A Lesson in Passion

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A Lesson in Passion Page 11

by Jennifer Connors

  Roslyn's face contorted from the effort. Ginny could feel the head and knew it was a big one. Rubbing the skin to try to get it to open further, Ginny kept ordering Roslyn to push. The contractions were one on top of the next, which didn't help Roslyn much since there were no breaks. The air inside the hut, incredibly, got even hotter. Ginny forehead was covered in sweat as was everyone else, especially Roslyn.

  The head moved slowly down the birth canal and finally seemed to be making its way out when it stopped. Several pushes and contractions did nothing to move it along. This was the part Ginny dreaded. She grabbed the sharp knife and made as small a cut as possible. Roslyn barely reacted to the cut with all the other pain. Ginny tried to get her fingers around the head to move it out. Roslyn was screaming now, an unholy sound. Finally, Ginny heard a small pop and the head was out

  “Almost there Roslyn, just one more big push.” Ginny looked Roslyn in the eye to try to will her just a little more strength for the task. “Ready... Push!”

  Roslyn beared down and with what little strength she had left, she pushed. Ginny maneuvered the shoulders out and with a sudden swoosh, the baby was out. The midwife was there to assist with cutting the cord. “Have her breastfeed as soon as possible. It will help with the bleeding.”

  The midwife grunted and went about cleaning up the baby. After the placenta was delivered, Ginny examined it carefully to make sure all of it came out. The last thing anyone wanted was another complication. Ginny repaired the cut she'd made with the needle and thread. While Roslyn fed the baby for the first time, the midwife massaged the belly to get the uterus to shrink. Ginny cleaned up Roslyn as much as possible to prevent infection.

  The baby, a beautiful boy, was a giant. He had soft brown curls and big brown eyes. He was the most beautiful thing Ginny had ever seen. She sighed softly and realized that she was about to cry. I need to get out of here, she thought. Ginny went outside and looked around. At the bottom of the hill was a small grove of trees.

  Dawn was breaking to the east and the clan was already up and about. Ginny did not want to lose it in front of the village, so she ran as fast as she could to the trees. Once safely inside the grove, she kept running. She pushed her way past a tight knit grouping of trees and came to a small break. Ginny stopped and looked around quickly. No one was there.

  First the tears came, streaming down her cheeks. Then came the anger. Ginny started picking up stray sticks and rocks and throwing them at the surrounding trees, all the while screaming every dirty word she knew. Her hands shook violently as she picked up objects to take her anger out on. She spotted a big rock and turned to hurl it, only missing Ian's head by inches. She stopped, noticing he didn't even flinch.

  Ginny dropped to her knees and began to weep. It took Ian only seconds to reach her side and wrap his large arms around her. He was speaking softly, trying to sooth her. He wanted desperately to take her pain away.

  Finally, when there was nothing left, Ginny calmed down and began to breath deeply. Although she was grateful for his comfort, she was also embarrassed for her display. “I'm sorry. I don't think I have ever been so terrified in my life. I was never one to enjoy feeling helpless.”

  “No one enjoys it, lass. Ya did verra well. Ya saved her and the babe.”

  “I guess that remains to be seen,” Ginny looked at Ian's face. “Do you think it's fair that the man gets to have all the fun when it comes to making babies, and the woman gets to do all the suffering?”

  “I dinna know if Roslyn had any fun in the making of her son. I know my wife will enjoy making me sons. As for suffering, I'm sure that Angus was suffering right along with her.”

  Ginny made a sound like it wasn't the same thing. Ian continued to stare into her eyes. He looked impressed and that made Ginny smile. “Yar the bravest lass I have ever met, Ginny.” Before she could respond, Ian leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. After so much terror, Ginny just wanted to feel good. She began to kiss him back in earnest.

  Ian knew he should stop this before it went too far, but Ginny tasted so good. She used her tongue, unlike many inexperienced girls. Maybe she's not as inexperienced as she claims , he thought while continuing to assault her lips and mouth with his own. His hands wound up along her neck into her hair, which was coming out of its braid. As if they had a mind of their own, his hand slowly moved further down to caress the outline of her breasts.

  When Ginny didn't flinch from his liberties, Ian kept going. He laid her on the ground next to him and stretched his long body beside her. With his one hand still caressing her head, the other began to massage her breasts, her back and bottom. Meanwhile, he kept kissing her lips, face and neck. When Ian would pull away from her lips, Ginny would sigh so sweetly that Ian knew he had to stop this. He could feel himself lifting her skirts to get to the skin beneath.

  Ginny was thoroughly enjoying herself. Ian was a great kisser and smelled so good right now, like wood smoke and outdoors. He was particularly tender, which made her hunger for more. If we just do it, maybe I can go home , Ginny thought, but realized that the idea of leaving him made her a little sad.

  Ian began to nibble at the space behind Ginny's ear. This had always been one of those “sensitive” spots on Ginny and had the power to completely undue her. When he began to use his tongue, Ginny went wild and threw her one leg over Ian's, while rubbing his arms and chest. She managed to get her hand under his shirt and was rubbing the soft hair over his chest. She caressed his hard stomach and was continuing to move her hand down when Ian all of sudden jumped up and turned away from her.

  “What?!” Ginny was angry. If he thinks to leave me hanging, I will castrate him right here , she thought as she listened to her ragged breath. Suddenly it occurred to her that she should not be behaving this way. She was a virgin, after all, and should not be seducing him. He probably thinks I'm a whore.

  Ginny sat with her head in her hands and her elbows on her knees. She willed herself to calm down so she could come up with some stupid excuse for her behavior. It was getting very difficult to play this part and the pretense was wearing thin. Never one for playing games with the opposite sex, Ginny found that she wasn't very good at it anyway.

  With a humpf, Ian turned to face her. He was disgusted with his behavior, knowing that he was very close to stripping her naked and taking full advantage. Ian watched her for a moment, while Ginny was still composing herself. Dammit , he thought to himself, I can't be falling in love with this lass . To Ian, there was nothing worse.

  He knelt down beside her and took her chin in his hand. With a soft smile that made his face so much more handsome, he said, “Now, that should no' have happened. Ya make me forget myself, sweet Ginny.”

  Searching his eyes for the correct reply, Ginny just sighed. No, it shouldn't have happened, but it had felt good. There was a stirring in Ginny that she'd not recognized before. There were men that she'd wanted, and a few that she'd had, but this was different. Is that my purpose, to fall in love? Will that appease whatever god put me here? Lesson learned?

  “Ya'll be wanting to get some sleep now, eh? It has been a long night,” Ian stood up and held out a hand to help Ginny. It was all suddenly too much, the night, the cold, and the moment with Ian. It was as if Ginny weighed a thousand pounds. She held out her hand and Ian picked her up as if she weighed nothing. Walking hand in hand, they set off back to the keep, where God willing, Ginny could get some warmth and sleep.

  * * *

  Ginny slept hard for most of the day. When she finally woke, she hurried to Roslyn's house to check on her and the baby. She'd left so abruptly that morning, trying to hide her weakness from the clan, that she hadn't even made sure everyone was alright. The clan had to know, they had to have heard her throwing rocks and sticks and making such an awful racket. While walking to the hut, Ginny chose not to think about it. Instead, she began to softly sing one of her favorite Crosby, Stills and Nash songs, Teach Your Children: Don't you ever ask them why, if they told you, you
would cry, so just look at them and sigh, and know they love you.

  As she approached the hut, she could hear the baby boy screaming bloody murder. That was a good sign, healthy lungs. She smiled as she announced herself.

  Angus came to the doorway and invited her in. He was holding his screaming son with the proud look of a first time father. “He's my little warrior, dinna ya think, my lady.”

  “He's quite a big, healthy boy. Congratulations to your family,” Ginny flushed with pride, knowing that she was able to help. She turned her head and saw Roslyn asleep. Her color was good, so the bleeding had stopped. Relief washed over Ginny. Maybe this could have a happy ending.

  “She has been so tired. A touch of fever, still, but she says she feels better. I can wake her if ya want to visit,” Angus looked concerned to wake his tired wife.

  Ginny immediately declined, “No, please, let her sleep. You'll both be needing what sleep you can get. I left so abruptly this morning that I wanted to make sure everyone was alright. Also, make a tea with this,” Ginny handed Angus a small pouch, “Have her drink it. Hopefully it will help her recover faster.”

  “God bless ya, my lady. Ya gave her the strength she needed and now I have my son,” Angus was practically beaming with pride.

  Ginny smiled and said she would return the next day. She walked down to the lake and sat at the edge. The water was so clear, it reflected the mountains perfectly. It was as if two mountains existed, exact opposites, both beautiful. The breeze was chilly, but for once, Ginny wasn't cold. She was content to sit and admire the beauty of her surroundings.

  Enjoying the private moment, Ginny began singing again. Part of her wanted to keep singing songs to remind her of her real life. Part of her just liked listening to this strange voice sing future songs. So, in the quiet by the lake, she sang the most mellow song she could think of, The Carpenters Close to You: Why do birds, suddenly appear? Everytime, you are near, Just like me, they long to be, close to you.

  She sensed him before she heard him. Ian sat beside her and stared out at the landscape beside her. He remained still and quiet for a while, so Ginny didn't feel the need to speak. The companionable silence was pleasant and neither wanted to disturb it.

  Finally, he glanced at her sideways and said, “Are ya faring well?”

  “Aye,” was all she said, with a small smile on her face. She was starting to pick up the lingo and maybe she was beginning to feel a little at home. She still missed her own home, friends and running water, but this place wasn't so bad. At least she had a handsome hunk desiring her.

  Ian smiled as well. He turned his face towards her profile and was suddenly struck dumb. She was so beautiful to him and he wanted her in his bed, but at this moment, he saw something in her he hadn't seen before. She seemed older and wiser than her years. He thought he could see into her soul and realized that she didn't belong there. His frown was fierce.

  Ginny turned and stared at his frown for a moment, wondering what she'd done now. As she stared into his eyes, she saw something fierce, something primal. “What is it?” she asked, for once knowing it wasn't her fault, his bad mood.

  “Ya belong to me, do ya hear? I canna let ya go,” Ian's stare was intense and for a moment, Ginny was frightened. She was breathing heavy and her body began to tingle. The fear left and the desire came, nearly overwhelming her. Her eyelids drooped and Ginny began to stare at his mouth, willing him to kiss her.

  When nothing happened, Ginny looked up and saw him staring at her mouth. “Are you going to kiss me? Or do I have to sit here all day?” Her boldness made him smirk. She was not like any other woman he'd ever known and every encounter brought that into sharp relief. His erection was strong and immediate. Before she could say anything else, he stood, grabbed her and began walking to the nearest grove of trees. Dragging her by her arm, quicker than she could handle, he had her in the protection of the trees in less than a minute.

  He turned her, pushed her back up to a tree and covered her mouth with his. Ginny immediately opened her mouth and began to tease him with her tongue. Ian knew he was beyond reason. He started to kiss her neck and ear. Ginny released a small moan and lifted her leg to rub against his thigh. Dear God , was his last thought as he practically threw her to the ground and laid on top of her. He was desperate and acting like a teenager, his lust ruling his thoughts.

  His hand began to reach under her skirt and feel its way up her leg. He kept waiting for her to stop him, to make any protest at all, but she continued to writhe under him and use her hands to explore his chest.

  I must stop this , he kept thinking, his personal mantra that did nothing to stop his advances. He found what he was searching for, the center of her femininity. He stared down at her face as he invaded her slowly. Her eyes were glazed over with passion, but he saw nothing of fear or protestation.

  He began to play gently with her nub, circling over and over again, until he saw her reaction. Ginny closed her eyes and her breathing became more heavy. It had been a long time since she'd been touched so passionately and the body she possessed had probably never experienced anything like it before. The simple act of playing with her clitoris was driving her mad. She could feel him kissing her nipples through her clothing, as he continued to bring her to orgasm. When it happened, it happened quickly, but powerfully. Ginny arched against his fingers, spasming over and over again.

  Ginny was shocked by her body's reaction to something so simple. She'd never been able to find release so easily, mostly faking it to end the encounter. Most of the men she'd been with cared little for her satisfaction, or were just unable to give it to her. But this man, this incredible man, had just given her the most earth shattering orgasm she'd ever experienced. And with so little effort. When she opened her eyes, she had to pry the lashes apart, as if she closed them so hard during the experience that they melded together.

  Ginny wanted to give as good as she got. She looked into his eyes, a proud smugness was painted there. She smiled at him as she reached under his kilt. The smugness was replaced with shock. Ginny grabbed hold of his shaft and began to caress it. He moved from on top of her and laid next her. His eyes began to smolder with his unspent passion.

  Ian laid back and allowed her to continue her caress. He watched her lift his kilt and use both her hands, guiding her fingers up and down, squeezing hard. Ian was completely unprepared when she lowered her head and began to suck lightly on the tip. The shock was nearly his undoing, and he almost spilled his seed at that moment. Ginny was taking him in, continuing her assault with her warm, wet mouth while using her hand to rub up and down at the same time. He couldn't take his eyes off her, watching as she pleasured him with her hands and mouth.

  Ginny had never really enjoyed blow jobs, but somehow she knew this would be different. Her mouth wasn't too small, so her jaw wouldn't lock up from trying to take him in. He wouldn't smell of bodily functions or sweat, only of his outdoorsy male scent. She was enjoying the fact that she could give him what he'd given her.

  When the time came, he could hold out no longer, he pulled her up to his mouth and began to kiss her thoroughly again. Ginny continued use her hand, increasing the speed with his urgency, until he finally came. Ian threw his head back, closed his eyes and moaned with satisfaction. In his lifetime, with the women he'd had, it had never been like this. The instant passion, the complete release. They both laid together, still, but panting, until their heartbeats returned to normal.

  Neither of them knew what to say. Ginny realized that she had, once again, done the wrong thing. She wondered what repercussions would come of this. Although the wrong thing, she did not feel guilty about it. It was incredible, satisfying and a long time coming. She sat up and looked down at him. She smiled tentatively, trying to judge his mood.

  Ian stared at her while she smiled at him. She wasn't upset about his advances and she had definitely knew how to pleasure a man. Perhaps she's not the innocent that she pretended to be . This thought brought back the feel
ing like she didn't belong there, that she was older than her years. Slowly, he smiled back at her, trying to ease any nervousness she had over what had transpired, because he fully expected it to happen again.

  He sat up, cupped her face with his calloused hand and said, “Now, that probably should no' have happened, aye?”

  Ginny laughed. Still smiling, she said, “No, but I don't regret it. Do you?”

  “Nay. I canna bring myself to regret it either.”

  He stood up and began to adjust his clothing when he heard Broderick calling his name. He watched the disappointment on Ginny's face when she realized that their time together was at an end. “It seems you have work to do.”

  “Aye.” He reached down, helped her stand up and picked the leaves off her back. “I will see ya at supper,” he said as an order before quickly kissing her then turning around and leaving the trees. Ginny leaned back against a tree and watched him walk off. What was she going to do now, knowing he was capable of that? She smiled to herself and walked off to clean herself up.

  * Chapter 15 *

  At supper, Ginny was seated next to Ian at the large table in the great hall. She had often dined with him and his entourage, but usually was seated at the end of the table, away from their discussions about their clan and other clans. She was almost beginning to feel like one of the family. Broderick, as usual, was scowling at her. Ginny had come to realize that nothing annoyed Broderick more than when she was nice to him. So, she would often pour on her charm.

  “Broderick, you look very nice this evening. Have you done something different with your hair?” she asked knowing it would bug him.

  Broderick responded with something unintelligible and went back to shoveling food into his mouth. She smiled sweetly at him and asked one annoying question after another. Finally, having enough, Broderick excused himself and promptly left the hall.


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