A Lesson in Passion

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A Lesson in Passion Page 12

by Jennifer Connors

  Well, that was fun , she thought merrily when she noticed that Ian did not find it amusing. She stopped smiling and went back to eating. Eating had been a problem since her arrival. She'd always been picky, not enjoying anything fancy or unusual. Most of the meals, the meat was unidentifiable. It made it almost possible to eat it, not knowing what it was. Other times, she would pick slowly until she could reasonably get up and forgo the rest of the meal.

  What she wouldn't give for a cheeseburger and anything whose main ingredient was chocolate. Ginny would often eat any raw vegetable she could get her hands on. Spinach was especially important for the vitamin C. The rich sauces they used, probably to cover up the meat having gone bad, left her stomach protesting most the next day. Having diarrhea on a chamberpot was not only difficult, but disturbing to clean up later.

  After the meal, Ian asked Ginny to sit with him by the hearth. There were two upholstered arm chairs facing the the fire. Ginny took the nearest chair, turning to stare at the fire. By the fire she finally felt warm.

  “I need to speak to ya,” Ian looked like he was in an awful mood. Ginny figured it had to do with their antics that afternoon. He obviously did regret it.

  “Very well,” was all she could manage to say. She was terrified that he was going to chastise her for being so wanton. When the hell did she start caring about what he thought anyway.

  “Ya shouldna provoke Broderick so much. The man canna take much more.”

  Huh, what? Really? “Yes, you're right. I will try to leave him alone. I really wanted to be friends, but my being English makes that impossible, doesn't it?” The relief on her face was obvious, but fortunately, Ian wasn't looking at her at the moment. He continued to stare into the fire.

  “No, he doesna like the English and he has good reasons for it.” Ian slowly turned his face to look at her. His eyes spoke of something else, something hidden. “Sweet Ginny, I have something to tell ya...”

  He never finished his thought. The door to the keep slammed open and in came a small boy. He ran directly to Ian and said, “Laird, yar brother needs ya. It is Aileana.”

  “What happened, boy?” Ian stood up and was walking away when Ginny stopped him.

  “Should I come... maybe I can help,” she looked at Ian.

  “Aye, come.”

  They walked out of the keep into the courtyard. Ginny knew the way, as she had been visiting with Aileana often. She and Maude were her only real friends here, so Ginny coveted the time she got with them.

  As they approached the hut, they could hear Aileana screaming. Things were crashing around the hut. Ian began to run to the hut and stopped before going inside to say, “Stay here.”

  Ginny stood with the boy, rubbing her arms against the cold of the night. The sun was down and the air was chilled. She was covered with goosebumps, but some of those may have been caused by the unholy screaming she heard.

  Alec appeared at the doorway and called Ginny in. Before she could set foot in the hut, Alec warned her. “She isnae being reasonable. I dinna know what is wrong. She willna talk to me.” His eyes were frantic and desperate.

  Ginny placed a hand on his shoulder. “Maybe you and Ian should go. Leave her to me.” Alec was shaking his head.

  “Nay, Ginny, it wouldna be wise. She is out of her mind.”

  Ginny put on her most serene face and said, “Trust me.”

  Alec calmed down slightly and put his head in his hands. When he looked at her again, he nodded and turned to his brother, who was avoiding the attack as much as possible, “Ian, let us go outside. The women need to be alone.”

  Ian turned and glared at Alec, then Ginny. “Get out now, Ian. I need to talk to Aileana. You've no place here right now.” Two could play at the “leave no room for discussion” game. Ian took a deep breath and followed his brother out.

  Ginny turned to Aileana, who had exhausted her ammo and was curled up into a ball on the floor. Ginny didn't dare touch her, but wanted her to know she was there. She sat down in a chair at the small table, keeping her voice even she said, “Do you want to talk to me?”

  A sob escaped the fragile figure on the floor. Her shoulders shaking, deep sobs began to rack the small body. Not able to resist any longer, Ginny knelt down and wrapped her arms around Aileana. She didn't resist Ginny's touch, only continued to sob. After what seemed like hours, Aileana's face turned toward Ginny and asked, “What am I to do?”

  “Do about what?”

  With a sigh of resignation, she said, “The baby.”

  It took a moment for Ginny to realize what she'd said. Baby? Was Aileana with child? A child conceived by rape and torture. By men hardly worth being associated with human beings. Now she understood... the screaming, the violence. Although every one of those men had been killed, at the hands of her own family, they were still torturing her beyond the grave.

  “You're sure. The baby was conceived during your... your... captivity?”

  “The pain wouldna be so bad if I was sure. But, Alec and I... were... intimate, before I left to visit my family. Truth be told, Ginny, I dinna know whose baby I carry and I dinna know how to tell my husband,” anguish filled her face and she began to cry once again.

  Ginny put her arm around her again and waited for her to compose herself. No DNA tests were available, so Aileana would never have piece of mind. Alec would always wonder too, even if he was too much a gentleman to ever reveal that to his wife. Ginny had no consoling words, nothing to give her for comfort.

  “Can ya tell him for me?” Aileana asked. “I dinna think I can. I canna watch the look on his face. He doesna know that I see the pity, and the shame, when he doesna think I am looking. I canna take much more.”

  What could Ginny say? She wanted to help this tortured woman, but didn't relish the job of telling her husband the news. She stared into Aileana's eyes and nodded. Of course she would do it. Of course she would take whatever pain from her she could. Even as little as it was and as impotent that she felt.

  “Do you want me to wait. Stay with you a while longer,” she sounded cowardly, but didn't care.

  “Nay, it needs to be done. I owe ya so much, Ginny. I dinna deserve a friend like ya.”

  “Ha! You're one of the few people here who never treated me like a pariah. You've paid me back a thousand fold just by accepting me.” Ginny smiled and got up to leave. “He'll be in here as soon as I tell him. Prepare yourself.”

  “Aye,” was all she said as she slowly got up and sat down on the bed. The last thing Ginny saw before leaving the hut was her head drop to her hands.

  * * *

  Ginny forgot how cold it was outside and immediately began to rub her arms. Ian and Alec strode over to her, determined to find out what she'd learned. Alec's face grew forlorn when he saw Ginny expression.

  “Do ya know what is wrong,” Alec asked, trying to sound hopeful and failing miserably.

  “Yes, I know. Can we take a walk?”

  Ian and Alec exchanged a glance, but nodded and slowly began to walk away from the hut. Ginny spent the time trying to phrase what she was going to say. No one ever likes giving bad news, but especially in Ginny's line of work, it was inevitable.

  “Alec, I'm going to tell you what's wrong and you have to promise to stay here until I'm completely finished. Agreed?” Ginny didn't want Alec running off as soon as the words were out of her mouth.


  Ginny took a deep breath and said, “As if she hasn't been through enough... Aileana is pregnant.”

  Unfortunately, they hadn't moved far enough away that Aileana would not have heard the tortured cry of Alec. He was angry and the look in his eye spoke of murder. Ginny backed away and Ian came to stand in between them. Alec fell to his knees and buried his face in his hands. How much more could this one family take.

  Ginny was determined to get through to him. She moved to his side and knelt beside him. “Listen to me, Alec. She doesn't know who the father is. She told me that you two were together befor
e she left. The baby might be yours. There is no way of knowing.” Alec began to cry harder and started to pound his fists into the ground.

  He slowly looked up to her face. His anger was palpable and suddenly, Ginny was scared. He was going to lash out and she had stupidly put herself in the target zone. She spoke as calmly as she could, trying to keep the tremble from her voice, “She needs you. She needs you not to be so angry because she knows how you feel. She needs you to go into that hut, put your arms around her and let her know that no matter what happens, you still love her. That nothing could ever change that... even your own guilt.”

  Anguish flashed across Alec's face and he looked around for something to get his anger out on. Ian stepped forward, reached down to help his brother up and said, “Hit me.”

  Alec closed his eyes for a moment, then, without warning, punched Ian in the face. Ian went down on his butt, but got up immediately and said, “Again.”

  Alec wasted no time punching Ian's chest and head. Ginny was appalled, but kept quiet. Ian took each hit and stood for another. He was his brother's punching bag, and hopefully, Alec would be sane enough to speak to Aileana when it was over.

  When his anger was spent, he turned to Ginny and said, “Thank ya, lass. Thank God yar here. I canna ever repay ya for yar kindness.” He turned to the hut and began to walk back. After a few steps, he turned and said, “Ginny, yar my family now. Yar my sister and I will always protect ya with my own life. Know that.” He turned and walked toward his hut.

  Ginny was humbled. She didn't feel she deserved such feeling, but she was appreciative of it nonetheless. She wished she could hug him, to let him know how much it meant to her, but now was not the time. Ginny turned to look at Ian, who looked a little swollen and wore a fierce scowl on his face.

  Looking down at her, he said, “Yar not my sister, that is certain. But I would protect ya as well.” His eyes darkened and the lust was apparent. Ginny smiled and stood there hoping for a kiss. She was not disappo inted.

  Ian lowered his head and met her lips gently. Molding his lips to hers, he hesitated to deepen the kiss. There were things he needed to tell her before this relationship went any farther, but he hadn't found the courage yet to speak to her. He had tried before they were summoned to his brother's home. Ginny, of course, had different ideas and opened her mouth to use her tongue. A man only has so much willpower. With a growl, he took over her mouth with his tongue and let her know who was in charge.

  Ginny reached her arms behind his neck and Ian winced. She pulled away, realizing that he did just take a beating from his brother. With a laugh, she said, “Come. Let's get you back to the keep so I can clean you up. You look like hell.”

  “Hell, ya say. Hmmm, ya canna mind so much if yar willing to kiss me like that.”

  “I didn't say I minded, did I?” He laughed as he walked her back.

  * * *

  No sooner had Ginny cleaned up his face, did Ian tell her to go to bed. She was getting used to his ordering her around and, at times, found it somewhat endearing.

  She changed and climbed into bed. It was always the coldest when she first got in. When she began to warm up, she dozed off. The dream was so vivid, she thought for sure she was awake. She thought Ian climbed into bed with her and put his arms around her. The warmth was exquisite. She cuddled close to his hairy chest, smelling his outdoorsy, male scent.

  Her hands began to explore his body, finally settling on his erect penis. God, he was huge. She wanted him so badly, but heard him say no. She was confused. Why would her dream Ian refuse her. Damn, she couldn't even get laid in dreams. In frustration, she turned her back to him. He pulled her back against his chest and whispered endearments in her ear. This wasn't so bad. At least she was warm. Ginny didn't remember anything after that.

  * Chapter 16 *

  The next morning, Maude came in as cheerful as usual. She began to chatter on about people in the clan that Ginny didn't even know. She stoked the fire to life and added more wood as another woman, a maid named Rhona, brought in the large washtub. Several women began to bring in buckets of steaming water and pouring them into the tub. Ginny finally realized she was going to get another bath. Maybe not as good as her jetted tub at home, but still, a chance to get every part of her clean.

  Maude insisted on helping her. As Ginny stepped into the tub and knelt down, Maude rinsed her and washed her hair with a sweet smelling soap. Ginny was just enjoying sitting in the small tub full of water. Maude was massaging her scalp, just like in the nicer salons. Now if only I could do this everyday, I could definitely live here , she thought merrily.

  Once she was clean, rinsed and dried off, Maude combed and braided her long hair. As if possessing someone else's body wasn't strange enough, there were things you just didn't get used to. One was having hair so long it reached your butt. Ginny's normal hairstyle was as short as possible without looking boyish. The weight of this new hair was ridiculous. One more thing that women suffered with in the good ole days.

  Once dressed, Maude and Ginny went in search of breakfast. They entered the great hall and there was Ian and Alec, speaking in low voices and obviously arguing over something. Maude offered to fetch her some porridge and scampered off. It is difficult to be so independent and have someone waiting on you, but Ginny didn't begrudge Maude wanting to hightail it out of the room. The atmosphere was grim.

  Ginny walked up to the two men and said, “Good morning, gentlemen. Alec, how is Aileana doing today?”

  “Better. We have decided to raise the baby together. It doesna matter who the real father is. I will be the father.”

  Ginny beamed. She was really proud of him. Although Alec blamed only himself for what happened to Aileana, she could imagine how hard it would be to raise a child if you're not sure of the true parentage. “I'm glad to hear it. I'll be happy to help in any way.” After a pause, she added, “I want to thank you for your kind words to me yesterday. It's humbling to have you as my champion.”

  “He is not your champion, Ginny. I am!” Ian looked angry. But, what else was new.

  “Very well,” Ginny moved to the table and began to eat the porridge Maude had brought her. She also had a shiny new apple. Maude knew Ginny loved her fresh fruit and vegetables and would often bring some from her own garden. Before Ginny could thank her, she disappeared again.

  Ian and Alec continued their discussion. Ginny didn't want to eavesdrop, but it was impossible not to listen.

  “We havenae found out who was behind the taking of my wife. Sealing this alliance will only aid us if it comes to war,” Alec said, once glancing at Ginny.

  “Aye. I will do what is best for the clan,” Ian responded.

  “I am sorry, brother. Ya do a great service.”

  Ginny wondered what awful duty Ian had to undertake for his clan. Just then, Broderick walked into the keep. It was a good thing, since Ginny hadn't tortured him yet today. Just as he walked up, she was about to ask him about his tunic, when he spoke, in a loud voice, “Ian, I am ready to leave to bring back yar bride. I willna be gone more than a few days.” Ginny was staring at Broderick and he was staring right back.

  Bride? Bride for Ian? That was the duty he had to undertake for his clan. Seal the alliance? Great, just great! she thought grimly. That was what he hid from her yesterday. Probably what he'd been trying to tell her for days. Ginny's head dipped down to look at her porridge.

  Ian was madder than hell. He had every intention of telling Ginny of the situation, but Broderick decided to take the insensitive approach as usual. “Leave us!” Ian practically shouted at the two men.

  Alec and Broderick walked to the door and went no further. They still had much to discuss with Ian and were just waiting for him to explain himself to the girl and be done with it. Broderick didn't care what he said, she deserved no explanation as far as he was concerned. Alec, on the other hand, felt truly sorry for her, since he was certain she had fallen in love with Ian. Both men watched from the doorway.

/>   “I am truly sorry, Ginny. I dinna know how to tell ya.”

  Ginny was quite surprised when the tears started to form in her eyes. Please don't cry, please don't cry, she kept telling herself. She took a shaky breath and without looking at him, said, “How long have you known you were marrying someone else?”

  “The betrothal was arranged a few months ago.”

  Ginny fairly whispered, “A few months ago.” She took in another shaky deep breath and stood up. The tears were now gone, replaced by anger. He had used her, plain and simple. She was a fun toy, but now that business needed to get done, she was cast aside. Nice!

  She turned to him, stared him in the eye and spoke with an eerily calm voice, “So, the kissing, the... other stuff... what the hell was that?”

  “Now, Ginny, ya must know that I dinna want to marry this other girl,” he didn't even finish when the torrent opened and Ginny let loose.

  “Well,” she screamed, “that's just great! You don't want to marry her. How nice will that be when she comes here and meets me and finds out she was a means to an end. God dammit, Ian. Thank God we didn't sleep together!”

  At that last statement, Ginny heard gasps from the kitchen. I guess they're all listening to this juicy bit , she thought as she tried to contain herself. Maude came running into the room and put a protective arm around Ginny. Maude had seen what Ginny's temper accomplished and was trying to save her from another paddling.

  Ian just shook his head, turned and left with the other men. Ginny couldn't believe he wasn't going to say anything else. Didn't he care that he had shown her Nirvana and now left her with nothing. Ginny closed her eyes and tried to get her heart to slow down.

  “Ginny, what did ya mean ya havenae slept with Ian?” Maude asked tentatively.

  Now she had to have a sex talk with her fifteen year old friend. “Maude, I hope you don't think less of me, but Ian has kissed me a few times,” Ginny had to fairly choke those words out, “and it never came to... came to... coupling, so to speak. Do you know what I mean?”


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