A Lesson in Passion

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A Lesson in Passion Page 10

by Jennifer Connors

  “Are ya feeling well, my lady,” Maude asked tentatively, staring at Ginny's face. Ginny must have seemed a thousand miles away.

  “Huh... oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about how to make my situation more tolerable,” Ginny said hoping to be alone soon to consider her options.

  “Why don't ya eat a little and then get some rest. I know you dinna sleep verra well last night,” Maude said, with her sweet smile.

  “Thanks, Maude. You don't have to hang around here. Go do whatever it is you're supposed to be doing. I'll be fine,” Ginny returned the smile.

  Maude bowed her head and left the room. This gave Ginny time to feel sorry for herself and try to figure out how to make things better. She needed to formulate a plan, but her mind just kept returning to things she shouldn't do. Ginny considered running away, after all, isn't that what the damsels in the books always did. Then the mega-hunk would have to race to find her in the middle of whatever trouble she'd gotten herself into, save her and then proclaim his undying love and live happily ever after.

  Ginny was starting to turn this around in her head. If she could accelerate the timeline, or plot line, she might be able to finish this drama and return to her own body in the future. I guess it's worth a try , she thought as she slowly ate the hard black bread and moldy cheese. She tentatively tasted the ale. Ginny liked a good beer, and to her, anything from Mexico constituted a good beer. This ale tasted more like warm light beer on a bad day. But, beggars can't be choosers!

  After finishing her meager offering, Ginny laid down on the bed. Part of her did not want to sleep on this “mattress.” Too many stories about bed bugs and lice were swimming in her head (and possibly would make a home on her head if she laid down). Looking around the room, she didn't see anything that would be an acceptable alternative. Eventually, she was too tired to care and settled down on her stomach, to allow her bottom to heal.

  As she began to relax, Ginny started thinking about the Cat Steven's song Wild World: Oh Baby, baby, it's a wild world, it's hard to get by just on a smile, Oh baby, baby, it's a wild world and I'll always remember you like a child . Despite an intense case of heebee jeebies, Ginny was asleep in minutes. Snoring away, as she always did when she slept on her stomach.

  Sometime after dark, Ginny began to shiver. Not quite awake, she suddenly felt a warmth move towards her. She moved her body to be closer to it and was both relieved and comfortable. She settled back into her dreamless slumber.

  * Chapter 13 *

  The next morning, Ginny woke up suddenly and couldn't remember where she was again. She sat up in bed too quickly and the pain in her rear reminded her of both where and when she was. Ginny laid back down and groaned. Why can't this be over? I want running water again!

  She stepped gingerly out of bed, not wanting her bare feet to touch either the filthy rugs used as carpeting or the cold hard floor. She had little success avoiding either. No sooner had she stepped out of bed, did Maude come in.

  “I thought I heard ya. Are ya feeling well today?” Maude was all smiles.

  Despite her initial fears about the bed, she had to admit, it was very comfortable. Although the room was absolutely frigid, Ginny was nothing but warm and toasty in the bed. “Maude, I feel a thousand times better today. I believe I can get through an entire day without being paddled,” Ginny said it, but she didn't actually believe it.

  “Let's get ya dressed and find ya some food. Then I will show ya around the village.”

  “No thanks, Maude. I'm quite through with being spit on,” Ginny was not about to let the clan have another crack at her. Their treatment on her first day was enough to convince her that maybe she should just run away. After all, what would Ian do? He must be just as tired of dealing with everything to bother coming after her.

  “Oh, I think ya will be surprised, my lady.” Maude pulled out some new clothes for Ginny to wear. Hardly fashionable, they were at least clean. Ginny pulled on the chemise. The cloth was coarse against her skin, like burlap. Maude handed her the long tunic dress next. The sleeves were wide, and the fabric was heavy, but it would keep her warm. Next came some heavy hose and strange slipper like shoes.

  Surprising Ginny for a moment, Maude handed her a cloth and some powder. It took Ginny a moment to realize it was for her teeth. Reaching into the knowledge she gained from Lady Chatham, Ginny knew that although hygiene wasn't the top priority, Medieval people weren't as unclean as she always thought. The powder wasn't as good as her toothpaste at home, but it would work.

  After her bath the day before, her good night's sleep and the opportunity to clean her teeth this morning, Ginny was ready to face whatever came her way.

  After some breakfast, Maude went about the tour. Outside the large stone keep, there were many huts that dotted the landscape. As they passed each hut, Ginny noticed small gardens, growing beans, peas and spinach. The huts themselves looked to be made of mud bricks and some stone with thatched roofs. The windows and doors were covered in linen and provided little protection from the elements.

  Further out were plowed fields of wheat, barley and rye. Maude began to chatter on how their clan was famous for their bread and ale. They sold or bartered it to many of the other clans that bordered them. As they passed building after building, Maude would rattle off its name and purpose. Ginny was only half listening, since she was expecting to be attacked at any moment.

  Maude noticed her inattention and said, “Ya will not be treated so badly again, my lady. Many of the clan were impressed by how ya took yar punishment yesterday.”

  Ginny smiled and sighed her relief. It was a beautiful day, for Scotland. The sun was making a rare appearance and it wasn't as cold as it usually was. The grass smelled fresh and the animals were downwind. It was still painful to witness the poverty of these people, but it was just the way it was. In a mere 800 years, things would be better, at least for more people. Even with all the world had in the future, there were still too many people who lived like this.

  Grim thoughts for a such a beautiful day , Ginny thought. She was determined to get into the spirit of this place. She had a part to play and hopefully it would lead her back to her time. To what? , she thought again, being alone but being well fed? To a home by myself, with no one to share it with. Ginny shook her head in disgust. Living in a romance novel was beginning to make her crazy.

  Maude continued to chatter on about this and that. She showed Ginny her family's hut. Ginny met Maude's mother, a short, round woman with mousy brown hair flecked with gray. Her father had passed away only a few months earlier. Maude spoke on about how the rest of the clan helps their family out and now she had a job as her servant so she would be able to help more, too.

  “Servant? You're not my servant, Maude,” Ginny replied to Maude's assumption.

  “Laird McKenna asked me to assist you. I was willing to help ya for no reason, since I like talking to ya, but the laird insisted on paying me. He is a generous man.”

  Ginny could see the pride Maude had in her new found position and didn't want to deflate her enthusiasm, but she had a problem with this young girl being a servant to her. “Listen, Maude. I appreciate your help and God knows I need it, but can we call you something else? How about 'mentor,' since you're teaching me all the things I need to know so I don't get paddled?”

  Maude laughed and made a musical sound. “If it makes ya feel better, ya can call me whatever ya want. I am just happy to have you as a friend.”

  “So am I, Maude. You can now be my mentor. I do warn you though... If I get paddled on your watch, you may be out of a job!”

  Maude laughed again and continued the tour. Ginny began to wonder what she was supposed to do now. Feeling useless was not something she enjoyed feeling. She could use her skills to help doctor these people. It was the best she had to offer. Maybe she could start with bathing and how it kept one healthy. Baby steps, Ginny, can't move mountains , she smiled.

  * * *

  And so it was, Ginny became the
clan's psuedo healer. Psuedo because most of the clan wouldn't come near her because she was English. The older the clan member, the more they refused to be treated. Ginny was learning about all sorts of plants used for healing. Many she'd known about from her grandmother, but many were new and interesting in their uses.

  The hardest part was trying to treat those that would be instantly cured with antibiotics or surgery, but were left to suffer slow and sometimes agonizing deaths. Often left to pure guessing, Ginny tried to help with everything from hangnails to cancer. Mostly, she just tried to make the clan member more comfortable.

  Ginny was working from morning 'til night. She would see patients inside the main room of the keep, since she had no hut of her own. Maude was her assistant and nurse. No matter what Ginny asked her to do, she grinned and bore it with grace. Maude was not allowed to assist with the men's treatment. It seemed that no one cared about Ginny's sensibilities.

  When Ginny wasn't seeing new patients, she and Maude would travel to check up on the sickest in their huts. Ginny had become very good at masking her feelings when entering some of the horrific conditions these people lived in. Dirt floors, sleeping on hay in corners, no clean water, clothing or bodies. It was no wonder they suffered so much. Their diets were bad enough: not enough protein, high in fiber, but low in Vitamins A, C and D. The diet, coupled with the unsanitary conditions often made Ginny wonder how anyone survived past infancy.

  Ginny was beginning to feel the effects on her. She seemed tired all the time. When the sun did make an appearance, she stood outside for as long as she could, willing her body to soak in the Vitamin D. There was no explaining nutrition, since they had only so much food to go around. They were poor, but were also very generous and caring. It was awesome to witness.

  Every night, Ginny would retire to Ian's bedroom. He had been very generous to loan her his bed. She had no idea where he spent his nights and probably didn't want to know. Every night, she would begin to shiver and suddenly there would be warmth. She'd snuggle against it and sleep soundly. Every morning, she would be cold again. Despite her initial reservations, the bed was comfortable and she had yet to get lice. Pretty good considering.

  Days drifted into weeks and nothing new was happening. Ginny barely saw Ian, as he was often working with his warriors to hone their skills. When she had some time and she wasn't trying to make better concoctions with her herbs and plants, Ginny would sit and watch them fight. It was brutal and she knew she would probably be called to set a broken bone, but she was fascinated by the skill and cunning many of the men displayed.

  She watched as they practiced with swords and bow and arrows. Most of the time, it was hand to hand combat, wrestling and full on cage fighting. Ginny got the impression that if someone didn't walk away bloody, it wasn't a worthy match.

  Ian would often stare at her from a distance. Since the kiss after her paddling, he had avoided her like the plague. Ginny was willing to make the sacrifice of sleeping with him if it would get her home quicker, but she knew that was not how these books worked. She would have to fall in love with him despite his flaws and he would have to do the same. Ginny just didn't want to fall in love. It seemed so cliché.

  And so, they barely spoke, they barely stood within a few feet of each other. If they were supposed to fall in love, this wasn't the way to do it. Something had to change. Ginny rolled her eyes to herself as she pondered what she had to do. How embarrassing , she thought grimly. I'm going to have to change something here and probably humiliate myself in the process.

  Ginny didn't know what was worse, having to execute a silly plan to make Ian fall in love with her or the fact that she was completely incapable of coming up with a silly plan. She would sleep on it and consider her options in the morning. Maybe Maude would have some silly suggestions.

  * Chapter 14 *

  “My lady, please. Come quickly. Roslyn is having problems with the baby. She is asking for ya. Please,” Maude was pulling Ginny's arm to get her moving.

  “What are you talking about? Who is Roslyn?” Ginny, who was half asleep, had no idea what Maude was telling her. She tried to wake up, but the dream she was having was too good to abandon. Ginny was lying in the sunshine, warmed by the rays, surrounded by wildflowers. This was her happy place and she didn't want to get up and out into the cold.

  “Ginny, wake up. Roslyn needs ya now,” it was Ian's voice, standing half naked and looking somewhat agitated. Ginny could barely remember a time when he didn't look half to fully agitated about something, so this was nothing to her.

  “Okay, okay,” Ginny was still reluctant to give up her warmth, but as her head started to clear, she realized both Maude and Ian were worried about something.

  Ginny dressed as quickly as possible, mostly having Maude do the work. God, when am I going to get used to how freakin' cold it is here , she thought miserably. Her hands were like ice as she was led to Roslyn's house. Ginny looked around the sleepy village. There were no lights, of course, but the moon was full and bright enough to lead the way. She only stumbled a few times on the way. Every time she tripped, she could feel Ian grab her and set her right and hear him mumble something about her clumsiness.

  The small hut was situated along the valley to the west of the keep. Ginny was led inside where every available light source was being used. In a small bed was Roslyn, laying on her side and panting. It didn't take a medical degree to see that this woman was having a baby, and judging by her behavior, she was having it now. What the cold didn't do to wake her up, the situation was making up for it.

  The old midwife came to Ginny's side and began rattling off in Gaelic. “Wait, I'm not that good with Gaelic... please slow down,” Ginny stared at Maude to translate.

  “She says that Roslyn is in trouble. The baby, it's too big. She knows ya're a healer and is asking for help.”

  Ginny stared incredulously, first at Maude, then at the old woman. When Ginny was in school, she had done her rotation in OB, but never delivered a baby by herself and certainly never did it with complications. Maude looked at Ginny, imploring her to help. Her eyes begged as if it she were the one lying there.

  “Okay, let me take a look at her. Can someone go back and get my bag with my herbs?” Before Ginny could finish the sentence, Ian was out the door.

  Ginny walked over to the small bed and felt the woman's forehead. Fever had already set in. “How long has she been laboring?”

  The midwife spoke softly to Maude, who replied, “Almost two days.”

  Ginny didn't want to alarm poor Roslyn, but that was obviously not good. She concentrated on softening her face before turning to the laboring mother. “How many kids do you have?”

  “This be my first, my lady.”

  Ginny heart broke at the sound of the exhausted woman. She bent low down, so only Roslyn would hear her. “I may only be able save one of you. If I have a choice, who do you want it to be?” Ginny was nearly certain of the poor girl's answer, but had to ask regardless.

  “Save me baby, please.”

  Ginny turned swiftly to the midwife and Maude. She began shouting orders of what she needed. The three women prepared the hut. With all the activity, Ginny was not able to be nervous about what she was about to attempt. She knew that she couldn't do a Caesarian under these conditions, not that any conditions would ideal for her to do one in. Ginny was going to have to pull the baby out the regular way and knew that Roslyn may very well die from the experience.

  Ian returned with her herbs. Ginny walked over to him and spoke quickly, “Where's her husband?”

  “He's right over there,” Ian stated pointing at a man pacing back and forth with two other men watching him. “Do ya need him?”

  “Ian, I don't think Roslyn will survive this. He should come and be with her for a bit to say his goodbye,” although sounding matter-of-fact, Ginny wanted to cry. She couldn't afford tears at this point, though, so she kept it together.

  “I'll tell him,” was all he said and strode
off to speak to the husband.

  The night air was a relief to the heat inside the hut. Taking one last breath, Ginny re-entered the hut and began to prepare Roslyn. Not a minute later, Roslyn's husband, a man named Angus, had entered the hut and was by Roslyn's side. Ginny wanted to give them their privacy, but still had a lot to prepare, so she made herself busy and ignored them as much as possible.

  Angus bent over his wife and put his hand to her cheek. In the soft light of the candles, Ginny could see Roslyn's fear, but she tried to be brave for her husband. There was so much to say and no time to say it, so the couple just stared at each other as if understanding without words. A small smile came across Roslyn's face, like she'd been given some peace from the pain. Angus kissed her forehead and stood up slowly.

  “What do ya need me to do, my lady? I am at yar service,” Angus spoke quietly, but with authority.

  “I may need you to hold your wife while I retrieve the baby. Did Ian prepare you?” Ginny didn't want to say too much in front of Roslyn, but needed to know that Angus was aware of the possible outcome.

  “Ian told me,” was all Angus said before resuming his position at the head of the bed.

  Opening her bag, Ginny looked through what she had available. The first thing she wanted to do was block as much pain as possible. She pulled some herbs and mixed them with hot water making a tea. She handed the cup to Angus and told him to feed it to his wife as quickly as possible.

  The midwife began yammering again, so Ginny turned back to see the blood coming from Roslyn. “Crap,” Ginny began moving with speed. She had some needle and thread and the sharpest knife she could get. Everything was sterilized as much as possible.

  “Angus, Ian, hold her arms. Roslyn, you need to do exactly what I say. Maude, and you,” Ginny never did get the name of the midwife, “hold her legs. Bend them and open them wide. Now, Roslyn, with everything you have, push.”


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