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Crimson Knight (Crimson Series Book 0)

Page 25

by K. L. O Johnson

  “Let the girl go.” The Knight voiced, in an indistinguishable computerised tone. I felt the claws of the Elugion at my throat.

  “Take one step, and she dies,” the Elugion threatened. Ana moved and shifted around, using me as a shield as she moved to stand beside the Elugion. Who surprisingly didn’t smell as I had expected.

  “I thought you took care of him,” Ana groaned.

  “He’s slippery.”

  “Hey, I’m right here you know.” the Knight voiced and I watched as he pulled out a rounded metal disc and tossed it. I silently observed, as it bounced between the crevices of the alleyway walls. The Elugion blocked but the disc seemed to split into three. I felt the disc at my ankle—tripping both Ane and I up. The Elugion, I watched was struck from the side.

  The knight was quick to leap and spin kick, the Elugion in the head. Without further delay the Elugion slammed into the silver brick wall and I spotted the knight hovering above me. He kindly helped me to my feet, he guided me away from my attackers. “Come on! We have to get to the city reserves.”

  “City reserves?”

  “They’re underground bunkers for people to go to—like shelters for when a natural disaster strikes.” He pulled me down the street before we turned a right at another we kept going and I was growing tired in my human form.

  “Wait,” I pleaded. He stopped and I took a few lungful gasps of hair and we continued like that down the street for another good kilometre and then we stopped at a junction, as I panted. I gazed at the tall buildings and noted they were taller than any of the Human building’s combined.

  The Knight tensed. His eyes darted to the left and he was quick to move me to an abandoned hovercar, that we hid behind. “What?” I asked, concerned we were in trouble.

  “The Grattican,” he spoke. He glanced at the building, I followed his gaze and he grimly grasped my wrist. I eyed the surroundings and knew we were in our camouflage mode. “This way,” he whispered and I obliged, following behind him as quickly and as carefully as I could, mindful to not draw attention.

  We entered the building and disappeared into a room. He returned to normal, as I no longer felt the buzz of his energy running through me. He peered around the corner and held up his hand, then considering it was safe, we moved to the back of the building in search of another exit. “We’re safe.”

  “No were not.” I groaned.

  “Fine, safer.”

  “How do you know?” I demanded, growing impatient.

  “You know the answer,” he retorted.

  “How would you know? I’ve only just met you,”—I froze in mid-sentence and I watched as the armour peeled back to reveal David staring at me in his Vampieruz form. “Now way,” I managed, “How?”

  “I saw the rotocopter crash. I knew you’d survive and decided to see if that was the case. But by the time I arrived—you were gone.” he said then added gently, “I had to make sure you were alright.”

  “David,” I whispered touched by his words. My hand graced his cheek and to my surprise he leaned into it. His hand fell over mine and I knew we were closer, both emotionally and physically.

  “I am now.” I said with a small smile. A smile that seemed so easy. I liked it. That was how it was with David—everything was so easy.

  “I know,” he said. “I just had to . . . make sure.” He barely whispered as I noted his breath on my lips. In that moment, I wondered what it would be like to kiss him again, to taste him again. Taking another plunge, I leaned in, feeling the slight roughness of his lips against mine—a reminder to the reality that we faced. I pressed my lips against his, surprised by his quick response. His kisses were soft and gentle until I noticed the intensity of his demands.

  I was afraid but excited. This was a territory I’d never experienced before and I enjoyed it as Ryan was always careful—always precisely accurate. After that heartache, I was happy to know at least someone returned my feelings. I never noted the heat burning my skin, as it buzzed with an urge I never felt. I wound my arms around his neck, desperate to be closer. I felt his body line against mine as the kisses continued to carry on but was surprised to find those electrifying kisses turned into something soft and gentle.

  I stood happily in his arms, we broke the kiss, “I knew you cared even if it was a little.”

  “To be fair . . .” I continued, “I never realised how I felt until our first kiss.” I felt his nose against my cheek and his forehand gently against mine.

  “Hmm, my favourite,” he replied with a small smile. A smile that seemed to light his face. “It’s okay to not go all the way right?”

  I took me a second longer to grasp his words. My cheeks heated at the question, “Yes.”

  “I didn’t want to . . . ‘cause you know it’s our second kiss,” I was confused. Then I got it.

  “It’s okay. I kind of wasn’t ready too.”

  “Me neither.” I felt my face light up, I was happy. For some strange reason that made me very happy.

  “You can’t tell.” I couldn’t help but laugh, “What? I’m serious. Why are you laughing?” I was careful to not make any noise.

  “Because . . .” I managed and calmed myself down before continuing, “I’m not going to. Are you?”

  “Cause not,” he almost groaned, appearing to be in a good mood. A crack reverberated around us and I felt David freeze. I was certain I did too as I felt my muscles stiffed. I glanced at the centre of the next room over, the spacious office area, there stood a silver armoured Grattican. Searching the area, “I thought you said it was safe.”

  “Yes I did but at the time,” he declared.

  “Lovely,” I mumbled.

  “No need to get stroppy on me. Here.” He handed me a short blade. My face must have shrouded in confusion and fear—emotions that blended within me, “For protection.” I gratefully took it in hand, watching as David turned his back of me and exited the doorway. I was worried, I feared he wouldn’t come back. Shaking my fear aside, I focused on trying to find a way out. There was a back door, to this room. I headed towards it and it lead me into a white steel hall.

  I tucked the dagger into the waist band of my jeans. Hoping it would hold as I wasn’t wearing boots, just plain tennis shoes. I headed down the hall. Peering over my shoulder every now and again—scared something or someone would pop up behind me. I wanted to find the Reserves—the other type of reserves from the Guardian Reserves but I knew that most things took time. So I carried on with on goal in mind: survival. The pale walls were untouched and unmarked. The title floor I walked down remained still and quiet. It was then, I heard another inaudible whisper tethering at my mind.

  Images began to playout in my mind. A woman with silver hair flew high above a destroyed city. Watching perturbed, as energy cannons crashed from the sky above onto the ground below. She flew, her secondary form morphed into the beauty of a merciless dragon. The white halls of the building we stood in returned before they were splattered over by Ivan reaching out to me—his sharp clawed hand beckoned the darkness. I screamed, “Cecelia!” David’s voice hushed. I returned to the deathly authenticity I faced. I felt my blood drop to my aching feet and watched the tip of the arrow, lean against his temple. I was preparing to run.

  I sensed something I never thought would surprise me. Hybrid energy. Black and blue scaly fingers, cradled the silver familiar armour. I watched as the person threatened. “Realise the girl.”

  “Never.” David seethed.

  “Then, you will die.” I leaped for the crossbow as it went off, the arrow barely missed David. His long silver hair threaded, in silk. Laid sprawled on the ground, before it caught fire and disintegrated into nothing. That voice was very familiar and I knew without a doubt who it belonged to—Kal. She was our enemy?

  “Kal!” I called and I felt David tense.

  She stood staring at us but I was unsure it was Kal. As I took in her black faceplate that concealed half of her features, permitting her bright blood red lips on disp
lay. Before I could utter another word, I spied Kal’s fist coming straight for me. I was out instantly and felt David drop to the ground beside me mostly likely unconscious, soon drifting off into the darkness.

  Three hours later,

  I woke to a splitting head ache and to the dry cool ground. I searched for David, only to find him in the small four-by-four cell behind me, similar to mine in so many ways. He was crumpled and unconscious, “David?” I whispered, careful to not move or risk my head aching more. It was pitch black and I had no clue what was going on. In my mind, a voice screamed ‘Run!’ But I refused to. I refused to leave a crumpled unconscious David, all alone. So I sat, watching his sleeping form, patiently waited for him to wake. I didn’t know how long it had been but David eventually woke and I was out of this world. It made me feel over the moon. “David!” I whispered crawling over to him. “David!”

  “Cece . . . lia?” he groaned. He had a harder beating then I did. A kick to the head always did that. He may be tough and strong but he wasn’t invisible. He could still die, just like any Outlander. Regardless of our energy levels and our technology—we had a cycle, when that ended so did we.

  “I’m right here,” I said, reaching through the bars to grasp his hand. I squeezed and thankfully he returned it. No major damage to the brain, thank goodness. I heard the sound of trumpets, then a roar of something clashing repeatedly, I glanced up at the darkness, hoping it’d shed some light on my confusion. I wondered why he hadn’t returned into his catatonic state, to torpor state. I did notice however he was still in his Vampieruz form, something I knew would last as long as it needed to because his life wasn’t exactly in imminent danger; there was no real need for it.

  The roar died down and I faintly heard the sound of brass music. It wailed and had a certain rhythm to it. Then the ground began to shift—it wasn’t the cave that shifted but the cells. David’s cell lit up, so did the others around me revealing all my friends; Bella, Marquith, Marcus, Jorden, Daphne and Odette. All slumped along the cell floor, like David huddling in pain. The smell was the first to greet us.

  It was a strong acidic smell of blood, recently spilled blood. It waffled into my nose quickly and I cringed at the smell and the sight of light. My fingers only did so much to shield the rays of the sun. The roar started again this time—recognised it as the sound of cheers. What I thought was the sun, wasn’t the sun. Instead, it was a large spot light. The sight of the dome surrounded similar to the one at Castle Haven surrounded it. “Ladies and gentlemen,” a female voice spoke. Her pale features lit up on a holographic projector—displayed in the middle of the arena. She was the Banshee, the Makonia Banshee from before but strangely she looked like a dark goddess especially when her fingers turned to floating dust then back again to solid fingers. “Of all races and ages. Allow me to introduce a game this fine evening. We all know how the Romans rumbled on Earth and how death was the sure way to announce a victor. However, this ladies and gentlemen, I bring to you from all the way from the planet Nefelia.”

  There were mumbles and groans. The woman’s black lips stretched into a smile. “A combat duel. Are the Nefaliem really the strongest creatures throughout the universe, let us find out shall we?” she continued and held her smoky hand stretched out behind her to reveal a female in full body armour. No part of her scales were revealed. “Introducing the Nefaliem’s newest Silver Knight!” The crowd roared and I regarded the heavily armoured Nefaliem and then glanced at my unconscious friends as we were all sprawled along the arena ground. I ran straight to David.

  “David, wake up!”


  The Demon

  The voice boomed again. “Place your bets ladies and gentlemen. This show is just getting started.” The ground beneath the Nefaliem woman opened swallowing her whole before she ricocheted onto a platform that rose into the arena. I backed away. I saw what Kal could do when she wasn’t even trying. So I knew I didn’t want to see what she could do when she did try. “I introduce to you; the one the only, Princess Kalverya Nindo! A Nefaliem Knight!” My breath hitched and my blood froze. I knew Kal was the one to collect us but to battle us. Images of smiling snarky Kal flittered through my mind. There was no way she would change sides. There was no way she would betray us.

  “David!” I called. I heard Odette and Daphne beside me groan. Jorden moved and Marcus pulled himself to his feet. David was the only one who didn’t wake. I feared he might have brain damage. “David?” I whispered in his ear. He seemed to respond a little by producing an inaudible groan.

  “Heaven, my head,” Marcus groaned.

  “Where are we?” Jorden asked.

  I heard Odette gasp. “It can’t be? Kal?” she breathed, shocked at the sword Kal had unsheathed from her back.

  “What’s she doing?” Daphne cried.

  “Preparing to attack,” Marcus gravely commented. I looked up to gaze upon the woman that I knew was not just my role model but my friend.

  I prayed my eyes weren’t playing ticks on me as I critically watched Kal. She seemed almost out of it. “Hey David?” I asked and this time I was greeted with a decent response.

  “Yeah?” he groaned as I helped him into a half-sitting position, his head just grazed the top of my shoulder.

  “Don’t you think it’s strange?” I asked as all these recent events began to pile at the forefront of my mind.

  “What? Kal glaring at us? No. That’s pretty normal,” he teased and I lightly tapped him on the shoulder as a small reprimand for that unnecessary joke.

  “No.” I said. “Kal looks odd like she’s a zombie.”

  “A zombie?” Daphne questioned. I regarded her momentarily before turning my attention back to David. He seemed a little weak but not that bad. I figured I stay close just to make sure, I wouldn’t want any more sudden surprises.

  “May be she’s drugged?” Marcus remarked.

  “Or brainwashed?” Jorden casually threw in. I glared at them both.

  “Anyway,” Marcus brushed off my glare and continued, “I’d like to meet the guy who took her on and walked away.”

  “Yeah, that would be interesting,” Jorden remarked.

  “Can you two not!” Daphne growled her Italian accent strongly laced through the last word.

  I turned my gaze back to Kal aware Odette’s presence as she kneeled beside me, “She’s really preparing to attack,” she painfully motioned.

  “I know,” I confirmed. I noted Odette beside me, she was shaky but I had no idea if she was shaking out of fear or nervousness. I focused on Kal as she charged. Jorden and Marcus were quick to transition, blocking the concerning attacks Kal launched, speedily into the air. She was quick; three quick cross jabs and a round house to the side, Jorden effectively blocked.

  Marcus attacked thereafter. He didn’t hesitate. Kal dodged two of his attacks while her hands were caught. She leaped, spinning around she threw her body backwards locking her legs around Jorden’s wrists taking him with her, crashing hard into the ground. Marcus, launched at her, she rolled out of the way. Before flipping backwards. I watched as she summoned a shield in hand that she heaved, a deterrent of blasting per portions. She knocked Marcus to the ground, gripping her shield in hand as she swung it like weapon. Marcus, caught himself with a quick break fall. Kal was quick to shove the point of her shield into the ground as Marcus, just managed to roll out of the way. I realised then she was intent to kill us—every last one of us.

  Daphne and Odette, sprinted into action, duelling with Kal, in sync. Buying time for Marcus and Jorden to crawl to their feet. “Cecelia,” David grumbled as he pulled himself into a kneeling position. He seemed a little wobbly, within an instant I was by his side, helping him to his feet. He unravelled his arm from around my shoulders and stood without my help. “Find a way out.”

  “What?” I asked, confused.

  “Please, were getting thrashed.” he painfully spoke. I noted without a doubt, he was right. I watched as Kal took on Daphne, Odette, Da
vid and Marcus as they transitioned into their secondary forms with ease. Marquith, I spotted in the distance, was armed with what appeared to be a bow. It was silver and sterling in the distance. It housed a green energy arrow which soon turned to a silver arrow. Those were weapons in his arsenal, from his central core.

  He was taking aim.

  I held my breath as I watched the arrow fly. Heading straight for Kal, but to my surprise, she was as fast as lightening and deflected it with her forearm guard. I gasped, watching as her attention turned from my bruised and beaten friends all of who laid lined at her feet, unconscious, to Marquith. His eyes were wide as she leaped high into the air—I estimated was twelve feet easily and she crashed down to where Marquith once was. He rolled out of the way in time, to my relief and strung another green arrow which transitioned into a silver one.

  He fired. Kal blocked, the arrow deflecting off her armour. She strode towards him slowly and carefully, I had to pull my eyes away in fear what I would see. “Cecelia! Hurry!” David shouted as he raced towards Kal.

  “David!” I called after him and watched as he diverted Kal’s attention. David conjured a handheld crossbow and fired. Kal deflected another one, then dodged the next four.

  “Hurry!” he called. I painfully turned my back on him and trusted I had less than a minute to find an escape route or I was next. The transparent dome that surrounded us on the other side of the barrier, I barely spotted the men and women—all of different species, cheer on the battle that waged inside. Then crash! An explosion emanated and I spotted in the distance, a blond haired male armed with a bow. Behind him was a brunette man and woman cladded in silver technologized armour. The man took aim with a large crossbow and fired, something clicked and zapped at the top where the dome connected and disappeared as I heard the sound of shrieking screams.

  I peered behind me and watched as Marquith battled Kal in the air. She kicked him, sending him into a nearby wall where boulders and boulders of cement descended. I didn’t think but zipped across and pulled the man and woman aside from the falling debris immediately after I transitioned into Vampieruz form. I was about to shoot energy orbs at Kal, when something from behind knocked me across the seating area and between the rows. I groaned, David was on top of me—unconscious. I didn’t move, fearing he’d have a head injury.


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