I knew was, this air felt dangerous and the people here were in trouble. I regarded the police officers as they sauntered through the swarming crowd of civilians. They spoke leisurely as if it were another easy day. They were tense and ready to handle disputes if needed but they also smiled which made the women around them ogle them with interest. I wanted to go to them and tell them to evacuate everyone but a part of me knew they wouldn’t listen.

  Whatever it was. It caused my Idol skin to rise in goose bumps and my neck to tickle in fear. I felt my muscles tense as I watched a dark brown haired man stare at me in the distance. The straight waves of his hair covered his eyes. The length of his hair greeted his broad shoulders. I saw a small smile tug at his lips and as a couple sauntering by, broke my gaze with him, they passed quickly and I realised he disappeared.

  I turned around and sprinted to my friends. I pulled out my phone and regarded the message notification. Doing two things at once was difficult so instead, I resulted in texting Cassandra first: where are you guys? I lost you. Then I regarded my recent text from Zarlach.

  It was one word: run.

  I texted back: where are you? Pick me up.

  I yelped in surprise as I felt a hand on my shoulder, stupidly dropping my phone in surprise. I was too stunned to pick it up. Observing those sharp blue eyes that watched mine. He was a Cretalian but not a Vampieruz. He was a vampiere. The demonic pressure was there. Even in our idol form, Zarlach had said, we were able to sense one another—to recognise one another.

  “Hello little Princess,” greeted the same man I saw before. “Master Ivan would like to see you now.”

  Taken by instinct. I grasped his hand and twisted. He yelped and released me. I picked up my phone. Surprised to see untouched at my feet and bolted. Placing my phone in my blue skinny jeans. I attempted to manoeuvre around the people who blocked my path. My smooth dodging turned into me shoving people out of my way and I was surprised initially at how far the first man I pushed out of my way flew. How am I supposed to be weaker in my idol form when I can do that? I thought astounded.

  He landed on the grass a few feet from me and I ran over to him. “Are you okay?” I asked as I helped him to his feet. He dusted himself off and nodded, a little shocked.r />
  “What was that?” he muttered and I glanced over my shoulder as I heard the man gasp. “Vampiere!” he called and the nearby men, women and children scattered in ear piercing screams.

  “That wasn’t very nice. Princess.” The vampiere growled as he revealed his fangs. Unlike the Vampieruz. The vampieres and dragons were stuck in limbo. Causing their Human forms to have scales or fangs if they were changed by Vampieruz or Nefaliem.

  It was almost like a mutation.

  The vampiere leaped into the air and towards me. The man beside me screamed and ran. I was rooted in place knowing I wouldn’t have time to move or counter. I pulled my arms over my face and turned away but was surprised when the attack didn’t happen. I heard sharply the sound of several thickly snapping wood in the distance. I abruptly glanced at my left where the forest was and saw a trail of broken trees. I turned to the figure before me cladded in full body armour.

  “Zarlach,” I breathed, relived. His silver hair gleamed under the sun. I regarded the six-point star above the printed layout of Earth over his black cloak. It was similar to the printed image of the United Nations logo.

  I noticed his whole body was cladded in silver armour. “Stay back,” he ordered through his helmet as he glanced down at me from over his thickly armoured shoulder. I nodded and stepped back. Zarlach leaped from where he stood before me and over to where I suspected the vampiere to be.

  “Cecelia!” I heard Julie call. I turned over my shoulder and watched as she ran towards me. Her beautiful straight brown hair was now messy as if she had fallen over in the sudden chaos.

  “Julie!” I cried. “We have to leave now!”

  “I know.”

  “Where’s Leon?” I asked as I glanced behind her. She turned around exasperated.

  “I don’t know. He was behind me than he just vanished.” Julie cried. Her glassy blue eyes scanned the smoke, screams and sirens behind her. I wrapped my arms around her. “How did this happen? How did a vampiere slip past the Hunters?”

  “I don’t know,” I replied. “We have to find him.”

  Julie sniffed and I ran up the slight hill towards where the market place was with her still delicately in my arms. The festival stalls were abandoned and the sight was devastating. I heard the sound of screeches and shattering of trees and stones. Julie heard it as well as her eyes rounded in fear. “What’s that?”

  “A Vampieruz,” I declared a little distant.

  “What’s a Vampieruz doing here!?”

  I glanced at Julie behind me and decided to tell the truth.

  “He saved my life.” I ignored Julie’s questions as I clasped her hand and guided her towards the entrance of the festival knowing that I sensed more vampieres on the way. Several I knew were dealing with Zarlach but the rest would most likely be trailing after us. We had to move quickly if we had any chance of survival.

  I knew that this was bound to make the News or reach my protective parents somehow. I knew after this I was, without a doubt—under house arrest. I heard the fight continue on and saw in the distance the many heavy armoured Police vehicles. Beside those vehicles were the Hunter vehicles. The emblem of crossed swords was a dead giveaway. The police in heavy Kevlar stood in formation with the Hunters in Kevlar of their own.

  I glanced over my shoulder and watched vampieres crawl along the ground after us. I pulled Julie after me knowing my body was still a little sore from the light exercise with Kal before I left. Passing through the clearing I said, “Don’t turn back,” I pushed Julie before me and watched as she stumbled a bit.

  “What do you mean—?” she began and I knew by the fear stricken features of hers that she knew. “OH MY GOD!” she screeched as she reached out to help me over the steel fence. “Cecelia! Hurry!” she pleaded.

  “Run!” I growled. I stopped in the middle of the high fence realising I wouldn’t make it over in time. “Julie run!” I told her. She shook her head, this time tears streamed down her face. Streaking the foundation on her features. She was tired and scared. We were supposed to be safe. She believed we would be safe. I realised then what it was Kal was talking about the other day. I was a purebreed with exceptional powers for a reason to protect not just my race but people like Julie who couldn’t go against vampieres or seven-foot Minotaur’s and live. She shook her head and screamed, “I’m not leaving you!”

  I dropped down from the fence and watched as the bloodied and hungry vampieres crawled towards me. They were getting what they wanted and maybe they may leave Julie alone and the other humans. “Cecelia!” I heard her shriek.

  “You have no choice.” I whispered and face the vampieres. I managed to control my transformations and my combat techniques but when it came to using any of my Vampieruz powers I had a long way to go. I watched as they inched closer and noticed Julie wasn’t leaving instead I saw her eyes flicker like a connection was made.

  I observed as one vampiere picked up a nearby car and tossed it towards me. “Princess!” it screeched. I released my demonic power and pressure. I felt my soft idol skin become replaced by hard blood red scaly skin. The wind picked up tossing my silver hair in front of me. I heard Julie gasp behind me.

  I turned to face her. A sad smile played across my blood red lips. I turned my attention to the vampieres and focused dodging the car with ease. I have to protect her! I told myself. I have to protect the others! Images of Cassandra, Marcus and Leon flashed across my mind as did Ryan’s. “I will protect them!” I screamed as I forced my power to centre between my hands and felt the presence of a sword. I didn’t have time to regard it as I leaped into the air and watched as the vampieres did the same. The first one arrived and I sliced his head off than the limbs of the others after my first victim before severing those two who followed in half. I landed on the ground and whistled. “I’m the one you want you filthy savages!”

  Their blood red eyes were trained on me and I felt their sharp nails claw dig at my skin. It didn’t hurt. I felt it but it was numb so numb I never noticed as I continued to dodge, jump and round house them out of my way. I had to make my way towards Zarlach. I knew he would make it easier on me. But I also knew it was going to be a while before I reached him.

  So I ran towards the fuel truck. I climbed up the ladder before I flung myself over to the top and landed on my feet. The vampieres crawled and I jabbed my sword into the edge of the tank and watched as several vampieres did the job of pulling it open further in their attempt to procure to me. I watched as the petrol poured out. I smiled and without thinking I de-summoned my sword. Placing my hand forward I chanted, “Bring forth Inferno!” And a majic Faction appeared before my fingers.

  The petrol quickly caught on fire, incinerating the monsters who screamed and cremated into ash. I sensed the gas in the tank of the truck was heating. The fire had gotten to it too quickly. I placed my forearms over my head and felt the explosion. It was quick but slow. I could feel the heat but I could also feel my power. I watched as the fire circled around and over me. The explosion ceased and all that was left was small flickering flames that I hoped would burn out themselves.

  I flipped off the invisible ground I stood on and moved to where I sensed Zarlach. Just like in the Artificial Training Centre my body leaped over space and distance with ease. I stood beside a blooded Zarlach. I noticed that his cloak was draped over me. I grappled it. “Don’t take it off.” he spoke. “You’ve been exposed to the sun long enough. Any longer and you’ll die.”

  “What about you?” I asked. “You’re in the sun too.”

  “I’m in a suit of armour. In the sun. I’ll be fine.”

  “Or you’ll roast like a turkey on thanksgiving.” I retorted and heard him happily grunt. He moved behind me and pushed me towards the shadows of the forest. Once we were out of the sun. I felt Zarlach power down returning back to his normal Vampieruz form. I watched Julie in the distance as she stood—her fingers locked on the fence—watching where we stood in the forest. I knew she couldn’t see us but I als
o knew she was searching for me.

  I watched as Leon squeezed between the heavily armed forces and pried at her fingers before taking her away. Every moment she could I watched as she searched the forest for me. I wanted to go back but I knew I couldn’t. Not before long Zarlach declared, “Let’s go.”


  Castle Haven,

  I didn’t mean for things to happen the way they have. They just did. Like how time flew by and as did my training. We entered the training dome a few more times after they were sure I was ready. Also known as the artificial training centre. There was no Minotaur this time instead the scene often changed from the humid wet Amazon jungle to the busy dark streets of Manhattan. Something I’ve never thought technology was possible of creating. Soon, months had flown by.

  Five to be exact.






  Passed as I was home schooled. My mother thought it would be wise. As I was no longer required to attend Mortem Academy—a school which I’ve learnt was a university for Vampieri.

  I’ve also learnt that just like every race. There was always another race to counter that race or cause trouble for that race. There were twelve main races also known as the Syndicate and the other six were lost to the universe—classified as extinct. All of which held a seat on the United Council and each of those twelve races have what’s considered a second race within their race—these for Vampieruz are known as Vampieres. Slaves created my purebred Vampieri citizens for their own privileges.

  Something that was against the law. These were also the very types of Cretalians that have been after me. Several have reached the Fortress’s lands and once they did manage to make their way to the edge of the protective barrier. The Licanthrope and Nefaliem were quick to take them out.


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