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The American Soldier Collection 9: Password to Her Heart (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 16

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Oh, Lee, please. I need you to move faster,” she told him.

  “You’re in charge, baby. Come on and ride me,” he said, and she did. She began to thrust up and down on his shaft, so he leaned back against the wall of the shower. Behind her Mercury lowered to one knee and began to play with her ass.

  “Oh!” She moaned aloud as water dripped over her mouth, down her chin and breasts. She looked so sexy.

  “What is Mercury doing to you?” he asked her.

  “He’s licking and fingering my…Oh!” She moaned and then Mercury stood up. She pushed forward, sending Lee back against the wall and slightly lifting her ass toward Mercury.

  “Here we go, baby. Just the three of us,” Mercury said, and a moment later she felt the thick mushroom tip press firmly against her puckered hole. Shawna lifted up and then back down, increasing her speed as Mercury breached her anus. The men moaned, holding themselves inside of her a moment as they caught their breath.

  “Sweet Jesus, your ass is tight, baby,” Mercury said. She moaned and thrust backward. In a flash both men were counterthrusting one another’s strokes, and she was holding on for dear life. In and out, up and down, they made love to her in the shower. She called their names, panted and moaned, then screamed her release just as Lee and Mercury found theirs.

  “That was amazing,” Lee whispered, kissing her cheeks and shoulder.

  “I love you, baby. You are perfect,” Mercury told her as he kissed along her shoulder and neck.

  Lee smiled wide and Shawna hugged him tight.

  “It doesn’t get any better than this, Mercury, don’t you think?” he asked over her shoulder. Mercury caressed his palms down Shawna’s back and ass cheeks.

  “It sure as shit doesn’t. Plus, making love in the shower makes me think of all the other places I want to make love to Shawna.”

  “Really? Like where?” she asked.

  He caressed up her ass cheeks and squeezed them then kissed her shoulder.

  “Like that big pool outside, and on every lounge chair, whether under the glorious, smoldering sun or in the midst of the moonlight. I want you everywhere, all the time.”

  She leaned forward and kissed him over Lee’s shoulders. “Maybe we’ll try the pool tomorrow. If you’re lucky,” she teased, easing down out of Lee’s arms.

  “Lucky?” they both asked, and she giggled.

  “Yep, ’cause I’ve got some fantasies of my own and we may be too busy filling them to have time to fulfill yours.”

  Mercury grabbed her around the waist and hauled her up and against his chest. “We’ll make the time, because making love to you is more important and satisfying than anything else in this world.”

  They kissed and Shawna hugged them both until the water began to get cool and they were forced to leave the shower.

  He could start every day like this. In the arms of his perfect lover and under the safety and security of his team, his family.

  * * * *

  Lee was holding her hand as they walked back into the hospital room. He was planning to leave for about twenty minutes to go fill up the gas tank before they headed back home in a few hours. She was full from lunch and feeling positive about Keith’s condition. He woke up momentarily and then closed his eyes and fell back to sleep. She hoped he saw her and knew she was safe.

  The doctor wanted them to be careful because he was still at risk, even for infection.

  She swallowed hard as she caressed Keith’s hand with Lee standing behind her, holding her around the waist. His support, his masculinity brought her such relief and made her feel strong and secure.

  “He’s going to keep getting better and better. When he wakes up, he’s going to be hell to deal with, you know?” Lee whispered against her ear and neck. She loved the scent of his cologne, the feel of his muscular arms keeping her safe.

  “I know. But I have the five of you to help me keep him in his place and of course his gunnery sergeant who will lay down the law.”

  Lee chuckled. “That you do.”

  He pulled back and held her hands.

  “Will you be okay while I leave to get gas in the SUV and call the guys to let them know how Keith is doing?”

  “Of course. I would go with you, but I want to be right here in case he wakes up momentarily again.”

  “Okay.” He leaned forward and kissed her.

  She smiled.

  * * * *

  Tex was working at the office when he got a call from Sandman.

  “Hey, Sandman, what’s going on?” Tex asked. He glanced at the clock. He would head home a little early today. It was Friday and he and his brothers planned on taking Shawna out to Casper’s for dinner and drinks. They wanted her to meet their friends. He wondered if Sandman was going to be there, too.

  “I got some news. Just caught wind of a little chatter from an arrest someone made a few hours ago.”

  “On Chavez?”

  “Even better, his associate, Emoy Roman. Seems that these Hispanic men were looking for some people to play a little interference with the police. Something about a package being taken and then shipped off, and that these men needed decoys.”

  “Okay, I’m not getting it. What does this have to do with Chavez?”

  “I’m not a hundred percent sure aside from the fact that these men are part of a gang. That gang has members who are key associates to Emoy. They came in overnight, and the feds got some information on some sort of drug deal or, like I mentioned, a package being taken from one point to another. It could be another missile and the government isn’t taking any chances.”

  “Damn. So they have people on top of it?”

  “They do. I’ll keep you posted, but perhaps if the feds catch these guys with this package or follow it so they can bust their development facility, then maybe it will lead to Chavez’s location.”

  “It very well could. I don’t know why they would talk to some local guys about being decoys. Aren’t they afraid that the locals will rat them out just like this guy did?”

  “He saved his own ass. Had a pound of cocaine in his car, and baggies of heroine.”

  “It sounds like this might be about drugs, not terrorist activity and missiles.”

  “Well, they’re not taking a chance. I’ll call you soon with an update.”

  “Great. Thanks.”

  Tex hung up the phone and leaned back into his chair. He thought about Shawna and had that feeling in his gut. He called Lee.

  “Hey, how’s our girl?”

  “She’s good. I just left her to go fuel up the SUV. I was going to call you. Dragging her away from Keith is going to be like pulling out nails with my fingernails. Since Keith woke up for like half a second, she’s afraid to leave his side.”

  “That’s understandable. Are you headed back to the hospital now?”

  “Yep. Just finished up. We’ll call when we’re on our way back to the ranch.”

  “Okay. I’m leaving soon, too. Bye, oh and give her a kiss for me.”

  “My pleasure.” Tex chuckled as he disconnected the call. He worried about her being alone for only a second, then reminded himself that they were in Texas, not Mexico, and that she wasn’t in any danger. But he also wondered what package was being delivered and shipped out. Could the feds catch Chavez’s partner and would it lead to Chavez? Tex sure hoped so. He wanted this to be completely over, and until Chavez was captured or killed, he wasn’t going to let his guard down.

  * * * *

  Shawna stood up to stretch. She walked toward the window, looking out at the sunny day slowly coming to an end. It was going to be a warm night, and the guys had plans for her to meet their friends. She felt nervous despite the fact that some of those friends were in ménage relationships, too. But she wasn’t outgoing unless it was at work to get tips. This was different. She didn’t want to answer questions about her life, or her experience. She just wanted to be with Tiek, Lee, Stitch, Tex, and Mercury. Maybe she would remain between Mercury and Tiek. They
were the least conversational of the bunch and they would make her feel safe and secure. She smiled just thinking about them. She loved them. Heck, she loved making love with them. They were all so passionate, yet for big men, gentle and compassionate.

  She adjusted her knee-length beige skirt and pulled down the soft, pink T-shirt she had worn with it. She had to admit that she was surprised at Mercury’s ability to pick out such nice clothing. Most men seemed to hate shopping, never mind having to dress a woman and find interesting things. But somehow, from panties and bras to lingerie, sleepwear to everyday wear, he was successful in choosing gorgeous things. By the names on the tags they were high quality and expensive.

  She chuckled. Since complimenting Mercury, Lee and Stitch got in on buying her things, and this morning she found red-and-black lace lingerie, with thigh-high stockings, garters, and panties that were missing the crotch. She felt her cheeks warm. Maybe she’d wear it for them one night when they least expected it.

  Chuckling, she heard the door to the room open and thought it would be Lee. He should have been back by now.

  Her heart raced and she covered her mouth. Standing in front of the closed door was one of the Hispanic men who’d nabbed her off the streets on her way home from work that night.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked and then looked toward the bed at Keith. She stepped closer and the man smiled.

  “If you want your brother to live, and the Marine who is here with you, then you’d better cooperate.” He opened his light jacket and revealed a gun with a silencer.

  She shook her head. “Don’t hurt him. What do you want?” she asked.

  “You. It’s time to go. Move now, cooperate, and don’t make a scene or the man I have watching Lee will kill him at the gas station.”

  She knew he was telling the truth. There had to be someone watching Lee.

  She glanced at Keith and the Hispanic man raised the gun, pointing it at Keith.

  “No. Please don’t kill him. Please. I’ll go. I’ll do whatever you want. Just don’t hurt them.”

  “Then move it.” He reached his hand out, and she glanced over her shoulder at Keith. She prayed that he would be safe.

  “They’ll kill them all. He has men watching the others, too.”

  “No. Please. Don’t hurt them.”

  He held her gaze. “Just know that I can, and that you better cooperate or they’ll all die.” He shot the gun, making her jump. She turned and saw the bullet in the pillow directly next to Keith’s head. A half an inch closer and he would have killed him right there. She was shaking in fear, wondering why this was happening. The man took her hand and walked with her down the empty hallway.

  Shawna wondered where all the nurses and people walking around were. All other days the floor was kind of busy. Minutes didn’t pass without a soul walking by. Just as they got to the staircase, she saw the nurse. She was heading inside to check on Keith. Shawna hoped that she saw the bullet hole. Looking up at the cameras on the wall, she wondered if someone were watching. “Help me,” she stated and then felt the smack to the back of her head. She gasped, and the man gripped her neck.

  “Not too smart. One call and the boyfriend at the gas station will blow up.”

  She couldn’t let that happen. She loved them all too much. She had to cooperate.

  Chapter 16

  Lee didn’t like the way the sports car with the dark-tinted windows seemed to be following him. He picked up on the sports car as he left the gas station and headed back the block over to the hospital. As Lee pulled into the parking spot, the car stopped on the side of the road. He debated about what to do when the phone rang.

  “Lee, tell me that you have Shawna?” Tex asked, sounding frantic.

  “No. She’s inside the hospital. I just got back.”


  “What? What is it?”

  “Someone who works for Chavez is in the area. The hospital called the police. There was a bullet hole in Keith’s pillow and Shawna is missing. I was hoping she was with you.”

  “Oh fuck. What do I do?”

  “I don’t know. I’m on my way. The police should be arriving.” Just as Tex said that, Lee heard the sirens and saw the police. The sports car quickly headed back onto the main road.

  “Tex, I won’t be at the hospital. There was a car I thought was following me. I’m going to follow it now.”

  “Be careful, Lee, and call me for backup. Sandman is involved now, too. Shit!” Tex exclaimed.

  * * * *

  “What the fuck do you mean someone took her? Who was it? Chavez’s men?” Mercury asked Tex over the phone. Stitch and Tiek were standing there looking shocked and angry.

  “I’ve got men in the hospital now going over the surveillance tapes. We got a license plate on the vehicle and Lee is following a car that he believes was tailing him. They shot a bullet into Keith’s pillow, Mercury.”

  “That’s probably how the bastards got her to go without a fight. What are we going to do? Where should we meet you?” Mercury asked.

  “Head this way, toward the hospital, and I’ll call you if anything changes or if we get a lead on her. I should have seen this coming. I should have known that something was up when I had that feeling in my gut,” Tex told him.

  “You weren’t the only one who had that feeling. It was more than just us falling in love and feeling vulnerable. It was that instinct that kept us alive when we were in the field facing danger. You do whatever you need to do to find Shawna. We’ll be there soon.”

  Mercury explained to Tiek and Stitch about what was going on. Tiek slammed his fist down on the island in the kitchen.

  “Fuck. He’ll kill her. She’ll go through hell again, and then the fucker will kill her to get back at Keith, at all of us.”

  “Calm down. I’m not going to let that happen. You two grab the gear and the guns,” Mercury told them.

  “Why?” Stitch asked.

  “Just do it,” Mercury said, and as they left the room, he ran toward his bedroom to grab some things he needed. He called Calico, their ex-commander.

  “Calico, Chavez and his men have Shawna. I need your help. I won’t let them destroy the only family I’ve ever had. I need to do something. You have to help me.”

  * * * *

  Lee wasn’t surprised when the black sports car veered off the highway and onto the exit for the private airport. Of course they were going to join the assholes that took Shawna. But he had to be sure he didn’t just go on some wild-goose chase. He needed proof.

  He parked along the perimeter of the building adjacent to where the sports car parked. Two Hispanic men got out of the car, pulled small travel bags from the trunk, and then locked the car up. Lee texted the license plate to Tex. He carefully made his way around the building, pissed that all he had was a small firearm on his ankle. He pulled it out and carefully moved closer. The moment his eyes locked on the dark sedan, he saw Shawna being pulled from the vehicle and he lost it. He texted his location to Tex, and told him to hurry.

  Just as the two men approached the three men with Shawna, he saw Shawna shaking her head and planting her feet into the ground as they pulled her along. A second later she started swinging.


  Lee pointed the gun and aimed at the tall guy with his revolver out. If he took him out now, that would almost even the odds. He took the shot, the guy went down, everyone turned, and Shawna ran.

  Lee bolted away from the wall and headed toward them, running at full speed. A few shots whizzed by his head, and he ducked and rolled then saw the one with the gun shooting. He took another shot, pissed that he didn’t carry his Glock.

  As he headed toward Shawna, men grabbed her and stopped her from running. Someone turned and shot at him. Shawna saw him and screamed out his name just as another shot went off and hit him. He fell to the ground then quickly got up. He grabbed his arm. A flesh wound. In the distance he could hear the sirens blaring, and he looked up in time to see Shaw
na fighting off the other men. One hit her with something. She faltered and fell to the ground. She looked enraged, and as the guy pointed the gun right at her, Lee yelled out her name just as she kicked the gun from the man’s hand. She fell to the ground and grabbed the gun as Lee got himself up despite the pain in his arm and headed toward her. He couldn’t use his gun. He was helpless, but the need to get to her was intense.

  She continued to fight the two men. One guy grabbed her by her hair and started pulling her toward the car again. She swung at him and then Lee heard tires squeal. Police cars and unmarked cars pulled onto the scene just as Shawna punched the guy and a gunshot went off. Shawna fell backward, hit the car, and slunk to the ground.

  “No! Shawna, oh God, no!” he cried out. He made it to her as the police grabbed the other guys, including the one that shot her. She was bleeding from her shoulder. He placed his hand against her cheek as Tex and Stitch fell to their knees beside them both.

  “Oh God, baby, are you okay? Shit, she’s hit, Stitch, and so is Lee,” Tex stated, pulling Lee over to sit beside Shawna.

  “I’m fine. It hurts really bad, but I’m fine. I thought they shot you. I was so angry,” she told Lee. He leaned over and kissed her. She cringed and was crying.

  “Rest. Let’s apply some pressure to the wound. Tex, you apply some to Lee’s wound.”

  “I’m fine. It grazed the skin, I think. I just can’t really move it. Take care of Shawna,” Lee said.

  The ambulance arrived on the scene and Shawna looked white as a ghost.

  “She’s going into shock!” Stitch yelled to the paramedics. “Stay still and relax, Shawna. Everything is going to be okay,” he told her.

  “Where are Mercury and Tiek?” she asked. Lee could see her eyes beginning to roll. The adrenaline rush was leaving her body. The shock of being shot was beginning to take control.

  Lee looked at Tex and Stitch as they looked back toward Shawna.


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