Book Read Free

Stream Ran Dry

Page 11

by Jeanne Harrell

Her seat was towards the back and she took her sweet time. Rebecca glimpsed him searching for her, as people got off the bus and she wasn’t among them. Finally, everyone else had gone.

  “Getting off, miss?” asked the bus driver.

  “No,” she said firmly.

  The driver saw Wyatt looking in the bus and stepped out to talk to him. He glanced at the rodeo gear, shrugged his shoulders.

  “Do you have any other passengers?”

  “Yeah…pretty girl in the back who won’t leave.” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder her way. “Get her off for me, mister. I’ve got ten minutes and I need to take off again. I’m going for coffee.”

  Wyatt stepped onto the bus and walked down the aisle toward her. She refused to look at him and continued looking out the window.

  “Becca? Honey? I’m incredibly stupid, I know.” He sat down on the seat in front of her and tried to catch her eye. “… I’m sorry…”

  Rebecca exhaled and wiped a smudge off the window. She cast a weary eye his way, still frowning. There was resignation in her voice when she spoke.

  “…Let’s just let it go, Wyatt. I’m exhausted trying to fight both you and Missy.”

  “And I deserve that… Could I take you home at least? The bus driver doesn’t want you to live here.” His attempt at levity fell on very deaf ears. He knew he’d dug a really deep hole for himself. “Please, Becca? Let me take you home.”

  “No!” Her eyes flashed a warning. “You can drop me off at my apartment and that’s all!”

  A small smile came to his face – She’d just told him that home meant his ranch, not her apartment. Maybe he could salvage the situation.

  She finally rose and clutched her purse while walking down the aisle toward the door. She stopped outside the bus, waiting for him. He’d gotten her case and brought it out with him. Wyatt tried to take her elbow to escort her to the truck, but she tugged it away. He grimaced wondering how in the hell he would win her back this time. She walked stiffly away from him, not wanting to be touched.

  Opening the door, he tried to help her in but she refused his help. She managed to hop up onto the high seat herself and reached for her case – which he handed to her.

  Once inside the truck, Wyatt turned to look at her. Rebecca was completely closed up, clutching her purse and case tightly to her. He’d never, ever seen her so closed and it scared him. What could he do? First, he had to get her talking…

  “Nice ride, miss?” He watched her stare out the window. “Honey?”

  “Just dandy. Did you have a nice drive in?”

  Her sarcasm stung and gave him pause…

  “… Please look at me,” he whispered. She finally turned stormy eyes towards him. He didn’t speak – They just stared at one another for a few minutes. “I know this is hard…”

  “Hard?” she scoffed. “Hard is when you argue about money or sex. Hard is when you can’t decide where to live or coping with a bad toothache.”


  “This…” she threw a hand up in the air. “is impossible. I cannot … compete with… a dead woman.”

  “I’m not asking you to.”

  Her eyes blazed. “Oh, yes you are… Every so often you stick in a knife and twist it around a bit to remind me that I’m not Missy.” She shook her head wearily. “Well, I’ll never be Missy and I never want to be.”

  She crossed her arms, closed up again. “Take me to the apartment.”

  He cleared his throat. “…I … I don’t want to lose you, Becca.”

  “I’m not yours to lose.”

  “… Ouch… That hurt…I deserve that too, but I can’t accept it.”

  “Your problem…” She shrugged and looked back out the window.

  That hole he’d dug for himself seemed to be a bottomless pit.

  “Do you want me to disappear forever? Because if you really want that, then that’s what I’ll do… You hold the power here, Becca.”

  She considered his words… moistened her lips… scratched her chin… put down her case and picked it back up again.

  Glancing at his sincere face, she looked away quickly.

  “Maybe we need time and distance to cool off.”

  He nodded. “…Maybe… But maybe instead of cooling off, we’ll become chilly and cold. I couldn’t take that, could you? I’d rather battle it out, face to face.”

  Exasperated, she raised her voice. “You broke my heart, Wyatt! You said yourself that you’d probably never get over her.”

  “I’m sorry…”

  With tears falling now, she whispered, “Why can’t you let me be?”

  “I can’t,” he whispered back. “…Do you truly want me to?” He shifted a little closer to her. “Don’t leave me, Becca. We can work it out…I want to – don’t you?”

  Rebecca shook her head forcefully. “It may not come down to what we want. Some things just don’t work out. From where I sit, Missy holds most of the cards. I can’t and won’t live like this.”

  “…I don’t expect you to.”

  They didn’t speak for several minutes. The frosty air warmed a degree or two. He glanced over at her a few times… she finally sneaked a look at him.

  “Maybe we should get counseling…”


  “Okay? Just like that?”

  “…Just like that.”

  “Guys hate counseling.”

  “Becca, I knew I’d need help putting her behind me. If it’s too big a job for us alone, let’s get help.”


  “Let me ask you a question: Do you love me?”

  “That’s not the issue. Love doesn’t conquer all.”

  “…In my mind, it does.” His face was open, feelings undisguised. “If you had a seemingly insurmountable problem, I’d stay with you to the end. Honest.”

  She gulped back tears… her cheeks reddened. She set down her case, still clutching her purse. Wiping sweaty hands on her jeans, she bit her lip. Slowly, she placed her purse on the floor and twisted in her seat to look straight into his eyes.

  “Remember what I said in my note? If you charm me out of being mad, you’d better be willing to make some real changes.” She looked at him expectantly.

  “…I’m ready.”

  “Are you? Are you really?”

  He sighed. “I may be this big, strong cowboy to the world, but I’m honestly just mush around you, honey. There it is and I’m not sorry about it.”

  His eyes roamed her pretty face. “You light up my life in Technicolor… Please give me one more chance. I’m so sorry I hurt you.”

  Rebecca could feel herself softening, becoming a puddle on the seat. Before she was lost, she straightened and tried again.

  “If another Missy episode happens, I’ll be gone for good. You have major damage control to do now. One more time would shake the earth out from under me… I just couldn’t take it.”

  “...I promise.”

  * * *


  He drank her in… pretty long dark hair, pert nose, soft bangs curling around her beautiful face… When her stormy eyes calmed and quieted, a flush again crept over her face – and he knew he might stand a chance… He reached for her.

  “…Becca,” was all he could say before pulling her into his arms and hugging her hard against his chest. Slowly, she put her arms around him and he breathed a relieved sigh. Wyatt reveled in the fact that she was back in his arms. He wasn’t too sure it was going to happen again.

  Rebecca sighed too – It was painfully obvious, even to her that she couldn’t stay away from him… She didn’t want to stay away from him… That she loved him and they needed to work through this.

  Did she really want to? Yes, came the answer from the depths of her mind… Very much… Much more than she’d ever realized. He was her man…

  “Did you really have to do this?” He whispered softly in her ear.

  “Yes. It’s hard to get your attention sometimes.” />
  “You’ve got it now.”

  “…Good. Let’s go to my apartment and talk.”

  “Not without a kiss first.”

  “I’m still mad at you…”

  “I know, honey, and I promise to make it right, but please kiss me first…”

  And then she smiled. Oh, wow… It was like the sun had come out and there were rays of sunlight bouncing off every surface in the truck.

  She placed her soft hands on both sides of his willing face and planted her lips firmly on his. He let her guide their actions and happily acquiesced to anything she did.

  Smiling into his lips, she wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him closer still. He didn’t move, afraid that she’d stop and he needed her so much – that and the intimacy she provided.

  Wyatt knew what he’d done wrong, and that Rebecca would spell it all out for him in colorful detail. That she was willing to talk to him and kiss him was all he needed for now. He knew he’d do just about anything she wanted him to. Wyatt never wanted to pick up the woman he loved at a bus station trying to escape from him, ever again…

  When they arrived at her apartment, he nervously stopped the truck.

  “May I come in?”

  She never ceased to amaze him… She nodded so he got out and went around to her side, opening the door. When she got out, he grabbed her case and then she took him by the hand into the apartment.

  Wyatt knew that Rebecca was still angry with him and wanted to have a serious talk. But what did they do? She wanted to go to bed and make love… Women’s actions were inexplicable sometimes and this was truly one of those times. He didn’t know if she was savvy or desperately in love… Maybe both – Whichever she was, it worked with him.

  She led him into the bedroom. He was bewitched by her and totally out of his depth. As they undressed, he stood admiring her as she slowly slipped out of her clothes. Her molten chocolate eyes never left his hungry blue ones. It always thrilled him that she wanted him so much. It had been that way with her since their first real date.

  He was wrapped around her little finger, like her lovely legs were wrapped around his hips… thrusting into him as eagerly as he was thrusting into her. And then they were kissing… nibbling…sucking. He lapped up her creamy skin like a saucer of milk. Her beautiful breasts, her smooth stomach… the soft underside of her pretty legs… the moist center between her legs.

  Whew… Their sexual chemistry was off the charts. That had never been in doubt. He knew he’d have to work harder making sure they got along as well out of bed as in it. Daily helpings of sex and love were familiar to him now and he didn’t want to lose either… Couldn’t lose either… Wyatt was addicted and he was in love…

  They were being silly now, wrapped up in the comforter, sitting on the floor by the bed, where they’d landed after falling off in a spectacular bout of lovemaking. He’d gotten two cold beers from her refrigerator and they were giggling, drinking them in their warm cocoon.

  “…You made quite an entrance at the bus depot today,” she laughed, taking a sip.

  “Seeing you step out of a bus was the highlight for me,” he kidded, clinking his bottle against hers.

  “Let’s not do that again too soon.”

  “…I’ll agree to that.”

  “How fast did you drive coming in?”

  He shook his head. “…You don’t want to know… Just happy there were no cops on that road today.”

  Her laugh made him smile. He looked at her beautiful face with the comforter over her head, sitting on the floor, laughing and drinking a beer with him.


  “I just don’t want to ever forget this moment, Becca. You’re so lovely…”

  She blushed. “And you can be so much fun, honey. Why can’t we always have this much fun?”

  “I guess there’s always good times and bad.”

  “…Speaking of bad…”

  “Must we?”

  “…We must.”

  “Okay,” he breathed. “Tell me…”

  “I want you to tell me actually. What was the toughest time for you this week?”

  He thought about that. “Probably the furniture.”

  “…The furniture? Really? Okay, what can we do about that, do you think?”

  He gazed into her lovely eyes. “Are you willing to try it again with me, honey?”

  “Yes,” she said without hesitation.

  His eyes misted. “Thank you. I love you more than I can say and want you with me twice that amount.”

  She lovingly kissed his cheek. “Thank you. You’re my guy, Wyatt Washburn.”

  “…Am I?”

  “Definitely, although you can drive me nuts sometimes.”

  “Right…. Back to the furniture -- Is it really that bad?”

  “…It can be better arranged to make more livable space in several rooms, but the couch and living room chairs need to be replaced. Also, our mattress is shot…”

  His grin lit up the room. “Our mattress?”

  “Yes, honey. Our mattress in our bedroom… If you want me on it, that mattress has to go.”

  He took her hand. “Okay. Let’s go shopping while we’re in town. Buy whatever you want.”

  “No,” she corrected him. “We’ll decide together what will suit us both.”

  “… Even better,” he said happily. “Next?”

  “The dishes, glasses and silverware are all old and need to be replaced. The dishes are cracked and the glasses…”

  He held up a hand. “…Got it. Shall I add those to our shopping list?”

  “Yes, please,” she beamed.

  “It’s a good thing I have a very profitable ranch.”

  “…Yes, it is.”

  “Is there another item?”

  “Yep – the closet.” He started to look a little uncomfortable. “Are you still with me?”

  “Yeah, go…”

  “I have a lot of clothes, Wyatt. Please let me use the other side where Missy’s used to be. What do you say to that?”

  He thought a minute. Wyatt took ahold of Rebecca’s chin, tilted her concerned face up to his and looked deeply into her eyes.

  “I accept the fact that she’s gone. I accept the fact that she’ll never be back. I need you to acknowledge how difficult this is for me.”

  She kissed his lips. “…Acknowledged.”

  “Thank you, sweetie.”

  “…And that you’ll always love her, but differently than how you love me.”


  “I’d be thrilled to know that you’ll love me this long too…”


  “Because if you don’t – I’ll have to come back to haunt you.”

  He laughed. “All right. I promise to love you forever. Will that work?”


  Wyatt leaned in to kiss Rebecca’s puffy lips. “You’re so beautiful.”

  She smiled and kissed his eyes, First one and then the other… slowly, gently.

  “Are you ready for the big one?”

  “Okay,” he said hesitantly, knowing what was coming.

  “And this one’s a deal breaker, Wyatt. It truly is.”

  “I know it is.”

  “…the scarf. Missy’s pink scarf… Please take it out of your saddlebag. Isn’t there another more appropriate place to put it where… maybe you can still see it but it doesn’t bother me so much?”

  “I actually thought about this on the drive to Vegas. I could attach it to her headstone – That way anyone could see it who visits her grave. Like her dad… We haven’t spoken for some time, but he’d probably like that.”

  Rebecca’s smile was fast and bright. What a wonderful solution to their problem. It was thoughtful and generous. She cleared her throat and dashed a hand to her eyes. “You’re wonderful, Wyatt. Thank you…”

  He shook his head. “I probably should have done it sooner, but you’ve made me revisit some ideas that have needed dustin
g. Thank you, sweetheart.”

  “…And lastly, the flowerbeds.”

  He rubbed his forehead. “I was too complacent and just didn’t think.”

  “Can I work those beds?”

  “Please do. I would love to see lots of colorful flowers everywhere again… Let’s pick up more and I’ll give you a hand, if you like.”

  When they gazed lovingly at one another for a few minutes, Wyatt moved their bottles out of the way and pulled the comforter back over their heads. She started to grin as he tugged her close to him and they lay down on the floor. The layered material softened the hard surface, while Wyatt brought her hand up before them. With his finger, he began to trace a line on the palm of her hand.

  “What are you doing?

  “Well, I’m going to read your fortune for you.”

  “…That’s right,” she giggled. “You’re a fortune teller…”

  “Shh,” he said. “I’m thinking…”

  She watched his serious profile as he softly traced the line running through the center of her palm.

  “See this line?”


  “That line shows that you’re going to fall in love with a tall, handsome stranger – probably a rancher…” He glanced at her and grinned.


  “Yes and see the line right above it?”

  She peered where he was looking. “Okay…”

  “That line shows me that you’re going to have children with this man.”

  “…Now that’s interesting…” She pointed to the line that met up with the other two lines. “How about this one?”

  “Oh, that’s a good one --.”

  “…What’s it tell you?”

  “That you’re going to marry this handsome rancher but he can’t propose on one knee because he banged it on the nightstand falling off the bed…”

  “Whew… That’s a mouthful. I had no idea that my palm was so full of information.”

  He turned her hand over, kissed it and looked into her beautiful brown eyes.

  “So how about it, Rebecca Jayne Sawyer. Will you marry this rancher with the banged up knee, who promises not to screw up again and loves you desperately? Will you have children with him and live happily ever after?”


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